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Advice and help needed please I'm scared.

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posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Soulo

Should you decide to go the camera route, Here is an inexpensive option. You can hook it up to a computer monitor or TV. If you find he is doing this to himself, then you can use that information to help him with the doctors. But I also agree that this is not a great place for advice on anything. Good luck.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:36 AM

reply to post by Soulo

My advice to you is to put plenty of distance between you and him and don't look back.

That isn't the answer you wanted but if you value your sanity you will take my advice immediately.

DITTO in spades. Get away - right away. Otherwise you'll never have a life of your own. Also - examine how you got there in the first place (savior/rescue complex?) so you can avoid 'it' in the future.

Stop thinking of him as a "fiance." He is not fit for marriage to you or to anyone else. Get out while you can.

PS - The key to understanding what's happened to him is here -->"He got into lucid dreaming and obes [Out of Body Experiences] and it all went wrong for him." But its not for you to "understand" because he needs help that is far beyond your capacity to give. Lucid dreaming, OBE's and any other related phenomena such as hypnosis, pineal gland opening, astral travel, Ouija board activity are ALL devices for the channeling of demonic entities, and I suspect your boyfriend has become a victim of some such as that. This is far too big for you to attempt to handle. Get away NOW!

BTW - a person who is experiencing an OBE is especially susceptible and extremely vulnerable to demonic entry.

edit on 25-11-2013 by TorSerfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by TorSerfer

How can you walk away from someone you love?

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:53 AM

reply to post by TorSerfer

How can you walk away from someone you love?

That's not for me to know. Please read the 'PS edit' to my post and then you might have some idea of how to proceed. I would start with prayer and go from there.

BTW - a person who is experiencing an OBE is especially susceptible and extremely vulnerable to demonic entry.


He said tonight he fell asleep on the sofa and he woke up by someone grabbing him by the throat and dragging him into the kitchen. There were two infront of him and two behind him and one who was 7ft (the one who has him by the thoat beside him. They are not human and the speak in a sort of computer tone language. He descibes it like when you dial a fax number into phone. He said he never knew where the scars in his chest came from along with many others but sometimes he'll 'wake up' half way through.

According to my informed understanding into the matter - the monstrous entities that accompanied him to the kitchen were demons!

My suggestion would be to get him into 'deliverance prayer.' Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in this.
edit on 25-11-2013 by TorSerfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by TorSerfer

The only demons that exist are in this mans head. Please do not scare the crap out of him and her with this kind of talk. This is a serious issue, and needs to be dealt with by someone who can address the issue on a psychological level.

OP. Normally I would not recommend this, but ask him if he would be willing to see a board certified hypnotherapist. Here's why. If he will talk to the hynotherapist openly, the therapist may be able to recommend someone(a psychologist) who deals specifically with issues of this nature. It's worth a try. Do not fall into hopelessness, and don't let him either. But here is one of the most important things. Take care of yourself. If you are not healthy and in your own right mind, you can't help him.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:49 AM

reply to post by TorSerfer

How can you walk away from someone you love?

It is admirable that you love him, and you want to stick with him, but keep in mind where this may go. I agree with the general consensus that this is more psychological than spiritual. With what you have said about him, coupled with what you have said here, (and what that indicates about where your head is at), this is almost certainly going to escalate into a situation where YOU get hurt by HIM.

I understand if he is leery about modern mental health, and a psych lock down, but that may be what he needs;( or, it may make the situation worse depending upon the mental health professionals involved in all honesty). However, I don't see either one of you going that way. My advice, (for what it's worth, because I don't think that is what you are really looking for), is to find a grounded, open minded priest. Try an Episcopalian denomination, they tend to straddle that line between the visceral and the spiritual very well, and many are educated in mental health also. One more point, both of you should go.

Edited to add: Lack of sleep can make someone stressed out, irrational, and even prone to hallucinations. Just a thought.
edit on 25-11-2013 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-11-2013 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:54 AM

reply to post by TorSerfer

The only demons that exist are in this mans head. Please do not scare the crap out of him and her with this kind of talk. This is a serious issue, and needs to be dealt with by someone who can address the issue on a psychological level.

OP. Normally I would not recommend this, but ask him if he would be willing to see a board certified hypnotherapist. Here's why. If he will talk to the hynotherapist openly, the therapist may be able to recommend someone(a psychologist) who deals specifically with issues of this nature. It's worth a try. Do not fall into hopelessness, and don't let him either. But here is one of the most important things. Take care of yourself. If you are not healthy and in your own right mind, you can't help him.

You stated -

The only demons that exist are in this mans head.
That is precisely where demons take up residence - in one's head - in the mind actually.

