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Aliens from the Pleiadian star cluster ?

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

You're prescribing to the idea that life is relatively new on Earth. If you're going to believe in Aliens, you might as well believe that science doesn't have everything figured out now just like they didn't when they believe the Earth was flat.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:03 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

You're prescribing to the idea that life is relatively new on Earth. If you're going to believe in Aliens, you might as well believe that science doesn't have everything figured out now just like they didn't when they believe the Earth was flat.

Of course science doesn't have everything figured out. No one in science believes that. If they did, they would be a very poor scientist since they would have little reason to pursue anything.

However, what we do know now is substantially more than the flat earth days and what we will know tomorrow will be quite a bit more than today.

BUT...... And this is the important thing so -PLEASE- pay attention....

We have used what we know about the universe to place constraints on what is likely and what is unlikely and even what is impossible.

If we didn't do that, you and I would not be using computers on the internet. We'd be be banging stones together for fire and you'd probably be dragging me around by my hair.

It is by defining what is achievable and what is the realm of fantasy that advancement occurs.

People are free to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or "Spiritual Aliens from the Pleiades" but no matter how long you wait as an adult, Santa Claus will not leave you a present, nor will the Easter Bunny and those Spiritual Aliens from the Pleiades inhabit the same space. Popular myth at best or some sort of new religion.

Let me put it another way.....

We would all laugh if someone said they sat down and ate space cakes with beautiful people from Venus. But just 50 years ago a good portion of a mostly scientifically illiterate public believed those stories.

Today most of what the astronomers of the time knew about Venus being a hellish place unsuitable to organic life has filtered down to the masses so almost no one would believe such a story today.

It may take another 30-40 years before your average person understands that O, B, A and even some F stars are not likely places for advanced life, much less "beautiful spiritual Nordics space brothers".

Knowledge is the light that scares away ignorance.

Is not the motto of this site "Deny Ignorance"?

edit on 6-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

I think you are taking a portion of my post and running away with it.

Let's get some things out of the way.

I believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life.

I believe that mankind (and womankind) have risen and fallen many more times than history has recorded.

I'm not a hair puller in any universe.

My saying that science doesn't have everything figured out, means exactly that. The "aliens" might have different means of travel that are instantaneous.

My saying that life is not relatively new on Earth means just that. We may have risen and fallen many times, and if we kept our head on straight the first time, maybe we would have advanced more quickly then we have now.

Imagine if all the nations nuked eachother. Not only would there be a genetic bottleneck (as has happened in history, the bottleneck that is) but all knowledge would most likely be lost and any technology we had. That is just one way that we could destroy us and everything we are.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by JadeStar

We have used what we know about the universe to place constraints on what is likely and what is unlikely and even what is impossible.

If we didn't do that, you and I would not be using computers on the internet.

I don't disagree with the basic principles outlined in your post regarding habitability. I think the comparison to Santa Claus is too strong. We simply can't be that confident about our knowledge. In my opinion, this is the confidence of youth. This is not a criticism because I have respect for your posts and that confidence serves a wonderful purpose. However, I believe it is a bias in your system of thought.

We have made observations on the femtometer (10^-15 m) scale up to 13 billion light years (9.4 x 10^25 m). Ideally, we would have taken those observations and applied them without bias to our knowledge base and adjusted our understanding accordingly. Unfortunately, this isn't exactly true. There is considerable inertia associated with existing ideas and our theories are therefore constrained from evolving efficiently. Worse still we end up at a dead end in the maze and dig down instead of turning around. The conception of dark matter is an example of this process at work. We were so confident of our basic physics until we turned our gaze to our galaxy, and then we slapped a band aid onto our system and appropriately called it dark. Oops. I'm not suggesting the theory of dark matter is right or wrong. I think it happened too fast without proper evaluation.

Inventions like the transistor were not made by limiting our minds to what is impossible. In fact, I believe it was quite the opposite. It was by reaching and dreaming for something more beyond the perceived limitations of the time. It was trial and error. Placing constraints in the manner you suggest implies an analytical solution that we don't apply as humans. We typically use a search process involving iteration to solve practical engineering problems. The non-computability of the halting problem discovered by Turing doesn't stop people from trying to engineer a solution.

