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Soliders Warn of Coming Gun Confiscation and War Against Patriots

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:02 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

You know I have been thinking about this.

Lets say they DO take our guns.

I know of about 4 people without really thinking about it that I can use to get me a freaking arsenal.

I mean I could probably find a damn RPG if I really wanted to....and I live in NY...SOOOO

Let them take registered guns. If they do, we will arm ourselves with better stuff. Things they cant trace. Things they sold to criminals themselves.

Imagine Georgia or Texas, or Kentucky.....

Imagine the influx of black market weapons made in other countries. They cant control that. They cant stop Chinese, Russian, or other organized crime rings and their black market affiliates now...What they hell makes them think that they could with about a quarter of the support?

Hell, even in NY we have ex IRA just living life...they could train us in all sorts of terrible things.

Every region has everything from ex commandos from south america to hardened criminals who fought bloody civil wars in their home countries for fun. That is not even mentioning the plethora of home born retired and active military personnel. They could face the most brutal insurgency ever known to man in a matter of a months.

The US can not be taken by force. Its like a long Russian winter all day long.

edit on 10 24 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

I agree with you in principle--I don't think the US can be taken by force. The battle would be long and bloody and violent, but in the end, we the people would probably prevail. After all, the US military can't even break the will of Iraqi and Afghanistan guerrillas after a decade of conflict.

The question here is whether we want it to come down to a prolonged civil war against the criminals who've usurped our government. Personally, I vote for no. And if we raise a critical mass of awareness now, if we get enough people informed and resistant to the growing tyranny, TPTB WILL back off.

I guarantee you that TPTB have wargamed these situations 10,000x over. If their simulations look like they've got a chance to prevail, they might just go after the guns and unleash the hell on earth that would bring for us all. My point of view is that we need to establish such a defiant and unified front that NONE of their wargaming would ever show even the slightest chance of victory for them.

Only by making it very clear that we the people stand together against the tyranny can we force these demons back to sleep, and force their evil plans back into the hell from which they spawned.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:11 AM
This is from March of this year:

DHS buys 2700 Armored Vehicles for Police Departments around the US.........

Seems like a lot of armor to me. Police departments all around the country are upgrading weapons and armor in a BIG way. If you sit back and take a look at the overall picture is seems a little bit menacing to me. I live in East Texas and while I DO NOT see my local police force turning on the citizens in any situation, it is something to keep an eye on.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Guess I inserted the video incorrectly. Lets try this one!?!?!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:20 AM

If they really were serious about confiscating guns they would stop the sales of guns and ammunition first?

You can still go into any walmart, sportings goods store or pawn shop and buy a gun.

I just bought a nice used glock40.

I'm calling cheeze! This is just part of AJs doom porn scenario.

edit on 23-10-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

That would set off serious alarm bells and they know this. The fact that americans are stocking up on ammo is something they cant touch now.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I pretty much believe the opposite of whatever Alex Jones says, just out of spite. The guy is either a idiot or genius.

But I'll give him props because he gets other non informed people to buy his crap and banks big bucks.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:38 AM
He predicted years ago that the TSA would be performing enhanced pat downs on people, and that there would be arrests if you said anything to the TSA agents. Looks like that came to pass. I'm not a huge AJ fan, but I do think he has hit on some stuff. I think he does a lot of predicting that's just hit or miss. A lot of military do listen to him.

When he broke that story about the nuke transport in SC my fiance shook his head and laughed, but it turned out to be true.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Taissa because: I need my morning coffee

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:46 AM
And here we go again. You know I remember back in the early 1990s some nut bag in a bar going on about the UN/NWO/Clinton taking over and then telling me that people in the Army were being asked if they would fire on American civilians and if they said no they were sent out of the country. Of course the moron did not know I was in the Army at the time and knew what he was saying was complete bunk. The sad part is Alex Jones can not even come up with an original idea because this one has been around for decades. So please get over yourselves it really get old this same old song and dance, year after year. And yet gun laws are more lax then ever. Although anytiime sales drop the NRA gets a memo from its corporate masters and speads a rumor that the guberment is commin for your guns and sales shoot up again. Talk about sheep.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:46 AM


reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I'd love to see them come to Texas and strip us our weapons. We have 1.5 million registered hunters. BRING IT!!!!

While I appreciate your bravado, I have to disagree with you. I'm from Texas and I hear this all the time. If a well trained and armed military with air support and armor wants your guns they will take them. It might take a few months or years but they will take them.

I'm a well trained fighter with 30 plus years of martial arts and tactical training. I can literally dot your eyes at 100 yards with my .40 and with a rifle I can take that out to several hundred yards. Even with all that training, I will absolutely give up my guns if it means saving my family's lives. One thing I learned many many years ago is to pick your battles.

