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So you have a problem with Alex Jones ?

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posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:04 PM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

OP he is not extremely intelligent as you claim, he's just as smart as you or I, but he is also a loud mouth bully.

We agree he is "a loud mouth".
Bully? No.

A bully is a big kid that beats up on little kids. Here is the definition from the dictionary: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Many people that AJ opposes are not weaker than him but stronger. Piers Morgan for example.

What you mean is that he is an "intimidator".

No he's a bully, he talks # to people who disagree with him, calls them retards a lot and says theyrw stupid.

Another one of his cult worshippers

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:11 PM
He is a MAN.. not a modern Metro-Emo, skinny jeans wearing, eyeliner, with toothpick arms.

He has Testosterone.. Like a real man, And if some scum snake tries to push me around I would yell too,

I guess yelling is bad, lol...

Marines yell all day.. even when we are civvies again

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I think majority of people don't like him because he gets emotional and starts screaming. Makes him seem crazy, he just gets sick and tired of people being treated like slaves and nobody doing anything about it. Like how we all know our government lies to us, they have been caught lying a bunch of times. Also people say if you listen to him then you are crazy, just like they say "you're a conspiracy theorist" as a way to demonize you and make you look like you have no idea about anything.

One other thing people don't like about him is that he is successful. He has a radio show, he goes on protests and all kind of things. Ask someone on here who disses him, what have you done to open minds and show how corrupt our world really is...probably not even close to half of what Alex has done. Yeah he makes money off his show too, I guess people don't realize he has to put food on the table just like anybody else.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:17 PM

I think alex jones falls under the category of "a broken clock is right twice a day"...I have no problem with him because after listening to him a couple of times, I simply don't anymore.

In this interview is Alex Jones wrong more than he is right?

edit on 23-11-2013 by leostokes because: add is

Piers Morgan wants to silence Alex Jones by calming that AJ is monopolizing the time in the "debate".

AJ answers by saying that it is not a debate. Meaning PM is the host and AJ is the guest. Their status is not that of equals. If it is a debate, where is the third party moderator?
edit on 23-11-2013 by leostokes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:38 PM


reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

OP he is not extremely intelligent as you claim, he's just as smart as you or I, but he is also a loud mouth bully.

We agree he is "a loud mouth".
Bully? No.

A bully is a big kid that beats up on little kids. Here is the definition from the dictionary: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Many people that AJ opposes are not weaker than him but stronger. Piers Morgan for example.

What you mean is that he is an "intimidator".

No he's a bully, he talks # to people who disagree with him, calls them retards a lot and says theyrw stupid.

Another one of his cult worshippers

You did not watch the video, did you?

No where does he call PM a retard. He calls him a foreigner.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:00 PM



reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

OP he is not extremely intelligent as you claim, he's just as smart as you or I, but he is also a loud mouth bully.

We agree he is "a loud mouth".
Bully? No.

A bully is a big kid that beats up on little kids. Here is the definition from the dictionary: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Many people that AJ opposes are not weaker than him but stronger. Piers Morgan for example.

What you mean is that he is an "intimidator".

No he's a bully, he talks # to people who disagree with him, calls them retards a lot and says theyrw stupid.

Another one of his cult worshippers

You did not watch the video, did you?

No where does he call PM a retard. He calls him a foreigner.

Was I talking about that interview? No, stop cherry picking. Next you're going to be like I'm right you're wrong I can't hear you.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Atmas

Stop trying to have a civil conversation with this guy.

