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How are dreams even possible?

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posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 01:08 AM
I understand that dreams might be a product of our unconscious. Fears, memory, experience, etc. might be the source of dreams.

But my question is how are dreams even possible? In a dream, you find yourself in a situation that involves an environment and various entities other than yourself. What part of you produces this? Your unconscious?
How could the unconscious part of your mind keep coming up with various dream scenarios while you sleep? And these scenarios are often connected to your 3D experiences, people you know and environments you have been in.

Dreams shouldn't be possible. Breathing while asleep should be the most miraculous thing we do when not awake.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by droid56

If you could figure this kind of stuff out, you would be beyond genius.

As far as I can tell, reality is 2 parts unseen, one part seen.

mind: unseen
will: unseen
body: seen

All three may rest, or change form, but they can never stop.

Rest = less active, not inactive

During a dream, body and will are probably at rest, but the mind is not. During true unconsciousness, all are at rest. etc and so forth.

mind + will = body = concept reproduction

the body is the image of the mind's concepts - not your mind, but of your forefathers/God's concepts.

If the body were not resting, it would be writing dreams into memory, but if it were completely stopped, the mind couldn't access the brain's memories.

edit on 10/16/2013 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by droid56

Here's a cool way I like to think of it. Some may disagree, some will agree. In you brain is the pineal gland. When you close your eyes this signals the pineal gland to secret stuff like melatonin and other chemicals that help you sleep and cause that fun little thing called sleep paralysis. So far so pretty simple, but here comes the complicated stuff.

First, look up double slit experiment. This will help you understand how matter can exist in two different dimensions. This is how they discovered that photons (light) are both a wave and particle. They have also repeated this experiment with more dense matter...buckyballs I believe. The theory goes that all matter exists at the same time in both space/time and time/space. Think of an hour glass. On one side is space/time where space is 3 dimensional and time is linear. On the other side is time/space where time is 3 dimensional and space is linear.

I believe that our physical body exists here in space/time and our spirit or soul exists in time/space and the pineal gland is the link between. The pineal gland is literally our 3rd eye. The pineal gland is full of eyeball fluid, rods and cones just like the eyes only it is completely sealed and not made to view light. What is it made to view? Well now that is the question. Maybe when we dream we are able to glimpse through our pineal gland the place where our soul resides. This may be why time seems so irrelevant in our dreams.

To further this, I think that we choose this existence to experience life in all that it has to offer, both good and bad. This is all for the divine purpose which is to evolve and get closer to our creator. When we die the link between time/space, or maybe it could be called heaven, and our pineal gland is severed thus leaving our bodies in space/time and our spirit which is who we really are in time/space. It's said by some that in heaven we are able to create our own environment so maybe this is why you can also create so much variety in your dreams.

So, basically, what I'm suggesting is this life is but a brief moment, a flash to our spirit. Space/time is actually the dream that our spirit body is having. When we die, we wake up over there in time/space. Maybe one life here is only a nights rest over there and the dreams we have here are moments of restlessness during that one nights sleep thus allowing us to glimpse that place. That's the in a nutshell version of a really complicated thought exercise I have on this subject.

I know...mind blown...

edit on 16-10-2013 by GoldenBrain71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:09 AM
In my memories of myself, I am almost always looking at myself from a second person perspective, but in dreams where I am present, I am almost always experiencing it in the first person perspective.

What's that about?

During memory recall, is my mind looking at my brain's images of me from a second person perspective? Clearly it creates a false perspective, but why?

Do dreams belong to the mind, or brain? And do memories belong to the brain, or mind?

Seems to be hinting that dreams are of the mind and memories are of the body/brain.
edit on 10/16/2013 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:28 AM
Dreams are a form of communication between aspects of your compartmentalized consciousness. Sigmund Freud recognized that the human psyche consisted of different aspects of unconsciousness which he termed the id, ego, super-ego. Carl Jung looked at dreams and their archetypes as a way to describe a collective unconscious.

The way I interpret dreams stems from a system of highly-organized thought-forms which describe every detail of the dream meaning all sensory forms, the objects, the light you see, the spacial geometry are all patterns of thinking in this non-verbal language.

When we sleep, we are still unconsciously communicating and expressing our thoughts in this higher-order non-verbal language. It's all communication relative to experiences and dream content.

Why we do it? The answers may be more hidden and mysterious than we think. In my research into precognitive dreams which are past dreams which reveal future events; I've stumbled upon the fact that dreams and objective reality have a relationship and our objective reality itself could be a type of Universal dream; where we are all unconscious and unaware of this fact.

Dreams may very well be the forge of reality in the bigger picture.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by droid56

Deep sleep. Sleep itself is more than rest. Temporary suspension of wake time mind screen.