In the end, we aren't dealing with tales of Santa Claus. The data, as it were, is coming from sincere people making sincere claims. Of course, not all of them are sincere. Suspension of disbelief and compassion go a long way. It's fun to discuss and can be healthy for all if we remember the human component and temper our interaction accordingly.
edit on 7-11-2013 by compressedFusion because: Added a line about confidence serving a purpose in the 1st paragraph

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:02 AM


Ross 54
There are at least three Sun-like stars in the immediate vicinity of the Pleiades star cluster. I suppose it could be that some being from one of these stars could use it as a familiar landmark, saying 'I'm from the Pleiades' rather than try to explain about actually being from an obscure, largely unknown star very near it. This isn't uncommon in human parlance, where someone may say they're from the nearest incorporated town, even though they live outside the city limits.
The three stars in question are HD 282943, BD +23493, and HD 283271. Interestingly, the latter is only about 16 light years away. Distances to the other two have proved elusive, so far. All are of G type; very similar to our Sun. Their respective coordinates are:
Right Ascension 3 hours, 47 minutes, 44.12 seconds; Declination +26 degrees, 36 minutes, 17.4 seconds.
R.A. 3 hrs., 42 min., 55.86 sec; Decl. +23 degr., 52 min., 34.82 sec.
R.A. 3 h. 59 m. 21.12 s. Decl. +24 d. 22 m. 48.4 s.
That of the Pleiades cluster itself, approximately: R.A. 3h 47 m 24s, Decl. 24 d. 7 m.
edit on 6-11-2013 by Ross 54 because: added information

Well... the problem with that is when you rotate the Pleiades and those stars around in 3D space (like in Celestia) that explanation falls apart because they no longer would line up.

Another thing that many overlook is that the stars of the Pleiades themselves are widely separated by as much as 1,000 light years.

Its like when contactees and other new agers talk about contacts with beings from different constellations (Pisces, Aquarius, etc).

I laugh because they think this is somehow convincing when it is actually the converse.

The constellations are how WE chose to organize stars a long time ago. The stars in each constellation have nothing to do with each other in age, distance, or any other observable thing other than where they sit on OUR sky.

It was a way of organizing stars using pareidolia (seeing pictures and patterns in things) where none really existed, at a time when people thought the earth was flat and the sky was like a big black flat curtain that came down every night.

Aliens skies would be much different than ours due to the position of their point of origin, therefore its unlikely they'd say they were from one of our arbitrary sets of stars based on primitive pictures.

Even here on Earth, astronomers use stellar catalogs based on certain criteria (age, luminosity, distance, presence of planets, etc). They only time they refer to constellations is either because a star contains a constellation in its name ie: Alpha Centarui, 47 Ursa Majoris, 82 Eridani. Or when they are pointing something out to the general public.

edit on 6-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)
When I made the remark about about sun-like stars in the immediate vicinity of the Pleiades, I should, of course, have said immediate apparent vicinity.
If we want to consider claims about extraterrestrials who meet and speak with humans in their own languages, we should probably allow for the possibility that they will adapt their talk to the knowledge of those persons.

As you say, our own astronomers, in speaking to the general public, sometimes refer to constellations as if they were real things, instead of imaginative constructions, mere superficial appearances. Extraterrestrials could conceivably use the same approach in speaking to the astronomically naive.
Thus, stars that merely appear to be near the Pleiades might be spoken of as if they were actually in its immediate vicinity.
I won't contribute to the debate about whether or not 'Nordic' appearing ETs are real or not. I am tempted to observe that an advanced species could very probably project for our benefit whatever appearance they thought most appropriate to the immediate situation. The 'Nordics' look a good deal like some traditional ideas of gods and angels, so I think this is probably based on something far larger and older than fascism.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Ross 54 because: inserted space between words

edit on 7-11-2013 by Ross 54 because: improved paragraph structure

edit on 7-11-2013 by Ross 54 because: improved paragraph structure

edit on 7-11-2013 by Ross 54 because: inserted space between words

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:09 AM
Your only thinking three dimensionally, think multi-dimensional or multiverseal when thinking of extra-terrestrials. Perhaps they are not "extra-terrestrial" at all?

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:17 AM

The level of ignorance on this site is sometimes astounding... why does everything in the universe Have to be based on earths model? Is it not possible something, somewhere is different or beyond our current undrrstanding Of life and the universe?

Bravo! We really have NO idea about anything do we, save that ANYTHING is possible and anything that we can possibly imagine is out there in the multi-verse somewhere. They attempt to kill the wonder, the marvel, the magic of it all but they will never be able to... Frankly I find this lack of imagination a bore.
edit on 7-11-2013 by HUMBLEONE because: Sedibus Ut saltem placidis in morte queiscam

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:30 AM

Your only thinking three dimensionally, think multi-dimensional or multiverseal when thinking of extra-terrestrials. Perhaps they are not "extra-terrestrial" at all?
Indeed, perhaps they are not. I await objective evidence that higher dimensional spaces and alternate universes actually exist, are inhabitable, and that it is possible for beings in another such domain to travel to ours and meaningfully interact with us. In the meantime, since we know that our own universe exists, can give rise to life and intelligence, and admits of our traveling about in it, it seems the the most likely source of those supposed 'extraterrestrials'.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Seeing the details you have, you must have had some experience of seeing something but I don't understand, from what I usually see only in America so many people have such encounters and it is like every now and then someone is having them. If people are not always crazy or watching too many movies, then could this all be military since there are lots of them there?

