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What is "God" and what are "We" doing here?

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posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:00 AM
What is "God" and what are "We" doing here?

First, I would like to start out by saying this thread ways heavily on what I believe to
be true about "God" and why we are here on Earth.

If you do not agree, that is fine. You don't have to agree with my thought process and evaluations of life on Earth, death and the afterlife.
The ideas expressed within this post are ideas of mine and others... from my education and core of my being, nothing more.

Try your best to refrain from judgement's and negativity. I pray each and every one of you see and feel the light of love within the intent of this thread/post.

Let's not waste any more time.. WHO is "God"??

"God" can be any name you want to address him/her/it as.

"God" is THE SOURCE of ALL. There is no gender attached to God nor is there any one particular religion "God" endorses.

"God" is an equal opportunity, "Father" , "Mother", "Creator" which has no favorite player in this game we call Life on Earth.

For the sake of this thread I would like to call "God" , "Energy Source".

It has been stated as fact that Energy cannot be destroyed only transformed.

Read more about Energy here IF you are not aware of how our reality involves energy on many levels.

To better understand energy, lets use the water cycle to help us understand.

There is a finite amount of water on our planet and while it changes form, it doesn't disappear.
It falls as rain, is absorbed by plants and animals and some evaporates back into the clouds only to fall again. The water that is evaporated is eventually placed back in the environment by death or excrement, and the cycle repeats. The water is not created or destroyed-- it just changes and the same can be said for energy. It changes form but never disappears.

Our bodies have a source of energy as all systems do.

Where does this energy/we come from?

It comes from the "Source" and IS a PART of the Source.

Our Energy Source does not call on a particular religion to do good deeds for the positive result. Why does the Source need positive AND negative here on Earth?

My answer... For... balance and so we may know the difference. For learning purposes.

Here you can read why we as human beings need positive energy within our life. It's evident for most of us, however if you are one who doesn't understand WHY you should try to be more positive than negative throughout your life's experience.. this read is for you..

"But we might say that the energy of the universe would be constant, because when you create matter, you need to use energy. And in a sense the energy of the universe is constant; it is a constant whose value is zero. The positive energy of the matter is exactly balanced by the negative energy of the gravitational field. So the universe can start off with zero energy and still create matter." Stephen Hawking

One way to envision "God"/ The Energy Source of ALL, is being positive and the rest of energy is both positive and negative, however the negative is always working it's way toward the positive.

For the reason above is WHY "WE" are HERE on Earth.

Consider for a moment the Earth is a University. When going to college what is the goal? The goal of going to College is to obtain a higher level of education than High School and get a diploma.

The goal here on Earth is to get a higher level of education before going back to the Source. It allows the human being more energy potential. It allows us to be able to grow closer toward obtaining the diploma..... To grow toward the positive!

The state of our energy requires work. Work here on Earth where there is negativity means more suffering and lessons are learned much quicker. It's a short cut, although a painful one at times. We are all working toward the betterment of the system to which we belong.

There are MANY lives lived on Earth working toward this goal. There are many working we cannot see nor touch (our deceased loved ones) who reside in another dimension who will return to this school of souls--in time. Some may be done here, however many of us are not. We have not reached our "potential" and each incarnation is by our choice and by our convenience.

We are not judged by all the negativity we put into this world via "The Source". The Source I call God is not a judge, The Source is positive and understand's all the whys. There is not some grey headed and bearded man in the sky waiting to throw you in a pit. lol Fear breeds fear, so do not be afraid of such a monster when your time draws near. Be open to the positive and you will know then there is nothing but love waiting for you.

We are judged by our own soul who is guiding us to the light all the time, however, matter is the fact...we have a goal and if that goal is not met, we will try again because --we want to. There is no cloud or mist over our eyes when we "die".... only when we are born.