You speak with a false authority in this most serious matter. You act like psychiatry and its associated practices are the answer, when in actually that particular profession contributes greatly to the problem by its continued denial that issues such as this could be the result of evil spirits. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

As I stated in my post (above) 'Hypnosis' is especially dangerous with respect to allowing demonic spirits to enter into a person. Under the "spell" of hypnosis one is actually separated from their true selves leaving them susceptible to demonic attack.

OP - beware of what this person is advising you to do.
edit on 25-11-2013 by TorSerfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by TorSerfer

First off. Did I say anything about this man being hypnotized? I said talk to the hypnotherapist, and get a recommendation for someone who deals with these issues. But for the record, you're indictment of hypnosis shows how little you know about it.

Secondly. You are coming strictly from a fundamentalist and literalist biblical standpoint. I was one for almost 30 years. I have been a preacher, teacher, evangelist, and a counselor. I am not dissing your faith, but this man needs down to earth help from those who can deal with this at a psychological level. He does NOT need to be exorcised of demons from hell. He needs real help from real people who give a damn about him personally, and aren't on a crusade against "Satan"!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 09:44 AM

reply to post by TorSerfer

First off. Did I say anything about this man being hypnotized? I said talk to the hypnotherapist, and get a recommendation for someone who deals with these issues. But for the record, you're indictment of hypnosis shows how little you know about it.

Secondly. You are coming strictly from a fundamentalist and literalist biblical standpoint. I was one for almost 30 years. I have been a preacher, teacher, evangelist, and a counselor. I am not dissing your faith, but this man needs down to earth help from those who can deal with this at a psychological level. He does NOT need to be exorcised of demons from hell. He needs real help from real people who give a damn about him personally, and aren't on a crusade against "Satan"!

You speak as though you have abandoned the Church! Perhaps even your faith if it ever was there in the first place. So, why should she take the advice of an apostate? Your first and foremost recommendation was psychiatry and/or hypnosis without mentioning anything about the spiritual aspect of his problems - and I strongly disagreed.

I never spoke of "exorcism" but I did mention "deliverance" as a way to go. There is a considerable distance between the two, and most people versed in spiritual deliverance are also very capable in the area of natural psychology and so behave accordingly.

Despite what you say - I am nowhere near being a fundamentalist nor am I literalistic in biblical matters. I consider those to be accusations on your part. Although I have met all of the requirements for the priesthood I decided against it for my own reasons. But my credentials speak for themselves, and I have studied psychology as it relates to matters of "deliverance," and I do have a degree in philosophy - that goes along with my advanced degrees in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and had at one time been in pursuit of a doctorate in Sacred Theology. My credentials are Catholic, which means they are theologically stable and trustworthy.

OP - its a good policy to NOT take instruction from an apostate. Rather put yourself in the arms of Jesus Christ and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit for sure help and guidance. Pray.

edit on 25-11-2013 by TorSerfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by TorSerfer

You speak as though you have abandoned the Church! Perhaps even your faith if it ever was there in the first place. So, why should she take the advice of an apostate? Your first and foremost recommendation was psychiatry and/or hypnosis without mentioning anything about the spiritual aspect of his problems - and I strongly disagreed.

I am worse than an apostate in your eyes. I'm an atheist, and I make no apologies for it.
Why should she take the advice of someone who can only see things from a perspective that confirms his religious bias?
Not that I have to explain this to you, but some people won't see a psychotherapist. So the suggestion of a hypnotherapist was a backdoor way to get him to someone who deals with these specific issues. No hypnosis necessary, or needed. Just someone to talk to, and assess the situation.
And lastly, I did mention the spiritual side. But the mental needs taking care of first.

OP - its a good policy to NOT take instruction from an apostate.

Calling me an apostate does not lend legitimacy to your stance. If anything, it damages your credibility.

Rather put yourself in the arms of Jesus Christ and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit for sure help and guidance. Pray.

There are plenty of threads on ATS about people who refused to seek help outside of their faith. Most of those people are dead, unfortunately. Yes, pray if you believe in a god. But don't ignore common sense.

You and I can go back and forth on this all day. Our disagreement is moot, and helps this man not one iota. If you believe so strongly that Jesus, and the holy spirit will help him, then pray for him, and stop trying to shove your religious dogma down her throat. This is one of many reasons I left the church, and Christianity, as a whole. You care more about your doctrine, than you do another human being.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 01:02 PM

reply to post by TorSerfer

How can you walk away from someone you love?

You can't, and neither should you. But you must be careful.

I would be the last person on ATS to say he needs to see a priest, I don't even believe in God, but he needs to see a priest with a training in psychology.