There is only one explanation for precognitive dreams...... communications.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by droid56

Honestly I have no idea, I've had dreams of being animals, aliens, and also those where you just get lost in an never ending maze.. or zombies, or how about:

Out of control car

Being chased

missing teeth


end of the world

dead people talking

being sick

being trapped

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:56 AM
It is "relatively" easy to grasp once you find that the brain is not "producing", but instead receiving.

Imagine consciousness as existing in "non-local space" where concepts of time/space etc. don't exist.

Our brain is the instrument to allow ONE ASPECT of this greater consciousness to inhabit and then perceive one aspect of reality in a physical body. **** It facilitates, rather then "creates". ****

When we dream (or when we're in altered states of consciousness) our brain can "dig into" more layers of this greater consciousness which is our true self. We get the ability (for a short time) to expand our very limited physical consciousness to perceive those alternate realities. We cannot normally do this since our physical brain is actually LIMITING our greater consciousness, limiting in a way as to restrict the input/perception of ALL "realities" to this one which is relevant for our physical aspect.

Certain states (OBE, NDE, dreams, meditation, certain drugs etc...) however allow us to go beyond this limitation and see at least parts of the greater picture.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 04:07 AM

What part of you produces this? Your unconscious?

You wouldn't even need to go that far. You can actually ask "what part of us actually produces consciousness?" (Not only dreams).

Neuro scientists can NOT answer "what part" eg. of us "produces" consciousness and not even the underlying mechanism is understood. The interchanging of electrical signals in the brain does likely NOT "produce consciousness",neither the shape of the brain or the shape/number/order of neurons. The mechanics that we understand today how the brain works does not explain how thoughts/consciousness etc. is "produced".

The closest and most plausible I've read so far is that consciousness (or dreams or whatever) is "received" via the electromagnetic fields (that the brain generates) interacting with the fields in this "non-local space". This non-local space which simply spoken contains "everything", the past, present, future, all realities ..all at once. This is also why precognitive dreams are possible because we dig into this non-local space and can bring things to our awareness which are otherwise hidden from a certain reality/state of consciousness.

My personal idea/favorite:

Think of "you" (your consciousness) beyond your body. The real "you" is not only this awareness of the "you" inside your physical body, it's "outside" and everywhere. Basically, think about this greater consciousness THINKING YOU (as a physical being) - as opposed to you, the physical being, thinking or creating reality. It is the other way around, the brain is only an instrument, it is the receiver.

edit on 32013R000000WednesdayAmerica/Chicago18AMWednesdayWednesday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 04:08 AM
Dreams are fascinating experiences that we still do not know much about. Much mystery surrounds the nature and purpose of dreaming and it doesn't appear that technology is strong enough yet to explain the intricacies of these experiences. We are making progress though, and there are some intriguing theories out there.

For anybody interested, I did make a thread not too long ago about the nature and purpose of dreams:
Dream On: Theories About Dreams

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 08:48 AM
This is just what I was thinking yesterday.
To me, it seems that the body is not wholly 'physical', but just another manifestation of 'energy', (albeit a more seemingly condensed/'solidified' form.)
Consciousness is all there is. The whole 'Universe' is Consciousness and we are Consciousnesses within it. We are also 'layered' Consciousnesses in a way.
Robert Monroe and David Kepple talk a lot about this, (and more.)

Your question could also be asked this way:
How come we have seemingly 'awake' times and how is that possible?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 09:08 AM

In my memories of myself, I am almost always looking at myself from a second person perspective...

You know that is odd, I do too but I never even realized it, so weird. Not until reading this thread lol. I guess I'm so used to it I am completely unaware of it, I think this is the first time I've ever heard that said before. Yeah I can not recall a time when anyone I was around was saying "Hey I remember my memories from an outside perspective". Lol so weird but very cool.

I'm going to take at shot in the dark why that is happening. The brain is processing much information that it needs to find ways to minimize usage. So to make a memory efficient as to relay all the info as fast as possible, shows the outside view so you can see the entire picture and remember it more quickly. It would take more time if it was entirely in first person because you would just be reprocessing the same information that was already recorded.

But my dream memories seem to be in first person odd. this is getting weird...

lol S&F Op

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 11:09 AM

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 01:08 PM

But my dream memories seem to be in first person odd. this is getting weird...

Oh man, I didn't think of dream recall as being a memory of a dream, and it being first person as well. That is so weird it is almost creepy.

One of the misfit truths of reality that no one is comfortable talking about, I guess. I mean, there must have been others to have realized/recognized it?

The subconscious mind is refusing to be the body.
edit on 10/16/2013 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by droid56

You do understand you're not dead when you sleep right? As well the portions of your brain that control, breathing, heart beat, metabolism, digestion do not magically stop living because you are sleep. As well, various areas of the brain connected to emotion, sense, thought, and perception remain active while you sleep. This is in fact why meditation is possible, all sleep is, is a deep state of rest.

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