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Michael Aquino Pyramidimusings

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:08 PM

I still stand with my god-making observation.. but perhaps the god-making was related to harvesting a little god for subcomponents.

In Dr. Jones' and my experience with god-making machines, they glitch a lot:

I know this sounds gruesome in the extreme.. and I'm really surprised that you either don't know this or haven't said it.. but you know there is another way to obtain that black flame of yours.. by processing "black sludge"; the aftermath of the forced decomposition of certain classes of beings.

Yes, but it gets a little messy:

Clark Ashton Smith, Ubbo-Sathla
Through aeons of anterior sensation, of crude lust and hunger, of aboriginal terror and madness, there was someone—or something—that went ever backward in time. Death became birth, and birth was death. In a slow vision of reverse change, the earth appeared to melt away, and sloughed off the hills and mountains of its latter strata. Always the sun grew larger and hotter above the fuming swamps that teemed with a crasser life, with a more fulsome vegetation. And the thing that had been Paul Tregardis, that had been Zon Mezzamalech, was a part of all the monstrous devolution. It flew with the claw-tipped wings of a pterodactyl, it swam in tepid seas with the vast, winding bulk of an ichthyosaurus, it bellowed uncouthly with the armored throat of some forgotten behemoth to the huge moon that burned through primordial mists.

At length, after aeons of immemorial brutehood, it became one of the lost serpent-men who reared their cities of black gneiss and fought their venomous wars in the world's first continent. It walked undulously in ante-human streets, in strange crooked vaults; it peered at primeval stars from high, Babelian towers; it bowed with hissing litanies to great serpent-idols. Through years and ages of the ophidian era it returned, and was a thing that crawled in the ooze, that had not yet learned to think and dream and build. And the time came when there was no longer a continent, but only a vast, chaotic marsh, a sea of slime, without limit or horizon, without shore or elevation, that seethed with a blind writhing of amorphous vapors.

There, in the grey beginning of Earth, the formless mass that was Ubbo-Sathla reposed amid the slime and the vapors. Headless, without organs or members, it sloughed from its oozy sides, in a slow, ceaseless wave, the amoebic forms that were the archetypes of earthly life. Horrible it was, if there had been aught to apprehend the horror; and loathsome, if there had been any to feel loathing. About it, prone or tilted in the mire, there lay the mighty tablets of star-quarried stone that were writ with the inconceivable wisdom of the pre-mundane gods.

And there, to the goal of a forgotten search, was drawn the thing that had been—or would sometime be—Paul Tregardis and Zon Mezzamalech. Becoming a shapeless eft of the prime, it crawled sluggishly and obliviously across the fallen tablets of the gods, and fought and ravened blindly with the other spawn of Ubbo-Sathla.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by maquino


Some of the most amazing documentation of truth in this world
is in fiction.. and some of the things which people fight and
die for the most --- is pure fiction.

I think that perhaps what the GP was really used for, was
somewhat dressed up in one of the oldest stories and
thus hidden in plain sight.

It's just like with the new-age concept of "Kundalini". It has
been said for at least 3,500 years if not much, much longer,
that "Kundalini" can make one into a god. In the ancient lore
of India in fact, the gods themselves bowed down to the adept
of the secrets of Kundalini.

The truth of course, is that all this "window dressing" is in fact
designed to attract the attention of a certain class of parasite,
so that the parasite may finish it's life cycle. The parasite
will die when the universe dies, so it is very motivated to
take the final step in it's lifecycle and thus 'move on' to the

All the sacred Neteru are aware of this parasite and the lifecycle
of that parasite. You could ask your 'buddy' about this to verify..

Now it would be very depressing to humans if this was the ONLY
purpose for humans in the lifecycle of the "multiverse".. the truth
about humans and in fact all living things, including animals,
is actually beautiful and wondrous and not depressing at all.

This is all particle physics of course.. I don't believe in any
new age crap.



posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:30 PM

This is all particle physics of course.. I don't believe in any new age crap.

