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Bigfoot and Road Crossing Sightings.

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posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:35 AM
I was watching Finding Bigfoot last night and Cliff Barackman said something I thought was really strange. He said a little over 50% of all bigfoot sightings in North America took place while bigfoot was crossing or attempting to cross a road.

Now let's say bigfoot is real. Why, if a car with its headlights on, flying down the road, would a bigfoot attempt to cross? For being such a shy animal you would think that it would at least wait till after the car has passed to cross.

It just got me to thinking. I used to be 100% sure they existed. Now? More like %65. Still keeping up hope tho.
edit on 2-12-2013 by catfishjoe because: dumb title

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Now let's say bigfoot is real. Why, if a car with its headlights on, flying down the road, would a bigfoot attempt to cross?

I don't know. Cars are fast, though. A lot faster than you would think. Ask any of the thousands of poor dumb animals that get hit every year by them. Maybe the Bigfoot feels like it needs to keep moving and can only wait so long before it has to try and cross the road, and its timing is not always going to be that great.

The question in my mind is, why don't they ever apparently get hit by cars?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

Maybe they get mesmerized by the a deer. They aren't too smart seeing as they don't have pants and all...probably just like "WHOOOOAAA DUDE, LOOKA DAT LIGHT!" kind of thing
edit on 2-12-2013 by Nowyouseeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

Why did the Bigfoot Cross the Road?

To prove to the 'possum it could be done?

lol... sorry but, I couldn't resist.

One thing that has always struck me is that... while we may be capable of inventing most anything before our eyes, we have been somewhat limited, especially considering all the possibilities. I mean, we have Big Foot, Mothman, UFOs, little grey aliens, tall blonde aliens, lizard-like aliens, ghosts and Nessie.

Compare that to the human imagination and then you have to begin to wonder why we haven't seen dinosaurs roaming the Appalachians... or the Jolly Green Giant in the middle of the corn belt or Mr. Clean sneaking around the kitchen at night.

Sasquatch has been with us a long time... UFOs since the early 1940s, Nessie since....

... just seems that if we really were imagining all of this, we would have a far bigger collection to browse.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 11:52 AM
Brings to mind this fellow:

Man Hit By Car Twice In Apparent "Bigfoot" Hoax

Evidently, some people think the sort of activity that involves dashing across traffic to be seen on purpose while wearing a Bigfoot costume at night is the thrilling and fun thing to do.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 12:14 PM


Brings to mind this fellow:

Man Hit By Car Twice In Apparent "Bigfoot" Hoax

Evidently, some people think the sort of activity that involves dashing across traffic to be seen on purpose while wearing a Bigfoot costume at night is the thrilling and fun thing to do.

Haha!!! A guy here got shot by some buddies while hunting bigfoot. Im sure some beer was consumed.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Haven't you seen Harry and the Hendersons?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 12:26 PM

reply to post by catfishjoe

Why did the Bigfoot Cross the Road?

To prove to the 'possum it could be done?

lol... sorry but, I couldn't resist.

One thing that has always struck me is that... while we may be capable of inventing most anything before our eyes, we have been somewhat limited, especially considering all the possibilities. I mean, we have Big Foot, Mothman, UFOs, little grey aliens, tall blonde aliens, lizard-like aliens, ghosts and Nessie.

Compare that to the human imagination and then you have to begin to wonder why we haven't seen dinosaurs roaming the Appalachians... or the Jolly Green Giant in the middle of the corn belt or Mr. Clean sneaking around the kitchen at night.

Sasquatch has been with us a long time... UFOs since the early 1940s, Nessie since....

... just seems that if we really were imagining all of this, we would have a far bigger collection to browse.

Interesting reply. Thank you!

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by catfishjoe

You just had to say "Finding Bigfoot". That show unnerves me for it's displayed ignorance while supposedly hunting Bigfoot. While I believe in the possibility of a Bigfoot existing none of "Finding Bigfoot" idiots will be the one to catch it on film.
Don't get me wrong I think some of them, like Cliff, are honestly trying but their tactics drive me bonkers! Why oh why would anyone walk through the forest at night yelling (supposedly like a Bigfoot) only to warn anything within 5 miles of their presence. Tree knocking is considered a warning used by apes so why in the world would you use it unless you are warning a Bigfoot that you are there?

The only thing the show is good for in my opinion is the eyewitness testimonies they are able to collect. Besides I have trouble trusting a guy who's name is Matt Moneymaker.

Rant off

Getting back to the actual question of why do they cross the road when cars are approaching is maybe because something by the road ways attracts them. Certain flowers or mushrooms could be more abundant in cleared out areas from the roads being cut through.
Since a car moves faster than most animals a car could approach them quickly before they even realize it's coming and maybe that is why the last minute jot across the road is seen a lot. There could have been several incidents of a Bigfoot being hit but who is to say they couldn't still continue on into the woods. Most deer can be hit and continue to run off.
Would you tell your insurance company you think you hit a Bigfoot or a Deer?

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 04:39 PM

Why oh why would anyone walk through the forest at night yelling (supposedly like a Bigfoot) only to warn anything within 5 miles of their presence. Tree knocking is considered a warning used by apes so why in the world would you use it unless you are warning a Bigfoot that you are there?

