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Michael Aquino Pyramidimusings

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posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:33 PM



There is no problem moving the stones, it's already been proven. The barges could have moved up to 90ton stones, much larger than any used.

If there is no problem "moving the stones" which includes lifting and positioning, than why haven't they shown it possible by recreating a structure similar?

I am not sure what is the problem if the stones are so easy to move.

Got any links for that by the way?
Something seems out of context.

I already linked a source. They created a mini version and extrapolated it would be possible with 20,000-30,000 people to build the GP in 20 years.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:34 PM

What do you think of this NOVA article where Mark Lehner basically did a small scale reconstruction and then extrapolated the results and has found no problems with only 30,000 men building the GP.

I appreciate Lehner's effort to sell us his shorts, but building a small model with modern tools, winches, and trucks, moving small blocks, is not even close to being the same kind of task as the GP.

Bear in mind too that, unlike a modern building, the GP was completely solid except for its interior passages and rooms. All of this had to be carefully preplanned, with all interior blocks fitting together precisely enough neither to destabilize the interiors, nor to create stresses that would collapse the entire structure - as happened to various of the lesser stepped mastabas and pyramids scattered around Egypt (possibly amateur imitations of the Giza ones rather than their forerunners, as conventionally suggested).

Remember too that Lehner came from the University of Chicago and the Harvard Semitic Institute, and if he wanted to go back to them, he knew what his marching orders were: reinforce the official version. As for Hawass, he's so transparently a tourism panderer that you always know what he's going to say before he says it. In short, he too knows where his bread is buttered. Egypt is an "ancient Egypt tourism" business. It knows very well that in this it must never offend rich Western tourists' values or expectations. Think "Universal Studios Tour".

There's a PSYOP principle here. [Yes, here I go again "talking shop".] Not just archæology, but much of human history conforms to very rigid agendæ. Daniel J. Boorstin is Librarian of Congress Emeritus, and is a distinguished scholar and Pulitzer Prize winner who has authored many superb historical analyses. In his Hidden History: Exploring Our Secret Past (NY: Vintage Books, 1989), he proposes several laws that shape what we know as “history”:

(1) The Law of the Survival of the Unread. There is a natural and inevitable tendency toward the destruction and disappearance of documents most widely used; therefore there is an inverse relationship between the probability of a document surviving and its value as evidence of the daily life of the age from which it survives.

(2) Survival of the Durable, and That Which is not Removed or Displaced. Tombs, burial objects, mummies, temples, churches, and pyramids tend to skew our view of the past. They give a prominence to religion in the relics of the past which it may not actually have had in the lives people lived.

(3) Survival of the Collected and the Protected: what goes in government files. We emphasize political history and government in the life of the past partly because governments keep records while families and other informal groups seldom do.

(4) Survival of Objects Which are not Used or Which Have a High Intrinsic Value. It is not only in printed matter that rarity and scarcity induce survival. Treasured or hoarded artifacts frequently survive where commonly-used, more representative ones do not.

(5) Survival of the Academically Classifiable and the Dignified. Teachers teach the subjects in which they have been instructed.

(6) Survival of Printed and other Materials Surrounding Controversies. What often passes for the history of a practice, belief, or institution is more accurately the history of controversies about it.

(7) Survival of the Self-Serving: The Psycho-Pathology of Diarists and Letter-Writers. Historians are urged to seek records by participants in events, preferably those made at the time or soon thereafter. Such are often self-serving and egotistical at the expense of objectivity.

(8) Survival of the Victorious Point of View: The Success Bias. If an invention, trend, or point of view prevailed, it and its proponents are assumed to be representative rather than failed or minority alternatives.

(9) Survival of the Epiphenomenal. People often write and read books because they cannot personally experience what is described. It is often uncertain whether a writer is recording or escaping an experience.

(10) Knowledge Survives and Accumulates, but Ignorance Disappears. The mind of the modern historian has access to the accumulated knowledge and experience of the ages since the period of the past he is trying to recapture, but for this reason he cannot see reality as the people of that time saw it.

What are the implications of this for you, the history detective? It means that:

(a) All of the historical sources you consult are incomplete, inaccurate, biased, and/or incompetent to some degree. [As Grace Slick said, and I echoed above, "everybody wants to sell you their shorts".]

