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REVOLUTION NOW!!!! Ukranians BEHEAD statue of Lenin! Martial law next?

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posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:34 PM

reply to post by starfoxxx

The last polls done in the county show only 42-45% of the population supports EU integration .. so the majority should bow to the wishes of the minority and sell their sovereignty to Brussels?
How would they be selling their souls to belgium? From what i been readingnit sounds like the majority and more are for this. They seem to have their souls still sold to russia, why not make a better trade?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

good for the Ukraine. Its about time they started acting like an independent nation....and not just someones satellite nation.....Russia' s OR the EU's.

edit on 12 8 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:40 PM

reply to post by Rockpuck

I think this is about doing away with the soviet style of government, they are rallying against corruption in their politicians.
They need EU backed money which will help them out.
Maybe they just want out of Russia and the EU and want to be free to decide their fate themselves..
I wish some Ukrainians would come to ATS and help us.

Just a little tip here
what do you wish to know exactly?

Like I said Ukrainian government is trying to kill 2 birds with one stone but its becoming into something uncontrollable
Th Europe protesting there are nothing compared the countries population and they people there in the maidan don't actually know fully what they're compaigning about
The main reason is because they see a chance of getting into Europe without paying a lot a lot of money! But the thing is in the contract it actually doesn't mention getting no visa entry to eu so.
Anything you wish to know?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by tadaman

Ha ha well the protestors out there really do hate the government of Ukraine
but what about the international relations I really cannot tell you what the people want as it's more or less a split country on this topic.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:57 PM
Wouldnt this actually help the EU .? From what i know this wouldnt actually put them in the EU yet. The move would just inch them foward to being able to join the EU. How can progress and a move forward further away from russia be such a bad thing. The only stories i have read link directly to russia themselves (RT) that state this is such a bad thing.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:06 PM

Wouldnt this actually help the EU .? From what i know this wouldnt actually put them in the EU yet. The move would just inch them foward to being able to join the EU. How can progress and a move forward further away from russia be such a bad thing. The only stories i have read link directly to russia themselves (RT) that state this is such a bad thing.

Ahaha well quite a lot of people in Ukraine, well half the country closest to Russia still have the old soviet Russian mentality and they believe that Russia actually helped them a lot
so for some it would be a bad thing, but for those people to ehom it might be a bad thing to move away its actually arent out htere protesting. Theyre just sitting at home.But I do agree with you if they join the eu it would be so well interesting and well I think the people put there in the maidan are actually just protesting against the government.

Ps. I'm so sorry if I make no sense. I just type away

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:10 PM
Now that's how you protest. Hopefully the Occupy movement is taking notes? Seems much more effective than drum circles in a park.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by tadaman

So let drill one new hole into a skinking ship and rip the money from the backskin of those who have worked ( work which is coming a urban legend in EU ) their buttocks off to survive in constantly increasing monetary needs of the system called EU. Many countries who had AAA rating doesn´t have it anymore.. and those who still does is struggling to keep it.

Lets see Finland`s medicine for coming years( a AAA country ) to survive the goverment debt they have gained for just being a member of EU. These medicines won´t help much and it seem we need to take even more debt in coming years.
- Goverment is raising retirement age 2 more years ( In Sweden they demand retirement age to be 75 years )
- Unemployments have to accept work even the work is 80 km from their homes, if they don´t accept they will get a waiting period for 60 days when they are not titled to receive unemployment benefit. Maximum time to work travels which should be accepted is not exceeding more than 3 hours a day
- tax allowance of working trips will be removed, means those unemployments who travels long distances to their new works most likely cannot afford it.
- Heath care is getting worse also dental care
- Compulsory school age will raise one more year
etc etc
Finland´s unemployment rate is about 8,1 % but in many counties its more than 20%

Sad truth is that economy in Europe is and have been downhill, there is only few countries left with AAA rating and next year even less..
Sanity is not what EU has. And getting more "kids" to feed is not an answer

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Just reading a bit more about it and even though they do not have the means to join the EU at this time, it has gone from people wanting closer ties to the EU to a total regime change because they do not trust their politicians anymore.
Sound familiar?