We know all the why's , therefore we are more forgiving of others and our self because we truly understand each and every choice made and how the cause and effect trickled and snowballed into what we experienced as well as what others experienced via our choices.
We are all connected to the Energy Source like a newborn is attached to their mother via the umbilical chord.

We are a part of a wonderful system which is evolving into pure positivity.

There is no right or wrong religion and religion only serves the ego, whereas the Source serves ALL.

I'm going to stop for now... I really welcome all thought processes (energy) on this subject and wish for mostly positive feedback, however I understand the goal is not met yet, so fire away with the negativity too. lol

FYI: My sources for this thought process is life~ and life's experiences~ of which includes-- but not limited to-- many books and research over my 40 years.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

I would certainly agree that energy is the source of everything. After all, every bit of matter is, in fact, energy.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:17 AM

What is "God" and what are "We" doing here?

The question mankind asks over and over .... and keeps coming up with different answers and is met with nothing but frustration in trying to figure it out. It's like we have been put in the middle of a board game and are expected to 'win', but we don't know the rules or objective of the game and no one will tell us. Insane.

As for your energy thoughts .... a few years ago, moderator NITEBOY told me about some books ... the Celestine Prophecy. They are fiction, but they talk about the whole 'everything has to do with energy' thing. I thought they were interesting. You might like them.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by greencmp

Exactly, energy can be said to not be an "object" made out of stuff, like matter.

Just like all fields and particles can have energy; but none of them ARE energy.

Energy to me... is THE SOURCE/God

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:29 AM


What is "God" and what are "We" doing here?

The question mankind asks over and over .... and keeps coming up with different answers and is met with nothing but frustration in trying to figure it out. It's like we have been put in the middle of a board game and are expected to 'win', but we don't know the rules or objective of the game and no one will tell us. Insane.

As for your energy thoughts .... a few years ago, moderator NITEBOY told me about some books ... the Celestine Prophecy. They are fiction, but they talk about the whole 'everything has to do with energy' thing. I thought they were interesting. You might like them.

While this is true that mankind has asked over and over and does indeed come up with different answers. There is an answer to every question, one just has to observe if there is any evidence for the answer in question-- which is found within the heart of the soul and observed in the physical surroundings.

Nature, Science and His-Story (experiences lived and shared) paints a picture for all to see... it is evident.

Where it gets tricky is how the observer observes.

In my signature Einstein says the answer, although short and sweet.

"All religions arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling mans life lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. "~ Albert Einstein

edit on 21-10-2013 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

What about "others" ??
You say "We" but you mean humans, right?
What about animals, birds, bacteria or an virus?

Humans always tend to put themselves on the top. LOL

Give some thoughts to this one...
"You are here not to learn anything but as nutriment for bacteria and viruses." NO?

I also don't think the way you see energy is quite correct. But I'm not writing about this...

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:30 AM

reply to post by MamaJ

What about "others" ??
You say "We" but you mean humans, right?
What about animals, birds, bacteria or an virus?

Humans always tend to put themselves on the top. LOL

Give some thoughts to this one...
"You are here not to learn anything but as nutriment for bacteria and viruses." NO?

I also don't think the way you see energy is quite correct. But I'm not writing about this...

The way I see it is this..

Energies are working together toward their own potential and for the potential of the other... this includes but is not limited to bacteria and viruses as they too are living organisms which holds energy as well. They can be said to have not reached their potential until they arrive at a certain state.

ETA: Let's take this above a step further.

The root of the tree is energy although the Biology of the tree contains so much more. Such as the human and other living organisms. There is a potential.. of... energy that exists.

At their simplest beginnings, living "things" really only needed three characteristics: the ability to self-organize, the ability to reproduce themselves and the ability to evolve.
Switch ability with the word potential.

In simplest terms this above is life's purpose.

To go further with DNA, etc... visit this site.
edit on 21-10-2013 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:44 AM
AWESOME thread, MamaJ!


