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NWO Energy Update..(Inter-Planetary Secret Societies)...

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posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 07:04 PM

Hi all, this upload is an 'extended compilation' introducing the NWOs "INTER-PLANETARY SECRET SOCIETIES" (..from about 56:00 MINS in.)

The latest part from the Infowars-Lucis Trust Mysteries series began earlier, I wanted to upload it to this forum to illustrate what the coming "UFO Disclosure Deception" is really all about...

Some more to come on this particular subject (..the UFO Mystery) in the next part of the series, but I feel too many people focus on the whole "Disclosure Agenda" without looking at its 'actors'.... >> ?

(Been away from ATS for too long...and Thank you for watching / replying !)

edit on 21/12/2013 by ArMaP because: Don't use ALL CAPS in thread titles

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 07:23 PM

...and Thank you for watching / replying !)

I'm replying, but I certainly didnt watch it.
The video is more than 2 hours long.
Its going to take more than a post saying "here's a youtube video" for me to do that.

Edit - looking through the previous threads you've made, that's all you've ever done:
"go look at this youtube video on my youtube page"

edit on 17-12-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by eastendkid

I don't really understand this thread... Are you proposing that the "site" has some higher ground to propose the theories that are more or less replicated on Alex's video ? I'm sorry but those ideas predate both, even the discovery of electricity...

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 08:08 PM


...and Thank you for watching / replying !)

I'm replying, but I certainly didnt watch it.
The video is more than 2 hours long.
Its going to take more than a post saying "here's a youtube video" for me to do that.

Edit - looking through the previous threads you've made, that's all you've ever done:
"go look at this youtube video on my youtube page"

edit on 17-12-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

it wouldn't make any difference what he did because all YOU ever do is show up on every ufo thread ever made and declare "balloon" or other such aggressive debunkatory nonsense. as long as we're here to keep track of what people do, i figured id mention that.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by eastendkid

Will watch video soon...thank you for posting, your thread has me interested in studying this subject matter.


posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by eastendkid

Well I sufferred through about forty mins of it. Its quite difficult listening to David Icke let alone Alex Jones.
The stuff about Lucis Trust was slightly interesting...

The point of the vid is that the NWO is behind the new age movement. And that these two aforementioned clowns are just that..clowns.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 06:19 AM
The videos synopsis is to explain that there are secret societies PRESENTLY on Earth today - but which have their "primary origin and existence" in the various zones, regions and planets of the SPIRIT WORLD..

"INTER-PLANETARY Secret Organisations... of SPIRIT BEINGS", and I ought to have specifically pointed people to from 56 minutes in...Sorry.

The last '8 minutes' of the video basically sums it up But like I say, the video is from a series exposing some endtime esoteric mysteries.. and as I was on the particular topic of "UFOS" I thought to post it here and hopefullyintroduce people (who might not have never heard about them) the existence of these "INTER-PLANETARY secret organisations".


Having said that, I do freely admit to being a poor video maker
but the point is...

No matter what people think of me or the video etc, there is ABSOLUTELY NO GETTING AWAY from the role which inter-planetary societies will play in the New World Order. I believe it can be seen clearly in the quotes direct from LucisTrust... in the quotes direct from Share International (last 25 Mins)...and probably even easier from a Steve Jackons "Illuminati card"... posted onto someone actually following it !

Unfortunately I have a lot more of these to explain, as in the Endtime UFO mysteries things literally "get strange".. People need to understand ' exactly how ' the nwo for example, can plan a meteor strike etc.

But back to this upload..

A lot of people who study the Bible may already know about the NWOs coming Antichrist "god of the forces" (Daniel 11:38) and how his nwo (Tower of Babel) false energy-based religion is going to work but.. when you see people in "living colour" actually preparing for it.. reviving their Ancient Mystery Religion.. talking about UFOs in relation to THE actual global energy-grid "spiritual prison" in which people will be made to think they are "evolving".. while really being utterly destroyed...etc :| well *gulp..

I'm just hoping someone might want to understand the reality of the situation. Its a long and boring video I know.. but how else do you introduce truthers to this stuff without letting then see it for themselves ?

