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Has anyone sold their soul to the devil? (some questions)

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posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That would mean that she is embodied in the Schumann Resonances.

I once helped create and devise a brainwave entrainment session called Bach to the Future (you can find it on youtube) which has the Schumann Resonances. Maybe I should have called it Isis Queen of Heaven or Mary Mother of God.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:21 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

The image of mother with child in her arms was so firmly entrenched in the pagan mind that after the time Christianity appeared on the scene in the fourth century, these statues and paintings were merely renamed and worshiped as the virgin Mary with her god-incarnate son Jesus. Thus, the pagan mother and child entered Christianity as the Roman Catholic worship of Mary with the infant Jesus. In fact, in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of the madonna and child as devoutly worshiped as they were in Rome. Shing Moo, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around her, exactly as if she had been fashioned by Roman Catholic artisans.

So she DOES bear a striking resemblance to Mary in RCC traditional worship/appeal, who didn't want to do away with the Goddess so in theory I guess she's still alive, and it's fair to assume that her son created a place in heaven for her as well, and it's very important in the Christian tradition that she not be put to shame, because through the fruit of her womb all things were made knew (virginal). "Behold woman (look mom) I make all things new!" (Jesus, while carrying the cross).

Well, I think this way, those artists just borrowed what was easy to understand. So placing Mary in art as Isis, doesn't necessarily make her like Isis. I don't put much faith in artists renditions.

I accept that Mary was real, that she was a young Jewish woman living a time of great upheaval. Times were bad then, but it could be like today, artists are always borrowing iconography and symbols of other groups. No one would accuse Navajo of being Nazi because of the Schwasticka. Anything can be borrowed and given new meaning.

I'm not Catholic, so I can't speak from that perspective. But one of my favorite pieces of art is The Pieta. We know the artist was not there for this scene. But in that piece, I can see the entire story of a mother grieving for her son. And that's what art is supposed to do, tell us a story.

Did you know that the statue David as the young shepherd and patron of Venice, was not circumcised? So I know the artist wasn't really interested in historical accuracy. But that's what people think, the Medieval and Renaissance artists were historically accurate, they were not. Da Vinci's Last Supper is not even close to being historically accurate. That was a Passover Seder meal, and yet nothing in it is remotely Jewish. But the church then did not want Jewish identity anywhere close to them, so it's funny that one would say they borrowed Egyptian iconography, but not Jewish.

And along with the Queen of Heaven, they made cakes and wept for Tammuz, and Tammuz is still the name of a month in the Jewish calendar. So the better evidence would be for Semiramis instead of Isis.
edit on 11/18/2013 by WarminIndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That would mean that she is embodied in the Schumann Resonances.

I once helped create and devise a brainwave entrainment session called Bach to the Future (you can find it on youtube) which has the Schumann Resonances. Maybe I should have called it Isis Queen of Heaven or Mary Mother of God.

If it resonates 100hz in one ear left and 104hz right side simoultaneously you may be infringing on another patent (dont call it 'hemi-sync' The Monroe School of Applied Sciences has it). Bach Fugues are an excellent way to access musically and mathmatically the higher dimensions. Resonance, or balancing the two brain hemispheres to vibrate together is key. The pineal gland (midbrain) was the arbritrator long ago; but disabled. NAM? you are just always surprising me. There is another, she was a nun that lived in the time frame 700 AD and choralised this phenom to produce out of body, her name is Hildegard Von Bingen. One of her recorded chorals is called 'tapestry', she left all of her musical notations and they obviously survive today.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

An AMA! Fun!
Do you believe in "heaven" and an afterlife, beyond mere reincarnation? Is Jesus still alive, and if so where does he live is it only in us via "Christ consciousness"? or can he reside independently and in a self-sustained manner that is beyond us, however much his love may reach us where we are?

Devil would say a point blank "No".
Agnostics would say 'not sure about all that; just didnt take the time to get interested enough to think about hard questions'.
Believers in God would say: "What is wrong with your inability to logically reason irrational thinking processes"
Athiests would say, why are you arbitrating a question that needs no answer and cant fathom in the first place, my father was a simian a baboon APE".
Lucifer would say: "Its all on you to decide your fate and destiny as I gave you FreeWill numbskulls ".
God would say; "Listen to Lucifer".

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:51 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

That would mean that she is embodied in the Schumann Resonances.