Some NAC is just Old AC dusted off and given a rock soundtrack. Some of it is kind of cool. My MindWar doesn't take on kundalini, but ch'i isn't too far away. Here's an excerpt [minus the footnotes]:

Another concept from ancient China is that of ch’i [or qi], the “life force” of each living being. It is the presence of ch’i which distinguished a living body from a dead one, and which links the physical mechanism with the metaphysical soul. Consequently the strength and concentration of the will are conveyed to the physical senses and structures through ch’i, while diminished or disrupted ch’i results in confusion and exhaustion.

Until the late 20th century, Western science tended to dismiss ch’i as a folk myth, since it supposedly could not be detected or measured in the laboratory. What has since transpired is that it was indeed there all along, and completely detectable: It is simply the body’s complete and component EMFs.

All physical energy, no matter how it is generated [or, more precisely, converted] is a function of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). The human mental processes which command a muscular action, for instance, transmit that command by electrical impulses to that muscle, and the EMS waves or disruptions subsequently detected by the visual, auditory, and tactile receptors signal the accuracy and effectiveness of the action. Ch’i is thus a measurement of the strength and accuracy of such activity, both deliberately and in the body’s unconscious functions [as in the heartbeat, digestion, and breathing].

The smooth flow of ch’i is enhanced, reasonably enough, through proper care of the mind and body: diet, rest, breathing, exercise, and mental coherence. Conscious mental/physical conditioning exercises are known as ch’i kung [or qi gong] (= ch’i coherence”). While a systematic discipline of ch’i kung is the ideal way to maintain strong and harmonious bodily ch’i, Chinese medicine also proposed to treat specific disruptions of its circulation through the placement of special needles (acupuncture) or massage pressure (shiatsu).

Less positively, t’ai chi ch’uan martial artists defeat opponents by strikes precisely targeted to disrupt their ch’i flow and coherence. T’ai chi ch’uan, literally “supreme ultimate boxing” is better known in the contemporary West as a smooth-flowing exercise program rather than a combat technique. Indeed, because the ch’i-directed strikes of t’ai chi ch’uan practitioners could, for that very reason, be severely harmful or lethal, they are generally forbidden in martial arts sport competitions.

As discussed in Chapter #3 under “G.5. PSYCON #4: Chronobiology”, the human body and mind are strongly influenced by external natural cycles, including the geomagnetic field of the Earth. Subtle variations in this field, known as the “Schumann Resonances (SR)”, are detected by magnetically-sensitive particles (magnetite) in the pineal gland of the brain, which regulates the circadian cycle by the generation and release of Melatonin.

The SR consist of an EMS field between the Earth and the ionosphere, pulsing at between 7-10 Hz. This tends to entrain humans to alpha (8-14 Hz) BWR, especially during periods of strong, higher-range SR, associated with daylight and atmospheric lightning activity. This is obviously MW campaign-helpful. At night the ionosphere moves higher, resulting in a decrease of the SR towards its lower 7 Hz extreme. This entrains theta BWR, hence altered states of consciousness and similarly-unusual moods and behavior: not MW campaign-helpful ...

* * * * *

Where our GPs are concerned, consider their effect upon c'hi if they indeed function as Faraday cages. What my old friend Hunter Thompson would have called Bad Craziness maybe going on here.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by maquino

I've certainly heard such theories before.. and I have
my own variations.. so you won't get any arguments
from me on the basics.. now the devil is in the details
of course..

I'll tell you flat out that Kundalini is not just 'qui'. It can
in fact be considered to be an emanation from a Neteru;
the 'lower tail' so-called wrapped 3 1/2 turns is rooted
in the objective universe. The so called 'upper-body'
emanates from one or more 'power conduits' rooted
from beyond even the Neteru. (3 1/2 turns here too)

(of course the number 7 and precession is the reason
for 7.. with as above so below making each 'end'
3 1/2 turns.. that's the explanation of a hotly
contested 'mystery' there).

Now the problem is the 'middle segment; which is in
fact 'broken' this parallels nicely with the 'broken body
of Osiris.

It is in fact this 'broken body of Osiris' which needs
a human body to regain wholeness.. and in the
process a whole lot of insanity and 'parasitic
behavior' is evidenced. This is in the best of
cases. In the worst of cases, severely degraded
'middle segments' infest the bloodlines of mystics,
shamans, geniuses and all sorts of people including
some of the worst sorts. Hitler too.

