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Carbon Lattice Quantum Entanglement Propulsion

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posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:15 PM
Diamonds are a girls best friend. Also, they have been used in experiments whether fundamentals of quantum entanglement have been proven at room temperature. Two identical diamonds experience the same environmental conditions and become entangled for a split second. A high energy pulse laser is sent through one diamond to make it vibrate with harmonic resonance and without further cause then quantum entanglement the other diamond vibrates as well. That is the foundation of research into carbon lattice quantum entanglement propulsion.

How can this causality of vibrations from one diamond to another become a propulsion means?

Supposed diamond A is entangled with diamond B. Both diamonds are shaped as rectangular prisms. Diamond A is given a pulse to cause vibrations and diamond B copies the vibrations without regard to where each diamond is or whether the vibrations of diamond B could be caused by anything else. If diamond A vibrates so that the rectangular prism rotates clockwise on it's longet axis by 10 percent, without regard to space, diamond B will vibrate and rotate clockwise on it's longest axis by 10 percent.
Suppose diamond A is entangled with diamond B for the clockwise rotation, then the diamonds reset and are no longer entangled, followed by someone moving diamond A back to it's original position. When the two diamonds become entangled again with a pulse sent diamond B will rotate clockwise another 10 percent on it's longest axis. The trick is linking and unlinking the diamonds, entangling them.

How do diamonds get entangled?

Researchers set up an apparatus to send a laser pulse at both diamonds simultaneously. Sometimes, the laser light changed color, to a lower frequency, after hitting the diamonds. That told the scientists it had lost a bit of energy.

Because energy must be conserved in closed systems (where there's no input of outside energy), the researchers knew that the "lost" energy had been used in some way. In fact, the energy had been converted into vibrational motion for one of the diamonds (albeit motion that is too small to observe visually). However, the scientists had no way of knowing which diamond was vibrating.

Then, the researchers sent a second pulse of laser light through the now-vibrating system. This time, if the light emerged with a color of higher frequency, it meant it had gained the energy back by absorbing it from the diamond, stopping its vibration.

The scientists had set up two separate detectors to measure the laser light — one for each diamond.

If the two diamonds weren't entangled, the researchers would expect each detector to register a changed laser beam about 50 percent of the time. It's similar to tossing a coin, where random chance would lead to heads about half the time and tails the other half the time on average.

Instead, because the two diamonds were linked, they found that one detector measured the change every time, and the other detector never fired. The two diamonds, it seemed, were so connected they reacted as a single entity, rather than two individual objects.

The scientists report their results in the Dec. 2 issue of the journal Science.

How far apart can the diamonds be, currently?

"Recent advances in quantum control techniques have allowed entanglement to be observed for physical systems with increasing complexity and separation distance," University of Michigan physicist Luming Duan, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an accompanying essay in the same issue of Science."Lee et al. take an important step in this direction by demonstrating entanglement between oscillation patterns of atoms—phonon modes—of two diamond samples of millimeter size at room temperature, separated by a macroscopic distance of about 15 cm."

The near future holds scientific measurement of quantum states to computers, where if they can be measured they can be duplicated through entanglement and it all will be through a computer and a laser.

Does this allow for faster then light travel?

Possibly the limit of conventional light travel may be broken by quantum acceleration.


posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

What kind of power consumption are you talking to get it to faster than light velocity?

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by EA006

I don't know if it could, but you could also use LC Circuitry to get power from entangled diamonds.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

Non expert here.

This entanglement thing has me wondering. How do the two atoms which get entangled select each other? Are there universal pairs which will always be that way no matter where the two end up? Are they just the closest together?

In your example, why did the two diamonds work with each other? Why not a diamond somewhere else?

What am I missing?

