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Question about extinction.

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posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:19 PM
Extinction of animal and insect species vary but its safe to assume that an average of at least one species goes extinct every 24 hours for any number of various reasons.

Do you believe that this rate is sustainable in the future given the increase in human population and the effects that are associated with that such as pollution?

I've noticed that while some species do die out, others seem to take their place and while humans destroy environments making previous areas uninhabitable by the species that live there, others seem to flourish and almost rely on human infrastructure to survive.

Also in regards to the Sea we notice many species starting to struggle yet others, such as jellyfish, seem to be multiplying in numbers.

The main question is this.

Will species simply adapt and evolve to incorporate massive human presence or will they all eventually die out as the Earth is slowly covered in concrete in pavement, pollution reaches record levels, and no natural habitats are left? Will they be relegated to history books and zoos or will a certain number survive and adapt, or even flourish?

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:28 PM
I think it's been said the Ant would survive. It's apparently harder to destroy and could indeed mutate or evolve. It's related to the wasp.
Some say they could survive a nuclear bomb. Cockroaches are another. Lovely!

In any case I think all living creatures and plant life evolves and adapts to it's environment. If not it dies off. Some are programmed to mutate if they are being are eradicated, virus' do this and it's why we should stop using so much penicillin.

In the end I think the animal kingdom wins. They are learning to defend themselves against perceived threats (humans) they possess greater survival instincts than we.
edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:30 PM
Forgot to say there is one type of jellyfish that does not die but regenerates itself to renew. Not sure which one it is, but It's immortal
edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

Turritopsis dohrnii,
the immortal jellyfish, is a species of small jellyfish which is found in the Mediterranean and in the waters off Japan.

There will be land left because the plan is to build vertically, upwards.
edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:37 PM
So you do not believe that all animal/insect life will go extinct but that some will be able to adapt.

I think I would have to agree with you on that although I'm curious as to what species that would be. Just walking my dog around my neighborhood I cannot help but notice the many different bird species that seem to have absolutely no problem adjusting to life among humans, nor do I see many insects disappearing.

If anyone has some credible scientific links that may show species population that interact with humans I would be very interested in that.

It seems though that size plays a relative role in adaptation with humans in that the larger the size, the more difficult it is to assimilate in. This of course may be different where oceans are concerned but I've just begun looking into this.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:39 PM
that is quite a number, and the rate of discovery is what, I wonder....wait till the radiation from fukushima begins to collect and expand, new mutations, zombies, and immigrant invasion, still a lot if true.....

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:42 PM
The pollution we are creating in the last fifty years is very bad. These unnatural or even concentrated natural pollutants can change the chemistry of the environment so nothing can live. This subject is much more critical than the CO2 emissions in my mind. The problem is that even CO2 can change ocean and watershed chemistry.

So many people are on medicines that are excreted into the sewers and later wind up in the rivers nowadays that this chemistry can effect the fish that we eat. It may not be a direct influence, it can effect what the fish eat. The micro-plastics from makeup and other applications is winding up floating on the great lakes and is ingested by fish where it could become a problem. Most people ignore this type of pollution, that is bad. Some corporations are changing their formulations voluntarily to help out but no changes of regulations are presently occurring. In five years it may get to bad levels and cause some problems as these plastic particles can act as endocrine disruptors.

What about the other rivers and oceans.

Are the new species being created going to be edible for the foodchain which eventually leads to our dinner table. There is no way we know these new species will be able to replace the ones that have died in the foodchain.

If my post makes no sense it is because I am listening to ATS live right now. It's too interesting to mute but I like to check out threads as I listen to it

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:53 PM
Well we know that all species have some capability to adapt to changing environments. There are examples of fish being cut off in a dark cave that eventually lose their eyesight and expand other senses to cope so I guess the question is, do animal and insect species have the ability to adapt quicker than they will die off to pollutants.

I suppose this goes to the question of how quick can a species evolve. I found this little tidbit with just a quick search,

Apr. 9, 2013 — Environmental change can drive hard-wired evolutionary changes in animal species in a matter of generations. A University of Leeds-led study, published in the journal Ecology Letters, overturns the common assumption that evolution only occurs gradually over hundreds or thousands of years.

Now do people believe this is true?