I am not into meditation or anything like that, some people say 'use your heart to call them', I say (based on many ufo cases):

- IF any of such beings existed and did such things, in most cases they would do it in places AWAY from civilization OR LESS INHABITED:

- Highways, forests, small towns, isolated houses, the wilderness - fields, farms. The way to be noticed: if you are driving a car, have some light, do some sound, that's what is needed.

I am waiting for that to happen but usually such things cause health problems and early death.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

You don't need to add all the confusion, and convolution that your flavor of "extra dimension" adds. With the normal 8 dimensions, normal, every day space, just like we are all used to, you can have all the variety you could possibly want.

Logically, there are even critters that will "obey" the "rules" you have set up for an "inter-dimensional".

It is far more logical to think of these "visitors" as extraterrestrial as differentiated from "inter-dimensional". There is absolutely zero evidence that such beings could even be, as opposed to ET who actually has "Home worlds" like; Tau Ceti, Zeta Reticuli, Sol, 82 Eridani. Tau Ceti actually has 2 planets in the HZ.

Hell, I'm thinking maybe; skiing on Tau Ceti's Ice world this year...may be a bit extreme, but could be great fun! What do ya think JadeStar? Yeah, that was a bit "silly" but, who 50 years...

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 05:52 PM

reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Hell, I'm thinking maybe; skiing on Tau Ceti's Ice world this year...may be a bit extreme, but could be great fun! What do ya think JadeStar? Yeah, that was a bit "silly" but, who 50 years...

Sure I'll grab my skis and some cold weather gear. I hear its nice this time of year.. Just around -20 - 45C

As for those Pleidans.... I am afraid the following slide spells death to any hope they exist.... (taken from the Kepler Science Conference today).

High lithium abundance = no planets produced yet.

edit on 7-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:27 PM
I must apologize for adding My thoughts. Of course, I was typing about "people" from My planet. Your planet may have different customs and/or theories. "People" from My planet are a little easier going. "We" don't tolerate strife and questioning another's thought processes and/or ideas. If someBody told Me they were from the planet Zob, what can I possibly gain from questioning Him/Her? absolutely "Nothing"

Are You absolutely certain that this 'person' isn't from Zob? He/She kinda has Zobian tendencies...

There was a knob named Bob from a place called Zob.

The orbits are different so we may never have this chance again...


posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by compressedFusion

Couldn't have said it even 1% better.


posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:45 PM


I must apologize for adding My thoughts. Of course, I was typing about "people" from My planet. Your planet may have different customs and/or theories. "People" from My planet are a little easier going. "We" don't tolerate strife and questioning another's thought processes and/or ideas. If someBody told Me they were from the planet Zob, what can I possibly gain from questioning Him/Her? absolutely "Nothing"

Through asking questions, knowledge is gained. Accepting anything at face value is the stuff of superstition and the dark ages.

Questioning is what separates verifiable truth from belief.

Are You absolutely certain that this 'person' isn't from Zob? He/She kinda has Zobian tendencies...

I'd ask a simple question: "where is Zob?" followed by, "can I have a map?"

edit on 7-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-11-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 08:52 PM
The books I ordered arrived, some Dolores Cannon material to prestudy for the course I 'd like to take, and the 3 book deal by James Gilliland. And the one I'm reading first, possibly out of order of being written: The Ultimate Soul Journey.

And I'm just about in tears. Because my own instincts, recognition, window opening, veil, was right. I knew they were pleadian. There is more I can say about them. Blue form fitting uniforms and you would hardly think they're confortable, but when I thought this, instantly was in one and it was perfect, more comfy than anything we wear, and I was asked "what's the prime directive?" and came up with something about helping people. As if she was talking to a child, said, "To free this planet"

The ones who oversaw our long distance trips, would be in the mountain passes, white knuckled, kids on board, lineups behind trying to pass the semi's to clear the lineups, and the craft would lock onto me and assure me I was fine, and the trip would be good. ONe time, for 5-10 minutes, he drove the car, somehow projected into me and out of me, and took over, and showed me in a kind of mind melding, where to look into the corners at the right distance, each direction and it was effortless after that. And then back home, in the shower, he pulls me through a portal to a place I recognize, got a feeling it was a planet, but possibly an artificial one, but abundant, and into a council meeting, then I woke up.

So much and just so happy. In the book he talks about the crafts, and sightings, and I always felt the link between the energy from the video's and Mount Adams and our sightings. And the diamond shaped craft, the cylindar, the morphing between saucer and cylindar. WOW. Yes.