I agree with your thoughts - and for me, the answer is pretty obvious. I'm still conflicted about some things regarding the "human condition" (see the thread about Justice/Death Penalty/Hell) - but just this morning I came across a Sufi teacher named Llewellyn Vaughan Lee. "The Silent Sufis" is his tradition - goes back to 13th/14th century in the Middle East.

WE ARE all connected. We ARE "God" - so is everything in nature.

There are a bunch of shorter vids of his on youtube, as well.

He says when people die, what happens depends on the evolution of your soul. The bright light is "our higher self" -
these Sufis aim to "Die before we Die" - to meditate and be back in touch with the "Higher Self."

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:52 AM
What is God or the "source" of everything? In my opinion it is us, we are the source. If you think about it, the world around us is created within our brains. All of our senses: taste, smell, touch, sight, and sound all originate and are created within our minds.

If those senses no longer work, there is no longer anything. We are our own Gods in my opinion, we are all co-creators of the universe around us because we create the world around us with our senses.

We're all the same on the inside, we all originate from and ARE the main source of energy called consciousness.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

doesn't work for brain dead people I assume ?

I think you guys should come to a conclusion what Energy you're talking about actually is.
I know it is easy to call all you don't know "God" or "energy" but what exactly are you talking about?
Not muscle energy I ques...

is God holding the Moon in Earth's orbit ??
Oh, I see... it's not there if I'm not looking...

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:30 AM
"We" are ALL 'Creators' working our way back to whence We came, the One Infinite Creator, returning to Source. Some will name it "New Age" but, isn't what once was old is new again? Oh, that is the reason the snake swallows it's own tail... death/re-birth/life repeat if necessary. It's BEAUTIFUL isn't it?

| dig the whole thing! You know if it "matters" to You that yet 'another One' can dig the whole vibe?

| saw a Sufi reference and One can't do Sufism w/out a lil Hafiz...

Would You think it odd if Hafiz said..
"|'m in LOVE with every Church,
and every Temple,
and every Synagogue,
and any kind of Shrine,
For it is there that | hear ALL the beautiful names of the One Infinite Creator"...


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:45 AM
There is this well known formula by Einstein, E=mc^2
which to me means that energy is part (a component) of the physical universe.

God, I believe, is a person.
This is my understanding based on personal experience.

"We", I believe, includes all of us, including the human persons and the god persons.
"Judgment", I believe, does not happen as long as the universe exists.

"Learning", I don't think is the purpose as much as something that happens by existing in a material physical universe.

I don't see "The Creator" as being a single person.
Jesus is the creator of the spiritual system of how people should get along in this world.
edit on 21-10-2013 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:51 AM

There is this well known formula by Einstein, E=mc^2

The idea, this formula comes from Einstein, is one big main stream media lie !

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by KrzYma

I think you guys should come to a conclusion what Energy you're talking about actually is.

The conclusion for me is in the OP.

The Energy I am referencing as "God" is the, "Energy Source".

THE Source of ALL energy. The point of derivation so to speak.

This Source holds no judgement's, no religion, no book of wrongs or rights. It is the source of all systems working together for the betterment of Energy and the evolve-ment of such a system... to help it grow in sync and harmony and the flow of the continuum.

For each purpose here on Earth serves a greater purpose within the overall scheme of things.

Earth is a system that holds energies of knowledge as well. This is a school that we adapt to, learn from, and grow. We can do this on Earth quicker because of the negativity that resides here.... for US.

If your environment is rainbows and skittles you will not learn what it's like to sense heartache or any other negative emotion that makes the soul energy grow and evolve to the positive energy from whence it came from.

We can find a balance (neutral energy absorption) temporarily until a PART of the system( be cancer or any other negative mass--human or what have you) put's out negative energy. It's a cycle of sorts that spirals up and down (positive -neutral- negative) with different stages of development. Change of energy is the constant, however.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

Jesus is the creator of the spiritual system of how people should get along in this world.

Jesus is a person you relate with who in your view holds the evolved state you are trying to reach.

