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Angry Residents Step In To Stop Police Beating For 'Riding Bike On Sidewalk'

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posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by loveguy

iPods will be outlawed so we can hear when we are about to be molested.

No Sir. iPods will be outlawed so you cannot video the righteous officers upholding the Law going about their duties to Protect and Serve. The fact that you are unable to hear them give you lawful commands, through use of headphones, age or infirmity, has no bearing on the matter, neither does that fact that the commands were issued after the event when arranging their notes.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 12:46 AM

The important thing to note here, is that it's not illegal to ride a bicycle less than 15mph on sidewalks zoned residential anywhere in the country.

I'm not sure what law school you went to, but there are no nationwide vehicle codes. Such codes are left up to the states with the feds using coercion (withholding highway funding) to get their way.

Further, plenty of cities have restrictions on riding on the sidewalk. They do so for a good reason, namely they don't want to be named in a lawsuit for allowing dangerous activity.

Some cities and counties prohibit riding bicycles on sidewalks. Other local laws deal with parking of bikes and use of pedestrian or special bicycle facilities. Check with your local government to learn what these laws are

CA bicycle law

The guy that was arrested was trying to evade the police. When does that ever work out to be a good plan? Uh, that would be never. Once you run, the police have probable cause. This comes under the umbrella of exigent circumstances:
exigent circumstances wiki
Did I say umbrella? I should have said humongous ginormous fish net. If you are the type of person to push the envelope, you need to know the law as well as the police do.

Odds are this will go down as a good bust.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 12:59 AM


The important thing to note here, is that it's not illegal to ride a bicycle less than 15mph on sidewalks zoned residential anywhere in the country.

I'm not sure what law school you went to, but there are no nationwide vehicle codes. Such codes are left up to the states with the feds using coercion (withholding highway funding) to get their way.

Further, plenty of cities have restrictions on riding on the sidewalk. They do so for a good reason, namely they don't want to be named in a lawsuit for allowing dangerous activity.

Some cities and counties prohibit riding bicycles on sidewalks. Other local laws deal with parking of bikes and use of pedestrian or special bicycle facilities. Check with your local government to learn what these laws are

CA bicycle law

The guy that was arrested was trying to evade the police. When does that ever work out to be a good plan? Uh, that would be never. Once you run, the police have probable cause. This comes under the umbrella of exigent circumstances:
exigent circumstances wiki
Did I say umbrella? I should have said humongous ginormous fish net. If you are the type of person to push the envelope, you need to know the law as well as the police do.

Odds are this will go down as a good bust.

Better NOT RUN FROM US BOOOY! Or we gonna f you up!!
That's right everyone look what we do to runners, your lucky if we just beat you to a bloody pulp, and don't shoot you dead.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 01:30 AM



The important thing to note here, is that it's not illegal to ride a bicycle less than 15mph on sidewalks zoned residential anywhere in the country.

I'm not sure what law school you went to, but there are no nationwide vehicle codes. Such codes are left up to the states with the feds using coercion (withholding highway funding) to get their way.

Further, plenty of cities have restrictions on riding on the sidewalk. They do so for a good reason, namely they don't want to be named in a lawsuit for allowing dangerous activity.

Some cities and counties prohibit riding bicycles on sidewalks. Other local laws deal with parking of bikes and use of pedestrian or special bicycle facilities. Check with your local government to learn what these laws are

CA bicycle law

The guy that was arrested was trying to evade the police. When does that ever work out to be a good plan? Uh, that would be never. Once you run, the police have probable cause. This comes under the umbrella of exigent circumstances:
exigent circumstances wiki
Did I say umbrella? I should have said humongous ginormous fish net. If you are the type of person to push the envelope, you need to know the law as well as the police do.

Odds are this will go down as a good bust.

Better NOT RUN FROM US BOOOY! Or we gonna f you up!!
That's right everyone look what we do to runners, your lucky if we just beat you to a bloody pulp, and don't shoot you dead.

Better not to give the cops a reason to stop you. Walk your bicycle rather than ride it.

If you drive, check your tail lights, head lights, etc. The police have the entire vehicle code to throw at you, so you need to exercise some individual responsibility and insure you have no obvious violations.

