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Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:01 PM

A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection.

In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed1 that an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.

Maldacena's idea thrilled physicists because it offered a way to put the popular but still unproven theory of strings on solid footing — and because it solved apparent inconsistencies between quantum physics and Einstein's theory of gravity. It provided physicists with a mathematical Rosetta stone, a 'duality', that allowed them to translate back and forth between the two languages, and solve problems in one model that seemed intractable in the other and vice versa (see 'Collaborative physics: String theory finds a bench mate'). But although the validity of Maldacena's ideas has pretty much been taken for granted ever since, a rigorous proof has been elusive.

continue to source article at

I find this all pretty interesting however I am not going to claim I understand it. I have the very basic premise of the theory but that's it. If it is proven I'm not even sure what that means but it's still pretty interesting. Up until now I have to admit I thought the entire premise was just a bit of quackery but according to this article they are saying that they have their computer models pretty much verifying it.

All in all it just raises more questions in my mind. Perhaps it's time for me to actually try to understand the theory to where I can speak more in depth on the subject. Anyway for those of you that do understand this and its implications feel free to comment and maybe give us a little bit of an explanation as to the implications if proven.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I think the implications are pretty obvious. If this is all just one big hologram or simulation, then there is indeed a creator behind it all. It also makes the existence of a Heaven and a Hell far more likely... does it not?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I have the same feelings as you do. I've been reading a lot on this subject since the subject is popping up everywhere I look, but, like you, I have a difficult time understanding in depth.
It does raise more questions for me and also answers some that I've had about after we leave this life.
I also hope someone with knowledge can explain further - - - and how many believe this?

It makes me want to watch the Matrix again!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Bone75

If we are in a simulation and the 12 year old child who did this for science class is really a total loser asshole and wrote a random number go to hell subroutine then he needs a big spanking.

When something is unknowable like in this case; the scenario I described is as likely as any other.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:26 PM
I personally do not buy it, at all. the physics of space, mass, magnetics, gravity, and unlimited time and dimentions say something else. Why would this be the case anyway? why a cloak and curtain, there is nothing to hide...with that much sheer power move us to where the illusion would not be needed...there must be bigger fish to fry...

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I think it is basically saying that our universe is built out of multiple dimensions, or universes, in that some qualities come from one dimension, and other qualities from another dimension. They coalesce to form our dimension in such a way that it can be likened to a hologram - not that it is a hologram (where light meets surface), but that physicality and other properties all come together at a convergent dimension (our dimension).

So it is not like the second dimension is built out of the first and the third out of those two and the forth from those, but that all of them are separate and merge all at once into ours - like [multiple] lights meeting a single spot to make a hologram.

I think.
edit on 12/19/2013 by Bleeeeep because: added [multiple] for clarity

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Bone75

I think the implications are pretty obvious. If this is all just one big hologram or simulation, then there is indeed a creator behind it all.

Beyond that, it would imply that the creator was outside of the holographic projection but would still be able to interact with the holographic projection. I'm wondering if this would also explain why there is a wave and particle aspect between what is observed and that which is not. It would open up a better understanding of how things are actually projected within the holographic matrix. Neo comes to mind.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Bone75

It also makes the existence of a Heaven and a Hell far more likely... does it not?

More than a Greek or Egyptian Underworld? I don't see how it would be any more or less likely than those. I doubt the OP was wanting a religious explanation though

reply to post by Grimpachi

I'm also not too familiar with this stuff and hope someone more oriented with the science will chime in.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Up until now I've been satisfied with my rudimentary knowledge of it but simply because I didn't think there was any merit to it. I think it's time for me to hit the books. You are correct though I was not looking for a religious connection to this. Before someone tries to inject religion into it they first need to demonstrate to me they understand the theory and not just the acting like some new age guru throwing around big words so everybody will go ahhh ooooh you must be right because that sounded so smart that person didn't even try to throw out any confusing words to make us think he knew what he was talking but he just went straight to "it must be God" I guess because the subject matter is confusing to most including myself. Now Bleeep is on the right track I believe but I know there's more to it.

Anyway now my curiosity is piqued so I will be looking more in-depth on the subject.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by Bone75

It also makes the existence of a Heaven and a Hell far more likely... does it not?

More than a Greek or Egyptian Underworld?

Of course not.
If I had used either of those examples instead of Heaven and Hell, do you think I would've received the same reaction? Its still the same point.

If this is a hologram, then it was designed by someone or something that exists somewhere other than here.
And if that someone or something has the ability to create a reality such as this one, then he or she or it also has the ability to create other realities for us as well.

Maybe the Op could've been a little more specific when asking for implications.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Bone75

I posted in the science and technology section that seemed to narrow things down for most.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:11 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

I think it is basically saying that our universe is built out of multiple dimensions, or universes, in that some qualities come from one dimension, and other qualities from another dimension. They coalesce to form our dimension in such a way that it can be likened to a hologram - not that it is a hologram (where light meets surface), but that physicality and other properties all come together at a convergent dimension (our dimension).