I once helped create and devise a brainwave entrainment session called Bach to the Future (you can find it on youtube) which has the Schumann Resonances. Maybe I should have called it Isis Queen of Heaven or Mary Mother of God.

If it resonates 100hz in one ear left and 104hz right side simoultaneously you may be infringing on another patent (dont call it 'hemi-sync' The Monroe School of Applied Sciences has it). Bach Fugues are an excellent way to access musically and mathmatically the higher dimensions. Resonance, or balancing the two brain hemispheres to vibrate together is key. The pineal gland (midbrain) was the arbritrator long ago; but disabled. NAM? you are just always surprising me. There is another, she was a nun that lived in the time frame 700 AD and choralised this phenom to produce out of body, her name is Hildegard Von Bingen. One of her recorded chorals is called 'tapestry', she left all of her musical notations and they obviously survive today.

Hildegard of Bingen was a Catholic mystic.

I am not Catholic, but I am a Christian mystic. And aren't fugue states simply nothing more than memory lapses? But you are achieving out of body experiences and hear voices when you enter the transcendental stage? So I really have to ask you this, what standard do you apply to know whether or not what you are connecting to and hearing from, are good?

I would assume that by them saying they are good, or making you feel they are good, doesn't necessarily make them good. But I would agree that what you are telling us is that you have made contact with the spiritual realm, but you haven't presented yet anything that offers knowledge of good and evil.

I asked about Seshat, and I would hope that you understand that just by communicating in that realm, without knowledge or understanding, you could be getting messages from some malevolent beings, without knowing. Hildegard and I base ours on the standard of truth in the Bible. I have never had an out of body experience, and I don't need binaural rhythms to communicate, I am already sensitive to it. But I am not going to open my mind up just to get any message from the other side. That is simple a very naive thing to do.

But if this so far is the height of your experience, what is the purpose for doing this? Anyone can use a scry mirror, that doesn't mean the images are real or even if the thing they see is good. That's why you have to have some standard of truth to begin with. Sure, it will take you there if you let it, but once you get there, then what's the ultimate purpose?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

You are a LINEAR THINKER, not available to anything abstract so in as you are STUCK in the muddiness of no mans land rutts and speed bump awareness. Isis is the embodiment of EARTH GAIA Mother Figure. You obviously do not hold its sacred frequency. Why should/would I answer such a simple question for you; do you not have the capacity to think it out? I GAVE YOU THE CLUE "GROWTH" that would translate as a mother profligator, wombisms. Id like another question.. if you will allow me to answer as the 'scroll writer as yet undiscovered'.

Isis is the embodiment of EARTH GAIA Mother Figure.

Who is Mother Earth Gaia? another abstract piece of smoke simmering over the horizon of non mans land?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Hildegard of Bingen was a Catholic mystic.
I am not Catholic, but I am a Christian mystic. And aren't fugue states simply nothing more than memory lapses? But you are achieving out of body experiences and hear voices when you enter the transcendental stage? So I really have to ask you this, what standard do you apply to know whether or not what you are connecting to and hearing from, are good?

Ive never heard of a Christian Mystic, glad to make your aquaintance.
The lapses that you thought when you are supposed to pay attention are the pauses (as in no sound) just a variable between notes of sound that allows trancendence of the bodyform. Hypnotism as known by transendentalists (humming chanting). When I am talking to these gracious beings that deem to speak to me; I am fully conscious and sitting upright in a ridgid chair pen and paper at the ready. I have been vetted, this would be "if YOU can speak to this individual so we should be able to as well"? Fair enough, its me allowing the dialoge to begin with; I have control over who comes through; I know who I am and they do as well, so the stage is set already (IM DOING THE VETTING) if they dare to talk to me as a human is to their detriment (exposed as a liar) or benefit. Jesus was a real eyeopener. Ive been at this for some 15 years so am fairly confident of my abilities. The drawings are outstanding (of the otherworlds).

I would assume that by them saying they are good, or making you feel they are good, doesn't necessarily make them good. But I would agree that what you are telling us is that you have made contact with the spiritual realm, but you haven't presented yet anything that offers knowledge of good and evil.

No, I am of such a higher frequency they cannot touch my being without burning themselves, and weve already had the recondiere back and forth snippy snappy retorts, I find funny because Im experiencing the same/lame thing here with some of the posters. Satan has nothing on me/and whatever drives its being is infuriated (go thee satan to the manure pile and wash thyself in more dirt and unpleasantness).