In another way, this idea is explained in the OP.

Jesus represents many lives of man's His-Story.

An experience if you will of energies affecting energies.

Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, (and other higher advanced beings) can be seen as the highest-positive of the energy system.

It is an idea/metaphor/literal potential for us all.

We hold the energies potential and it's affect trickles onto other beings and objects.

Paranormal studies teaches us-- the observer -- energy in "time". Past energies can be held for a period of time by land, walls, or any object for that matter. Energies leave an impression.

Although energies leave an impression, the good news is the impression of said energy changes. It can go from positive to negative and vice versa.

Souls (light/your higher self/energy) do not decay and whither away, they transform from the physical to the spiritual.

This is evident by NDE's from energies that found them self in a transformation state.

To transform is not to no longer "be".

The state of be-ing changes, but it does not cease.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Thanks Wild for coming and sharing your thoughts.

I think I have already discussed with you what I think in regards to "Hell".

In my view conjunction with the OP it goes like this..

It's a state souls put them self in via their fears or... negative emotions.

Even Jesus before he evolved visited there... and I think why.... if it's true.... is because his soul has many names from the beginning..beginning with say.. Adam. His-Story is a good one to reference because his-story truly represents ALL OF MAN'S --Story (HIS-STORY as a collective).

He had many lives to reach his goal, just as you and I. He went through MANY trials and tribulations life after life... just as you and I.

As we evolve to higher dimensions our vibration of energy is too high to go to such a lower dimension.

Cause and effect is another way to see this idea. We cause positive energy changes therefore the state we find our self in when we pass from this life to the next is a positive one.

If we mostly cause negative changes within the system we find our higher self in a lower dimension.

Thoughts are real and energy as well. What you THINK... matters. Literally. lol

Take the above story and relate it to Buddha... same thing.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by KrzYma

Are brain dead people conscious? No they're not. I'm not exactly sure what your point is. Does anything exist for that brain dead person while they are brain dead? No, only when they become conscious again is the world around them "created" from their perspective.

We are all God experiencing itself from subjective viewpoints.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:37 PM
This point was so eloquently pointed out in the originating post. So what happened to ALL the enlightened beings prior to Jesus? Are You using Jesus (pun intended) as the "Christ Consciousness"? As was pointed out, there are many Ways, Paths to the phase after "Life" Each time | read "The ONLY way to Heaven is through Jesus" You're missing a whole bunch of neat folks, The Great Buddha not in Heaven? Muhammad? Where did ALL those Souls go? Oh, it was 'they' who have to re-incarnate huh? Their philosophies/®eligions™ have re-incarnation as part/parcel...hmmm Maybe it's the other way around?

Lao Tzu NOT in Heaven? Come on...

What if it was ALL make it to Heaven it just takes some longer to get there? Could You agree on that? What do You say "we" let St. Pete or whomever You "believe" does the "judging", do their job and "we" do ours?

Again, Lovely post.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by LewisStulePhD

What if it was ALL make it to Heaven it just takes some longer to get there? Could You agree on that?

That is exactly what it is. We ALL "make it" to "Heaven" - because we are ALL part of God.

Yes, it takes some longer than others. If you're interested in the video above by Mr Vaughan-Lee, it talks exactly about soul evolution, the Higher Self, and so forth and so on.

FACT: We are all connected. FACT: The Earth is alive.

PROOF? None that would persuade anyone not ready to hear or understand it, but it's just something I KNOW, in my deepest self. Have ALWAYS KNOWN, and it's wonderful. Beyond words.

Mr Vaughan-Lee states that Humanity is at a turning point; it took 100,000 years to get here - and NOW, just now, the Global Awakening has begun. Civilization as we now know it is coming to its end, and will re-emerge as a Global Phenomenon of Oneness, Love, Understanding, and Higher Vibrational energy.

:thump up:

edit on 10/21/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

What is "God"


and what are "We" doing here?


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