So it is not like the second dimension is built out of the first and the third out of those two and the forth from those, but that all of them are separate and merge all at once into ours - like [multiple] lights meeting a single spot to make a hologram.

I think.
edit on 12/19/2013 by Bleeeeep because: added [multiple] for clarity

Let me second that: you do think! This is a wonderfully concise verbal description in very few words of an entirely new concept of the universe, at least in my experience and understaning. I've never thought of that structure before exactly as you describe it, and it has the one quality that all likely descriptions have: beauty. It's a very beautiful structure.

Does anyone know if Bleeeeep has accurately condensed the article in his post quoted here, or is this something he came up with? Thanks Bleeeeep!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:19 PM
Maybe a bit of a better understanding of what a hologram actually is would help. Put simply, it is a collection of interference patterns. Similar to the interference patterns seen when ripples intersect on the surface of a pond. In a hologram those patterns are composed of light and produce a three dimensional image.

In the case of string theory (which can't really be called a theory because nothing about it is testable) it simply means that the universe (energy and matter and all their characteristics) is the result of interference patterns created by "strings".

It doesn't mean the universe doesn't really exist. It doesn't mean that someone or something is projecting it. It just means that if string "theory" holds any water it could result in the universe being the way it is.

Now, way down the road, if the string hypothesis is demonstrated to be valid and if a way to manipulate strings could be found, it does leave the possibility of modifying the basic (and not so basic) laws of physics. Anyone think that would be good idea? I mean, there are a lot of people that think that simple genetic modification is pretty dreadful. Should we fiddle with the gravitational constant?

edit on 12/19/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:21 PM

Anyway for those of you that do understand this and its implications feel free to comment and maybe give us a little bit of an explanation as to the implications if proven.

Well, I think it means that materialism/naturalism/physicalism are false and the rules of science need to change, so that all the evidence that parapsychology has amassed over the last century can be disseminated. Then maybe we can take an evolutionary leap forward. But that's just my .02 cents.

Change the Rules!


Although consciousness-correlated physical phenomena are widely and credibly documented, their appearance and behavior display substantial departures from conventional scientific criteria. Under even the most rigorous protocols, they are only irregularly replicable, and they appear to be insensitive to most basic physical coordinates, including distance and time.

Rather, their strongest correlations are with various subjective parameters, such as intention, emotional resonance, uncertainty, attitude, and meaning, and information processing at an unconscious level appears to be involved. If science, by its most basic definition, is to pursue understanding and utilization of these extraordinary processes, it will need to expand its current paradigm to acknowledge and codify a proactive role for the mind in the establishment of physical events, and to accommodate the spectrum of empirically indicated subjective correlates.

The challenges of quantitative measurement and theoretical conceptualization within such a ‘‘Science of the Subjective’’ are formidable, but its potential intellectual and cultural benefits could be immense, not least of all in improving the reach, the utility, the attitude, and the image of science itself.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:26 PM

reply to post by Bone75

I posted in the science and technology section that seemed to narrow things down for most.

You asked for implications if its proven. Is there another kind?

I didn't realize the science forum was off limits to Christians now.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

I think it is basically saying that our universe is built out of multiple dimensions, or universes, in that some qualities come from one dimension, and other qualities from another dimension.

That's the trouble with mixing up the theosophist (new age) "definition" of dimension with the mathematical definition. Since string "theory" is a purely mathematically construct that is a big problem.

A dimension is not a universe. Is length a universe? Is width a universe? That is what dimensions are. String "theory" likes to use 9 of them instead of the three we deal with directly. Math can be fun that way.

And, BTW, a hologram is produced with a single light source.

edit on 12/19/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:09 PM

You are correct though I was not looking for a religious connection to this.

Don't worry, you're not going to be forced to choose between faith and rationality. They meet in the middle. You can have the best of both.

"The cultural wars and debates out there between what’s usually called science and religion are again, I think simplistic to the extreme. The religion side is often parodied as the kind of most literalistic and intolerant forms of fundamentalism and the scientific side is often parodied as the most materialistic and intolerant forms of scientism.

So you have pure faith on one side and pure reason on the other and we’re supposed to believe, somehow, that these two things don’t meet in the middle. I find that completely unconvincing." -Jeffrey Kripal

edit on 19-12-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:16 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

I think the implications are pretty obvious. If this is all just one big hologram or simulation, then there is indeed a creator behind it all.

If we are in a hologram then sure it proves we have a creator or creators. Is the creator a child Alien programmer , Alien corporation,etc ....? However, IMO if we were a programmed Halogram or virtual entity then i would think the creator is more of a programmer than Divine god.

It also makes the existence of a Heaven and a Hell far more likely... does it not?

I would say definitely not . if we are halogram or virtual world then when the switch goes out we just go out or perhaps we as objects are reused in other models.

IMO , this virtual world theory if true would crush Christianity and most major religions.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Bone75

I thought most people realized religion isn't scientific. Of course I knew there are some that think it is. Guess I should have written it so those few knew better.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Phage

Well, it would eliminate the need for steps and elevators in architecture.

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