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Hope For The Surveillance State Repeal Act?

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posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:16 PM
HR 2818 Gains Support Among House Democrats

Congressional support is growing for a bill that would roll back privacy regulations to what they were before 9/11.

H.R.2818, introduced this summer by Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., has gained five cosponsors this month, all Democrats. Also known as the Surveillance State Repeal Act, the bill would repeal the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the FISA Amendments Act of 2008. Both laws have received harsh criticism since classified information leaked by Edward Snowden revealed widespread electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Instead of using these powers to zero in on the tiny number of real terrorist threats we face, the executive branch turned these surveillance powers against the American people as a whole,” Holt said in a July statement. “My legislation would put a stop to that right now.”

Time to talk to your reps again and get some support for this going. We Americans desperately need our privacy back. I suppose though we may never trust that our privacy will be restored even if they say it is... all the same, let's get behind this.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Never thought I'd say this, but I'd back the democrats bill.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Thanks on the update! Good to see it's gaining support, though it should be for 'both sides' more so.

Here's where to contact Reps:

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm glad you see it that way. And this is certainly not a hey look Dems are good guys again. Just an important bill we should all support and demand our reps do the same.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:09 PM

reply to post by beezzer

I'm glad you see it that way. And this is certainly not a hey look Dems are good guys again. Just an important bill we should all support and demand our reps do the same.

It's why I'm surprised this thread isn't getting much attention.

This is a great idea that everyone can get behind!

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:25 PM
I hate to be cynical, but can anyone see the government giving up this power they have spent over a trillion dollars developing the last decade plus?

I cant, there's too much money involved now, too much spent on infrastructure, lobbying and hundreds of thousands of jobs "created" because of this boondoggle. The NSA, Homeland Security, Fema,TSA, and all the way down to local police departments buying drones and armored vehicles..its tentacles reach into about everything, everywhere. No, they will never give this up. If any legislation is passed it will be riddled with loopholes and questionable wording as to be, like most things congress passes, not worth the paper its written on.

Besides most Americans decided after 9/11 they preferred safety over freedom, and I don't think anything has changed or will change anytime soon.

The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies. - HL Mencken

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Count Chocula

This is the first time (that I am aware of) that someone, ANYONE, is trying to do the right thing and repeal the draconian police-state laws that we are riddled with.

But I can't poke a hole in your argument.


posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:04 AM

reply to post by beezzer

I'm glad you see it that way. And this is certainly not a hey look Dems are good guys again. Just an important bill we should all support and demand our reps do the same.

No one is the good guys in Washington.

That said, this is an honorable attempt by Rush Holt and co....that will fail.

If this comes to a vote, all that will happen is that we'll have a list of known traitors to the American public. And The President would also veto this.

edit on 20-10-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:18 AM

reply to post by beezzer

I'm glad you see it that way. And this is certainly not a hey look Dems are good guys again. Just an important bill we should all support and demand our reps do the same.

of course it is. it won't happen, period. 'but we've tried, we are the good ones!'

how can you be so naive?

the only situation when i can see this coming, is when martial law would be planned soon - then they can pass any bills that will make the society happy, then throw it all away together with the constitution. it would make sense to do whatever is possible to rise their ratings before implementing martial law, to try to minimize the damage. one way or another, it's just a smoke screen.
edit on 20-10-2013 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by jedi_hamster

You misunderstood my statement. I meant that it wasn't me saying hey look dems are good guys again. I don't trust the motivation of 99.99% of politicians but regardless of pandering this is a piece of legislation we should all be getting behind.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by beezzer

If it's any consolation, the more Government grows the less likely it is to be effectual at anything it does. History is always a good reminder of how these type of processes play out-

During the final days of the Soviet Union, the KGB had more agents in the city of Leningrad alone than Nazi Germany had Gestapo in the whole of Germany and conquered territories at any time. I remember those days in the late 80s, there was a growing fear that the Soviets were about to unleash a crackdown unlike anything seen since the time of Stalin, all the tools were in place and the security apparatus was seemingly all powerful, they only had to ACT. Yet they did nothing, Glasnost and Perestroika had accomplished, unwittingly, what decades of repression, murder, gulags could not- they had pulled back the curtain and revealed the whole rotten structure to everyone and the loss of legitimacy, the loss of purpose infected everything. No one believed anymore, so when the time came to act the Soviet empire imploded with barely a whimper.

So what are we ordinary folks to do here in America? I say nothing, sit back and watch as the beast continues to grow, as it struggles to control everything, and fails miserably as it is almost certain to do. It will destroy itself through its on exertions. I know that's not going to be a popular sentiment, but what's that old maxim? Never interrupt your enemy when he is in the process of making a mistake?

Perhaps 20 years from now, the internet will be recognized as our version of Glasnost.

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