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China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars

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posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 07:58 AM
As reported by Michael Snyder on Economic Collapse Blog, China is further breaking ties with the US dollar.

Full article here

For years, China has been systematically propping up the value of the U.S. dollar and keeping the value of the yuan artificially low. This has resulted in a massive flood of super cheap products from across the Pacific that U.S. consumers have been eagerly gobbling up.

For example, have you ever gone into a dollar store and wondered how anyone could possibly make a profit by making those products and selling them for just one dollar?

Well, the truth is that when you flip those products over you will find that almost all of them have been made outside of the United States. In fact, the words “made in China” are probably the most common words in your entire household if you are anything like the typical American.

Thanks to the massively unbalanced trade that we have had with China, tens of thousands of our businesses, millions of our jobs and trillions of our dollars have left this country and gone over to China.

And now China has apparently decided that there is not much gutting of our economy left to do and that it is time to let the dollar collapse. As I mentioned above, China has announced that it is going to stop stockpiling foreign-exchange reserves…

What this means is that the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.

China is the largest supranational debtholder of the United States. If they cut the US off from the spigot of cheap debt, the country is going to start seeing inflation like never before. Those scraps of green paper in your wallets are about to become exactly as valuable as they should be, and the people of the United States are going to learn why all fiat currencies eventually fail.

Shadowstats is already reporting real inflation at around 10%. Once China stops accumulating dollars--and once they continue down that slippery slope and stop buying US debt--that inflation number is going to increase drastically, and on short notice.

Of course, as all good conspiracy-minded folk realize, the collapse of the United States (and eventually the collapse of the world monetary system) is a necessary precondition for the emergence of global governance. TPTB are positioning the US economy for a complete collapse--a collapse they hope will be controllable.

For that to happen, the dollar has to lose its reserve currency status so TPTB can replace it with something closer to a one-world currency. Special Drawing Rights, anyone?

Unfortunately, this situation with China is just another step in that direction.

There's probably nothing people like you and I can do to stop this madness from unfolding. All we can do is warn people and prepare. If you're currently not diversified into physical gold/silver, now would be the time to seriously consider it.

This is a game-changing move on the part of the Chinese, and we're going to be feeling the aftershocks from this quake for quite some time.
edit on 22-11-2013 by therealguyfawkes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:17 AM

When these things happen the U.S. will start calling in all of these markers, read the above link about debt owed to U.S by China, and the U.S. holds markers on just about all countries inn this same manner, and the minute they try to demand payment for whatever U.S. bonds they have, the U.S. is going to say I'll tell you what you can cancel your countries debt with us by canceling our debt with you, NOTICE HOW THE AMOUNTS OF DEBT ARE APPROXIMATELY THE SAME.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:35 AM
Didn't work out so well for Iraq and Libya but I suppose they didn't have nukes though but like that would stop em. Oh we'll back to the shelter I may go.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:44 AM
seems to me that "what we have here is failure to communicate."

seriously though it's just china's move on the board game called, global economics. our current world leaders play these games, games to them, real life suffering for all the rest. none of the current debt based societal models will be able to continue, since one of the things required for a thief to steal is the element of surprise, which they are loosing daily.

china has come to the end of the line, just like all fiat based systems, this is happening because the victims, the citizens, are becoming increasingly wise to "the game of fiat".

the wealthy govt. and banks create debt from thin air and charge it to the citizens, we have been paying this fee for generations, a fee for something that creates nothing but debt. this debt based fee trickles into the bank accounts of the worlds wealthiest and they get paid to deliver nothing but misery. this serves them two purposes, one being it keeps them in power and two, it keeps the rest of the population in chains. these days are coming to a close as can be seen of the wealthy in a state of panic.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:56 AM

the wealthy govt. and banks create debt from thin air and charge it to the citizens, we have been paying this fee for generations, a fee for something that creates nothing but debt. this debt based fee trickles into the bank accounts of the worlds wealthiest and they get paid to deliver nothing but misery. this serves them two purposes, one being it keeps them in power and two, it keeps the rest of the population in chains. these days are coming to a close as can be seen of the wealthy in a state of panic.

Couldn't agree with this more. With the connectivity of the Internet, we the people have an unprecedented opportunity to share this kind of information and inform ourselves as to what's actually going on with global politics. And the further back we peel the curtain of secrecy behind which the "elites" have hid for centuries, the more revolted we're becoming with what they're doing to us and the world at large.

There's a mass global awakening going on, and when these criminals in power pull the plug on the economic system, they better be ready for the hell they're bringing on themselves... because unlike in centuries prior, where the machinations of the economy were a mystery to the peasants, today, we the people know exactly what's going on.