You really gotta wonder where the Ukrainians came up with the idea the EU is the answer. There are more than a few talking heads that say the (very, very authoritarian) EU's days are numbered.

Seems like any "government" beyond village size simply turns to # in short order.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:32 PM

This guy looks way to happy...

The EU has been the ones offering more unity with the UKRAINE..

If the EU thought it was going to hurt them, I believe we would see more
action and sanctions from them and a direct narrative to the UKRAINE
it does not want them.
Why would the EU be reaching out to further this unity?

If the EU did not think they could make something off this, I doubt they would
be inching forward to it..


crowd of cheering protesters chanted "Good job" after the statue fell in Kiev's Bessarabska Square.
Some pounded the monument with hammers, leaving pieces of the statue scattered on the ground. Only parts of the Soviet hero's legs remained at the base. A man waving a Ukrainian flag stood atop the pedestal beside them.
Police said they were investigating but did not know know who had toppled the monument. Ukraine's government news agency said a lawmaker with the nationalist Svoboda party claimed responsibility for the incident.

Good luck finding the thousands involved!!!

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called Yanukovych on Sunday and told the Ukrainian president that he had "grave concern" about the situation, urging authorities not to resort to violence.

They resort to violence, the only ones who will be hurting the worse is their government..

One of the main reasons for Yanukovych's decision to backpedal on the EU talks is Russia's threat of trade sanctions and gas bill hikes. Yanukovych was also under pressure by the EU to free Tymoshenko.

This sounds like Russia bullying their neighbors into something the Ukranian people do not want..

We can clearly see who would win this fight against RIOT police..

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

EU can show a carrot.. its called diplomacy and politics.
If you saw the map and located Ukraine its rating is only a B.. you can think of how much Euros it takes to bring them even to BB... honestly there is no money to do this.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Thanks buddy, got it fixed..
Do you have any thoughts on this subject other then that?

Yes, I do, specifically with regards to US involvement. In the big picture, this is a great example of the "selective intervention" of the US.

Imagine if this were happening in Syria or Iran (or any other nation that is considered an enemy of Israel). The US would find some falsified moral imperative to stick their nose in militarily. They usually use a guise like "we are freeing the people" or "we can't stand by and allow this suffering to happen" or "we are spreading democracy". All hooey!

In this case, there is little to gain economically, politically, or militarily, so the "moral outrage" of the US government is absent. How convenient? If this were Syria, it would be headline MSM news for weeks or months to propagandize the chosen side.

There is no oil, poppy, or gold, nor are they an outspoken enemy of Israel. Just a bunch of oppressed people, and that's not enough to get the US military gears turning... or any US gears turning, really.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Until we start making these so called representatives of the people responsible for their actions by using the truth drug sodium pentathol on them and i mean the entire government all tptb will do is replace like for like and change a couple of things, this is what has always happened in a revolution, what does the word revolution mean?

It makes you wonder when a soldier signs up to defend his country that he doesn't have the ability to look at his superiors and realise that they are really the enemy protecting the corrupt governments, I guess they only take soldiers that are easily manipulated and don't really want to defend there country.

and we also know that all the countries are ran as one by tptb as there is not one country that uses the free energy devices that are freely available to make and use even though they are on the internet available for anyone to access
edit on 8-12-2013 by jinni73 because: ?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 06:20 PM

reply to post by starfoxxx

The last polls done in the county show only 42-45% of the population supports EU integration .. so the majority should bow to the wishes of the minority and sell their sovereignty to Brussels?
So who is miss informed?

The country of 46 million is divided between Russian-speakers in the east and nationalists in the west, but most Ukrainians want their country to get closer to Europe. The protests show that Ukrainians are fed up with their rapacious political system and aspire to live under
. How long ago was this 'poll' your quoting?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 07:28 PM
Even thou Ukraine has been "officially" independant since 1991, its history go back further than Russias. Russia developed ater the break-up of the Kievan-Russ empire over a thousand years ago from memory.