If read his responses through the entire thread non of them make any sense.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Alex Jones is a bit of a rambler, but he brings up a LOT of truth in his show. Some of what he says is over the top, but I think he is dead on in a lot of areas. The world NEEDS Alex Jones.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by randyvs

My hope and prayer Randy, for a better world with harsh lessons learned, was, that Alex Jones' proclamations and oratory would become nothing but the ravings of a madman raging against the machine from an echo chamber, oh and btw, Hi Alex! (he'll HAVE to be reading this thread). And while he does love to play on the fear and the apathy of the people, while gathering up, and hogging as much glory as he can muster (give it all the Lord, Alex), it turns out, even in regards to all my hopes and dreams as it related to the election of Barack Obama (sorry Barry (he probably reads ATS as well..) but you REALLY let me down big time, the first "hint" being when you did not do an audit of all laws and Executive orders instituted by the Bush/Cheney administration, and alter or repeal them in a weight tipping in favor of Liberty, or close Guantanamo Bay as promised, which is a type of "judicial" "hell" even one for which new laws are being written, by your administration, in the name of "Liberty" and "Justice") - that I was sadly mistaken. Alex was right.

And that it's not all hyperbole on Alex's part, now THAT is scary! The data, is in.

But not, you'll note, and you too Alex, scary enough that we cannot in good faith in the Lord above, laugh at it all even hysterically, for the utter absurdity and nonsense and almost demonic stupidity that it is and represents, so, as it turns out, the voice of Alex Jones has turned to our utter dismay, into the voice of reason.

I STILL hope however that, some day, the rantings and ravings and proclamations of Alex Jones WILL become, at some point, nothing but those of a raving madman shouting from an echo chamber, at which point he will have performed his duty, even as a fool for Christ (I do believe he's an authentic Christian, or tries to be).

And it's not like he's raising little Alex Jones mini me's, so some fine day, maybe towards the latter part of this century, God and the masses of the people, unto the individual, willing, it won't be necessary to listen to the likes of Alex Jones any more.

But until then, well done Alex, thanks for hanging in there and enlightening the people to the Satanic Tyranny Conspiracy, may we all get the last laugh at the devil's expense. In fact, they may have and indeed HAVE already handed it over to us in their mad rush to a throne they cannot access, and a door, no matter how hard or how many of them pummel and batter away at it like a battering ram or even a zeitgeist-juggernaut, which will not yield to their assault, and which opens for people only one at a time, starting with the last and the "least", the downtrodden, the oppressed, the exploited. Alex is of course exploiting this exploitation to a degree, maybe even a large degree I don't know that's between him and God, but SOMEBODY had to do it, grab that bullhorn and shout to the world what will hopefully become, with God's help, the laughing stock of all ages and that won't be AJ or me or you but a very VERY wicked and evil Satanic/Illuminati type system built on a flat out lie, which comes only to BE served by and not to serve even when it serves and here I'm thinking about all the doo-gooding of things like the Clinton or the Gates foundations, as if they can compensate for all the evil and wickedness and in the end by good works, BUY up heaven, or their way into heaven.

I knew you'd like my rhetoric Alex.

Thanks for the thread Randy, as a platform capable of uplifting Alex, just remember to stay meek and humble, all of us, as we eventually come to inherit the earth (manifestation).

We'll get them, this century.

Then, instead of nothing but a product of the The Century of the Self, what we might have, looking back on the 21st century, in hindsight, from the year 2099 what could only be described as "the century of the human being". The new century, even the new American century.. will be a transformation, not in military affairs and "full spectrum dominance", but in human affairs, from the bottom up and from the top down, and when I mean the top, I'm speaking of one that the "elite" have never before even begun to consider for the life of themselves, and their children and their children's children. To them the great joke of all ages, might come as a groan but oh well, what can anyone do about that? !

It can't NOT happen. We have just too much information, with discernment, as to what's been going on. All of us.

Best Regards, and may God Bless you,

NAM aka Bob

Later Alex, Randy. S&F.

/rant over.

edit on 23-11-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 08:13 PM
For me, it all started out with Alex Jones back in highschool. Who really runs the world, why it's the way it is today, how money really works, it all started with his Zeitgeist videos. Stuff blew my damn mind.

But then over the years i have realized that Alex will conveniently omit many things that should be made aware of.

On a radio show, he vehemently insulted this guy who talked of human injustices perpetrated by Israel. Like he just snapped, and started calling this guy a punk and other insulting stuff.