Of those registered hunters many are seniors who will not last an afternoon against a well equipped army. Many of the others think they'll be able to put up a defense, but they really have no clue and will die. They may be able to fire a gun accurately but that won't mean squat when dozens, hundreds, even thousands of specially trained well armed and armored fighters roll through their neighborhoods and farms. I don't know anybody who has a house that can stand up to a tank rolling through it. Even those who have bunkers will not last against a bomb or two dropped on them. If they happen to be rich enough to afford a really deep well equipped bunker, well they make bombs for those too. The vast majority of those hunters are in reality soft or they wouldn't be hunting from deer stands like weak poosies only to go back in the evening to their RV or travel trailer parked at camp.

I've also gone through a bunch of primitive survival training and most people I know who haven't experienced this will not last more than a few days away from their sofas, A/C and refrigerator. A very low percentage of our population is strong enough for this type of suffering. If anybody out there thinks they are raw enough to handle war against a serious aggressor then I'd suggest they first start with roughing it out in the woods for a few weeks with nothing but the clothes on their backs and see how long that lasts. Heck, take your gun and a knife with you but to make it a little more realistic don't take any food or water. Oh, and realize that if you make a fire to cook up that deer that you think your going to get on the first day, you should understand that you just gave away your position to the army that wants your gun.

This post wasn't necessarily directed at the member who I quoted, but rather his quote gave me the opportunity to speak my mind on this subject. Peace and love to all and I really hope they don't come for our guns because I like my guns and hunting and all that stuff.

All you say is applicable to organized warfare. The scenario I envision is initial complete occupation without much of a resistance - the power will be overwhelming, infinitely better organized and concentrated - the patriots won't have time to organize sufficient countermeasures. The fun will start after that armada rolls out of supposedly cleared area. Examples are countless, the ground will burn under fascist's feet, the pressure will continue to build up, morale of goons degrade, until eventually they succumb.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:56 AM

reply to post by riffraff

One word jungle.

That why the us airforce couldnt bomb the vietcong to oblivion.

How much multi canopy jungle is there in texas?

So the jungle made the difference? Hmmmm. There's no jungle in Afghanistan. How much progress have we made bombing the crap out of them?
The jungle wasnt the reason. They used agent orange for that.
Besides there's just as much jungle here, where do you think all those hunters go to hunt? I don't know what area you're in but there's plenty of canopy here in mississippi.

But it's a moot point anyway the government wouldn't bomb it's own land into oblivion, ; that makes zero sense strategically. It's like burning your house down because you've got a roach problem.

After the first bomb was dropped the Feds would have so much collateral damage they would quickly lose all support. They would have no soldiers- no muscle- to put down a revolution.
Besides who would pay for the rebuilding of said bombing? The federal government, that's who. Again, It would be like burning your house down because you have a roach problem

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:59 AM


As an american citizen, and AIR FORCE NATIONAL GUARDSMAN, I outright REFUSE to do anything that which may break my oath which is listed as the following:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

If this oath shall be forced to be broken, I will no longer be able to accomplish my tasks as an airman and will do everything in my power to return the US to its CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT WAS FOUNDED

A Patriot, by the way, is one who loves their respective country and would do anything to protect it. Its that simple.
edit on 24-10-2013 by kingofyo1 because: (no reason given)

It may just be me, but I don't see anything in this oath that says defend the people. I suppose defending the constitution also means defending the states against invasion which is what article 4, section 4 speaks to.

Article 4, section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Defending the people against invasion seems to be guaranteed, however domestic violence which may be in the form of our government taking our guns away and killing us is not. Since the application of Legislature or of the Executive is required to defend against domestic violence would you be authorized or obligated to defend the people should said domestic violence occur?

It also states in article 1, section 1: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

So, if congress were to amend the constitution with language that it's okay for the government to kill it's citizens who don't give up their guns then wouldn't you be bound by your oath help them since you swore to defend the constitution rather than the people?

Just curious...
edit on 24-10-2013 by GoldenBrain71 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by GoldenBrain71 because: (no reason given)

According to the Federalist Papers the primary deterrent to a Federal Government gone mad, the rise of a tyrant or group of tyrants, would be the states and their armed citizens formed into militias of some type of organized force.

If anyone has been paying attention, by watching the lib news outlets and C-Span, this idea is being attacked by isolating it to its application by Southerners during the Civil War. The truth is both sides demonstrated the use of State Armies and home militias during the war. That's not really a question.

What is being done however by very crafty and creative propagandists is to isolate the Confederate States application of militias or home guards and state armies and then attaching the label of racism and radical application of states rights to any modern day efforts that amount to states exerting rights and citizens the constitution whatever their geographical location, state or militia, in the United States. They are going so far as to claim the 2nd amendment itself has its foundations in racism and a radical states rights platform.

Never mind that the most notorious extra military units served primarily the Northern effort. Red legs come to mind. Be that as it may both sides employed local militias and state armies in what was in fact a state vs state war.