Ukrainians have been fighting since day one against foreign control of their country, whether it was the Mongols under Genhis Kahn, the Tatars and Ottoman Empires, The Poles many time on and off over the ages, aswell as the Russians.

There are 2 parts in play obviously is the CIA connection to the Orange Revolution.

Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe, its always been known as this. EU needs to pillage Ukraine for its benefit, same thing that Russia wants.

Ukraine is very important to the West geo-strategically....with Ukraine in NATO or EU it would bring Western Troops over a Red Line for the Russians.

Ukrainian people want to integrate into EU as they all feel themselves European, and it is also a way to pull themselves further from Russia. Its the very same reason when Hitler attacked Russia in WW2, many Western Ukrainians embraced the Germans as they were helping to get rid of the Russians at first.

Western Ukraine is historically more patriotic, whereas Easern Ukraine is heavily populated with Russian sympathetic citizens and Industrial Areas.

The best thing that can happen to the Ukraine is for Ukraine to have a Patriotically Ukrainian president that puts Ukraines interest first and foremost. I beleive that mean no to EU integration and no to anything with Russia. Stay nuetral because there is just so much at stake here that people dont realise.

Worst case scenario.....become a Western Ukraine versus Eatser Ukrainen disintegration with Russia supporting one side and the WEST supporting the other......

.....another Balkan situation.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:24 PM

reply to post by VoidHawk

Of course it was sarcasim, but seriously, if they can do this? Wow, it just hit me, imagine what we don't know what event in history was totally fabricated, manipulated by them. Fascinating.

Fascinating indedd, and frightening.
Have you ever watched this?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:27 PM

reply to post by starfoxxx

Thanks buddy, got it fixed..
Do you have any thoughts on this subject other then that?

Yes, I do, specifically with regards to US involvement. In the big picture, this is a great example of the "selective intervention" of the US.

Imagine if this were happening in Syria or Iran (or any other nation that is considered an enemy of Israel). The US would find some falsified moral imperative to stick their nose in militarily. They usually use a guise like "we are freeing the people" or "we can't stand by and allow this suffering to happen" or "we are spreading democracy". All hooey!

In this case, there is little to gain economically, politically, or militarily, so the "moral outrage" of the US government is absent. How convenient? If this were Syria, it would be headline MSM news for weeks or months to propagandize the chosen side.

There is no oil, poppy, or gold, nor are they an outspoken enemy of Israel. Just a bunch of oppressed people, and that's not enough to get the US military gears turning... or any US gears turning, really.

The US has a lot to gain from taking Ukraine from Russia. Its strategic position alone is huge. That is the main reason Russia is pushing so hard. Of course when was the last time the US inrevened in a protest? Never. So unless it breaks into a civil war then of course the US in not getting involved.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

"with Ukraine in NATO or EU it would bring Western Troops over a Red Line for the Russians. "

Actually the question is,, why did CHINA not veto, it. (Security Council).
AND,what if they send CHINESE troops,, through the protection of the U.N. of course.

Sounds Chinese style of "This is now our Airspace",,everyone,, must just accept that.

If i was Russia,, i would be a little,, concerned.

"(Tsu Tzu,,,or George Washington),, take ur pick,,"blend into your enviroment,,use the hill, be the ,,etc,,,yada,,"

U.N uniform,,well there u go.

p.s what if Germany and Russia,, work together,, ie ww2??
might be no stopping them this time.

At least that is the way i see it.

based on current world events.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

p.s what if Germany and Russia,, work together,, ie ww2??
might be no stopping them this time.

What the hell is that supposed to mean??

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

This whole story is just absurd to me.

Some want in, the others want out.
I predict in 5 to 10 years tops we will see pictures of exactly the opposite from all over Europe, and the scenes we've already seen out of Greece or Spain will be nothing in comparison.

I whish nothing but the best to the Ukranian people, but I doubt they know what they're in for with the €U-Centralists. They should use their momentum wise (if it's even real).

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