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God centered v. Man centered

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:55 AM
I would argue that Christianity is the only religion that is centered around God, because it is the only faith which teaches us we need God to save us and nothing we can do will change that.

Every other religion on earth, whether it's Global Warming or Buddhism, is Man centered, emphasizing that you, and what you do will change the way things are, make a better world, or end your suffering.

I'm not necessarily advocated for one or the other, but emphasizing that this God v. Man centric religions are arguable and definable and if someone wants to argue that their religious beliefs or philosophy is not man centered but God centered please do.

And if you believe that it doesn't matter that it's man centered or think that more moral, go ahead and argue for that...we'll see what the concept develops into.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:33 AM

I would argue that Christianity is the only religion that is centered around God, because it is the only faith which teaches us we need God to save us and nothing we can do will change that.

Every other religion on earth, whether it's Global Warming or Buddhism, is Man centered, emphasizing that you, and what you do will change the way things are, make a better world, or end your suffering.

I'm not necessarily advocated for one or the other, but emphasizing that this God v. Man centric religions are arguable and definable and if someone wants to argue that their religious beliefs or philosophy is not man centered but God centered please do.

And if you believe that it doesn't matter that it's man centered or think that more moral, go ahead and argue for that...we'll see what the concept develops into.

There are forms of procedural logic that disappear completely, when paperfolding is taken to its loftiest and more ridiculous heights...origami monsters in overdrive...presumably (unless the pristine soul, before birth, gathers that dirty moss) there is some compulsion from one direction or another to navigate the birth canal into sin; the implication is either, expulsion from wispy spirit realms (away from the bosom of the Creator), or, choice predicated journey into self imposed sin (there may be more speculative reasons - I am open to it, but, only as conjecture).

Once encased in the atomic box of slime (having either been expelled from yon wispy realms [reasons unknown] or, having decided to sojourn) the procedural logic requires that you then become saved from a situation you were either put into, or, put yourself into...not strictly either/or...the question then becomes...Why (under condition 1) would a loving God do this, when in the wispy state (before birth) safety was not required, to begin with?...or, (under condition 2) why, when (before birth) safety was not required, would comfy soul (in the bosom of jesus) go from a state of safety to a state where being saved was required...both under the threat of eternal damnation in very ouchy firepits?

The etymology of the word religion is a little unknown (perhaps its a secret God word?...that He/She allows even other faiths to use...don't know...could be a good thread) suffice to say, most 'religions' gather themselves around one or more (sometimes one and the same) God/gods...from which man emanates (where else do you think we emanated from?) this end, all 'religions' claim (at least) spiritual lineage from God...From Satan?...I don't think I've ever heard that...come to think of it, I don't recall anything this Satan character ever 'created'...not even itself...despite this glaring oversight - I am respectfully informed that the actual Almighty creator of heaven and earth and everything within and without it...has had a somewhat sticky situation for at least since before that unfortunate garden episode...

It's all to do with God, and it's all to do with man...and somehow the two are inextricably linked (I say somehow, for effect)...

'Centrality'...assumes a connection (otherwise things fly off into nowhere land) and positional nomenclature exists to establish relationship between two or more 'things'...

Devising an invented rubric to prove the veracity of one faith over another, is at its core, a competition to judge whose origami monster is the bestest...


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:50 AM
It suite the Romans quite well to have man grovelling at some God's feet. Men are easier to control when on their face than when on their feet.

It was and still is all about control and manipulation of the population.

If you think yourself inferior you will act like it.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:08 AM
Locus of control: Is yours internal or external?

It appears to me that the external locus of control is the basis of all Judeo Christian & Islamic memes. IMO, it is also the main benefit.

The human sensation of spiritual salvation is the feeling of abdicating your internal locus of control. Waiting to exhale, so to speak.

It comes off like a ton of bricks off your back. It's the path of "least emotional resistance" for a vast majority of humans. It "clears the table" for activities related to reproduction.

Wouldn't it be ironic if all religion is an evolutionary byproduct?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:54 AM

Locus of control: Is yours internal or external?

It appears to me that the external locus of control is the basis of all Judeo Christian & Islamic memes. IMO, it is also the main benefit.

The human sensation of spiritual salvation is the feeling of abdicating your internal locus of control. Waiting to exhale, so to speak.

