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Question About Astral Projection

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posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 02:17 AM
I'm sure astral projection is quite rare, I have no idea how common true astral projection is. Nonetheless, I'd like to ask a question for anyone who has real experience. I have only done it once myself. It seemed like a big deal to me, to be astral projecting, such that I was skeptical that I was really astral projecting, despite the numerous things that would indicate it such as my perception of the 'string' that attaches you to your body as I attempted to project out, how it kept me attached to my body until I was finally able to release. What to me served as essentially proof that it was astral projection, is the fact that I could perceive my body as I was elsewhere in the 'energy-body' you are in when you project, and I tried to sit up in my physical body and did it, instantaneously. You can't do that in a dream.

Anyway, there's a certain detail I've never mentioned about the experience. This is because I haven't known how to explain it in terms of its being astral projection, what it would be, etc. I kind of thought it may make the whole thing seem illegitimate, which I didn't want to do. Anyways, after exiting my body, I was in my bedroom. I earlier mentioned my initial skepticism that I was astrally projecting, thinking I was probably just in a lucid dream. So I attempted to jump through my bedroom wall, which is something I do in basically every lucid dream I have(which I have a lot of). What I'm saying is, it's a completely normal thing for me to do in dreams, I do it all the time. When I went to do it, however, I just went into the wall. It felt like this stretchy fabric, and it was completely black, and I could push into it, but I couldn't actually go through it. So how I eventually got outside, were these 'beings' stood there and opened the doors that led me outside. There were multiple of them, sort of forming a pathway outside. They all stood there basically motionless, just holding onto some expression and basically pointing the way outside.

Anyways, I've always wondered what that was. I've never really known what astral projection WAS, as in literally what you experience. The details on this don't seem easy to come by, I suspect because true astral projection is rare. So I was wondering if anyone had any idea on what these 'beings' could have been. It's just that, astral projection is supposed to be 'real' right? As in, it shouldn't just be a manifestation of my consciousness, like a dream? So they must have some actual existence, right? Yet they didn't really move at all, certainly didn't speak. They just opened the doors for me, and pointed the way outside. I haven't astral projected since then. I should really work on developing the ability.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by TheJourney

I have been projecting for over 40 years. There are many posts here at ATS by myself and others on this topic. It is very real, and can be very beneficial to the traveler.

In addition, I will say that although they have very different definitions...ASTRAL TRAVEL-PROJECTING, LUCID DREAMING and O.B.E.'s (Out of body experiences)...have a lot in common along the same comparative lines with each other.

U2U me privately anytime should you wish. Safe travels friend! MS

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 09:44 PM
The thought that you know there's a physical wall there, might be enough to manifest an energy or resistance in the Field. I have had this happen to me in different ways. Perhaps this could be what you're experiencing.

Also for every physical form that we perceive on this plane, there are infinite layers of subtler energy forms that surround it. These could be what we're bouncing off of and interacting with, when we are in the Astral Field. I honestly haven't given much thought. With my method, I virtually 'melt' through whatever I'm trying to go through.
edit on 23-1-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 01:19 AM
Does anyone have any idea on the 'beings' I saw that opened the doors so I could go outside? I'm just trying to understand the nature of astral projection. I could see someone saying that the 'beings' were projections of my consciousness. But do you create projections in the astral realm? Just because I'm trying to understand its nature in terms of its having its own reality or being my own consciousness. I think they basically looked person-like, and they basically just had these expressions except it was moreso like a feeling that they created in me of excitement and triumph and potential, and they all sort of pointed the way towards and created a pathway outside. I'm just wondering if these were external beings, some sort of 'astral props' that just resembled beings/people, projections of my own consciousness. As well as how all of these play into the astral realm and astral projection in general.
edit on 24-1-2014 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:37 AM

Does anyone have any idea on the 'beings' I saw that opened the doors so I could go outside? I'm just trying to understand the nature of astral projection. I could see someone saying that the 'beings' were projections of my consciousness. But do you create projections in the astral realm? Just because I'm trying to understand its nature in terms of its having its own reality or being my own consciousness. I think they basically looked person-like, and they basically just had these expressions except it was moreso like a feeling that they created in me of excitement and triumph and potential, and they all sort of pointed the way towards and created a pathway outside. I'm just wondering if these were external beings, some sort of 'astral props' that just resembled beings/people, projections of my own consciousness. As well as how all of these play into the astral realm and astral projection in general.
edit on 24-1-2014 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

This is where it starts to become almost unexplainable. Because, in a way, you are talking about what most people refer to as the 4th dimension or the afterlife. And human language is ill suited for that kind of talk which is why most people will have no clue what you're talking about. But nonetheless, I'd like to share my observation.

From my own observation, the physical plane's a very dense plane. Our physical bodies are the dense versions of our etheric bodies. Once you drop the body, there is just your etheric self, just the soul. a far more subtler form of energy. Which by now, im sure you're aware of. Less dense than anything on the physical plane, even smoke or radio signals. In fact if you pay attention, you might notice that LOUD radio frequency band you penetrate on your way to the Astral (sounds like extremely loud radio static). This etheric body is roughly, and coincidently, about the same density as a thought form. The REAL you is even more subtler than this realm, which is why there are planes (or dimensions) beyond the Astral you can 'travel' to.

The Astral plane is a realm higher than our physical one, beyond space/time perception. Some beings (from my observation of them), are living in energy body's FAR more subtle (or higher) than the Astral. For these beings, instead of increasing their vibration to leave their dense bodies (like we have to do), they DECREASE there energies to make themselves visible in the Astral plane. In other words, they increase their DENSITY to come down to the Astral. They, like your higher self, are omnipresent. So it's really not accurate to say that they or you 'Go' anywhere. But let's keep it simple for now, since we are stuck with language based on time and space.

Other beings dwell in the Astral frequencies, as if it was a lobby. Some of them go there by choice (like you), these are the ones who have learned how to travel the frequencies (Astral planes and above). Other beings are there because that's the natural frequency state of their energies. Like human beings stuck in the physical planes and unaware of anything else. Likewise, these beings are stuck in their respective planes and equally as blind to anything else. So just because they are in the Astral plane, doesn't mean that they are more aware than you. Or more wise. Learn that soon, to avoid being led or intimidated by unaware beings and certain disembodied beings. Not all of them are wise, and not all of them are aware that they even exist. Like Shadow people and people who suddenly died and left their bodies.

However, for the beings that intentionally make themselves more dense so that you can see and interact with them, they typically are more knowledgable about the nature of the Universe. Either because they naturally reside in bodies that are more subtle or (higher) than the Akashic plane, or they (like humans) are able to access that frequency and collectively learn from it. Like humans have been doing for only a few thousand years.

edit on 24-1-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:56 PM
I like what you write about the nature of the astral plane in sort of a continuum of subtleties/densities, where beings can travel 'up' or 'down.' Really it just comes down to I need to actually actively develop the ability, so I can get more experience there.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:35 AM
this is a great post. don't try to make the 'astral' fit your preconceptions, just learn about it from the experiences. THAT'S science.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:49 AM
I have had alot of AP or oobe/obe experience..but what people don't understand is that every one of us goes out of body every single night and visit these other dimensions..but we are told they are only dreams!

A guy with lots of great videos and info on Obe or oobe, AP, And the entities that reside there..the tricks they pull and what to do is called Rich2150x

Remember on the astral or whatever label you wish to give it, We are the most powerful things to ever exist..creating with pure thought..and that negative thoughts lower your vibration and conversely thoughts of pure joy lift your vibration.
Good luck and congratulations!

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