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:02 PM
creatures on this planet for the most part have done well over the last million or so years, very resiliant, and adaptive. bummer bout dino but you do what you can. of chinas out of control air quality due to manufacturing (that should be here but better standards) to japan, and multiple billions of people on a rock. So far we have made it, how long before our extintion??? how long do you give us?

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

Bacteria probably have nothing to worry about. They've been here for ~3.8 billion years and will continue to occupy niches until the sun goes nova.

But... there are other species that can't adapt as quickly to human-induced changes. For instance, our closest nonhuman primate relatives (chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas) are currently critically endangered due to deforestation, habitat loss, and poaching. Also, as soon as humans settled in Madagascar, they wiped out a population of giant Lemurs (they were considerably larger than today's Lemurs).

This is only the tip of the iceberg, though. Think about how many uncatalogued species have went extinct, especially in tropical forests (they harbor an incredible amount of diversity) that are being cleared at an alarming rate.

I think biologist E.O. Wilson said it best, "The human species is, in a word, an environmental abnormality."

edit on 11/9/2013 by Nacirema because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

Yes I do think some can adapt.

As for interacting with humans , not sure what you mean. Pets of course do. Dolphins are known to be healing. They are used for sick children to swim with. Monkeys or chimps are another. Although they can be violent animals when they perceive a threat.

All animals instinctively defend themselves. Humans really don't, many wimp out. Animals will fight to the death.

Some animals defend their babies. They band together when one of them is taken or killed. Some don't give a #.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:38 PM
I don't think humans will evolve fast enough to be saved from future extinction. By the time that happens we won't reside on Earth. Mars will be terraformed, or another planet or space station for human colonies. Animal species, insects and plants will be taken along. We we all be relocated. Then adapt to that new environment. There will be water for fish. These habitats will mimick earths environment. Man will undoubtedly destroy that as well and just keep moving on. Devouring every planet for it's resources.

It's inevitable we will not be able to remain on this planet forever.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:51 PM
I have to write a college paper based on research that examines the question of whether or not the future will hold a world in which a diverse species of animals exist.

Currently I am trying to form an argument in which to support with research so this is an exploratory question to decide on which side I fall.

It looks like I will base my argument on the belief that animals/insects will indeed survive but what I am trying to determine is the amount. It obvious some will go extinct as humans continue to increase their population and global footprint but will there be species evolving to take the place of those dying off or will we just have less than we have now.

I'm just looking for a starting point to begin research.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:49 AM
I'm fairly certain Life will find a way.

In a look at Extinction, we currently have, according recent findings, about 8.7 Billion species sharing space on this planet.
Over the course of 3.49 Billion years of life, it's estimated 99.9% of ALL LIFE that's ever existed on this planet is extinct:

Most extinctions have occurred naturally, prior to Homo sapiens walking on Earth: it is estimated that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct.

We've had no less than FIVE Major Extinction Events, where the Permian - Triassic event wiped out 96% of all life on the planet.

Yet, here we are.
Life will find a way.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:58 AM

I'm just looking for a starting point to begin research.

The probability of complex lifeforms surviving mankind's present terraforming efforts is highly doubtful. The encroachment of humans has gone on unabated for centuries and is progressing. Complex lifeforms which benefit this progression (think farm animals) will fare well.

I'm sure you have already considered historical periods of extinction. We're coming due. What has managed to survive the past and thrive, will most likely do so again. Diversity will reassert itself when dominance is diminished. Go with this and you'll get an A.
edit on 10112013 by Snarl because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:21 PM
I think most animals will become extinct and those who survive will become evil (as crazy as it sounds). I am talking about wolfs etc.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:25 PM
The smaller an animal is and the more omnivorous it is and the faster it reproduces ... the better its chances of survival IMO.

That being said, there are quite a few species that seem to have adapted quite well to humanity to take advantage of us.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 03:21 PM
Jurassic Park said it best...."Nature finds a way".....

The "statistics" on how often something goes extinct, are only as reliable as the data they are based on, so don't put too much faith in that. There's a reason the field is referred to as "lies, damn lies".

With the right data set, I could formulate an academically arguable statistic favoring both sides of an issue. It really isn't difficult, all in how you skew the sample.

Personally, the Earth isn't going anywhere.....WE are. Even if we covered the entire surface in concrete, once we died out, the Earth would come back. May take time, but it will. We should also understand that extinction and evolution are pretty much necessary as conditions change. Even we humans aren't immune, as we've changed over the years. (and had specific, related species die out).

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