And when SHTF, we know EXACTLY who to blame.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

have to agree on the awakening of the masses, this in and of itself will propel us into a new beginning. i'm not concerned with judging nor harming those responsible, they will find their own pain when they wake up as well.

i also like to believe there are good people in the right places to perhaps help us go from debt based society into more of an equal based society. i am a believer in equal pay for all and why shouldn't it be that way when it's obvious work is work. if we had equal pay for all it would eliminate greed and corruption, class based society as well. i think the guy digging the ditch should be viewed and payed the same as they guy diagnosing an illness.

perhaps our new "heroes" would become the dirty job people. the ones who work their asses off so we all can live more comfortably, instead of our heroes being legislators, lawyers, doctors and celebrity's, since it seems only money equates to power, perhaps if we all made the same money we could view each other for who we are and many could do the jobs they enjoy, instead of for money.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Wow. Now that they are stopping this practice, I wonder how long it will be until they flood the market with greenbacks causing hyperinflation? They are the largest foreign holder of debt too. Interesting. I wonder if they are going to allow the yuan to go where it should have years ago?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:26 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Wow. Now that they are stopping this practice, I wonder how long it will be until they flood the market with greenbacks causing hyperinflation? They are the largest foreign holder of debt too. Interesting. I wonder if they are going to allow the yuan to go where it should have years ago?

problem for china doing that is that like it or not, we're all connected, so in effect they can only move the pieces around the board, they have no way of doing anything else, unless they leave the game.

to raise the yuan, they would create havoc in their country, prices would skyrocket and their peoples would no longer be able to survive as they are. their goods would increase in price exponentially and would therefore not sell. all the global fiat based systems are linked together and can only change if the whole changes.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:31 AM


the wealthy govt. and banks create debt from thin air and charge it to the citizens, we have been paying this fee for generations, a fee for something that creates nothing but debt. this debt based fee trickles into the bank accounts of the worlds wealthiest and they get paid to deliver nothing but misery. this serves them two purposes, one being it keeps them in power and two, it keeps the rest of the population in chains. these days are coming to a close as can be seen of the wealthy in a state of panic.

Yes, this paragraph just reminded me that i am in debt because I do not have much money, especially since I have been out of work a couple times in the past year.
The pay stops but the bills keep coming.
(It's like a tax on poverty or something, the poverty penalty, just like the $ penalty for over-drafting your bank account, if wealth was more equalized, they would make less of it.)

Of course they have probably figured that if all the jobs go to China, borrowing will go up, the corporations win, the bankers and CC companies win, we lose.

We are the bleeding stones.

Anyway, I have wondered why the US dollar hasn't collapsed yet....China.

It's all a game they play, we can do that with monopoly money, problem is it doesn't have an assumed value.
How much is paper worth?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:32 AM
This is all bad I know bla bla de bla

But I have one question….

Why, if the US falls, has the whole blimmin world got to fall with it? I doubt China would do such a thing if it knew it was going to collapse as well. As far as I can see, more and more people are relying less and less on US. Therefore, if they go down, why should we all?

I am not bad mouthing America or Americans. I would say the same if it was any other country. I know the US has its many fingers in many, many, many pies, but not all financially.

If you ask me, America says the world is going to fall as scare mongering, to frighten others into helping it. I don't see America as the "Rulers of the world" anymore. There is no outright ruler or supremo. There are many countries who are gaining strength.

edit on 22-11-2013 by brace22 because: missed word

edit on 22-11-2013 by brace22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:32 AM
So, this is in addition to their statements of essentially the same thing in 2009 and reaffirmed with force in 2010 for the cessation of purchasing U.S. Treasuries (I.E. U.S. Debt/Dollars) to support our spending sprees.

I know they also have stockpiled hard currency....but they already sit on enough to flood the world with it, literally, in physical paper and not even digital version as I understand the numbers for China.

I don't think it's a small thing, it's just a thing they've been doing for 4 years now. How is this significantly different from previous statements of intent to do roughly the same thing? (Honestly curious..if there is a notable difference)
edit on 22-11-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:33 AM
Haven't they been saying this for year and years and years? OR did I just experience a break in the Matrix

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:36 AM



the wealthy govt. and banks create debt from thin air and charge it to the citizens, we have been paying this fee for generations, a fee for something that creates nothing but debt. this debt based fee trickles into the bank accounts of the worlds wealthiest and they get paid to deliver nothing but misery. this serves them two purposes, one being it keeps them in power and two, it keeps the rest of the population in chains. these days are coming to a close as can be seen of the wealthy in a state of panic.

Yes, this paragraph just reminded me that i am in debt because I do not have much money, especially since I have been out of work a couple times in the past year.
The pay stops but the bills keep coming.
(It's like a tax on poverty or something, the poverty penalty, just like the $ penalty for over-drafting your bank account, if wealth was more equalized, they would make less of it.)

Of course they have probably figured that if all the jobs go to China, borrowing will go up, the corporations win, the bankers and CC companies win, we lose.

We are the bleeding stones.

Anyway, I have wondered why the US dollar hasn't collapsed yet....China.

