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The Day ET Lands On Earth

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posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 06:13 PM

I am also not sure why people assume they would go to the White House or nearest castle or palace. That would mean they know who the leaders are and somehow have business only with the executives of the world.

Eh. The 'aliens' wouldn't want to put big landing strut marks on the lawns
of the federal reserve. Better to mess up the designated fall guys lawn
(i.e the White House)

However should ACTUAL aliens show up, they would no doubt not land
on anybody's lawn, until they had translated the human languages, and
thus knew what they were getting in for.

(after watching "The Day the Earth Stood Still", they got butterflies in
their food processing organ); they'd come nowhere near Earth without
doing basic research. Heck, they wouldn't come anywhere near Earth
AFTER doing basic research.

I live here and I couldn't recommend it to anyone not wanting to
experience kindergarten level consciousness first hand. Anyone
who classifies themselves as 'evolved or enlightened' would be
well served to realize they have classified themselves to be
king of the toddlers.

Now there is nothing wrong with being a toddler.. happens
to everyone, everywhere..


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Perfectly good explanation

I also believe they would see us as toddlers, and one of my favorite movies is The Day The Earth Stood Still. I wonder if they would disguise themselves to look like us - much like you kneel to speak with a toddler to make them feel safer. If they made it here we can be sure they're way ahead of us intellectually. That would also either mean they are beyond being evil, greedy, and all of the other negative human attributes people don't override with intellect (or heart), or they could have set all emotion aside (if they had it to begin with if they realized emotion was just in the way of progress). Then we would be in trouble.

I feel that movie had a lot of good theory on a reason they would visit. I mean if they have been watching (and your right - if intelligent they would investigate first), it would be to save us from ourselves. They don't need to land to do experiments - that would be done quietly. They wouldn't land first if intending to take over. They would just poison us or find another way to eliminate any unnecessary resistance. I think if they land it will be for saving us from ourselves or to save the planet. I'm sure we are a rarity.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Perfectly good explanation

I also believe they would see us as toddlers, and one of my favorite movies is The Day The Earth Stood Still. I wonder if they would disguise themselves to look like us - much like you kneel to speak with a toddler to make them feel safer. If they made it here we can be sure they're way ahead of us intellectually. That would also either mean they are beyond being evil, greedy, and all of the other negative human attributes people don't override with intellect (or heart), or they could have set all emotion aside (if they had it to begin with if they realized emotion was just in the way of progress). Then we would be in trouble.

I feel that movie had a lot of good theory on a reason they would visit. I mean if they have been watching (and your right - if intelligent they would investigate first), it would be to save us from ourselves. They don't need to land to do experiments - that would be done quietly. They wouldn't land first if intending to take over. They would just poison us or find another way to eliminate any unnecessary resistance. I think if they land it will be for saving us from ourselves or to save the planet. I'm sure we are a rarity.

Nice post.

If they want to kill us off, they could just release some tailored viruses
or nanites from high orbit, (thus the movie) and nobody would even
know it, unitil we all woke up dead so to speak.

I can't think of even ONE reason they would land.

So if aliens land.. it's not aliens.

Humanity would be infinitely more comfortable in
my opininon, if contact were made from say 100
light years away and each 'message' / reply took
almost another 100 years.. in other words..

Real aliens would want us to feel that we had a
hundred years to get ready for them.. to minimize

100 years to feel they are the good guys.

Now a drone or communications collective could
send this message.. it needn't be a ship... even
IF they could just open a 5x5x5 pentacle port
to get here.. if they were benevolent they
would use 'morse code' (light speed radio)
just for our sakes.

So.. if aliens show up in a hurry.. in a blaze
of fancy ships.. all at once.. there are only
2 options:

1) they are asshole aliens.
2) they are fakes.

This is my observation.


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:49 PM
I Can't help but agree.

I think humanity is likely low and falling short of whatever high expectations they have of us.

I do believe we are seen as violent young race now with toys that are poisoning the whole of the whole bio-shere. Like I said, should they appear, I'd be perking up and worrisome of harsh judgements and punishments.

I just can't imagine it ending well, when the world leaders threaten to attack and make war on one another regularly. And we as a society allow and condone such from our leaders. So yeah, if they came I'd hang my head in shame and pray for mercy. Whispering, please don't mark me!


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Your right - if they truly cared they would give warning far in advance. All of the sightings over the years make me wonder though. I think visits thus far have been for studying our planet; just probes sent but not being flown by physical beings (minus Roswell). We send our own stuff into space to study. Whose to say other intelligent life hasn't done the same.