I asked about Seshat, and I would hope that you understand that just by communicating in that realm, without knowledge or understanding, you could be getting messages from some malevolent beings, without knowing. Hildegard and I base ours on the standard of truth in the Bible. I have never had an out of body experience, and I don't need binaural rhythms to communicate, I am already sensitive to it. But I am not goingto open my mind up just to get any message from the other side. That is simple a very naive thing to do.

Not that know of danger? Are you an innocent, do you use the mantra "I will only speak to those of the white and true light and no one else comes into this circle of conversation unless of the highest intent to protect in LOVE". I never just openned myself up to 'anything' this was my destiny and yes bludgeoned over the head as in WAKE UP WE ARE TALKING NOW and you must listen, is there something wrong with this? You are guarded and not opening to your higher beings? They must be very frustrated with you right about now as in screaming LISTEN.

But if this so far is the height of your experience, what is the purpose for doing this? Anyone can use a scry mirror, that doesn't mean the images are real or even if the thing they see is good. That's why you have to have some standard of truth to begin with. Sure, it will take you there if you let it, but once you get there, then what's the ultimate purpose?

Nostradamus could scry, but he had help from this time period, beings that talked to him and helped him with his prophecies. What makes you believe anything you are experiencing now is real; just because you dont remember why you were encarnated here in the 3D as an eternal being volunteer doesnt mean you wont figure this out. Standard of truth comes straight out of the heart, (SOUL ASPECT) and the mind (TRAVELER is egocentric). Once you get where? You are here now, you mean where you show up after you have left this material body behind? That would be your home that you ache for and miss (not to be achieved on Earth), its/your existance lives in another dimension. You are playing a game here none of this is real. This is an accelerated learning curve.
edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

You are a LINEAR THINKER, not available to anything abstract so in as you are STUCK in the muddiness of no mans land rutts and speed bump awareness. Isis is the embodiment of EARTH GAIA Mother Figure. You obviously do not hold its sacred frequency. Why should/would I answer such a simple question for you; do you not have the capacity to think it out? I GAVE YOU THE CLUE "GROWTH" that would translate as a mother profligator, wombisms. Id like another question.. if you will allow me to answer as the 'scroll writer as yet undiscovered'.

Isis is the embodiment of EARTH GAIA Mother Figure.

Who is Mother Earth Gaia? another abstract piece of smoke simmering over the horizon of non mans land?

That thing that you occupy sit squat on the surface of, the round marble that cannot stand you at this point and is just bearly tolerating your actions/existance "I Want To Shake Them OFF like a wet Dog shedding water or worse scratch and shed the TICKS". Earth is the Suns SONs Wife, they are married, two celestial beings trying to get along. Earths name is Gaia and the Suns name is RA. So, there you are another piece of smoke or fodder to blow up your devisive equatorialness.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I have some questions is you don't mind?

What do you think of Azazel/Shemyaza/shamash (whatever the true name is)?

And Why is it that certain gods associated with the sun was also associated with saturn, like Ra for example?

Did Saint Germaine the guy who taught about the violet flame have a connection with Lucifer and is archangel Michael and Metatron have bad intentions and against Lucifer?
edit on 19-11-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That thing that you occupy sit squat on the surface of, the round marble that cannot stand you at this point and is just bearly tolerating your actions/existance "I Want To Shake Them OFF like a wet Dog shedding water or worse scratch and shed the TICKS". Earth is the Suns SONs Wife, they are married, two celestial beings trying to get along. Earths name is Gaia and the Suns name is RA. So, there you are another piece of smoke or fodder to blow up your devisive equatorialness.

Very cute and metaphorical and is very smokey, again nothing tangible just words. You see at least back in ancient Eygpt they could point to a Goddess and say there she is, and people could watch her perform her magic. What you belong to the religion of abstract because you have nothing tangible to point at.
edit on 19-11-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I have some questions is you don't mind?
What do you think of Azazel/Shemyaza/shamash (whatever the true name is)?

These are mankinds names for a combination of demi-gods that is not significant and should be paid no attention to or given any afterthough *as in such the name Satan* GIVE NO credence; for or as even an afterthought.

And Why is it that certain gods associated with the sun was aso associated with saturn, like Ra for example?