(b) You yourself are in the grip of tacit prejudices and presuppositions which you have never questioned or even acknowledged as anything to be questioned.

You can compensate for #a by going outside “blessed” history sources to others, including those of the “heretical” (then or now) in order to examine the events in question from as many perspectives as possible. You can compensate for #b by consulting third parties - including the “heretics” (then or now) - for their assessments of the issue, which you can then evaluate along with your own towards that eventual, vital objectivity.

Thus the adventure of history becomes a path to the truth and not George Orwell’s “Reality Control”:

George Orwell, 1984
The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed - if all records told the same tale - then the lie passed into history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the Party slogan, “controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. “Reality control” they called it; in Newspeak “doublethink”.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I' so glad you posted the videos! I really found them interesting, and will be investigating further!
The Coral Castle mystery has always fascinated me, and I love reading about Tesla. Now I have several new people, and their ideas, to research!

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Well then, after this explanation of what it can't be, or who couldn't have built it, what do you suppose it's intention was, or who do you believe built it then? Do you believe it to be much older then historians and scientists believe?

According to the Arab historian Abu Zayd al-Balkhi, inscriptions on the now-destroyed exteriors of the Giza pyramids give their time of construction as when Lyra was in the sign of Cancer. That would have been about 73,000 years ago, in the late-middle Palæolithic. How does that grab you?

Our earliest evidence of man dates to about 1 million years ago. In South Africa a large number of fossil remains of mutated apes has been found. Classified as Australopithecines, these pre-men possess human-like hip and thigh bones in addition to enlarged cranial capacities of between 400cc and 600cc. Conventional theories of evolution can substantiate the continued mutation of this man-ape [or his contemporaries] to the stage of Pithecanthropus Erectus - a skull fragment found in Java with an estimated capacity of about 900cc. Later versions of Pithecanthropus have evidenced skulls of up to 1,100cc. And here we encounter the enigma of the “missing link”.

The Java remains date to the Lower-Paleolithic period - about 800,000 years ago. The next two definitive ancestors of modern man, Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal, did not appear until the Middle-Paleolithic period - about 100,000 years ago. There is some question, then, about the interim 700,000 years. Nor is this the only “missing link” period.

Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal, who were approximate contemporaries, possessed cranial capacities respectively of up to 1,700cc and 1,500cc. How and why did these startling enlargements occur? And why was Cro-Magnon’s cranium in particular larger than that of present-day man, who averages 1,400cc?

Here I want to focus on the point that high-intelligence human beings have been around for at least the last 100,000 years.

Now consider: That’s a long time. From today back through to conventional archæology’s “beginning of history” (+/-3000 BCE) is a mere 5,000 years. That leaves 95,000 years when human beings like ourselves were hanging around this planet doing ... what? Just goofing off?

This is one of those questions so inconvenient and annoying [like the GP] that conventional archæology responds to it by basically “not trying”. Those embarrassing 95,000 years are “fast-forwarded” through in textbooks as hurriedly as possible [“there was some migration, some arrowhead-chipping, some animal domestication ...”], to get to the safe ground of Gerzean (predynastic) Egypt, Mesopotamia, and so on.

And of course “recognition” of perfectly normal modern human beings from [at least] 100,000 years ago boots conventional religions, such as Judæo/Christianity and Islam, right out the door. There is no conceivable way that their creationist legends can be made to stretch back that far. Maybe this explains how persistently and aggressively both Christians and Muslims have attempted to destroy ancient Egypt [except as a nice, safe tourism baksheesh generator, of course].

Personally, I believe it to be much older than we think. Just like the ruins beneath the ancient ruins in Peru. The stones beneath.

In his History II Herodotus further recounted the legend that there are underground channels from the Nile extending to a subterranean island below the GP. I think there was also supposed to be a secret passageway from the Great Sphinx to these caverns. Haven't heard that anything like this has been found yet, but I don't know how hard anyone's looked either.

