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Obama - Nearly 100% Staged Photo Propaganda - AP Calls Out Media To End This

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posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Is there another reason why people are absolutely outraged that Obama puts his feet up on the desk, but all the other (white) Presidents have also done it and nothing has ever been said about it???
reply to post by AlienScience

Not a single person even hinted at race.

Way to play the race card.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 03:43 PM
I guess nobody clicks on links and then allows other posters to mislead them with comments. This is from Natural News which then links to Daily Caller.
edit on 10-11-2013 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 03:48 PM
Gosh - a head of state who makes sure only good photos are taken (as far as possible) - who wudda ever thought hat would ever happen??!!

(where's the GREAT BIG YAWN emoticon?? :puz

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 03:51 PM

reply to post by elouina

Wow! This from AP? Never thought I'd see the day..

But I have to ask.. Why now? Is the MSM trying to regain a little bit of credibility for the next person in line? Hm.. Call me cynical, but I think there is more to this than meets the eye..

ETA: dang, talk about pencil legs.
edit on 10-11-2013 by kx12x because: (no reason given)

AP is not to be trusted as they are just as much a part of the media 'programming' juggernaut
as any and have been known to produce their share of staged photographs to suit a particular
Obama is under attack from all sides these days and one has to wonder if this is exactly what
the script has always called for, what with so little known about the man and the shoddy efforts
at forgery in regards to his identity and his past records.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 04:04 PM

I guess nobody clicks on links and then allows other posters to mislead them with comments. This is from Natural News which then links to Daily Caller.
edit on 10-11-2013 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

For your information this is an Associated Press article. It does not matter who posts the article, it originated from one place and one place only. Next time do some homework on just what the Associated Press is.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 04:07 PM
Seems there is more to the story. This appears to be a revenge attack of some kind on AP. For what? A law suit that is going to cost AFP and Getty Images millions for stealing the photo of Daniel Morel who worked for AP and saying the photos were taken by the photographers of AFP and Getty Images. Seems they found a photo on twitter and called it there own without knowing it belonged to a photographer from AP.

Guess they should have looked to see who this guy was first before stealing the photo.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 04:17 PM


Is there another reason why people are absolutely outraged that Obama puts his feet up on the desk, but all the other (white) Presidents have also done it and nothing has ever been said about it???
reply to post by AlienScience

Not a single person even hinted at race.

Way to play the race card.

What this does is give us an inside look at where Obama's support comes from if you get the drift. I have only seen the photo mentioned in passing. Never stopped long enough to read the posts, or articles, etc. No matter who did it before, it is disrespectful. And now learning that it was purposeful makes it all the more disrespectful.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

Being a black president would apply if he was black. In fact, he is more Arab than black. But I digress. The real issue here is not whether you are republican or democrat. It is his policies and flagrant disregard for the Constitution and Bill of Rights that have caused him so much grief. Real Americans are very proud of their rights and freedoms. So many of them have died for these things. Try being a Constitutionalist. I don't believe in parties. I believe in what our country was founded on and the many men and women who have died to protect this. I believe in our Constitution.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:31 PM

reply to post by jimmyx

Being a black president would apply if he was black. In fact, he is more Arab than black.

Other than not being Arab, Arabic speaking, or having any known Arab ancestors.... uh, were they giving out honorary citizenships now?

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:42 PM

reply to post by jimmyx

Your link doesn't work. I guess that makes my computer racist.

Why does it always have to be about race with you people? Why can't you see that some of us just don't like his policies?

Give it a rest.

The race shield worked so well for so long hay they figured they could go to town behind a black president. It really is in a presidents case, the cheapest and most buffoonish sort of defense against policy attacks.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by elouina

? What, and you think every president since JFK wasnt the same?
You think Romney would be any different?

take the blinkers off, its the name of the game in Washington.. happens in Hollywood too, ya know!

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:51 PM



reply to post by Mon1k3r

edit on 10-11-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)
While the foot on the desk might be disrespectful, I am more concerned with the symbolization of holding a gun in his right hand! If this is a staged photo then what exactly is the message being sent?

right...gee.. it wouldn't be that he was a black president, that he would be getting this type of criticism, would it?

here's an another look at this "disrespect"....republicans still amaze me with their hyprocrisy
edit on 10-11-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

The race card is so overused that I can't believe people can still read that card! Grow up.

Both sides criticize eachother and usually it is hypocritical. A poor mind uses race as a poor argument.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:52 PM
For the sake of comparison, under Bush journalists embedded with US military in Iraq had to file all copy to the DoD for vetting before it could be published causing press censorship. There were also bans on photos of coffins of returning soldiers as it would decrease public morale for he war - a ban Obama overturned.

Photo-ops are nothing compared to that.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 07:28 PM
Lol I was thinking Kim Jong Un before you even mentioned communism here, good call, you're right on the button here.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Mon1k3r

Really? Gold tooth? You really had to f**king say it? Why don't you just make a thread to show off a photoshopped picture of Obama in a durag, gold chains, and a a flat top?

People on this blasted website, I swear to god.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:41 PM

reply to post by Mon1k3r

Yeah and did anyone stop to think after reading this, that this means the disrespectful foot on the desk shot was purposeful? Right in your face folks, right in your face....

edit on 10-11-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

Now that I know its all pre set up, it reminds me of the photos of Hitler where he strikes all these purposeful poses. Look at his hand and you can see its a purposeful pose, meant to show...something. I don't know, but the foot on the desk, the pointed finger, it all means something. maybe someone else can describe it better but I'm gonna enjoy looking at Obama photos in a totally new light. Remember the one in the Situation Room when Osama was killed? And Obama has that hateful look on his face like "you bastard..." All fake. I wish I was on a pc so I could find a similar looking Hitler photo. There were a bunch that Adolf did not want released. He ordered them destroyed but the photographer kept them hehe... I.wonder if Obama's photographer has any saved away somewhere.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:52 PM

reply to post by elouina

? What, and you think every president since JFK wasnt the same?
You think Romney would be any different?

take the blinkers off, its the name of the game in Washington.. happens in Hollywood too, ya know!

Of course all those guys were a holes! We know THAT! But they are not the current potus, Obama is. HE is the one who matters right now and he was the one who promised CHANGE. Yes the others lied too and trust me I criticized them too!But that's not what we are talking about right now. We are talking about the man most in control of our nation's future AT THIS MOMENT.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 08:58 PM

So Obama isn't as photogenic as he would like people to believe, and he's vain and self-conscious about it. He has to be filmed and photographed from a semi-profile perspective, preferably his left it seems, so that no one notices that from straight on he looks a lot like Alfred E. Newman.

Big ass ears! All he needs is a gold tooth in the front.

Yes, but I believe Alfred had either a missing tooth, or a big gap in between his two front teeth, not a gold tooth. Maybe they changed it? I dunno, haven't read it in years. I'm an old school MAD magazine fan. Did they once spell it MADD ? or am I confusing it with mothers against drunk drivers?

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:09 PM
what, is AP being persuaded by someone to attempt to pressure Obama into allowing pictures from anyone so he is vulnerable to assassination attempts? why should the press be allowed to freely go anywhere our presidents do, especially restricted locations that might endanger national security? we have many enemies you know, we can't just forget that fact and allow whatever people demand just because they aren't satisfied with it, does a picture matter that much?

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

No.. I always suspected it, but without knowing him it takes a long time of watching him to confirm those suspicions. All the allegations made by people that say they knew him when he was young weren't worth much to me because anyone could say anything, but now it seems realistic.

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