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Chris Cristie Administration Caught Manipulating Traffic For Vendetta (Bridgegate)

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posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:18 PM

Christie is yet another big government progressive.

Full of himself.

And wants to grow government.

Just like Obama.

Agreed Beez! This guy knew everything that happened. You have to be insane to think that staffers can do things like this without their bosses permission or knowledge. Please. The MSM is kissing his tailfeathers and applauding him for firing a few people, etc.
Pure political theatrics. This guy knew what was happening, he was being vindictive and punishing the other mayor for having his own opinion. Its sad because he actually looked like he might be ok, but nope just another turd in the bowl. Sad.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:30 PM


Am I the only one here sick enough of Democrats and Republicans not to vote for either one anymore? Some people enjoy low wages, expensive medical care, and endless wars for corporate profits.

Nope, I'm with you grinder. Because I am fiscally conservative, I have identified/voted republican for all of my life. Recently though I have switched to full on Libertarian. (I have always been libertarian at heart, but thought my vote was wasted.) Now I don't care if my vote is wasted on a 3rd party candidate or not. I now vote for the best guy for the job. The two parties are the same party. There is an old Illuminati adage that says "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us" and its true. Stop voting for the candidates put forth on TV. Use your own mind and even if you write in some random american, don't cast a vote for these clowns. Vote with your wallet. Stop supporting companies that are out to get you. Think for yourself.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:53 PM

Has anyone ever noticed, that New Jersey is the setting and talk, for many Hollywood films, of late? One of the smallest states in the country, but with the biggest name, in movies. Does anyone have a reason for this? Also, do you remember what happened when Obama paid Christie a visit, after Hurricane Sandy destroyed the Jersey shore? What's up with New Jersey, in the scheme of things? Why is it mentioned so much? There has to be a reason!

That's an easy question to answer: Tax Credits ml

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Now, I know plenty (most) of the republican fanboys around here will either fully stand up for the abuse of power

You didn't get the memo right? The rightwing fringes and tea parties (most of em') favor Ted Cruz and Rand Paul far far more than Christie, in fact many conservatives just plain old don't like him. He doesn't pass the purity test for rightwingers so they are more than happy to throw him under the bus, they want Teddy or Rand. If this was Teddy or Rand in Christie's position then you'd see the excuses come flying in. Christie is a McCain Republican and frankly they're being driven into extinction.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Interesting how Governor Bridge "scandal" is starting to look like Obama "IRS" scandal when it comes to punishing those that disagree with certain political agendas.

I guess if the highest office of the nation can do it, then any lowly political clown can do it too.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 10:39 PM

Southern Guardian
Christie is a McCain Republican and frankly they're being driven into extinction.

I have to disagree greatly with that quote, Christi is nothing like McCain and the comparison is way off, McCain is a true bureaucrat and politician, Christi is just a wanna be.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 12:26 AM
So if Christie didn't know anything about this until right before his press conference the other day, why did he call NY governor Cuomo on Dec. 12 and ask him to exert pressure to lay off the investigation of this matter. Something doesn't smell right -- and I don't mean Christie's size 60" underwear.

I think it will come out that he knew about this and likely even ordered it. He's a big bully, and he's about to be shown to be a big fat liar.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 03:27 PM
Whether Dem or Rep, 98% of politicians are corrupt and abuse the
power of their elected positions. They don't care about their constituents, only about those who grease their palms, and political payback for those who
don't. Christie is a politician. He was one of the ones who got caught.
I don't understand why people are surprised by this 'Bridge-gate' episode.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 03:36 PM

Southern Guardian
reply to post by SaturnFX

Now, I know plenty (most) of the republican fanboys around here will either fully stand up for the abuse of power

You didn't get the memo right? The rightwing fringes and tea parties (most of em') favor Ted Cruz and Rand Paul far far more than Christie, in fact many conservatives just plain old don't like him. He doesn't pass the purity test for rightwingers so they are more than happy to throw him under the bus, they want Teddy or Rand. If this was Teddy or Rand in Christie's position then you'd see the excuses come flying in. Christie is a McCain Republican and frankly they're being driven into extinction.

Ya, but what the repubs don't realize is Cruz or Paul have no chance whatsoever in 2016 against Hillary. This is a divided country and those from the tea party have no chance. The repubs need to put up a more moderate candidate. Like him or not Christie has a fighting chance against Hillary............or Jeb Bush. This country will pine for the good ole days of Obama if given another Clinton or Bush
choice. We'll take another step back to move forward.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:58 PM


Now, I know plenty (most) of the republican fanboys around here will either fully stand up for the abuse of power for personal vendetta's against governments that dare go against any republican nomination (not the 7 degrees conspiracy type abuse of power but actual real corruption and abuse), but consider this.

Or maybe he could just invoke executive privilege while reassigning people involved to out of state areas so they can't be interviewed / available for testimony.

Oh... wait.... wrong politician.
edit on 13-1-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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