And I DO also sincerely appreciate all the views comments or replies.. Thank you all for any comments or replies

edit on 18-12-2013 by eastendkid because: added Nimros tower of babel, and Daniel reference

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 11:42 AM



...and Thank you for watching / replying !)

I'm replying, but I certainly didnt watch it.
The video is more than 2 hours long.
Its going to take more than a post saying "here's a youtube video" for me to do that.

Edit - looking through the previous threads you've made, that's all you've ever done:
"go look at this youtube video on my youtube page"

edit on 17-12-2013 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

it wouldn't make any difference what he did because all YOU ever do is show up on every ufo thread ever made and declare "balloon" or other such aggressive debunkatory nonsense. as long as we're here to keep track of what people do, i figured id mention that.

Love it great response.....How funny it is that no matter what the subject there are the same people that show up time and time again to argue their opinions as fact.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by NONPOINT21

How funny it is that no matter what the subject there are the same people that show up time and time again to argue their opinions as fact.

That holds true on both sides of the argument and is why this is a discussion forum and not an I agree with everything forum

I've skimmed the video and no offence but it's laughable that anyone could consider this anything other than fantasy , here's a shorter example to give a flavour of it... David Icke

edit on 18-12-2013 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:05 AM
Okay no problem, but you would need to describe exactly what the 'laughable fantasy' aspect of the subject is ?


In the earlier part you post David is back to Peru to explain his 1991 "electrical initiation".. and "the energies" of it...

Many will remember however that, this is also referring to Davids 1991 "son of God era", in which he reports believing he was the son of God, after this 1991 "electrical Peru initiation" ...(please see Project Camelot Interviews below.)

My point is that David clearly believes in "proclaimed Chisthood" in accordance with the teachings of Theosophy.. But more crucially believes also in the same notion of higher SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVOLUTION being promoted by Lucis Trust, Share International, Thrive etc [please pause on time index 1:59:22 on the latest video or index 2:03:48]..


As I mention above, I know I'm never going to be able to make some productionally great video.. 'successfully compressing a lot of information' -- as is achieved by something like Chris Whites "David Icke Debunked" for example...

(David Icke Debunked part 1)

BUT AGAIN you'll notice here also the same SPRIRITUAL FORCES OF EVOLUTION coming into play, and being quoted from Davids earlier works.. the "Lords of the Seven Rays" for example...[please see time index 7:20]

AS ALSO from Davids "Project Camelot Interview" (in his own words describing his 1991 initiation) where he was spoken to by SPIRITUAL FORCES telling him he's being sent to remove a "dark shadow from the world"... [please see from time 6:50]

(Project Camelot Interviews David Icke 02/13)

Clearly there are SPIRITUAL FORCES behind the spiritual phenomena being described here. I'm simply trying to connect dots here by bringing what LucisTrust and others say is the true esoteric nature of "psychic Planetary Energies" contracted by David in Peru 91 and being introduced as an "awakening"
... or LucisTrust say is the future-nature of Davids "planetary electricity"... and is "the electro/magnetic nature of initiation"... The "sites of the ancient mysteries" and the SPIRITUAL FORCES and now their.. UFO revival..

Forgive me but I see a pattern here..if not clearly a direct correlation (illuminati card game UFOs etc) How can it NOT ALL BE the progression to their stated 'Luciferian NWO' >?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:50 AM
My apologies, an honest mistake.. (late night I'm afraid..)

I've skimmed the video and no offence but it's laughable that anyone could consider this anything other than fantasy , here's a shorter example to give a flavour of it... David Icke

Just realised that I've replied to you thinking that the 'shorter example' you had linked to, was this one: which were 'voiced' some of the LucisTrust quotes concerning my the argument that :

Clearly there are SPIRITUAL FORCES behind the spiritual phenomena being described here. I'm simply trying to connect dots here by bringing what LucisTrust and others say is the true esoteric nature of "psychic Planetary Energies" contracted by David in Peru 91 and being introduced as an "awakening"
... or LucisTrust say is the future-nature of Davids "planetary electricity"... and is "the electro/magnetic nature of initiation"... The "sites of the ancient mysteries" and the SPIRITUAL FORCES and now their.. UFO revival..

