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Black Awakening–Massive Anarchy, Chaos, Satanic Super Soldiers, Stargates, and the Making of A Dem

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:43 PM

reply to post by ServantOfTheLamb

Now you complain when I use the Bible to show aspects of the BIBLICAL are the one being illogical here not me. I did not tell you to accept the Bible as true, but you could quit distorting the meaning.

Just coz Im a glutton for punishment Ill ask one more time.

Give me one example of the biblical god physically manifesting his powers for good and not destructive purposes.
The flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt are all examples of god using his divine power and being a prick.

Tell me about 1 example of God using his magical abilities to be good to people.
If a manifestation of Jesus is the best you got you fail, the fact the early church had to vote on whether this was true or not completely invalidates that for me.
Dont hit me with a wall of bible verses tell me the example and then if you need to quote the verse do so

The Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Plagues of are using events from THE BIBLE to call God a prick, but I cannot use events in the BIBLE to prove he is not? God was justified in all of those events, and if you had ever really read the Bible you would see the numerous warnings he gives before unleashing his wrath.

If you are going to call him a prick call him a prick for something he has done thats not in the Bible. That argument is illogical, and a cop out. You do not wish to see the truth friend and that is fine. Maybe the rapture will open your eyes.
edit on 7-1-2014 by ServantOfTheLamb because: typo

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by ServantOfTheLamb

If you are going to call him a prick call him a prick for something he had done thats not in the Bible. That argument is illogical, and a cop out. You do not wish to see the truth friend and that is fine. Maybe the rapture will open your eyes.


Yeah Im the one copping out

You claim god to follow a loving god yet cant give me one example of him using his superpowers to express this side of himself, All we have is him destroying entire civilisations, even new born children to punish 1 leader, as proof of his "love and mercy"
But I guess he gave them warnings before he slaughtered them so thats OK.
Even his warnings, why not a booming voice from the sky? why always some nobody with nothing to tell people to repent?
If he truly wanted to save all these people a simple act such as making a tree grow from nothing, a pillar of light, anything!!! would have been enough but no, he only uses his power to destroy!!!!

Do you realise how stupid you sound? Sadly you dont as you are obviously so brainwashed that if the bible said 2+2 =5 youd believe it

As to the rapture, yeah good luck with that.
If it ever happened I think Id rather take my chances here than go anywhere with a homicidal maniac that is your god.

All the best but Im done with you, Cheers

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 04:18 PM

reply to post by ServantOfTheLamb

If you are going to call him a prick call him a prick for something he had done thats not in the Bible. That argument is illogical, and a cop out. You do not wish to see the truth friend and that is fine. Maybe the rapture will open your eyes.


Yeah Im the one copping out

You claim god to follow a loving god yet cant give me one example of him using his superpowers to express this side of himself, All we have is him destroying entire civilisations, even new born children to punish 1 leader, as proof of his "love and mercy"
But I guess he gave them warnings before he slaughtered them so thats OK.
Even his warnings, why not a booming voice from the sky? why always some nobody with nothing to tell people to repent?
If he truly wanted to save all these people a simple act such as making a tree grow from nothing, a pillar of light, anything!!! would have been enough but no, he only uses his power to destroy!!!!

Do you realise how stupid you sound? Sadly you dont as you are obviously so brainwashed that if the bible said 2+2 =5 youd believe it

As to the rapture, yeah good luck with that.
If it ever happened I think Id rather take my chances here than go anywhere with a homicidal maniac that is your god.

All the best but Im done with you, Cheers

I cannot debate the Biblical God with someone who only accepts certain parts of the Bible and not the whole. You assume I am brainwashed, but I came to this conclusion on my own. I was never forced into church. I do not even attend church. So please tell me at what point was I indoctrinated. Obviously you have problems believing the Bible is the Word of God and that is fine. However, in a theological debate you cannot just make things up about God. I use what I know of the Biblical God. What I know comes from the Bible, and personal experience.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 07:23 AM
Not to be contentious - BUT;

Is this still being dragged out - ad hominim ?

I Dunno, maybe it is the headline that makes the diffeence in this new age of insta-inf. ( that is mine ! )...

New frontiers brothers ...

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Can I ask you this, do you think indoctrination comes also from outside of religion?

I see it here all the time, people who accuse religious people of being indoctrinated, but don't realize they themselves are through music, internet, worldviews and politics.

What is the source of your indoctrination that gives you your worldview? What television shows and movies did you watch as a child and what ethics and morality did that arise in you? Do you drink a certain type of beer and smoke a certain brand of cigarettes? Do you partake in other things, and why?

Your worldview is your indoctrination. You believe a certain way because you have been led to believe certain things about the sources of your worldview. Your parents only played a small role in your indoctrination, but your peer group played a more major role. You went to school, that was part of your indoctrination. You believe certain things because you have been conditioned to believe certain things, that makes you indoctrinated.

Nothing you have come up with is from your own thought processes, but multi-layered. It began with your parents and ends with every forum you go to that you receive information from in order to justify your worldview.

There is no original idea coming from you. And since you must uphold the worldviews of other antireligious people, and you must in order to feel intelligent, rational and logical, even though there is nothing intelligent, rational or logical in your discussions, but you must in order to feel self-esteem as a person, then you are indoctrinated to believe if someone doesn't think like you do, then they aren't intelligent, rational or logical. Indoctrinated into pseudo-intellectualism, that's this modern culture.

Before you decide I am worthy enough to be rebutted, ask yourself why you do the things you do. Do you buy a certain brand of underwear, and why? Religion isn't the only indoctrinator, pop culture is as well. That's why advertising works on people like you, even if the advertising comes from word of mouth.

Your worldview and belief system doesn't come from you. You have been indoctrinated so much that you can't see who is pulling your strings. And since you will reply to me to counter my statements, you will feel like you must because whoever pulled your string made you feel like you must, in order to keep you indoctrinated and believing like they do. And if you do counter me, it's because I pulled the string of the person pulling yours.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by ServantOfTheLamb

What I know comes from the Bible, and personal experience.
"Personal experience" is important and something atheists seem to have a problem understanding.
When you trust in God, God helps you, that's all I can figure.
Someone who never believed there was a god in the first place never trusted God for anything, and so may not have noticed how God is constantly intervening in the world and are skeptical of descriptions by people who see these occurrences for what they are.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

This is why I find street healing ministries fascinating. There is nothing like an in-your-face supernatural sign to get someone's attention. Especially when they do not believe in any higher power.

OK servantofhtelamb. You will probably dismiss this but I'll write it anyway... You want an example of God using his powers for love rather than smiting people then I'll put forward the most obvious one - Jesus Christ.

You seem to accept that God used his powers to destroy (so you accept God exists, he is powerful, and the scriptures are accurate). Well according to the same scriptures, Jesus was God in human form, who came to earth to live a life free from sin (something we couldn't do), and then sacrifice himself as a blood offering that covers the sin of humanity so that we can receive that which we don't deserve, and don't receive that which we do. It was a free gift to every person who will ever live, and the greatest gift a person can ever receive.

If you're hung up on the seed wars of the early scriptures then remember that the flood was a consequence of the Israelite people not fulfilling Gods specific commands in relation to the nephilim tribes.

Be aware too that the majority of destruction during Armageddon shall be at the hands of humans, at it will take the direct intervention of God to prevent a total human annihilation.That is yet to come, so I wont count that in the "good deeds" category until it comes to pass.
edit on 21-1-2014 by UnderGetty because: (no reason given)

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