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The Ultimate Judgement [Dec2013]

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posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 12:53 PM
"How would you do it Dr Kafney, decide who is worthy of transition?" Well realize this is a consciously collective decision, made for the future overall benefit of humankind, and a journey to reveal our own optimum potential greatness. We will pursuit our visions and dreams in a self governing fashion, developing technology that will enable us to move so far beyond what we currently are and into new realms and dimensions. "Who is in this collective?" We have selected societies brightest and best, physically and genetically superior with extraordinary abilities to problem-solve, create and excel in all areas, both individually and socially. There are those that have bettered themselves, honoring their body and minds as instruments of universal divinity. There are those who have served others, both for earnings and volunteering, bringing nobility, compassion and duty into the communities Some have excelled in their fields, passed all the strenuous testing and are ready for more, the next level....if you will.

"So a bunch of James Bond like people?" And the rest of us?" You've had your chance. You continue to propagate uncontrollably and without regard, continuing to make bad decision after bad decision. There aren't enough good people willing to make the change anymore. How long before the pendulum returns, before ignorance falls away? How long before the last good and healthy are infected with apathy and disease. How long before we can raise up out of this squaller, before it takes all under? Cut away from it and don't look back, the advent has transmuted. "Tell me some details of this Judgement profiling."

The first discovery we made dealt with technological input and imprint. Think of every single search, play and download from your entire history online from every computer. Every word and sentence, comment and connection, every thought of inquiry . Stop and think about that for a minute. What kind of picture do you think that paints? It is like peering into the mind, seeing what's on the inside, concealed from shared awareness. Accurate? Overall, yes, absolute, no. We have created algorithms that mirror the output signals of thought and action, enabling us to conduct a scan that gives an overall impression without pooling through the details. Instances where there is significant uncertainty, we review the info more specifically. The 2nd discovery for assessment is much more exotic and fascinating...

"So what is this next level, for some?" It is one of only two levels. Moving upward, outward and onward, with the goal of bettering ourselves as a primary directive is one level. The other is stagnated and sedentary, where spiritual and mental atrophy moves fast amongst the strugglers. Spinning in circles, and unable to get evolutionary traction, the strugglers weigh down the ascent of humanity, disabling our journey to the realms we all dream of.
"How can you blame and judge all the people?" It is quite simple, the time has come to do so.

"What will be done with the judged people?" They shall remain here. "Where will the others be?" We have found another Earth like planet, fertile and rich in resources. A perfect opportunity to create a new launch pad for humanity pulling us into a new dimension. "Rich you say? Sounds like you will be doing the same thing there, exploiting the planet." Oh no, we have developed free energy that is genuine. It has been utilized for several years now but the others can't raise the potential beyond their bottom lines, political influences and greedy industry fat cats, all because they could not understand, appreciate or apply the "free" part.

"So we are on our own, on a downward spiral into chaos and mayhem, abandoned by those that made good key strokes?" Now most left behind are those that actually pushed iniquities, entrapping efforts of evolving. You have the technology, but getting it into the hands of the masses will obviously take some time, but we can no longer wait. Do you realize half the population's perspective is mostly a reflection of or desire for a rotting status quo, where profits before the well being of people, all people, are being pursuit more and more, where care for others falls behind caring for ones self. The trap is not theirs, and they can climb out but chose not to. The lack of self control leaves them constantly hitting a wall, unable to psychologically scale them as their psyche falls into centrifugal atrophy. This you have to know already, or it at least makes sense, no?

"Sure, but we should be given another chance with some type of unifying advancement, a leader, a project or technology." As I said corruption runs rampant like a disease, infiltrating any and every opportunity as we lust for capital excessiveness or just stay afloat to survive. Vision is lost and minds are saturated with marketing propaganda, it's like linguistic voodoo, and so many are contentious. So many are complacent, so many are cursed with fear. The tipping point has occurred and the balance lost. Good is choked out by aggression, greed and paranoia. The Judgement Profiles are in effect and if you really care about what is left, then I implore you take this knowledge and make the changes, big changes that sometimes only an instinctive spurred awareness can usher in. "Will you ever come back?" Perhaps, if there are any of you left... " You sound so cold and callous. I guess I am glad I know now, but I feel so distraught and sullied. My cynicism has cracked the dam that once held pools of hopeful optimism ." Despair can bring survival instincts to a height that beckons failure or triumph and over coming.