Perhaps you should read the ACLU bust card:
ACLU bust card

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by Dynamike

Here I thought I was just going to read a thread about some abusive cops that FINALLY met some citizens with balls, and I run across this apologist badge, trying to tell me what is clearly criminal assault and maybe would have been manslaughter if the citizens hadn't RESCUED this man is really okay since the criminals in question were part of HIS gang.

so, without further ado, let me drag out the sledgehammer of basic common sense, logic, and truth, an' let's git ta swingin'!

No, Mike, I don't HAVE to bear in mind a damned thing. All of this "the regulations get more constrictive as they trickle down", garbage is exactly that. GARBAGE. After 12 years in the military I am sure of two things in regard to this thread: One, that you took the same oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES as I did, and two: after four deployments overseas I am seeing the police in my own country act like myself and other Paratroopers did in a war zone, as if the people they are accosting are the enemy until proven otherwise. This "us verses them" and "thin blue line/blue brotherhood" takes away any legitimacy that someone carrying the badge has, because there is NO WAY to be respectful and observant of people's rights when you are intimidating them into compliance, often in disregard of the Constitution, by enforcing an illegal law you can't even quote to whomever you are arresting for breaking it!

I hate to be the bearer of reality, here, Mikey-boy, but if we are seeing this happen in San Francisco, where, "you'll meet some gentle people there," then you and the rest of the accessories to brutality, sexual assault, breaking and entering, murder, perjury, and all in all organized crime that is supposed to be okay because there is a shiny plate on your chest, had better WAKE UP, before you start being the recipient of high velocity hot metal courtesy of a terrified citizen trying to keep either you, or one of your "brothers" from murdering him.

Every time I see something that is, as plain as day, someone getting the living hell beaten out of him, or tortured with electricity, by SEVERAL cops, usually for something as "terorristic" as asking was he being detained, or what had he done; without fail,(almost as though it was a trained response at the academy, hmm) upon speaking of it to one of you, I hear the same apologist B S and cover-my-butt lawyer-speak that you just shoveled out: "Well, (always, take note how the word 'well' NEVER fails to precede bull#) I wasn't there, might be things we don't know, quote some set of illegal restrictions in violation of the Constitution that some politician with an agenda got passed as law. DON'T MAKE ME ADMIT THAT ALL THE WITNESSES WITH MATCHING STORIES WERE RIGHT, AND MY "BROTHERS" REALLY ARE CRIMINALS THAT I HAVE BEEN COVERING UP FOR IN COMPLICITY WITH THIS RIDICULOUS "CODE OF SILENCE" BULL#.

The day is RAPIDLY approaching when, for example, you enforcers walk up to a citizens house without warrant nor probable cause to harass and intimidate, based on(insert ridiculous complaint here, barking dog, loud music) and are forced to speak through a locked door, because the people will NOT trust you anywhere near them, and you will not be welcome in homes.

Of course, we can't have that, can't have a mere plebian telling us "no"and getting away with it, even though we have no right in his home, WE'RE THE POLICE!! WE'RE NEVER WRONG! NOT EVER! NOT EVEN WHEN WE DON'T KNOW THE LAW! WE'VE GOT TO SWAGGER, SHOW EVERYONE WHO RUNS THINGS, and with that thought in mind, you will wrongfully force into this citizen's home.

at which point, you will find out that the reason he was staying inside was that, due to his fear of the "blue line" that continuously beats, tazers, murders, and unjustly imprisons citizens EVERY SINGLE DAY, who have done NOTHING WRONG,THIS particular citizen has his horrible non-PC black rifle to resist the tyranny that YOU have just visited upon his doorstep, through his front door, into his home amongst his family without consent, and in all probability is now either threatening to torture him with electricity, or murder him in his own home.

On THIS particular day, mikey, all the pathetic attempts at programming the citizens with fear, "doesn't matter, you shoot a cop, you're gonna die/never get out of prison/won't even make it to the courthouse alive", WON'T help you, because quite frankly by THIS time people just plain have had ENOUGH, and the badge that you thought would command fear and obedience(and let's be honest here, that is what you REALLY want, otherwise your avatar would be you letting a kid pet a police dog, or academy graduation day with mom and dad, NOT all mall-ninja'd out like you are just WAITING to kick in someone's door and terrorize them in their own home) instead has just become a TARGET, for all that built up fear, hate, anger, and the simple right and desire of men to be FREE, that you and yours have been busy pissing on for the last forty years, under the pathetic excuse of "just following orders".

Not to mention some high velocity hot metal.