Now, what was being 'built' in the GP I don't know..
but the Kundalini metaphor does seem related.
You do know that the serpent on the brow of
the Pharoh's was (whatever else it was) a symbol
for Kundalini the 'god maker'.

Now a more mundane note.

Limestone has electrical properties... such
as the casing stones which covered the entire
GP before they were stolen..
(electrical properties of Limestone) .. limestone they had..
now copper would have been out of the question..

Sounds like a faraday cage to me!

And granite which was used for the 'kings chamber' is
generally radioactive.. sometimes markedly so..
sometimes enough to cause a health risk.

this is due to the presence of uranium. I'd be curious
about whether the granite used was noticeably

I'm rather interested in the thinking about where
granite was used and where it was not used..
this must also be a clue.

But a faraday cage with a special chamber which
emitted radiation.. can't be conducive to
'healthy chi'.

Well that's all for now.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:43 AM
Excuse me if this has been posted already. I haven't read the entire thread yet.

Is it possible the pyramids are just giant sensory deprivation chambers? Does anyone know if there are signs of water and/or salt within the "sarchophagus" in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid?

There is a story, unsubstantiated, that Napoleon slept in the King's Chamber overnight and emerged shaken. This would be consistent with a deprivation experience.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Excuse me if this has been posted already. I haven't read the entire thread yet.

Is it possible the pyramids are just giant sensory deprivation chambers? Does anyone know if there are signs of water and/or salt within the "sarchophagus" in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid?

There is a story, unsubstantiated, that Napoleon slept in the King's Chamber overnight and emerged shaken. This would be consistent with a deprivation experience.

Now we just need a breathing mask and diving bell oxygen mover
to be found and the theory is solved! I myself don't know.. but
that is an excellent thought.

On a related note, apparently old Khufu was known for hating
'the gods' but also wished to obtain the most mystical book of
all for his culture - the book of Thoth. I think that old Khufu
would have done anything.. tortured anyone.. dissembled
anyone.. used any method to 'build a seer' who could get
him the book of thoth or 'channel it'.

There are many links about the flakiness of Khufu, but
nothing authoritative or I'd link it.

Glad to see you participate in this very interesting


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Limestone has electrical properties... And granite which was used for the 'kings chamber' is
generally radioactive.. sometimes markedly so.. sometimes enough to cause a health risk.

I wasn't aware of either of these facts; thanks for the info. Two more clicks of the Rubik's Cube, methinks.

Unfortunately the story about Napoleon having a bad trip overnight in the KC seems to be unfounded. Too bad; it's a cool story.

Strikes me that if it were true, it could be the basis for a fun novel: At a certain conjunction of Orion over Paris, the lid of Napoleon's sarcophagus cracks, then shatters, and a GP-zombified Napoleon rises to terrorize Paris. Oh wait, that plot was already used in the Brendan Frazier Mummy remake. Also, Paris being what it is, one more cannibal zombie dressed like Napoleon probably wouldn't even get a glance from the cafes of the Champs Elysees.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:20 PM

Now we just need a breathing mask and diving bell oxygen mover

Another good consideration. I've always wondered how anyone could breathe deep within the GP for any amount of time without passing out for lack of oxygen.

By themselves, the "air shafts" in the KC chamber wouldn't suffice, although I understand that today a power fan has been hooked up to one of them to force air through. Even so, the interior air quality of the GP sucks. One more indication that this was not a structure designed or intended for humans.

My heart [but not my nose] goes out to all those Victorian explorers who spent long hours/days inside the GP when it was completely filled with bat poop!

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:21 PM


Limestone has electrical properties... And granite which was used for the 'kings chamber' is
generally radioactive.. sometimes markedly so.. sometimes enough to cause a health risk.

I wasn't aware of either of these facts; thanks for the info. Two more clicks of the Rubik's Cube, methinks.

I was reading another thread on pyramids on ATS, and to my embarrassment
I must admit that I've studied other pyramids very little! Now the reason
for this is not some crackpot reason, but simply that I'm not very interested
in Egypt overall, I've always been more of an Indus Valley person! But if
I'm going to open my big mouth about the GP, I definitely should study
related material! Here is a thread by Scott that I found very interesting:

Now the granite box in the King's chamber doesn't look like other
"Osiris boxes" perhaps, but I think Scott has a real point there.