Saturn is a gasious entity, such as the sun as well (more violent) in its activity, there is a reason these celestial bodies inhabit this solar system, they balance each other in their rotations or dances around what you think is the central sun, this whole solar system is dependent upon the central MAIN sun, Alcyone, within the Pleiades quadrent; sorry drifting here. The reason civilizations worshiped RA was because it was the 'life giver" easy explaination, for this (radioactivity) is what causes the DNA material of the human to jump start itself. What you believe to be the breath of life is hidden in the reality of radioactive energy actually jump starts solid matter. Radioactivity is the least known causitive for animating gross matter. It is the most feared and unexplained because its not supposed to be known. Gold is precious to all dimensions, not only can it repel radioactivity in so doing can thwart any creation. Its the doppleganger.

Did Saint Germaine the guy who taught about the violet flame have a connection with Lucifer and is archangel Michael and Metatron have bad intentions and against Lucifer?
edit on 19-11-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

Not sure what St. Germaine is speaking of because
The violet flame occurance is the result of a very ancient Buddhist third eye awaking practice (third eye open you will see what appears to be a violet flame fire movement). I know what this is as I see it often; sometimes appears differently as other images a dime sized rotating sphere or disk). Ive never spoken to St.Germaine. I have spoken to Michael and trust him as a true Archangel saying to me Lucifer was his brother at some point. Michael was the one that first began speaking to me about the ONE ABSOLUTE. Havent spoken to Metatron, should I and what would be the point? I dont see any in league against or with anyone else just a lot of misunderstandings.
edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That thing that you occupy sit squat on the surface of, the round marble that cannot stand you at this point and is just bearly tolerating your actions/existance "I Want To Shake Them OFF like a wet Dog shedding water or worse scratch and shed the TICKS". Earth is the Suns SONs Wife, they are married, two celestial beings trying to get along. Earths name is Gaia and the Suns name is RA. So, there you are another piece of smoke or fodder to blow up your devisive equatorialness.

Very cute and metaphorical and is very smokey, again nothing tangible just words. You see at least back in ancient Eygpt they could point to a Goddess and say there she is, and people could watch her perform her magic. What you belong to the religion of abstract because you have nothing tangible to point at.

That Goddess is not in existance in the here and now. Smoky ideaforms yes, and completely intangible. At least in the way back they could say "LOOK THERE IS A HIEROGLIPH" depicting Nefertiti. NOT in this time frame. I am a physical being speaking to you NOW Im not SETI's, or RAMSES II wives speaking beyond their tombs. I am tangible and as Origin puts it: "living in the flesh and bone as ITSELF a devine being described in human form".
edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That Goddess is not in existance in the here and now. Smoky ideaforms yes, and completely intangible. At least in the way back they could say "LOOK THERE IS A HIEROGLIPH" depicting Nefertiti. NOT in this time frame. I am a physical being speaking to you NOW Im not SETI's, or RAMSES II wives speaking beyond their tombs. I am tangible and as Origin puts it: "living in the flesh and bone as itself described human form".

Yes but your forgot one a couple of things Isis, Nefertiti were alive once and were Gods. How long they lived for we don't know because they lived in the age of REAL magic ...Atlantis. You on the other hand are not a Goddess, limited to talk abstract ideas, og golly gee Whiz who is that going to impress.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

That Goddess is not in existance in the here and now. Smoky ideaforms yes, and completely intangible. At least in the way back they could say "LOOK THERE IS A HIEROGLIPH" depicting Nefertiti. NOT in this time frame. I am a physical being speaking to you NOW Im not SETI's, or RAMSES II wives speaking beyond their tombs. I am tangible and as Origin puts it: "living in the flesh and bone as itself described human form".

Yes but your forgot one a couple of things Isis, Nefertiti were alive once and were Gods. How long they lived for we don't know because they lived in the age of REAL magic ...Atlantis. You on the other hand are not a Goddess, limited to talk abstract ideas, og golly gee Whiz who is that going to impress.

