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Restaurant's and your food

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posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:08 AM
First a brief backround, I work in the Fire industry. Specifically, restaurant fire suppression systems, these system protect the cooking appliances if a fire occurs. These system, upon activation suppresses a fire through suponification. I have 3 technician's I run daily, throught the Chicagoland area, suburbs (N,S,E and W) That was short and sweet. Here comes the nasty part.

I have many talks with my tech's regarding cleanliness of the kitchens.

I.E: Do they steam clean there hoods, how is the area of cooking they prep and actually cook, in look like.

The answer's are astounding. All 3 tech's do not or at best RARELY go to any restaurants to eat, due to the filth they put supposedly clean food on. This ultimately ticks off there significant others because they want to go out, but knowing the restaurants in the Illinois area, they are not willing to eat as majority of restaurants.

The funniest comment from my tech was, "If your going to eat out, go to White Castle's" there the cleanest of any... I about spit my coffee in laughter when my tech responded with that...

I actually love White Castle's, sliders ftw!!!

In retrospect of my technician's, I actually don't really eat out at all. I've informed my Fiance' about the state of kitchens and how they are malmaintained, and both of us are happy cooking at home. Actually, I think home cooked anything is better than most restaurants.... I do love a good surf and turf though....

Why post this? Be vary cautious of where and what you eat, there is no restaurant that is excluded, from high end 5 star kitchens to your local McDonald's...

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:17 AM
Have you seen some of the homes people live in? A lot of people are used to eating in a pig sty.

Doesn't sound like the Health Department is doing its job.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by sulaw

I live in Illinois.. downstate from you and closer to STL. I DO NOT eat in restaurants. I have always disliked fast food... so no problem avoiding that. The problem is that when doing certain things in a more formal setting with someone else or a group.. invariably they want to meet at a restaurant. I cant stand it.
Years ago I could eat without having a problem at a decent restaurant. On road trips.. small town greasy spoons were pretty darned good sometimes. It all started about 5 years ago...I saw a few documentaries on sanitation and cleanliness ... and then that darned Gordon Ramsay and kitchen nightmares. I cant eat without really wondering about the contamination/cross contamination now. Ive become neurotic. LMAO!!

Want to really freak out.. hospital and dr's office sanitation....

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Have you seen some of the homes people live in? A lot of people are used to eating in a pig sty.

Doesn't sound like the Health Department is doing its job.

WHen the FDA allows so many parts per gallon of PUS in milk from infected udders.. and so many insect parts per unit of foods among other things like fecal matter acceptability... Its more than just the health department. ARGH!!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Restricted

No there not, or there just giving a "pass go". Think about it like this, Per NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) and pending the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) and local Municiple codes per the Fire Marshall. On my end, we can red tag a system non compliant, we can note on the inspection report that and I quote

"Hood, Duct and Plenum need to be cleaned" This doesn't necessarily mean that the Restaurant will clean the hood.

Many times, it takes the Fire Marshall coming in and strong arming the business to "clean there crap" because it is beyond a fire hazard, let alone that access grease from months to years of neglect is dripping into your "Freshly" cooked food.

How often does the Fire Marshall make there rounds??? Maybe, once a year, pending the area you live in and how strict they are.

I agree people live in crappy environments so why should they care how there food is cooked mentality. However, I for one am not that type of person, I like to stay as clean as possible and expect the person handling my food is just the same as well as the environment that it's being cooked in is adequetly clean.

I know it's far shot in regards to a clean restaurant kitchen, but there are those certain "Gem's" out there, that are well maintained.

Best regards,

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:42 AM
I used to deliver linen to restaurants. Table cloths, napkins, bar towels etc etc..... Now think about the types of restaurants that actually use linen! Fancy and expensive right?

Well, you would NOT believe the things I saw while making these deliveries! Some of these places were very trendy and did a huge business. Kitchens were filthy! Most of these places were in Eastern OH. So this isn't something just specific to IL.....

There wasn't an internet back then, so I just used to tell people to stay away!

It certainly makes you wonder what the Department of Health actually does to earn their money and protect the public for sure!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:47 PM
This reminds me of something from working at Big Boy as a dishwasher in the seventies. Right at the end of the day someone came in and ordered a brawny Lad. The buns were all gone, the last one was dropped on the floor and tossed into the compactor an hour earlier. Well, you know, the cook made that flattened bun look great and it looked normal after being toasted. The customer told the waitress that it was the best one of this kind of sandwich that he ever had.

I know what goes on in kitchens, they are better if you can see the cooks, but most people eating don't pay attention anyway.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I had to laugh at that Rick, my little sister worked at Outback Steakhouse and came home one day telling stories of what cooks do to patron's food.

I.E~ Dropping steaks on the floor raw before cooking, et cetera~

Really brings that movie "Waiting" to mind come to think of it.

And it's like you said, most just don't pay attention.

I get a riot out of watching John Taffer from Bar Rescue and the filth and garbage they find in the kitchens and walk in refrigerators.

I know the cost of business is rought now a days, due to the economy. Owners want to cut costs down the line. Not getting the hood cleaned once a month is just gross, especially if they have constant business and that grease cakes up like liquorice stuck to a wall.

It turns my stomach thinking about it.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by sulaw

I cleaned the ventilation hoods, ducts, and fans on a restaurant a couple of times with a guy I used to know. It is a greasy job. We never got sick though. Probably something to do with the fact that almost all bacteria and fungus can't grow on grease. It may be messy and a fire hazard but it is not really too much of a health hazard.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by sulaw

Its not just the hood systems... its everything in the kitchen! This I know from experience with restaurants first hand...
edit on 21-11-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

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