H.P. Lovecraft, The Festival
"The nethermost caverns," wrote the mad Arab, "are not for the fathoming of eyes that see; for their marvels are strange and terrific. Cursed the ground where dead thoughts live new and oddly bodied, and evil the mind that is held by no head. Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes. For it is of old rumour that the soul of the devil-bought hastes not from his charnel clay, but fats and instructs the very worm that gnaws; till out of corruption horrid life springs, and the dull scavengers of earth wax crafty to vex it and swell monstrous to plague it. Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl."

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:34 PM

I've always had the impression that, based on the interior design, the GP was designed to keep something in as opposed to keeping others out.

Granite plug, three doors, and the counterweight (leaf) left in place. They wanted access to the contents of the King's Chamber but they didn't want it to have the ability to get out. They even plugged the airshafts with slabs.

We should be asking ourselves what they wanted to lock up so badly.

Woo, if you haven't yet seen The Keep, are you ever in for a treat! Go get some popcorn; this film has never been released on DVD, more's the pity, but here it is on good old YouTube:

And talk about a delicious sound-and-light experience: Soundtrack by Tangerine Dream, and directed by Michael Mann, most famous for all those exotic lights and colors throughout his Miami Vice television series.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:42 PM


What do you think of this NOVA article where Mark Lehner basically did a small scale reconstruction and then extrapolated the results and has found no problems with only 30,000 men building the GP.

I appreciate Lehner's effort to sell us his shorts, but building a small model with modern tools, winches, and trucks, moving small blocks, is not even close to being the same kind of task as the GP.

They did not use modern tools, depending on your definition. They used iron, but otherwise everything was done by hand. And to account for that he tripled the amount of men required and STILL came up with 30,000 men as being enough.

So I said, taking just a raw figure, if 12 men in bare feet—they lived in a lean-to shelter, day and night, out there—if they can quarry 186 stones in 21 days, let's do the simple math and see, just in a very raw simplistic calculation, how many men were required to deliver 340 stones a day, which is what you would have to deliver to the Khufu Pyramid to build it in 20 years. And it comes out to between 400 and 500 men. Now, I was bothered by the iron tools, especially the iron winch that pulled the stone away from the quarry walls, so I said, let's put in an additional team of 20 men, so that 12 men become 32, and now let's run the equation. Well, it turns out that even if you give great leeway for the iron tools, all 340 stones could have been quarried in a day by something like 1,200 men.

As far as the trucks go, they took the place of the barges which have been proven to have been able to carry the largest of the stones.

Bear in mind too that, unlike a modern building, the GP was completely solid except for its interior passages and rooms. All of this had to be carefully preplanned, with all interior blocks fitting together precisely enough neither to destabilize the interiors, nor to create stresses that would collapse the entire structure - as happened to various of the lesser stepped mastabas and pyramids scattered around Egypt (possibly amateur imitations of the Giza ones rather than their forerunners, as conventionally suggested).

Or as suggested they are the forerunners and they learned from their mistakes. We see the EXACT same thing with Roman architecture. Why would EVERY cultures architecture work in this way .. except Egypt? Simply not logical.

Remember too that Lehner came from the University of Chicago and the Harvard Semitic Institute, and if he wanted to go back to them, he knew what his marching orders were: reinforce the official version. As for Hawass, he's so transparently a tourism panderer that you always know what he's going to say before he says it. In short, he too knows where his bread is buttered. Egypt is an "ancient Egypt tourism" business. It knows very well that in this it must never offend rich Western tourists' values or expectations. Think "Universal Studios Tour".

So basically you will never accept anything any "mainstream" person says because they are automatically wrong due to them having credentials and working in the field?

Perhaps rather than character assassination you can tell me exactly what Lehner says that is false. And we have records of winches being used 2500 years ago.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:16 AM

Human beings built them. If you are looking for any other purpose for all of the interior 'mess' that you describe other than the purpose of building a pyramid, than all of that 'mess' will remain mysterious. In other words, the purpose of the structures within the pyramid are for the purpose of building a pyramid. Simple, right? The rocks? Nearly 85% of the sandstone used to build them came from right there, it's nearly sitting on most of its own quarry.