Doesn't have to happen this way, though. You still have time to realize, reaffirm, and start living by the Oath you took. Be a Patriot instead of a pawn. I hope you will, but I seriously doubt it. Your statement that the hospitalization was JUSTIFIED because he had his EARPHONES IN and "that's illegal so he deserved it!"(whiny self-righteous voice here) should have produced his "papers" upon demand, and submitted like a dog, SICKENS ME.

The fact that it is perfectly legal for you to lie to us, but if we lie to you it is a felony, SICKENS ME.

The fact that you record us constantly, and is automatically evidence in court, but if we record you it is felony wiretapping, SICKENS ME.

The expectation for all Rights of the citizen to be in suspension in our own home if you are present(free speech, bearing of arms, assembly, search and seizure) unless you graciously grant them back, all for your all-important "safety" SICKENS ME TO MY SOUL.

Realize you are pulling this behavior in a country of which only THREE STATES citizens make up the largest armed group in the world, and they are about to be DONE putting up with it.

Realize that if you do not start policing yourselves, and getting rid of the "few bad apples" as you keep referring to the criminals with a badge you are in collusion with, and party to their crimes, by not growing a pair of balls, standing up, and ARRESTING these thugs,that WE THE PEOPLE, whom are tired of living this way in our own country, will do it for you.

Realize that even in the most heavily policed cities in the country, you are still outnumbered hundreds to one.

REALIZE that you still have a chance to do the right thing, learn the law, ditch that stupid wanna-be commando crap in your head, and become a guardian of the people, instead of trying to be an overseer, because one of those two options has a HELL of a lot longer shelf life.

Realize that sometime soon in this country your ONLY two choices will be either live by your Oath or die by someone Else's.


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Metaphysique

That's why they have those armored cars now I guess. In case they do some bs to people and people lynch the hell out of them. Pretty sad really. Cant say it (police brutality) happens out this way that I know of.

Still not sure what the point is in bothering some person riding a bike. I should probably say this though. Looking back at that Trayvon issue, i felt that the other guy was protecting himself once trayvon had him on the ground pounding the # out of his punk bitch ass honestly. I guess it didn't matter that no matter what, trayvon wasnt armed and had no real chance anyway, whether he was stronger or not. And silly me the Pres says "That could have been me", hell that can be anyone.

Bothers me a little bit. Your average citizen isnt walking around with a pistol on his hip, or equipped like a police officer, or even a soldier. Theres no shotgun in the car, or tazers, pepper spray, armored vehicle, bullet proof vest... no dog.. cant forget the partner system, radio and multiple units responding. Come to think of it, id have no real chance of getting over on any cop.

I have no problem with the local police, I know some of them. They're good folks. But some of these people across the country.. I don't know. The poster above me summed it up in those parts pretty well. You guys may wanna reconsider your methods of dealing with folks. It doesn't have to be like that.
edit on 26-11-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:35 AM

reply to post by Metaphysique

That's why they have those armored cars now I guess. In case they do some bs to people and people lynch the hell out of them. Pretty sad really. Cant say it (police brutality) happens out this way that I know of.

Still not sure what the point is in bothering some person riding a bike. I should probably say this though. Looking back at that Trayvon issue, i felt that the other guy was protecting himself once trayvon had him on the ground pounding the # out of his punk bitch ass honestly. I guess it didn't matter that no matter what, trayvon wasnt armed and had no real chance anyway, whether he was stronger or not. And silly me the Pres says "That could have been me", hell that can be anyone.

Bothers me a little bit. Your average citizen isnt walking around with a pistol on his hip, or equipped like a police officer, or even a soldier. Theres no shotgun in the car, or tazers, pepper spray, armored vehicle, bullet proof vest... no dog.. cant forget the partner system, radio and multiple units responding. Come to think of it, id have no real chance of getting over on any cop.

I have no problem with the local police, I know some of them. They're good folks. But some of these people across the country.. I don't know. The poster above me summed it up in those parts pretty well. You guys may wanna reconsider your methods of dealing with folks. It doesn't have to be like that.
edit on 26-11-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

Normally I wouldn't respond to a quote like this, except for the elitist remarks that obviously are meant to degrade an entire segment of the country. let's dismantle some misconceptions, now shall we?