There was another show i watched where him and some techs in the background had painted their faces like the joker's, and he LITERALLY growled into the mike about tyranny and injustice. His words were spot on, but then WTF was the whole act for? It made me wince, i had to end it halfway through because i could not bare to watch the rest.

He is someone who ascribes to the lesser of two evil thing, where one US president is less worse than the other, and that's who we must work with.

His shouting... don't get me started. You don't need to scream your head off to demonstrate a point. Keep it calm, keep it intelligible. I'm not saying don't get fired up, nor am i saying don't get loud and angry, but there is a fine line between passion and rage, and pure loud rambling.

Alex, i have realized over the years, is primarily an entertainer it seems. That, or he is a tool for the globalists to obfuscate the side for truth. He omits too many things that need to be told to the people, and he puts too much of an act on.

I won't subscribe to the whole him making plenty of money, so he isn't legit thing. But you must admit, the man has quite a business going on.
edit on 23-11-2013 by bigman88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 12:10 AM




reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

OP he is not extremely intelligent as you claim, he's just as smart as you or I, but he is also a loud mouth bully.

We agree he is "a loud mouth".
Bully? No.

A bully is a big kid that beats up on little kids. Here is the definition from the dictionary: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Many people that AJ opposes are not weaker than him but stronger. Piers Morgan for example.

What you mean is that he is an "intimidator".

No he's a bully, he talks # to people who disagree with him, calls them retards a lot and says theyrw stupid.

Another one of his cult worshippers

You did not watch the video, did you?

No where does he call PM a retard. He calls him a foreigner.

Was I talking about that interview? No, stop cherry picking. Next you're going to be like I'm right you're wrong I can't hear you.

You gave no evidence where AJ calls a person who disagrees with him retard.

I gave evidence where the only thing he said about someone he disagreed with, Piers Morgan, was that he was a foreigner.

Do you think that people who disagree with you are retards? Stupid?
edit on 24-11-2013 by leostokes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 12:18 AM

reply to post by Atmas

Stop trying to have a civil conversation with this guy.

If read his responses through the entire thread non of them make any sense.

If I give him enough rope maybe he will hang himself.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

That was awesome.

I STILL hope however that, some day, the rantings and ravings and proclamations of Alex Jones WILL become, at some point, nothing but those of a raving madman shouting from an echo chamber, at which point he will have performed his duty, even as a fool for Christ (I do believe he's an authentic Christian, or tries to be).

I would bet good money that Alex hopes the same thing.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:51 AM
So, with the thread winding down, here's Alex Jones.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:36 AM
Alex Jones

The Good
A lot of people (in the internet age) have been 'awoken' by him, even if he gave them a a half truth i'm sure he turned many heads and the ways people think.
Speaks with passion.

The Bad
He lies a lot, possibly controlled opposition. He makes fantastic claims and doesn't back them up and the a few shows later he will say ''We covered it and proved with out doubt that this is happening'' When in fact it was a 20 second blurb with no proof whatsoever.

He criticises Mainstream media every other word, then uses a mainstream media article to prove his point on other subjects.

The Ugly
The loudest voice gets heard is an old adage, he uses this to his advantage and in the process makes millions of genuine thinkers who COULD debate on a lot of subjects look foolish for following him.

I honestly think at one time he probably was more genuine but now I think it's all about hits, all about views, all about Merch and advertisements.

He is in the conspiracy business, so he needs content, which in that game you are always going to run youself a little thin on material, even if you believe it 100%.

I still watch every now and then purely for entertainment.

A question, I seem to remember him in a Scanner Darkly, was he foraying into acting?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I have no issue with Alex Jones for the exception of his inability to capture mainstream America as an audience.

I respect his work, agree with lots of what he says and I enjoy his entertainment value but I'm also NOT mainstream America.

If he wants to spread the truth a little further the sad fact is he needs to tone it down. if he wants to continue the yelling and screaming and 'acting' crazy schtick then all he will have as an audience are guys like me and the tinfoil hat nuts.