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by ABNARTY

This is unclear in the experiment. From what I've read it seems there is a single source of optical laser light being passed through the diamonds. There is a 50 / 50 beam splitter in place so each diamond receives half the beam. This entangles them. Then another laser beam is sent through one to make it vibrate and the other vibrates accordingly.
So both diamonds have the same light coming to them from the same source that started it's journey at the same time for each. I study photonics but this experiment has alot of vague references and i haven't seen any real technical workups. If anyone knows where one is please post link.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

To verify that the state has been made, the researchers fire a second laser pulse into the two crystals to 'read out' the phonon, from which the laser photon draws extra energy. All the necessary conditions are satisfied only very rarely during the experiment. "They have to perform an astronomical number of attempts to get a very finite number of desired outcomes," says Cleland.

He doubts that there will be any immediate applications for the technique, partly because the entanglement is very short-lived. "I am not sure where this particular work will go from here," says Cleland. "I can't think of a particular use for entanglement that lasts for only a few picoseconds" (10-12 seconds).

But Walmsley is more optimistic. "Diamond could form the basis of a powerful technology for practical quantum information processing," he says. "The optical properties of diamond make it ideal for producing tiny optical circuits on chips."

Nature doi:10.1038/nature.2011.9532


Any thoughts?

edit on 29-11-2013 by Kashai because: Content Edit

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 11:59 PM
Could you not somehow create a free energy system from entangling multiple diamonds or multiple things.

I mean if you shoot a laser at one diamond and the entangled diamond vibrates with the same energy as the first diamond, perhaps if you entangle 15 diamonds together then you would have 15 times the vibrational energy that the one laser created?

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 06:04 AM


Does this allow for faster then light travel?

Possibly the limit of conventional light travel may be broken by quantum acceleration.


No if you travel faster than light all the best physics says you start to travel back in time, raising the very real possibility of arriving at your destination before you actually left.

You dont need to travel faster than light.... I would imagine travelling at the speed of light would be fast enough for most purposes.

My favourite future tech would be something that reduces your mass to either zero or very close to zero.

We currently do not have a very good idea what mass actually is.

One day we might and then star travel would be a real possibility.

But this idea I dont think would work. sorry just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by snoopy11

I've thought about that view in physics.

If I could travel a lightyear away in the direction that the light reflected off me, assuming there was nothing in the way, instantaneously, I would be viewing the exact light of the event I was doing a year ago. That is the physics of warp travel. Unfortunately due to dispersion the amount of photons I'd be able to see would be siginificantly less then necessary to make out a clear picture of what I was doing. Sound does not travel through space so there would be no audio track but if I could travel to everywhere the light ended in a year, I would appear to have travelled back in time with no ability to effect the past.

One day we'll invent inverse temporal optics and be able to use that imo.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 06:34 PM
The ratio you are speaking of 1 to 9, are you suggesting that would result in enough energy to push an object?

How about the mass of an atom?

Or the mass of ten aircraft carriers put together??

Any thoughts?

edit on 30-11-2013 by Kashai because: Added content

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Kashai

Yes, any vibration is movement so more entanglement more motion. I couldn't afford a fiance who wanted to move aircraft carriers though

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug

LOL Recent findings by White have made the warp bubble more feasible. But prior to that, the energy required would have involved turning a mass equivalent to Jupiter into energy.

I really do not think you are wrong actually.

Here is something you may find interesting.

edit on 1-12-2013 by Kashai because: Content Edit

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Kashai

Interesting? that ATS!

Ok so It's a dead star classified s a planet made entirely out of carbon.

4000 light years away. What else happened 4000 years ago? Stonehenge.

Could it be possible that ancestors sent a diamond into space at the star and it did not fully collapse?

4000 years ago aliens could have warped from there to here and started civilization.

Just food for thought coming from a chef.

And entangled diamonds require a beam splitter and a source optic beam to be sent to both diamonds.

Space ready beam splitters include lithium barium oxide, an infringent splitter; pressurized plastic, another infrent splitter; and simple glass with a translucent metallic coating. Any of these would work.

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