It seems that modern scholars are so hung-up on mortuary cult theories..
and yes.. there definitely were some burial chambers.. but the point
which seems to have been glossed over, is that the 'Egyptian religion'
which seems to bore some ATS members wasn't just about the afterlife,
but every bit as much about the current life... that's what those
Osiris boxes say to me.

It's just like today.. various people want to 'become gods' while still
alive --- if I may say so, the Temple of Set certainly seems to be
on this track for some.. others wish to become gods through
'ascension movements' and even through the singularity and
technological transhumanism.

The point here, is that at least some of the Pharaohs didn't buy
the party line for the rubes.. they knew that they weren't
CURRENTLY gods.. but they wanted to BECOME 'gods', and
not in death --- which is very risky .. you've only got one
chance at it.. and if you are wrong .. you are just dead.

They would have had the same psychology as modern humans..
they would have wanted to become 'gods' while still alive..
and they had the budgets and power to build experimental
god making machines.

That Osiris was a 'green god of resurrection' --- oh sure you
can just spout religious stuff on an exoteric level... but
those germinating sprouts would have been thought to
be 'brimming with new life' --- and someone who believed
in say 'morphogenic fields' (yes that's a crackpot theory
for the most part.. but I'm talking psychology here)..
may well have wished to use germinating seeds and
presumably body parts or livings beings in various
necromantic combinations.. to attempt to 'ascend'.

Also remember that Osiris got stuck in a tree..

Just a thought for discussion.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:31 PM


Now we just need a breathing mask and diving bell oxygen mover

Another good consideration. I've always wondered how anyone could breathe deep within the GP for any amount of time without passing out for lack of oxygen.

By themselves, the "air shafts" in the KC chamber wouldn't suffice, although I understand that today a power fan has been hooked up to one of them to force air through. Even so, the interior air quality of the GP sucks. One more indication that this was not a structure designed or intended for humans.

My heart [but not my nose] goes out to all those Victorian explorers who spent long hours/days inside the GP when it was completely filled with bat poop!

I would suggest that a non-physical being wouldn't
need oxygen.. but might still have a psyche that
could be manipulated by sensory deprivation and/
or energy manipulation. Also, sprouts (another
thread) wouldn't need much fresh air.. and certainly
dead body parts wouldn't need fresh air.

Again... for people who don't want theorize about
the possibility of non-physical beings.. just the
fact that the humans involved with the GP
apparently DID believe, is sufficient explanation
for building an 'experimental god maker' whether
it actually worked or not. I mean, there was only
one 'GP' - maybe it didn't entirely work as intended
or not at all -- or otherwise we'd presumably be
up to our behinds in GP all over the world -- if
it in fact 'worked'.

I think once it's determined that the GP was not
intended for EITHER funerary purposes OR for
sustained contact with living humans, then
what would be stuffed in that granite box,
no matter how improbable must be considered
as possibly true.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:02 PM
Hey you two,

Did you know that that was how Joan Grant did it in her book Winged Pharaoh?

The character Sekeeta undergoes an initiation ceremony that includes being sealed and isolated within a pyramid (if I remember that correctly). When she emerges she is called Sekhet-Ra and she rules Aegypt with a just hand.

Winged Pharaoh was followed by other historical fantasies, or as Grant called them, "Far Memory books," or "previous life autobiographies".

This book was initially accepted as a novel; Grant's first husband was a barrister and Egyptologist who spent many years prior to World War II working on excavations in Egypt, and as Joan accompanied him on some of these expeditions she was quite aware of many facets of Egyptian history.

"Winged Pharaoh" was claimed by some to in fact be a re-incarnationist autobiography. Historians claimed that the calendar used in the book had never existed and also that there was no evidence whatsoever for the existence of an avenue of trees referred to in the book. After World War II a text was found which when translated proved to be the calendar referred to by Grant in the 1937 book.

Great book. Have either of you read it?

Happy Sunday,

edit on 27-10-2013 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Hey you two,

Did you know that that was how Joan Grant did it in her book Winged Pharaoh?