So the earliest mass sighting we know of was in 1952? Lets say that sent a picture back to them - like the ones hovering over the white house or whereever it was. Maybe that would explain why there were visits in the 50's and 70's with the Hill's and Travis Walton being taken for a piece of their DNA. They thought it worthy of a space flight to investigate more after those images arrived on their computers. I wonder if anyone has put sightings together with abductions in that way - so many years after a sighting a bunch of stories of abductions. This would tell us how far away they are too.

If they are only here to study have they had enough? Let's say we are studying gorillas, find out they have similar DNA - we leave them physically alone as all of our questions have been answered. Maybe we observe behavior and even protect them. Maybe they are observing behavior and alarmed, more curious, writing journal articles about this species likely destroying their habitat - soon to need rescue? I think of polar bears on that one. How we may have to help them out and move them elsewhere one day. If they have studied us at all I am sure it won't end with physical curiosity. I'm sure they would still be watching. Cameras (not like ours), hidden somewhere - observing.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

Your post made me think of how we put our space litter in the moon or in space. That would be upsetting to an alien species. Especially if it one day affects them directly.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:02 PM

reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

You're seriously deluded if you think a stranger landing on the White House lawn is going to negate all our problems.

And a good citizen goes to work if he is able.

A good citizen what. Pffft! ET poppin a squat on 1600 Pwnnsylavania Ave dictates a day off. Also, really?? on the good citizen stuff. Just crazy talk.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I heard almost the same discussion between two airline crew members once. Rudy one of the Captains said he would kill every $%^& one of them!

After everyone got the voice back the question was asked of Rudy, "why"?
With a big majestic wave of his hand and arm he said, "The first thing they always do is take your food and land.. Then next they want your women...and no one is getting my women"!
Rudy was single around 50 years old X airforce and used to fly the high altitude B-57 and collect radio active particles after a nuclear devise was detonated... hahahah He figured someone was always out to get him anyway so why add to the pile!
Rudy was American Indian and Mexican, so his world view might have been slightly different than some...

I must admit I had never heard that angle before...?

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Dianec

I have a question for you! I don't just ALWAYS drone on
like I know everything.

Let's say you are right.. that all these 'teaser sightings'
since 1952 are bona-fida garden variety aliens...

Is there ANY possible explanation for their dangerous
and erratic behavior?

I mean, they would watch all our movies... even if
they couldn't understand our language.. which
I refuse to believe they couldn't eventually

Human > big gun > Alien > Boom!
Alien > bigger gun > Human > Boom!

All this 'teaser activity' ...thousands of sightings with
no rhyme, reason, or proof..

is JUST making us increasingly paranoid and homicidal
towards ALIENS.

This would be QUITE counter-productive to establishing
peaceful and intelligent relations with humans.


1) Either they are not actual space aliens


2) Whoever or whatever they are... they are
PLAYING US with the fearful & aggressive
programming of our minds towards aliens.


3) They ARE aliens/xdims.. but the 'baddies'
are training us to distrust/kill 'aliens' so that
if the 'goodies' every show up, we will
blow them away and/or not trust them.



posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I hope I understand the question right. I'm just playing with ideas - but I truly believe people like The Hill couple in the 50's and Travis Walton were abducted (two of the more famous ones but not the only ones). I think the scarry/bad alien idea comes from the trauma these abductees went though. I do not think these people were tortured. It's the media that does that - makes for good ratings. I dont doubt these people were traumatized but who wouldn't be. That does not mean they meant to traumatize them. I mean think about it - they let them go. I think when Walton woke up, as an example, they said, "he's alive so lets get this over with so we can set him free". Just a theory I have always had when comparing his actual story to the movie.

I am not aware of any stories that show they are malevolent. Only that people are freaked out. So I don't think it is any of the things you listed: mind control by them, not them at all, etc. I do believe there is enough evidence to say something is going on. If it was the government screwing with people someone would have spoken up by now. I also believe the media is what had made people believe they are bad. I'm sure if one showed up the military would respond - but not because of what Hollywood has done. There is probably a protocol for when it is an unidentified object.