Isis was an ideaform as Osiris's wife. Are you serious in persuing Osiris as a tangible being (a GOD) much like chasing Zeus and his wife Hera? No human living upon earth has EVER gained the status of GOD, not even the great prophets Jesus, Mohammed, or Buddha. Nope Nefertiti was Tutaunkamens sister, they lived not in Atlantian times, which would push this Egyptian civilization back to 12,000 years BC, but closer to 1800 BC moderntimes. Im not saying that 12,000 years ago in Cairo wasnt enough to build the Sphinx monument, (AFTER THE FLEE FROM ATLANTAS approx 12,000BCE) or the 3 corrosponding battery componant pyramids (lots of room for shennanigans to occure) they were just energy sources to help with the crops and 'talk to the Gods they knew as the Sirians 6D from the region of ORION". Middle star of the belt wearing.
edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

No human living upon earth has EVER gained the status of GOD

They were hybrids, just looked human on outside. They were Gods and they did exist. Your on the otherhand are on level of a social science teacher of the abstract.
edit on 19-11-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

You said ealier that Jesus wasn't a god and he wept because he found out god didn't exist, now you say the opposite

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by arpgme

You said ealier that Jesus wasn't a god and he wept because he found out god didn't exist, now you say the opposite

You cant expect me to keep track of everything I post im not a God.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 03:27 AM
The term selling your soul comes from Judas selling the whereabouts of Jesus to Pontias pilot or whoever it was that wished to crucify him. He was given 30 silver pieces. So he did this for money. " selling out" is another term used often.

Judas was a traitor, the 13th deciple of Jesus. Likely where the number 13 comes into play in the occult. So I suppose it was seen as him siding with the devil.

I don't know much about the bible, so the above is just what I learned over the years.

In any case to answer your question.
No I have not done this. I know people who have though.

Can you sell your soul? No, you give it away willingly by saying you want to or by doing something purely for money or anything else that benefits you, without any concern for who it may injure.

I can't talk you into believing health and happiness is better than money. That's something you need to figure out on your own most likely caused by losing one of those or both. Only then do you know how good something is, when it's gone.

I really believe if you do this you will regret it, either in this lifetime or after death. After you die you exist for an eternity. That is so much longer than your natural life. Who knows if it's really true you would be put in hell to be tortured and burned for an eternity. Are you really sure life is so bad you want to enter into this realm? It's not worth it. The devil is a user, a manipulator. He tricks you. His mission is to steal souls over to his side. He doesn't give a # about you.

So yes I do think you can go to his side and get rich. I don't know exactly how that's done. You need a guide or teacher for that.

If you're into the occult , why not just try a magic spell? Mind you that's not really good to do either but it wouldn't or shouldn't hurt others in the process. Google ways yourself.
edit on 19-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:41 AM

I hate to break it to you

There is no Satan
and there is no God

Its made up.

Not only do I disagree but lets look at the hundreds of youtube videos of people who use to worship Satan and their stories. Are they all lying?

Have you ever heard of Roger Momeau? Best seller author of many books and former Satanist?

Check out this link:

Very insightful what he has to say about Satan. AND there are hundreds if not thousands more on the internet who can talk about Satan.

Satan has you fooled into believing he does not exists.

Remember ...... Satan has been around longer than you and he walked away from God long before Jesus came to the earth as a man. Satan is not ignorant and has put his plans into force thousands of years ago, often having to change his tactics due to keeping up with the times changing. He knew God would be coming to earth as a man and he planned for it.

Not believing in God and/or Satan is popular today and many need this attention because they have nothing else. Take a look at the few who live and breath ATS, it appears they have nothing better to do. They are online everyday as if addicted to the attention they so desperately need.

Instead of following the blind and believing the many lies about God and Satan why don't you do your own research. Start with praying for the next two weeks and ask God to reveal himself to you.

To those of you who do not believe in Satan I challenge you to call out to Satan and ask he show himself to you. See what happens.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 07:15 AM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

I have some questions is you don't mind?

What do you think of Azazel/Shemyaza/shamash (whatever the true name is)?

And Why is it that certain gods associated with the sun was also associated with saturn, like Ra for example?

Did Saint Germaine the guy who taught about the violet flame have a connection with Lucifer and is archangel Michael and Metatron have bad intentions and against Lucifer?
edit on 19-11-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

Shamash is the sun god of Akkadia, but the name is also borrowed into Judaism, it is the middle candle of the menorah. The word shemesh is also used as the sun. It is also spelled Shamash. What I think is this, as religion came from an original source and migrated across Mesopotamia with people, that the belief in one God is very evident in ancient sources, but people began extracting attributes and giving those attributes names and personalities.

And it is impossible to worship God in fullness of understanding of the totality of God. We simply just can't know all of God here on this planet. So people are worshiping attributes.

Here is the Great Hymn to Shamash, and tell me if it does not sound like some of the Psalms...