The character Sekeeta undergoes an initiation ceremony that includes being sealed and isolated within a pyramid (if I remember that correctly). When she emerges she is called Sekhet-Ra and she rules Aegypt with a just hand.

Winged Pharaoh was followed by other historical fantasies, or as Grant called them, "Far Memory books," or "previous life autobiographies".

This book was initially accepted as a novel; Grant's first husband was a barrister and Egyptologist who spent many years prior to World War II working on excavations in Egypt, and as Joan accompanied him on some of these expeditions she was quite aware of many facets of Egyptian history.

"Winged Pharaoh" was claimed by some to in fact be a re-incarnationist autobiography. Historians claimed that the calendar used in the book had never existed and also that there was no evidence whatsoever for the existence of an avenue of trees referred to in the book. After World War II a text was found which when translated proved to be the calendar referred to by Grant in the 1937 book.

Great book. Have either of you read it?

Happy Sunday,

edit on 27-10-2013 by Bybyots because: . : .

Happy Sunday to you!

Nope, never read it or even heard of it. Now if you've read this thread
or other threads I've written, then I flat out say that a lot of 'truth'
can be found in fiction, and I think it's fair to say that Michael alludes
to that as well. (oh by the way.. just because Michael and I are honing
in on a similar theory about the GP, don't assume that we are friends..
I've never met the man or even shared an email with him..)

Thanks for bringing up that book... might be worth a read just for
creative stimulation.

In my opinion, the problem with so-called past life memories is not
whether in fact there are other lives or not..the problem is that the
people who have them, if they are in fact sensing something with
even the tiniest truth to it, are probably using a very unstable and
nascent ability.. so the corruption of what they 'see' must be
close to 100% in many cases. As a matter of fact the difference
between an active imagination and a 'psychic experience' is usually
quite debatable.

For example, I have a vivid memory of being a highwayman in
Nepal, who mugged the Buddha, kicked him in the nuts, and
took nearly the only thing he was carrying - a 4 inch tall carved
wooden statue (and a bowl and a sack and a few odds and ends).

Now did I indeed live a life like that? it sure feels like that.. but
I do have a vivid imagination, and that memory does not actually
add anything to my life.. so I choose to ignore it. Now on the
other hand, Lakota Sioux like me have been noted to have
DNA markers that go back to the Gobi desert.. so perhaps
my DNA... well enough on this off topic comment..

But back to the concept of the GP as a god-maker. I keep hearing
that phrase "the GP IS Osiris". Hm. Now I'm sure there are many
theories about what that means...

But wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if "Osiris" was "living in the
GP to this day, using it as his body?". Have you ever heard of
the book "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny?

In that book, the "Buddha" the "great souled Sam" was transmigrated
into the magnetic field around the earth, to keep him around without
killing him, but to get him out of the way because the other 'gods'
were annoyed with him.

In this case, the GP might be a one use machine... I'm sure that
"Osiris" or "Khufu" or whomever was trying to get stuck into
that pyramid wouldn't want anyone else to 'put themselves in
his genie bottle".

Now that would be an interesting twist.. what if indeed the GP
was far more ancient like some people think.. what if "Osiris"
was 'in there'. But here comes Khufu and he wants to be an
immortal god too.. so maybe he tries to retrofit it, to take
Osiris's spot and kick him out!

Well.. this is all just flights of fantasy.. I'm not read up
enough on the actual scholarly facts on Egypt to counter-
balance my 'creativity mechanism'. Let's call it that.


posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:19 PM
I watched this last night and found it very fascinating....

Carl Munck - The Code(1994 - Although looks much older)

I thought the calculating the area of a sphere without using pi, but instead using radians very interesting.
There are many constants shown in this video, and constants being constants are not variable.
The language of God(the universe) is mathematics. And mathematics is unchanging, it isnt open to interpretation, it just is.
The truth is mathematics.
It would seem ancient man was just as knowledgeable as ourselves on mathematics, and if the above video is true(the jury is out), then it would seem ancient man placed more thought and meaning into mathematics than they did religion.

I get a gut feeling that these structures are much much older than we give credit. But hey gut feelings arent reality.
But I still feel that in the annals of history untold, there have been civilisations at least as advanced as our own, if the Mars information is correct, then more intelligent than our own.

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