Please see @ time index 8:36 EXACTLY what I was trying to refer to above..

The question as to the laughability of the information remains based on the LucisTrust quotes which you've just listed to.. and others dotted through the video >?

That there's more to leylines and planetary energy, regardless of my inability to successfully present it in video form

edit on 19-12-2013 by eastendkid because: removed smiley

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:42 AM
You may also have noticed that the THIVE Documentary featured, is actually being presented from>>> a UFO that's intentionally visiting the 'ancient mystery sites' of the initiates as David is.. discussing new Planet Energies.. with the "cosmic forces" connected to them..

This is UFO connection I'm trying to get at here, and reason why I wanted to share with a 'UFO audience'..

it fits together with the new world 'era' Foster Gamble and other inter-planetary societies and groups hope will emerge from it all..

edit on 19-12-2013 by eastendkid because: changed forces to "cosmic forces", thanks

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:42 AM
The reason why DAVID ICKE IS LUCIS TRUST is here: Introduction, Objective and Method,

And in the latest part of the series I DOCUMENT PROOF OF DAVID ICKE pushing WHATS ON THAT PAGE ! then try to explain it all in the the context of the nwos coming NEW-LUCIFERIAN-AGE..

I hope I won't get banned by ATS or something but...


Introduction and Objective

Since the time of Isaac Newton, conventional science has been doggedly pursuing a ‘gravity only’ model of the universe, currently regarding it as a tomb of lifeless matter that exploded into being out of nothing and which is expanding at an accelerating rate in all directions without aim or purpose. These suppositions have been supported with increasingly exotic theories such as the Big Bang, General Relativity, Black Holes, Dark Matter/Energy and the like. Meanwhile, evidence to the contrary is steadily accumulating which supports instead the esotericist’s view
of the universe as a living, stable organism, electrical in nature and function.

The electrical nature
of universal processes runs as a theme throughout the Tibetan Master’s work via the writings of HP Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey which are intended to be bridging treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates. This is likely to continue in the next phase of the Ageless Wisdom teachings too, preparing humanity for the energy of Love in its dynamic, electrical form which the Christ will employ when He reappears.... [SEE ILLUMINATI CARD GAME "MESSIAH"

This electric
aspect of Love will help lay the foundations for that "synthesis of all the single men" of which Browning spoke, and which is hinted at in the following passage from Esoteric Psychology vol I:
"The seventh ray works in connection with the phenomena of electricity, through which all life in the solar system is coordinated and vitalised. There is an aspect of electrical phenomena which produces cohesion, just as there is an aspect which produces light…this will be released in fuller measure during the Aquarian age…One of its earliest effects will be the increased understanding of brotherhood and its really scientific basis." (Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I, pp 373-374)

It is with the increased understanding of the science of brotherhood and the relationship between consciousness and electric phenomena that The Electric Bridge is concerned. It is dedicated to linking esoteric and exoteric science
and to highlighting scientific discoveries that further reveal the electrical nature of reality and their relation to the Ageless Wisdom perspective. Understanding electricity is the key to integrating science into a unified whole and providing a magnetic foundation in which the Divine Plan can deepen its roots and future esoteric teaching can safely flourish.

We invite all who have an interest in science and philosophy to follow the steady development of The Electric Bridge site, and join us in group reflection and occult brooding on the electrical interconnectedness of all life. The vivid thoughtform thus constructed can help stimulate scientific awakening and a long overdue revelation concerning humanity’s relationship with the universal whole. "The establishment of brotherhood as a definite fact in nature" may then follow as a natural corollary.


The Electric Bridge is a powerful symbol for serving in the fields of science and philosophy. As a service activity of the Arcane School, its aim is to help bridge the hiatus between esoteric and exoteric science through the language of electricity. It is the synthesising nature of electricity that will provide the foundation for a new Aquarian Science of Interconnectedness, enabling occultism to liaise with the science of the finite mind and demystify the divine nature of reality.