Limestone and granite, actually. And yes, the apparent limestone quarries were not a long boatride away [although the granite was]. Now all you have to do is using nothing but the tools the ancient Egyptians had, cut them perfectly, plan and know where each of 2,300,000 specifically-sized block is going to fit, and get all of them up there exactly and in the proper order. Whether there was any time-urgency to such a project would have been a factor of its purpose. For instance, if it were intended as a tomb, it would need to be ready before Mr. K kicked the bucket. If it were in fact not a tomb, then one must wonder why so long, vast, and difficult a project ... for what, exactly? To lock up one empty granite box? Seems a bit excessive, wouldn't you think?

Hollywood took care of this problem by making Joan Collins such a nasty lady [far in anticipation of her modern reincarnation for Dynasty] that the whole GP was built just to play a joke on her, sort of:

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by maquino

Re-greets M. Acquino.

Terrific OP about what is arguably the greatest enigma of human civilization.

Also appreciate the info about "Khnum-Khuf" as I was unaware of that. Sounds like further digging & research of same would be fruitless as most of what's out there seems to indicate that Khnum-Khuf and Khufu are one and the same (as incorrect or misguided as that may be). I do like the literal translation of the name Khnum-Khufu: "the god Khnum protects me". Sounds less like a name and more like a description/statement/warning about the pyramid itself.

Regardless, I think it's pretty evident the GP is NOT a tomb, and was never meant to be even if Khufu or whomever tried (unsuccessfully) to re-purpose it for same long after it's finished construction.

The high-strangeness factor of the structure itself and the seeming impossibility of it's very construction (as you so aptly pointed out) coupled with all of the other high-strangeness associated with it's position, measurements and angles leaves historians and Egyptologists with a real mess on their hands.

So, what the hell is it?

I think a better question changes the tense above: What the hell was it?

My personal belief is that it was a single-purpose structure meant to be used either once or only for a very short time and it has long since fulfilled it's purpose and all that we're left with are the metaphoric shards of pottery after a sumptuous "prehistoric" meal has long since been served.

But what grand shards they are...

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by maquino

I love reading your posts and appreciate the amount of research and writing you've made toward so many subjects.

May I ask what you believe they are / how and why they were built?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by maquino

There's a PSYOP principle here. [Yes, here I go again "talking shop".]

Ah, PSYOPS. No need to explain/defend, it fits perfectly with the topic at hand on many levels, and we are what we are - are we not? And being human we always tend to look at things through the lenses of our own knowledge/experiences and natural inclinations.

Besides, it gives me an opportunity to post something that would probably have been more appropriate in your AMA thread which is now closed. It may have made an excellent theme song for your division to go along with your new MISO insignia (which I LOVED btw):

One of my personal all-time favorites: John Lennon - Mind Games...

edit on 10/21/2013 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:34 AM

reply to post by maquino

I like to open the door to Pan and see what's possible.

No law of physics prevents Giants, and they could lift the stones maybe.

Or go Flintstones. Lets speculate Dinos died off in the last great flood rather than 63million yrs ago.

Dinosaurs could easily move these stones.

Not saying it was, just what if? Open imagination explore vast array of options.

Or How About Humans !!!! at One Time Like this Guy !

a Super Human !!

Strong Man Dennis Rodgers !!

His Site

Superhumans Dennis Rogers with Dr. Frank Spaniol

Now Imagine Humans Were Like this at One Time ! or Particular type of People !
say back 10 to 20 thousand years !

Possible Feats of 30,000 people like Him in one location

or Other Ability's say Supernatural like Telekinesis.... Strong Will that is !

People can go back and forth all day how it was made and why...

just another unexplained mysterious Structure of Many here on Earth

My Favorite is Type of Place of Mysterious is Puma Punku !!

but a Place of Similar Design is Axum Ethiopia ..

Well Scott what ya think of Puma Punku ??

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

That simply isn't good enough.
The OP said most of what needs to be said.
Extrapolation isnt proof.

I will add with 5million slaves we could lift the Empire State Building and move it to LA.
Im just extrapolating.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Cool suggestions.

Puma is a great suggestion to seek clues.

They also mention it in that film Im trying to get everyone to watch, Revelations of the Pyramid.

If you haven't seen it you will love it.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by maquino

Here is what I know as Fact in terms of the Pyramids practical use.