The reason is two fold firstly he sounds like a case of oppressed memories, if you look at what you described and then think it through the eyes of an abused kid, the attackers would look 7 feet tall and talk in a language you don't understand, and if he's 30 the loading tapes into computer games would have been an escape at a very young age .

For this he needs a professionally trained psychologist.

A priest could also give him the safe haven in his mind that Jesus will protect him. which would help form a barrier against the evil in his mind.

These cases are complicated and very difficult for all involved, if you can find a priest trained in psychology and with the ability to do hypnotic regression it would be perfect.

You could always ask your local priest to phone his bishop for help finding one

But your fiance needs help and needs it now, not from the state, and I can't believe I'm typing this but from the church

Just my 2 cents

My best wishes go with you on this difficult journey, I'm only ever a u2u away if you need to talk privately.

Much love

edit on 25/11/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by TorSerfer

So if you are going to play the accuser against someone I feel I need to point out the beam sticking out of your eye my brother.

You told the op that pineal opening is demonic or related to the demonic. Then you stated your credentials are catholic. Tell me this brother, why are there so many pine cone statues at the Vatican. Indeed, the largest pine cone statue in the world resides there. The pope even has several staves with pine cones on them. Do you know what the pine cone is symbolic of? You do have a degree in philosophy, so you should know it's the pineal gland.

So by your own admittance, the catholic church worship the demonic?

The moral of the story is to not get on a topic where there are people that can really be helped by knowledgeable people and spread fear when your information is less than accurate.

Spread LOVE instead of fear.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by southofheaven

Sometimes art is just art. Relating the pine cone to the Church with respect to the pineal gland means that you are ignorant of Church history and your comments on it are patently absurd.

You are imputing esoteric meaning and/or pagan intentions on the part of the Vatican where there is none. This is typical of atheists and anti Catholics so I'm not surprised at your ill founded references. As usual, persons like yourself are just about always wrong in matters such as this.

The bronze pine cone was cast in the 1st or 2nd century by Publius Cincius Salvius who left his name on the base. This was long before the Catholic Church acquired the property upon which Vatican City sits. There is much pre-Christian and non-Christian art in the Vatican and its museums.

The pine cone you are speaking so disparaging of is in the Courtyard of the Pigna. This courtyard is part of the Vatican Museum, and was designed by Bramante, and was once part of a fountain, and a giant head of Octavia (Roman matron, sister of Emperor Augustus and wife of Marc Antony).

So for your information - The sculpture of the pine cone in Pigna Court is merely a holdover from the period of Emperor Constantine, and out of respect for him as the actual "historical" founder of the Church as far as the empire was concerned, and in keeping with Catholic tradition, the Church has allowed it to remain as it has with so many other relics of the past as reminders to the faithful of what the Church had to overcome in its long history of overturning the secular forces of the time(s). This includes the obelisk in the center of Vatican Square. So, check your history and you'll discover that it is a remnant of the Old (Constantinian) St. Peter's Basilica. The pinecone can be found in almost every religion, there is also a pinecone on the Papal Staff.

edit on 25-11-2013 by TorSerfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 04:29 PM
I think as others have said he needs professional help. The only trouble with that is they will put him on SSRI type Meds, which can worsen the situation. A lot of them have a terrible reputation for causing psychosis and suicidal thoughts. Or worse.

I don't think it's helpful to him if you break it off. He needs your love and support.

It might be best you don't live or sleep with him because there's a potential there for him to harm you and say " they" made him do it.
Where are these razor blades coming from? Can you at least hide them?

If he is harming himself or you see cuts, you can call for help or take him in to the hospital yourself. He won't like it. He will get put in a psych ward which really is a horrible place to be.

As for what he's seeing or being harassed by. I do believe there are dark forces. It's if you think about them too much ( overthink it). These things can manifest from thoughts alone. Whether or not they are real or imagined. They can be perceived as very real to him or even witnesses.

Right now it seems he's feeding off this perceived fear. Making it worse. You say he thinks he could fix it by going back into the dream. That indicates to me he's going to bed and thinking about trying that and planting the thoughts in his head to torture himself.

Cutting ones self is usually a sign the person feels unworthy. A sort of self loathing. The cutting is a release to them.

Cutting as you must know could cause him to bleed to death if he nicked a main artery.
So yes this is quite serious!

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 04:29 PM

My dear Soulo - until your boyfriend finds the right doctor (if this is a non spiritual issue), the right program he needs to call on the name of Jesus.

reply to post by ccseagull

If this a noon spiritual issue ??? So you're saying that when a person has ailments of the mind he should dial 800jesus anything else see a doctor !!!

Evil cannot stand the name of Jesus.

Unless you happen to be a christian being slaughtered by muslims you have more of a chance screaming Allah be merciful unto me.