Firstly, in "those" parts and "those" people.Just to whom exactly are you referring? Perchance you mean Veterans, or people whom simply want to be left alone by the increasingly invasive control system? Anyone different than you? White people? Black people? Oh!! I have it, you were underhandedly implying that anyone who would actually do something as radical and insane as protect themselves in their own home against people who have been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt to assault, murder, and kidnap(because just what is an unlawful arrest exactly) OR cover up for their "brothers" who do the same, are some kind of inherent danger to everyone else.

Either you are talking about the ghetto(which actually was a Jewish term originally, so put that race card away) but I don't think so, being as you are taking little dead thug's side in a debate that has been over for a little while now,which, to be honest I am not sure why. Little dead thug meeting his deserved end at the hands of someone he was trying to beat to death has nothing to do with the thread or my post. My post was focused entirely on people who think they can swagger and play the tough guy all the whilst violating the rights of the people they swore a sacred Oath to protect. The only other candidates for "those people" I can think of in popular culture are rural predominantly white people, though I suppose you would refer to them as hill folk, peckerwoods, hillbillies, white trash, have I left any ridiculous socio-economic label out? Did that piss you off? Maybe enough to make you see how ludicrous such a distinction is and make you think past manufactured differences in society?

Your attempt to divide citizens into "those" people, unless you are a multi-millionaire of an old money family(read The Great Gatsby if you want to know why the difference between old and new money matters) is misdirected. Leave the made up demographics and social strata out of it and let's focus on the issue at hand,without attempting to divide us into more easily conquered, smaller groups. we are ALL citizens, ALL in this together. My Oath that I swore covers YOU as well, and I guarantee you if I saw you needing help I would give it, REGARDLESS if the person attacking you had a badge or not. To fail to do so would be wrong.

I guarantee you that good ol' mikey there has heard of, seen, or looked the other way while someone in his department violated the law, and he didn't turn them in for fear of being a "rat" like this is high school and he wants to be part of the "cool kids". Or to be fair, maybe he was worried for his safety and reprisals, in which case why in God's name would you want someone who would threaten or carry out threats to whistleblowers to continue to have arrest powers and the approval of the state? Only mikey knows for certain, just as I know he will NEVER admit to looking the other way, just trot out that "few bad apples" cliche'. As long as there are cops who look the other way because the criminal performing the heinous act happens to wear a badge, then there ARE NO GOOD COPS, period, end of story. DO NOT tell me it is impossible to have a non-corrupt police force if, as cops claim that the "good" cops far outnumber the "few bad apples" and EVERYONE has arrest powers. If that was the case then people who would be "bad" cops would find another line of work. But they don't arrest their "brothers" in public after they have obviously violated citizen's rights, gotta present that united front, right? Well, how's that starting to work out for them?

Hate to tell you, but more and more in Free States it IS the prevailing custom to carry a weapon. I do, every single day, and I fully accept the lifestyle alterations and added responsibilities that entails. I am not Johnny Rambo, I hope that no-one on a daily basis even knows that I carry, one because it is not their business, and two, any overzealous cop called by a sheep will cause difficulties in my life, for the simple fact I do not deal with the new generation of "farvas" particularly well, all the police I know that actually agree with my views are getting retired. Old school cops and deputies who know how to TALK to people, and defuse situations with eloquence and common sense, instead of the new standard, which appears to be who can hold the department "Tazer quick draw champion" trophy the longest. And since I am FAR more concerned with potential harm befalling me around new school cops than any criminal I might meet, I am NOT inclined to disarm around them "for officer's safety" thus placing me at their "mercy". So staying under the radar is to my advantage, mainly to avoid the "alpha male and gotta prove it" attitude that many new generation cops display(see mikey's avatar if my point needs to be proven).

When I see in equal number, video showing cops AT ONCE and PUBLICLY arrest cops that go over the line, cops that stand up for the Constitution, and cops that place their sacred Oath above "department policy" or smart career choices, to video that documents cops acting like terrorists, then I will PUBLICLY AND LOUDLY change my views concerning them.

I am not here to argue, or to engage in immature pissing contests as I have seen in other threads. Truth is Truth, and cannot be argued against, only attempted to be gotten around by people with an agenda.

A citizen has the right to defend his property and his life, against ANYONE trying to take either, and that is TRUTH.

You WILL lose your life someday. You will NEVER lose your Liberty unless you ALLOW someone to take it from you, and that is TRUTH.

edit on Wed17389Wed, 27 Nov 2013 09:17:38 -0600u1130WednesdayAmerica/Chicago by DisgruntledPatriot because: additional clarification

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