Truth hurts sometimes ;-)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:49 AM
I like Alex and appreciate the work he does. When attempting to uncover hidden agendas and get to the core of the rot that plagues us, he's bound to go down a few rabbit holes. It's those where he comes up empty that people tend to discredit him. You have to wade through the muck to get to the cancer. He's willing to do that, and put himself out there. He is an intelligent person, and his intentions in my opinion are sincere.

Again, we let our minds size up a person such as Alex. We compare him to what's stored in our memory banks: man carrying a megaphone shouting into a crowd (checking....), there is a match, bing, kooky conspiracy theorist, or, self-promoter, or, really a shill for someone/thing else, or, ad nauseam.

Our minds are conditioned to come up with an opinion or judgement so quickly, we tend to write off plausible scenarios sometimes. It's this, (I say it repeatedly), the criminals with real agendas and intent to hurt society count on. Once we classify something/one, we are ok with the label, even if it's abhorrent. Our tendency is to move on. Kennedy killed by a group of sociopaths? Psychopaths? You're a conspiracy nut, it's all in the Warren Report. No need to waste any more time on the subject. Polio vaccine causing cancer in baby boomers? Government covering it up? More looney talk.

If most of us weren't busy trying to make some coin and have a roof over our heads I'm sure there would be more people like Alex Jones around. We are in a perpetual carrot-in-front-of-the-horse or hamster wheel scenario.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I have been listening to Alex Jones off and on for about 4 years and seen many of his videos. I go through periods of thinking that he is great and sincere then I might sporadically hear some details about his network or people invited on his show that were given orders to not discuss the Jesuit involvement in the NWO. The number of instances is building up from decent folk. When Jones says he is giving everything, not holding anything back, is an open book ect I have to think he is lying (due to the censorship being imposed). Anyone with his amount of reading into subversive history knows the Jesuits are the highest apex of the human NWO hierarchy.

Jones has compromised telling complete truth, from my perspective, to gain/maintain a viewing audience. A deflection of responsibility to the enigmatic bankster and away from the Satanic Vatican. Has the compromise been worth it...well he has put together a large media outlet putting out some good researched content and great contacts inside the armed services.

I would not trust him with my life but am glad he is fighting
edit on 24-11-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Sure he is intelligent, however he is a fear monger and he absolutely will not discuss Israel.

To the guy who says if we don't like Alex we are either hopelessly ignorant or a paid shill, I am neither. I dislike Alex very much because he is obviously a shill. Not only does he use other peoples information, fear, and loudness which is a tactic, he will not discuss the Jewish supremacy plaguing the world. He has also been on main stream media, and he makes money off this information.

This raises questions for me and because of this I refuse to listen to his rhetoric. I'll admit that I did listen to him quite a few years back, but after 9/11 and him using William coopers information on 9/11, I instantly knew what he was. He is a showman whom will steal other peoples information, and then have the audacity to declare it as his own information.

Alex jones is garbage. He is a tool of Zionism.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:17 AM





reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

OP he is not extremely intelligent as you claim, he's just as smart as you or I, but he is also a loud mouth bully.

We agree he is "a loud mouth".
Bully? No.

A bully is a big kid that beats up on little kids. Here is the definition from the dictionary: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Many people that AJ opposes are not weaker than him but stronger. Piers Morgan for example.

What you mean is that he is an "intimidator".

No he's a bully, he talks # to people who disagree with him, calls them retards a lot and says theyrw stupid.

Another one of his cult worshippers

You did not watch the video, did you?

No where does he call PM a retard. He calls him a foreigner.

Was I talking about that interview? No, stop cherry picking. Next you're going to be like I'm right you're wrong I can't hear you.

You gave no evidence where AJ calls a person who disagrees with him retard.

I gave evidence where the only thing he said about someone he disagreed with, Piers Morgan, was that he was a foreigner.

Do you think that people who disagree with you are retards? Stupid?
edit on 24-11-2013 by leostokes because: (no reason given) Was right here in this thread, I can get more but you'll probably just disregard them. And no, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, now matter how dumb it is.

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