The xtian delusion is one of the sickest things to infect ATS and I do so wish the owners would as members not to bring psychiatric problems to the forums. I'm sure the OP means well and is desperate but she just as well sprinkle garlic on the doorstep and slaughter a chicken as listen to the complete stupidity from some posters especially the xtians.

Dear OP,

Your man is obviously unwell and being a recovering alcoholic may just be something to do with it, please please please use your brain and take him to a doctor. If a jesus or any other invisible man wants to help out I'm sure that out of compassion alone he would do so with you having shout his magic name at other invisible beings.

If (in this trying time) you would do well to be of the understanding that, if jesus is god (yaweh) then he is the creator of all evil so the last place you should bee looking for help is the very entity that caused the problem to begin with.

Please get to the doctor and stay far away from those christians.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by TorSerfer

It would seem you neglected to mention the two bennu birds (phoenix) sitting on either side of that pine cone (baetyl stone). Out of respect for the OP, I have sent you a pm. If you wish to continue your correspondence, let us be polite and do it there.

To the OP: I sent you a PM as well. Understanding these things will provide you with a better idea of how to deal with them. However, nothing is a good substitute for therapy.


posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 05:42 PM
Sounds like your fiance is an abuse victim. He needs professional help. Try and find a nurture instead of nature psychologist that will help him work through whatever childhood trauma is causing him to behave this way. Substance abuse and especially self-mutilation are HUGE red flags in regard to possible sexual, mental or physical abuse. In reaction to something "visiting him" during the night, well I'm sure you can see where a brain could react to the reality of what's happening there. He needs professional help ASAP.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 05:45 PM
Dear Christian Jihad - Actually he can do both. However in this instance the guy is suffering and is shutting down. Until he finds man made medical help there is no harm on calling on the name of Jesus.

I have learned that if anyone even thinks one is a Christian on this site that it is their opportunity to belittle, accuse, fight and egg on Christians. It's like they're sitting on the sidelines, waiting... waiting... sniffing out the vibes and then slam.

This person has asked for help and I'm going to offer some type of help. What the OP has described sounds demonic. IF this is demonic then mental health experts aren't going to be of any help at all - except to drug this poor person and allow even more access to his mind by evil. I am not trying to scare the OP but this individual, if he even decides to go for help, will be very fortunate if he finds someone halfway qualified. I have seen multiple counsellors, phychiatrists, doctors in regards to simple depression and anxiety in regards to child abuse. Took me a good number of years and doctor hopping until I found someone who was actually invested in my interest instead of watching the clock during our sessions ($$) and who didn't yak on and on liking the sound of their own voice. What is it going to hurt this person to call on the name of Jesus?

If we were talking about toenail fungus I'd tell the op to see a doctor and leave it at that. However this sounds like it's a demonic attack. Like another person said it seems the person was involved in astral projection and this opens up doorways. There is a reason we aren't to play with ouigi boards, delve into the occult - it is giving permission, even unknowingly, to evil which is waiting at the sidelines, ready for any opportunity. We are involved in a spiritual warfare and the objects of this war are we humans.

I have had paranormal experiences and again due to being aware of the tricks and symptoms - this is why I am SUGGESTING Jesus. Go ahead and get your back(s) up but if you don't like what us Christians suggest just ignore it. I am not coming from a religious or organized man-made belief system. I have a personal relationship with Jesus - and He was all about love.

OP - anything that takes your control away over your own mind - beware. We are to be guards over our own soul, ie: if you leave the door to your house open while you're at work for the day someone is going to come and enter. Same concept.

OP - be there for your love. He is vulnerable and scared out of his wits. You are the only thing holding him together. I think the suggestion of setting up cameras will give you more insight. You can watch it if he is too afraid.

The description of what dragged him to the kitchen sounds like the tall aliens. Aliens and bigfoot will flee at the name of Jesus. Aliens are nothing more than demons. Do not let fear empower these creatures. I too have had night terrors but not to that extent. Fear can consume you - don't let it. Are there any occultic type items in his home? This will open doors - get rid of them. ie: Egyptian cross symbols, any books on astral traveling, whatever you see that gives you an uneasy feeling that has an association with spells, etc.

edit on 25/11/13 by ccseagull because: remove original quote to save space

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Soulo

The best source of help for such things that I know of is:

Also, Guy Malone's videos on youtube.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

As a psychologist, I will tell you flat out

that most psychologists are ill prepared and grossly ignorant about dealing with the supernatural in any form.

Going that route with uninformed, ignorant and ill-prepared professionals could very hazardously seriously delay him getting the help he desperately needs.

Some psychologists are prepared to deal with such things. Asking around might help but they tend to be few and far between.

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