It's all a game they play, we can do that with monopoly money, problem is it doesn't have an assumed value.
How much is paper worth?

to answer your last question first, depends on the paper I.E. toilet paper is currently worth more than currency paper to most. :p

you very much are being kept in chains, chains of debt, taxes, interest rates and so forth. those times are changing, because you and i are changing and so many like us, we just want to live a decent life, without hurting anyone, not the wealthy, they just want to control everything and everyone. their plans are and will continue to fail.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:37 AM


reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Wow. Now that they are stopping this practice, I wonder how long it will be until they flood the market with greenbacks causing hyperinflation? They are the largest foreign holder of debt too. Interesting. I wonder if they are going to allow the yuan to go where it should have years ago?

problem for china doing that is that like it or not, we're all connected, so in effect they can only move the pieces around the board, they have no way of doing anything else, unless they leave the game.

to raise the yuan, they would create havoc in their country, prices would skyrocket and their peoples would no longer be able to survive as they are. their goods would increase in price exponentially and would therefore not sell. all the global fiat based systems are linked together and can only change if the whole changes.

Right, but if they place themselves to transition as the world reserve currency, with all the infrastructure, all the industries, all the manufacturing, what choice would the world have? Sure prices would skyrocket, but with the US in hyperinflation people in China might be better off as a communist country with higher wages. Then the government of China would be better off to provide for their people...or they would send out their drone workers across the world using their new found wealth to go out and purchase more of the same listed in my above post.
If the US dollar devalued and the Yuan actually went to where it should be, that would qualify as the whole global fiat systems changing does it not?

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:37 AM
Serious question...

Who cares?

In all honesty, what does this mean to the US? Not a whole lot!

Oh noes, you can only borrow approx 7% less next year then you did this year...and that is if no other countries step in to fill the gap!

Also, even if China completely decouples from the US dollar, it's not like it will happen over night. They will, literally, be at the mercy of the US to pay back the debt, so the US can dictate how long the decoupling takes. giant non issue.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Time to start buying more bitcoins!!

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:39 AM

This is all bad I know bla bla de bla

But I have one question….

Why, if the US falls, has the whole blimmin world got to fall with it? I doubt China would do such a thing if it knew it was going to collapse as well. As far as I can see, more and more people are relying less and less on US. Therefore, if they go down, why should we all?

I am not bad mouthing America or Americans. I would say the same if it was any other country. I know the US has its many fingers in many, many, many pies, but not all financially.

If you ask me, America says the world is going to fall as scare mongering, to frighten others into helping it. I don't see America as the "Rulers of the world" anymore. There is no outright ruler or supremo. There are many countries who are gaining strength.

edit on 22-11-2013 by brace22 because: missed word

edit on 22-11-2013 by brace22 because: (no reason given)

if you go back on a post above i made, it comes down to the global banking cartel being one entity, with an illusionary difference only. there are very much rulers but they do not go by country names, nor regimes, they go by currency, debt based currency and that's how they currently control the governments and the masses.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I know they also have stockpiled hard currency....but they already sit on enough to flood the world with it, literally, in physical paper and not even digital version as I understand the numbers for China.

3.3 trillion dollars of hard currency.

More than the next five countries on the list...combined.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:46 AM



reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Wow. Now that they are stopping this practice, I wonder how long it will be until they flood the market with greenbacks causing hyperinflation? They are the largest foreign holder of debt too. Interesting. I wonder if they are going to allow the yuan to go where it should have years ago?

problem for china doing that is that like it or not, we're all connected, so in effect they can only move the pieces around the board, they have no way of doing anything else, unless they leave the game.

to raise the yuan, they would create havoc in their country, prices would skyrocket and their peoples would no longer be able to survive as they are. their goods would increase in price exponentially and would therefore not sell. all the global fiat based systems are linked together and can only change if the whole changes.

Right, but if they place themselves to transition as the world reserve currency, with all the infrastructure, all the industries, all the manufacturing, what choice would the world have? Sure prices would skyrocket, but with the US in hyperinflation people in China might be better off as a communist country with higher wages. Then the government of China would be better off to provide for their people...or they would send out their drone workers across the world using their new found wealth to go out and purchase more of the same listed in my above post.
If the US dollar devalued and the Yuan actually went to where it should be, that would qualify as the whole global fiat systems changing does it not?

it would only serve to shift this game board, it would not effect the system of debt based society. the shift away from debt based society is where we need to go and that will be the change in the system. when debt is no longer created out of thin air. if you and i and several other put our extra money together, we loaned it to each other on an as needed basis and we charged each other no interest, we essentially would have no interest based debt, which would free up a huge amount of resources.

i used to wonder as a kid, why doesn't everyone in the country put our money together and borrow from each other, instead of the govt.\fed? my mortgage will be double what i borrowed, i will have paid off two houses and made them rich. what if i could pay off one and donate extra to the fund? what if everyone only had one mortgage to pay off, the sheer amount of resources saved would be astronomical for houses alone, without supporting parasites as middlemen.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by OceanSpray

I'm starring that post as that is the way I have always thought things should be, considering I am one of the people you describe in that post.

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