With their showing up being eradic - I don't think it is meant to frighten us. No more than our probes in space are meant to frighten something unknown on mars or our walking over an ant hill is meant to frighten an ant. It would probably mean they aren't aware of how we perceive them. But I do wonder - if they have visited (and I believe they have) wouldn't they be able to pick up on our movies? Technology wouldn't be hard for them. Maybe they are worried we would do just as the movies show so that is why they haven't tried harder to make contact.
edit on 19-10-2013 by Dianec because: Added to

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:36 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I hope I understand the question right. I'm just playing with ideas - but I truly believe people like The Hill couple in the 50's and Travis Walton were abducted (two of the more famous ones but not the only ones). I think the scarry/bad alien idea comes from the trauma these abductees went though. I do not think these people were tortured. It's the media that does that - makes for good ratings. I dont doubt these people were traumatized but who wouldn't be. That does not mean they meant to traumatize them. I mean think about it - they let them go. I think when Walton woke up, as an example, they said, "he's alive so lets get this over with so we can set him free". Just a fun theory I have always had when comparing his actual story to the movie.

I am not aware of any stories that show they are malevolent. Only that people are freaked out. So I don't think it is any of the things you listed: mind control by them, not them at all, etc. I do believe there is enough evidence to say something is going on. If it was the government screwing with people someone would have spoken up by now. I also believe the media is what had made people believe they are bad. I'm sure if one showed up the military would respond - but not because of what Hollywood has done. There is probably a protocol for when it is an unidentified object.

I'm just saying that say 1,000,000 weird and often scary
UFO sighting worldwide since the 50's.

That is twisting humanity's minds in a knot to figure out.

Benevolent aliens would not do this. (thus the 100
year warning post).

Any aliens probably wouldn't do this, unless they were
mentally ill, or we were literally useless roaches to
them.. in which case they wouldn't skulk around..
they'd just exterminate or harvest.

Or they are not aliens at all..

All this 'sighting' and speculation stuff comes across
more like a disinformation campaign.

This was my point.


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I'd bring flowers!

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:02 PM
I am just seeing if I can post since I'm unable to get to page two of this thread on two devices. Will edit this out if I can get it to load after posting

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I understand more now - must be tired
. You make a good point. Either they are out of touch with how we perceive them - still do not understand our basic emotional makeup (fears, etc), or they just don't care. Or they don't believe it is causing that much harm. It could also be conditioning us to their presence so they can eventually step out of their vehicles, and we won't be as shocked. If the gorillas being observed see you stand at a distance long enough one day you might move in a bit closer sort of thing.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:33 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I understand more now - must be tired
. You make a good point. Either they are out of touch with how we perceive them - still do not understand our basic emotional makeup (fears, etc), or they just don't care. Or they don't believe it is causing that much harm. It could also be conditioning us to their presence so they can eventually step out of their vehicles, and we won't be as shocked. If the gorillas being observed see you stand at a distance long enough one day you might move in a bit closer sort of thing.

Thanks for sticking with me on this post.. thank you..
But to use your metaphor, we don't snatch their babies
and make gorilla-human hybrids (I hope not! --- or at
least make them BELIEVE we are doing that). We
also don't mutilate their cattle (gorillas don't have
cattle that I know of..) but you get my point.

I think that you choose to see the more 'friendly' and
innocuous side of 'ET's', while I've met ... "things"..
that not just go bump in the night, but try to eat

so I'm a bit less Bambi-ish / Gidget goes to Rome
about this whole issue.

I do try to keep an open mind for purposes of discussion
and really enjoy an intelligent conversation.

Thank you!


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:34 PM
Couldn't help it

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I doubt the landing will be anything like "The day the earth stood still." The 1950's version.
Take the day off because I no longer control my own destiny and let the adventures begin.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:36 PM
I would keep working, as I have the kind of job where I'm needed on site, but I'd be super-excited and watching the TV monitors in the lobby as often as possible. Also, I might go stand outside, wave, and shout for that ride back to my home planet.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:44 PM

I would keep working, as I have the kind of job where I'm needed on site, but I'd be super-excited and watching the TV monitors in the lobby as often as possible. Also, I might go stand outside, wave, and shout for that ride back to my home planet.

And here I thought there was regular shuttle service to
Chiron every day at 9 PM and twice on Sundays!



posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I think that you choose to see the more 'friendly' and
innocuous side of 'ET's', while I've met ... "things"..
that not just go bump in the night, but try to eat

Aye, there are many beasties in the loch, Laddy...

As far as the ET phenomena goes, although I am thoroughly convinced that there are other Civs in the vast universe that we perceive, I am equally convinced that the "legitimate" reports/sightings over the years are of the ED rather than ET variety belying a variety of motives including stupidity or to be more kind, the unintentional crashing of our party.

Although the ED/ET boundary is porous as hell too...

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