The following visual approach is suggested in conjunction with study of the Electric Bridge. It need not be a separate activity but rather a method of spiritual reading that can transform traditional study into a potent service:

Visualise a line of lighted energy along with those created by other co-workers, penetrating into the science of the initiates and anchored in the science of humanity.
Engage creatively with extracts from the presentation through occult brooding, building the resulting point of mental tension into this luminous bridge and strengthening the link between the two worlds of thought.
Visualise the energy of the mysteries reverberating down the bridge, evoking new thinking in scientific circles on the electrical nature of reality.

The Electric Bridge is ultimately a symbol of the antahkarana, indicating the electrical nature of the path as portrayed in the Tibetan’s words below. The key to more advanced work with this service enterprise is to be found herein:
"There appears a triangle on the mental plane, produced by manasic activity, and this triangle of fire begins slowly to circulate between the manasic permanent atom, and a point at the centre of the egoic lotus, and thence to the mental unit, which has appeared upon the fourth subplane through innate instinct approximating mentality. This triangle of fire, which is formed of pure electrical manasic force, waxes ever brighter until it produces an answering vibration from both the lower and the higher. This triangle is the nucleus of the antaskarana. The work of the highly evolved man is to reduce this triangle to a unity, and by means of high aspiration (which is simply transmuted desire affecting mental matter) turn it into the Path and thus reproduce in a higher synthetic form the earlier "path" along which the descending Spirit came to take possession of its vehicle, the causal body, and from thence again work through the lower personal self." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire p.709)

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posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by eastendkid


I have to ask why you started a new thread with a video you posted in your other thread?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Please see reason above: posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:42 AM

I have faith in the ATS UFO audience to be able to read the (complete) webpage I posted above... and be able to connect the dots, moreso with the aid of the video.

If you're gonna go 'above top secret' then this is the place to it, right ? lol unless folk come here to get into separate debates on posting etiquette, which I doubt.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:30 AM


Okay no problem, but you would need to describe exactly what the 'laughable fantasy' aspect of the subject is ?

One could start with David Icke and end with no credible evidence of any such conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by eastendkid

If you're gonna go 'above top secret' then this is the place to it, right ? lol unless folk come here to get into separate debates on posting etiquette, which I doubt.

I find it interesting your trying to push the same topic in two threads about the same thing, why?

Btw there isn't anything top secret about David Icke or Alex Jones except the fact they are only in it for the money and nothing else, because nothing they say has yet to actually happen.

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 06:28 AM
Clearly the video and related quotes... place infowars in it for MORE than just the money..

I'd argue its more about the control of information and truth, as the NWO attempt to transition humanity to their New-luciferian Age.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 06:47 AM
Ok I re-made it a bit clearer for the much as to say :

Whether or not YOU BELIEVE(emphasis) what's being presenting - you nevertheless can still see for yourself that there are REAL HUMAN BEINGS acting out the ufo agenda.. acting out the Illuminati Cards.. acting out the agenda and esoteric sciences of Lucis Trust and other societies like the Aetherius Society, Eckankar, Summit Lighthouse, A.M.O.Rosicrucian.Order, Share International etc....

(Pt. 3 on its way)

(contd.) and attempting what I believe is an "esoteric synthesis" of science and consciousness which ultimately comes from the same inter-dimentional entities - whether they be differently recognized as cosmic masters, ascended masters, the hierarchy, space brothers, demon fallen angels, the old ones, mahatmas, guides, second personalities etc within their various spiritual organizations and societies. esoteric synthesis in the way Sikhism is the merging of the esoteric teachings of Hinduism and Islam into one mystical thought, etc.


It's not necessarily about whether YOU BELIEVE: I would simply appreciate an 'honest' and informed response as to why so called "truthers" like Greer,Gamble,Jones,Hellyer,Icke,Maxwell,RTs Abby Martin etc are "CONSCIOUSLY" fulfilling the ufo Illuminati Cards.

Clearly the controlled media/alternative media want humanity to believe "something" right? ..And it's beyond a co-incidence that they want us to believe the same thing. So, If you say the nwos ufo agenda is "not" the satanic and newage spiritual agenda I try (perhaps badly
) to present : then why are the connections so heavy ?


(remade after I saw "Jordan Maxwell" re-emerge on Enough to get anyone's blood boiling lol)
edit on 9-8-2014 by eastendkid because: added "(contd..." paragraph, basically the thesis of my argument.

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