All of this is good reason to continue to stress the primarily individualistic nature of the bill of rights, the duty and right of states to stand against overbearing central control ect.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:59 AM
If you want to learn to put up a REAL resistance I would stop hugging your AR-15's put it down and start focusing first on:

1) Long term out door survival. RV's and camp site camping do not count!
2) Food and clothing and medical stockpiles
3) Booby traps and snares.
4) First AID and basic improvised mediacl skills.
5) Aerial obsevation and drone avoidance
6) Learning everything about your local terratory
7) Effective urban street fighting.
8) Learning how to dig tunnels and find effective hiddng spots.
9) Learning everthing you can on possible arieal bombs, missles and artillary that can be used on you.
10) Buying heavy weaponry that could make a helicopters life diffcult.
11) How to use Morters.
12) How to build feild structures
13) Local orgnisation and co ordination
14) Leadership
15) Local weather pattens. Dont want to start a rebellion in the summer then come winter freeze to death cause you didnt prepare

And most importnatly

IED and bomb makeing

After all that then pick up your AR-15's and start hugging them again.

Chances are you will useing the above skills far more than your gun. Infact if you have to use your gun your most likley aready dead and wont even see the drone or sniper that gets you. It will be the IED's and traps that will be the most used. Unless your a ex military sniper im betting all the above will make you far more valuble and usefull.

And if you expect to be a lone wolf running about spraying bullets without any leadership and co ordination like in call of duty or battifield then do the world a favour and pick up you gun and blow your brains out already as not only will you be useless but you will most likley get in the way and be a danger to any REAL resistance groups

edit on 24-10-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by riffraff

Yes it did in vietnam. Read up. It was not the only reason but it gave a damed good advantage.

Afganistan? Well yes they are effective and they fight slightly diffrent.

Point is you need to adapt to your terrain.

Runing around with AR-15 expecting to accomplish something wont work.

Read the above post.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:13 AM
who stopped the war in Syria????

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:15 AM

who stopped the war in Syria????


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

definitely wasnt the States...

There is a biot a crazy syrvivalist hum to some posts on here, it is enought o make normal folks abit nervy, when everu nutters got a gun, not gonna take long before somebody shoots you.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:22 AM
Just checking...Alex Jones is a nutter who generally ATS hates, mocks and laughs at unless he says 'omgeleventyone!!!!!!! they're coming for the gunz!!!' then we believe every thing he says, regardless of any proof?

Is that correct?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:26 AM
As a Police Officer I want to ask you guys this serious question. If the police are going to help the military confiscate firearms, when are they going to tell us? When are they going to tell us that there is a plan to do so?

Are we going to come in one day and during squad meeting be told today is the day? Are our supervisors going to go through roll call and then suddenly say, "oh by the way today we are going to start going door to door to collect firearms?"

I am not saying that there isn't a plan in the works. Who knows, maybe there is. I am simply trying to figure out how the local police and deputies will be informed of the plan. Because I sure as heck haven't been told of anything. Neither have any of my co workers.

Something like firearm confisication in America would take a detailed, multi layered approach involving every local Police Officer, Deputy, Federal Agent and military member from the ground up. It wouldn't be something that we could be told about the day before the plan went hot. Logistically it would be a nightmare (my opinion).

Most, including myself would not participate.

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: grammar

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Anyway firearm confiscation would be pissing in the wind in the states.

I mean how many illegal unregisterd guns would be floating about?

Plus as soon as the US gun compnays are stoped from selling how quick would it be before the Russians and Chinese crime syndicates would start mass importing there arms! Hell it would be a wet dream for them!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:49 AM

I'd love to see them come to Texas and strip us our weapons. We have 1.5 million registered hunters. BRING IT!!!!

While I appreciate your bravado, I have to disagree with you. I'm from Texas and I hear this all the time. If a well trained and armed military with air support and armor wants your guns they will take them. It might take a few months or years but they will take them.

I agree. But I don't predict large scale action.

I keep reading about patriots and what they will do. But it seems to me that all the conversation on the 'net is just pinpointing resources, plans and people for the bad guys. Just like the Nazis, I would expect the bad guys to employ small raids against those in their database -- one at a time. Most of their neighbors will simply watch TV and hear how their terrorist neighbors were swept up when a new plot was uncovered.

I'm not sure there is a "defense" against the overwhelming resources of the state -- when the bad guys control the media, transportation routes, resources, troops and mercs. Perhaps the only defense against a rabid government is to "be someplace else" or small-scale offensive tactics?

edit on 24-10-2013 by juspassinthru because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:54 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I'd love to see them come to Texas and strip us our weapons. We have 1.5 million registered hunters. BRING IT!!!!

Don't be foolish.
1. Fake a crisis;
2. Declare martial law;
3. Drag out some gun owners into the street and shoot them - get it on the news;
4. Game over.

edit on 24-10-2013 by Maverick7 because: (no reason given)

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