It has been proven to be a complex calendar incorporating ancient megalithic sites including Easter Island.

All evidence reveals this, and it is discussed in depthin the Doc Revelations of Pyramid.

Proof isnt my opinion, its mathematical fact.
Vast amounts of this information are available for anyone to Google and work with themselves.

When combined in the larger scheme, all of these sites compiled into the Calendar would be presumed to have some type of unknown connection, such as trade networks.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:00 AM

What do you think of this NOVA article where Mark Lehner basically did a small scale reconstruction and then extrapolated the results and has found no problems with only 30,000 men building the GP.

30,000 or 30,000,000 men doesn't change the fact copper saws didn't create the precision we see in the rocks

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:03 AM
Sometimes I wonder if we are incapable of understanding the meaning of the pyramids because the manner in which we view them. Almost like we are stuck with a 2D view in a 3D world.

Perhaps instead of looking at them individually we should begin looking at them as a whole. All nations should allow their pyramids open for study and scrutiny instead of covering them over, not mentioning names, China, so we can begin to see the macrocosom.

I want to know more about the pyramids under the oceans. I want to know if there are any hiding under them sheets of ice on the poles.

If pyramids exist across the entire planet, to me it means:

A nation or a people who stretched across the earth with their knowledge and science.

Something so beneficial and useful that many different people discovered the usefulness of pyramids at different times but all built the same concept.

A star hopping culture who were awed by the awesomeness of this blue marbled planet that they felt the need to stop and "tag" it with their "sign". Intergalactic graffiti artists! By far the best guess!

The truth is out there and understanding the pyramids in my opinion is the missing link to our past.

Thanks for sharing Mr Aquino. S&F.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by maquino

Now why they made this mega Calendar system, what purpose does it serve, etc, these are real mysteries.

Maybe the legends are sorta true and the Civilization prior created all of this as their legacy knowing they would be destroyed?

Or maybe they knew the disasters were cyclical and created this as a complex symbolic warning system for us today???

So many possibilities.

Hell maybe the calendar aspects are purely ornamental and not intended to actually serve practical purposes, aside of encoding the age of the constructions build date of course.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:12 AM

reply to post by maquino

Here is what I know as Fact in terms of the Pyramids practical use.

It has been proven to be a complex calendar incorporating ancient megalithic sites including Easter Island.

All evidence reveals this, and it is discussed in depthin the Doc Revelations of Pyramid.

Proof isnt my opinion, its mathematical fact.
Vast amounts of this information are available for anyone to Google and work with themselves.

When combined in the larger scheme, all of these sites compiled into the Calendar would be presumed to have some type of unknown connection, such as trade networks.

I saw a video that showed how the golden mean and Pi were incorporated into not only the pyramid itself but also the original city itself.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

Good post.

I too am interested in Chinas great number of Pyramids and I am also interested in how this connects with underwater ruins, sea level changes etc.

I agree we should think holistic and take everything into account.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

There are older pyramids than the Egyptian nation and Bosnia. Under the pacific ocean for example, and what I believe are pyramids in the mountains of the North America.

A huge 11 room pyramid found 10,000 feet under water in the mid Atlantic Ocean with a huge crystal top, as reported by Tony Benlk.

• A 1977 report of a huge pyramid found off Cay Sal in the Bahamas, photographed by Ari Marshall’s expedition, about 150 feet underwater. The pyramid was about 650 feet high. Mysteriously the surrounding water was lit by sparkling white water flowing out of the openings in the pyramid and surrounded by green water, instead of the black water everywhere else at that depth.

pyramids in pacific.

When overlaying the NOAA/NGDC higher resolution topography map of the ocean floor with the 12/07/01 GOES Satellite anomaly, using the artist's eye to adjust for 2D flat plane-to-3D surface distortion, and using the peaks of the Hawaiian Islands for registration it appears that the pyramid-like structures might possibly correspond with the center of the radiating GOES ring. Verification would require additional comparison of NOAA/NGDC with GOES-10 plotting information as well as more advanced geometry calculations.

In the Lord of the Ring, the elves, Gandalf and Frodo sailed to the older lands of the west!!!
edit on 21-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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