THE GREAT HYMN TO SHAMASH Shamash One of the longest and most beautiful of the hymns that have come down to us in cuneiform, this ranks as one of the best products of Mesopotamian religious writing. Unlike most compositions of this kind, it seems never to have been used as an incantation and lacks the én (Incantation) at the beginning. Undoubtedly thought the hymn had a liturgical role and was presumably composed with this end in view. Although Shamash, the Sun god of Babylon and Assyria, never reached the importance of His Sumerian counterpart Utu, He was always held in respect as the god of Justice, the all-seeing light from whom no one could hide. Translation by W. G. Lambert, in his book "Babylonian Wisdom Literature" (Oxford, 1960,)I, 127 ff. 1-20... 21. You climb to the mountains surveying the earth, 22. You suspend from the heavens the circle of the lands. 23. You care for all the peoples of the lands, 24. And everything that Ea, king of the counsellors, had created is entrusted to you. 25. Whatever has breath you shepherd without exception, 26. You are their keeper in upper and lower regions. 27. Regularly and without cease you traverse the heavens, 28. Every day you pass over the broad earth. . . . 33. Shepherd of that beneath, keeper of that above, 34. You, Shamash, direct, you are the light of everything. 35. You never fail to cross the wide expanse of sea, 36. The depth of which the Igigi know not. 37. Shamash, your glare reaches down to the abyss 38. So that monsters of the deep behold your light. . . . 45. Among all the Igigi there is none who toils but you, 46. None who is supreme like you in the whole pantheon of gods. 47. At your rising the gods of the land assemble, 48. Your fierce glare covers the land. 49. Of all the lands of varied speech, 50.. You know their plans, you scan their way. 51.. The whole of mankind bows to you, 52. Shamash, the universe longs for your light. . . . 88. A man who covets his neighbour's wife 89. Will [ . . .] before his appointed day. 90.. A -nasty snare is prepared for him. [ . . .] 91. Your weapon will strike at him, and there will be none to save him. 92. [His] father will not stand for his defense, 93. And at the judge's command his brothers will not plead. 94. He will be caught in a copper trap that he did not foresee. 95. You destroy the horns of a scheming villain, 96. A zealous [. . .] his foundations are undermined. 97. You give the unscrupulous judge experience of fetters, 98. Him who accepts a present and yet lets justice miscarry you make bear his punishment. 99. As for him who declines a present but nevertheless takes the part of the weak, 100.. It is pleasing to Shamash, and he will prolong his life. . . . 124. The progeny of evil-doers will [fail.] 125. Those whose mouth says 'No'-their case is before you. 126. In a moment you discern what they say; 127. You hear and examine them; you determine the lawsuit of the wronged. 128. Every single person is entrusted to your hands; 129. You manage their omens; that which is perplexing you make plain. 130. You observe, Shamash, prayer, supplication, and benediction, 131. Obeisance, kneeling, ritual murmurs, and prostration. 132. The feeble man calls you from the hollow of his mouth, 133. The humble, the weak, the afflicted, the poor, 134. She whose son is captive constantly and unceasingly confronts you. 135. He whose family is remote, whose city is distant, 136. The shepherd [amid) the terror of the steppe confronts you, 137. The herdsman in warfare, the keeper of sheep among enemies. 138. Shamash, there confronts you the caravan, those journeying in fear, 139. The travelling merchant, the agent who is carrying capital. 140. Shamash, there confronts you the fisherman with his net, 141. The hunter, the bowman who drives the game, 142. With his bird net the fowler confronts You. 143. The prowling thief, the enemy of Shamash, 144. The marauder along the tracks of the steppe confronts you. 145. The roving dead, the vagrant soul, 146. They confront you, Shamash, and you hear all. 147. You do not obstruct those that confront you. . . . 148. For my sake, Shamash, do not curse them! 149. You grant revelations, Shamash, to the families of men, 150. Your harsh face and fierce light you give to them. . . . 154. The heavens are not enough as the vessel into which you gaze, 155. The sum of the lands is inadequate as a seer's bowl....... 159. You deliver people surrounded by mighty waves, 160. In return you receive their pure, clear libations. . . . 165. They in their reverence laud the mention of you, 166. And worship your majesty for ever. . . . 174. Which are the mountains not clothed with your beams? 175. Which are the regions not warmed by the brightness of your light? 176. Brightener of gloom, illuminator of darkness, 177. Dispeller of darkness, illuminator of the broad earth. 178. ...

I am going to go out on a limb here, and say Shamash is the same God known to the Jews when they were in Babylon.

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