Since childhood.

So another thing that keeps coming under the veil, will share, its not this universe we're from, i don't know the name of it. But we, and they, WE, my family, are from this other universe, it just keeps coming. And the energy is counselors, teachers, mothers, spiritual, healers, missions, helping. Grandmothers and mothers outrank generals.

I wish I could ask him this since he shares that after this pleiadian contact and some video someone made, that the black choppers came out.

We had the black choppers. The first summer of the sightings, got spooked by something my younger one said, and so tried to keep them all in though it was hot and my 17-18 year was sort of called or pulled out, and he kept calling me out for some of the sightings, and then kept saying, there were black choppers appearing and chasing. I didn't see why, and then was called out for one. The craft moved really slow, then blinked ahead each time the chooper got close and then vanished.

But I wish James could share, why they show up. My surmising is, our PTB work with teh rogues and pirates and exchanged technology, basically junk tech, low grade unwanted tech, for DNA and even taking whole humans off in the cylindars I was shown, whole families.

But these are here to wake people up, nudge them, to seek, raise consciousness, LOVE, open your mind, reach out to the hand reaching down, be of that same Love frequency, like unto like frequency.
So they want to shoot them out of the sky? They may even have given him an answer to why, what the intention motive is.

But, I kept saying didn't want them to take any risks, and come into danger, and they assured me, they were fine.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 09:24 PM
Now this isn't the cold ones, they are similar and wonder if they grew colder in service or helping watch over, and got compromised somehow. This other group, are angel ets. And Michael is this Family, Miczael. Ple'o'sha'n/Lyra, and from another plain, dimension, universe, not channel. A whole new building, not just another floor or subfloor/loft. When having periods of more of myself flooding in and remembering people, some my own family, my ex and my children, and even people from youtube, and I knew who was on target ,doing the work they came to do, and who was what I called a renegade, for selling out. But this young man, he wasn't young yet he was pure and youthful, and like an angel projected right into my home and started to tell me to never ever judge anyone, to intercede on their behalf and send Love energy, only. That this frequency was very hard to wake up in as it was, like gravity and quicksand, and the gritty heavy feeling of gravity that gives me headaches, (gravity is HARM). We're to be light as a feather, like in the movie Hook, you need your happy thoughts to fly. He said, to intercede and send Love that he may recover and go back on mission. I actually had this vision of all of us, in blue, in a craft, parachuting out, we all knew each other's missions and what we were going to do ahead of time, like stepping stones to everyone else, and each person free falled out in different decades, years.

Meditation, meditate under the stars, ask your own soul things at night, who am I? what am I to do here? What needs healing in me to start to awaken more, to gain more Love and awareness? How can I help others to heal? Reporting for duty!! Want to help! I'm so sorry for getting off target and letting anyone down above or here. This kind of thing. To your soul, HS, God/Goodness and Family.

edit to add: he does go into the black choppers, not so much what they intend to do with Mr. Et, but more about how they target individuals and an give the frequency of cancer or heart problems, lesions, upsets in family, anger and fear, target you and he talks about tracing it back. And how some have even died. And yes they do that to the experiencers as well. Its like static electrical at night, burning on your head. They'll be in the corner with tears down their faces soon enough, in or out of body, always feeling of waiting for that. But they can also walk away from what they're doing and man up to the stuff already done and seek to turn their lives around.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

They are multidimensional such as spirits of the grass and trees there are spirits of stars.

How can there be older than their star energy? In the same way my soul is older than my physical body.

Blond hair blue eyed beings? Back then they were called angels.

And Reptilians were called Nagas (nachash) - serpent beings


Now that Unity_99 spoke about Michael, I must say a few things giving my perspective (wanted to avoid "bible" talk)...

Michael is going to extremes to try to win people's trust. I know this personally. I find this behavior suspicious. They want to make everyone positive "of light" so they will be less aware of the negativity and less rebellious against the control.

If you want see my thread in "gray area" called "Reptilian Seduction". Reptilians put chaos for a REASON. This control on this planet is because they want to get rid of chaos and freedom to say "no!" to control with love and complete servitude.
edit on 7-11-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-11-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

The name of Michael is a name you can trust Unity.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Who is the Michael that Unity, you and Athlon refer to?

I've asked Unity this question before but never got an answer.

I want to see if it tracks with a Michael entity that I am familiar with...

And are the 3 of you talking about the same Michael?


posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter

The destructive angel of Yahweh who wishes to bring about an apocalypse to destroy the planet.

The Book of Revelations is a book "they" made as a guide to destroy the current world for even MORE control than the system humanity is in currently.

This is The New Jersalem - The New World Order

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