One would think you'd have a little better luck going into the woods in full Army Ranger stealth tracker mode, as fast and quiet as possible, camouflaged, using hooded IR vision gear (just in case the animals can see IR), and packing a rifle and a tranq pistol. If you're going to make any noise at all, make it so it potentially drives them into areas you have covered.

No, let's go in an play rock guitar for them. What a waste of time and effort all around.

posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 06:14 PM
There is no such thing as a bigfoot expert. How they know what a bigfoot eats or how they communicate? You don't!! As for the road crossing I guess I give the big guy too much credit. I would assume (ass u me) that they are more intelligent than to jump in front of a car.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:45 PM

I was watching Finding Bigfoot last night and Cliff Barackman said something I thought was really strange. He said a little over 50% of all bigfoot sightings in North America took place while bigfoot was crossing or attempting to cross a road.

Now let's say bigfoot is real. Why, if a car with its headlights on, flying down the road, would a bigfoot attempt to cross? For being such a shy animal you would think that it would at least wait till after the car has passed to cross.

It just got me to thinking. I used to be 100% sure they existed. Now? More like %65. Still keeping up hope tho.
edit on 2-12-2013 by catfishjoe because: dumb title

There's some reason that they are drawn to the roadside?

Most wild animals have very simple "wish" lists; food, water, shelter, mate.

I'm guessing that mate, shelter and water are unlikely to be found on the road, so what about food?

Could they have learned that road-kill makes an easy meal?

Head down... scanning the road or road side... the smell of fresh road kill in the air... when...
WHOAA!!! What are those bright lights????? Quick jump back into the woods....

Makes sense to me. (And there are many many more people on the road than trekking the woods at night, so it would also explain why such a high percentage of sightings are there too)

Wonder if it's worth setting up road-kill "honey traps"... In areas of known activity.
Motion activated cameras, hidden by the road side. Fresh kills laid out. Might be worth a try?


posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Nice post gordi....thanks for posting.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:23 AM

reply to post by catfishjoe

You just had to say "Finding Bigfoot". That show unnerves me for it's displayed ignorance while supposedly hunting Bigfoot. While I believe in the possibility of a Bigfoot existing none of "Finding Bigfoot" idiots will be the one to catch it on film.
Don't get me wrong I think some of them, like Cliff, are honestly trying but their tactics drive me bonkers! Why oh why would anyone walk through the forest at night yelling (supposedly like a Bigfoot) only to warn anything within 5 miles of their presence. Tree knocking is considered a warning used by apes so why in the world would you use it unless you are warning a Bigfoot that you are there?

The only thing the show is good for in my opinion is the eyewitness testimonies they are able to collect. Besides I have trouble trusting a guy who's name is Matt Moneymaker.

Rant off

Getting back to the actual question of why do they cross the road when cars are approaching is maybe because something by the road ways attracts them. Certain flowers or mushrooms could be more abundant in cleared out areas from the roads being cut through.
Since a car moves faster than most animals a car could approach them quickly before they even realize it's coming and maybe that is why the last minute jot across the road is seen a lot. There could have been several incidents of a Bigfoot being hit but who is to say they couldn't still continue on into the woods. Most deer can be hit and continue to run off.
Would you tell your insurance company you think you hit a Bigfoot or a Deer?

I am with on Finding Bigfoot. Not a big fan of Matt Moneymaker....or Monkey maker as I call him. His expeditions that people pay 100's of dollars for are a joke.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:45 AM
Maybe bigfoot migrates,that would explain the road sightings and rural sightings.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by crazyeddie68

It has been thought by some that they migrate from Alaska to California (and vice-versa), which would explain the high number of sightings in the Pacific Northwest.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:09 PM
I saw Bigfoot years ago while driving. I posted about it here on ATS back then, but cant find that post.

I was driving. My GF was in the front also, my sister was in the back seat leaning up in the front having a conversation with my GF. I was listening and looking over at my GF when I saw the brake lights of the car ahead of me. So I looked forward to see why they were stopping.

There was a grey BF about 40 feet ahead on the other side of the road I was driving on. It was standing on the shoulder. It was very tall, muscular but not massive. It had well groomed hair. It looked right in my eyes and then it moved. Most athletic thing I have ever seen. It ran to the yellow line and dove. It entered the bushes on the other side of the road at least 4 feet high. The whole encounter was roughly 3 seconds.

Im blessed with a fantastic memory. I remember it clearly. My now ex GF and sister saw it that day, and were convinced it was a BF. But know they just dont know what to say. They just dont know. There are not too many hyper vigilant drivers out there. Most people are distracted. This thing crossed the road soooo fast, I dont think most people really know what they saw, as they watched it.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Bluesquid

Cool story!!! Did you tell anyone else? If if I saw one I would be hesitant to tell. You're lucky. Just knowing 100% that its real must be a good feeling.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Bluesquid

Starred your post,thanks for re-telling what must have been an awe inspiring moment.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:26 PM

reply to post by crazyeddie68

It has been thought by some that they migrate from Alaska to California (and vice-versa), which would explain the high number of sightings in the Pacific Northwest.

I have read some theories about migration. If this is a group of ancient peoples it would make sense. If its an undiscovered animal would they still migrate? Only birds migrate right????

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