It really does have to start within the individual, a drive to better themselves and those around them, through learning, building, sharing and taking some pride in their achievements and goals. It's not just attitude but action, and choice as well. There is a spiritual vacuum amongst so many people, and during trying times, as the last 30 years have been, those that have nothing beyond themselves and loved ones to cling, fortify, strengthen, inspire, forgive and relinquish the paradoxes that swing the fashioned creature from one extreme to the other, rarely settling in the middle for too long, able to obtain balance and harmony. Self control must be obtained to stay focused and strong. Our body, minds and souls, our cooperative spirit are our tools and vehicles to forge into so much more than we are. We know the affect and importance of love, but we have to make sure everyone harbors some within. Not all are shown love, or have felt it. No human should be disconnected from love all together. Our people practice a variety of religions, philosophies, spirituality and ritual, all at their leisure, and are open to all. Some practice martial arts and yoga some are strict scientists, but even with that group, there are those that support a bridge between god-force and science, but that god-force is not exclusive to one party, it is a faceless force for and of everyone.

edit on 14-12-2013 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 12:53 PM
"A faceless force?" Or a force with a thousand faces, either and both. The dimensionality of what could be considered a god is not fathomable with our perceptual and conceptual capacity, not yet. We are setting our own stage for cultivating this direction outwards into other dimensions and realms, not as exclusive but inclusive, and perhaps, hopefully lead humankind to a better and deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Now this force we speak of, is real, not just symbolic. This force is also a conduit for various entities and transdimensional travelers , but the force itself is the real god, beyond what our senses can perceive. Additionally, this force contains information. Strange thing is, we have found within it computer codes.

The old sages spoke of the aether, a place where every thought, action, intention and word were stored, adrift in an abyss of potentiality. We are finding that all of our thoughts and actions too have been recorded, and this information forever lingers as a long funnel of particles and photons that were and are unified by vibrations emanating from human consciousness. While this in itself is extraordinary, so too is the potential notion of a real oneness, connected to this web of information.

The 2nd platform of technology is being developed to tap into the aether, a place where information, as in every thought, action and word or expression from civilization is stored. Information particles conglomerate in a vibrational pattern that seems to linger in our atmosphere as permanent and widespread as the blue sky itself. It can only be detected by laser lights, oscillating to the specific tandem frequencies of the photon and particle vibrations. We have software that extract this information and interprets it. This field consists of all languages, music, thoughts, actions and even dreams. The result is a judgement output from every single thought/action you have had/done. We do not read it any longer, for it is too much information for each individual. The interpreting is done live time as the thoughts/actions occurred. An 80 year old life takes 80 years to sort though. Now we can accelerate that process with quantum biogel computers linked to cryoalgorythmic algae grown in a fungus ,creating an aether resonator so to say,just get a simple measurement of activity. "What's the criteria, like sins or evil acts?" No, we can not assign our own values to decide what is right and wrong, other than physical emotional or spiritual harm to others, intentionally. The information is weighed as beneficial, as in creative or destructive to earth, others, oneself, or a god(s) on one side, and the other is just the opposite, information that has been destructive to others, the earth, or oneself. Nature does not distinguish between good and evil, nature seeks to maintain balance, and so should we, not in an absolute fashion of course, but as part of our outlook and path direction.

"Who is judging you and all of humanity, past and present in the aether?" Nature and the universe itself, with all their forces, realms, dimension and power. Cliche-ish as it may be, it comes down to positive/light and negative/dark. The positive/light energy spurs growth and growth secures survival. Those that have sought to better themselves wholly, as in body mind and spirit, have tapped into a universal energy that enables them to focus and achieve extraordinary innovation at the same time minimize negative matter. "Negative matter?" This actually depletes energy and entraps waste. The energy that infiltrates everyones systems and conveys hurt, fear, loneliness and doubt. Those with pure intentions will process these energies and dispose of them, not allowing them to fester and occupy space.

Know that the change will come, it is inevitable as our species moves towards a collective that is more unified and adherent. We are at the threshold and the door is open. Some will take the step as others still prepare. Even though we all know this now, we are taking the first step, and our group is taking the leap into this opportunity, prepared, ambitious and with noble intentions. It is natural for species to evolve at different rates, and now we can evolve at will with technology, and achieve goals that sail us forward into greatness. This is wondrous and a pinnacle moment and it makes no sense to wait until everyone is ready. Everyone is on their own path moving at their own rate, making choices along the way exercising their free will. The fact that some have not sought light and love, or held compassion for others, or desired to explore inner and outer space, is a sign of the varied range of readiness for genuine change. We must tear away from that that is rotting, before it consumes all the resources, our souls, our future and us. Before the foulness of apathy and indolence spread and occupy the populace, we will depart.... it is for the betterment of all in the end....
The judgement is cast

edit on 14-12-2013 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

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