It comes off like a ton of bricks off your back. It's the path of "least emotional resistance" for a vast majority of humans. It "clears the table" for activities related to reproduction.

Wouldn't it be ironic if all religion is an evolutionary byproduct?

In a way it is. It is called tribalism.
Our groupish or hivish instincts is a well recognized survival trait.

Jesus wanted to civilize that trait a bit more in us. Write the laws of God in your hearts is how he phrased it.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Every other religion on earth, whether it's Global Warming or Buddhism, is Man centered, emphasizing that you, and what you do will change the way things are, make a better world, or end your suffering.

Global Warming is not a religion, kinda think you are itching for something there, more of a bash on Christians...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:07 PM
I think we should take care of ourselves first. Let God see to himself. We have bigger problems to worry about.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:53 PM
So far I see a lot of man centered statements, but not a lot of man centered arguments. To whomever denied Global Warming as a Religion think again, people take it as religious dogma, they alter their behavior to try and change the weather. There is in fact no more greater Idolatry than standing on a mountain top with your shaman totem sacrificing birds hoping that your dance will make it rain.

How is that shamanistic approach to changing the weather any different than Global Warming alarmists who go around preaching doom if mankind doesn't change his ways? False Prophet anyone? Absolutely.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 02:31 PM

So far I see a lot of man centered statements, but not a lot of man centered arguments. To whomever denied Global Warming as a Religion think again, people take it as religious dogma, they alter their behavior to try and change the weather. There is in fact no more greater Idolatry than standing on a mountain top with your shaman totem sacrificing birds hoping that your dance will make it rain.

How is that shamanistic approach to changing the weather any different than Global Warming alarmists who go around preaching doom if mankind doesn't change his ways? False Prophet anyone? Absolutely.

You really have no idea what you're saying...that much is obvious...


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by FreeMason

How's this for a "man centered" argument?

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of
God is within you.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by FreeMason

How's this for a "man centered" argument?

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of
God is within you.

That is a platitude to inform the human its actions are "GOD INSPIRED" and not of itself its own design. However, freewill seems to be a bonified MAN as Centered without God arguement-I can kill my fellow man whenever I wish and am allowed, (if I can maintain my innocence or have a solid alibi) I can get away with killing another human 'brethren' (gods creation) without consequences. NEAT.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 05:09 PM

I think we should take care of ourselves first. Let God see to himself. We have bigger problems to worry about.

Id be the first to get It into a corner and push it around.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:38 PM

reply to post by FreeMason

How's this for a "man centered" argument?

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of
God is within you.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of
God is within you.

Yes but the churches say that that God will send most of us to hell.

Christians would have to wonder why they would torture themselves and be such unforgiving pricks to themselves and others.

edit on 16-10-2013 by Greatest I am because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Greatest I am

Christians would have to wonder why they would torture themselves and be such unforgiving pricks to themselves and others.

That's a good question. Why would they?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 06:12 PM

I would argue that Christianity is the only religion that is centered around God, because it is the only faith which teaches us we need God to save us and nothing we can do will change that. Every other religion on earth, whether it's Global Warming or Buddhism, is Man centered, emphasizing that you, and what you do will change the way things are, make a better world, or end your suffering. I'm not necessarily advocated for one or the other, but emphasizing that this God v. Man centric religions are arguable and definable and if someone wants to argue that their religious beliefs or philosophy is not man centered but God centered please do. And if you believe that it doesn't matter that it's man centered or think that more moral, go ahead and argue for that...we'll see what the concept develops into.

Why cant it be both? We as gods expression are god, and we as gods expression are MAN; so in that statement "we are MANKIND" WE ARE GOD, or at least individual microcosms of the concept of god trying to make a living, feed the family and at the same time TRYING TO EXPLAIN ITSELF TO ITSELF.

There are forms of procedural logic that disappear completely, when paperfolding is taken to its loftiest and more ridiculous heights...origami monsters in overdrive...presumably (unless the pristine soul, before birth, gathers that dirty moss) there is some compulsion from one direction or another to navigate the birth canal into sin; the implication is either, expulsion from wispy spirit realms (away from the bosom of the Creator), or, choice predicated journey into self imposed sin (there may be more speculative reasons - I am open to it, but, only as conjecture).

Blood sacrifice happened at birth rinsed in blood and ambiotic fluids, we are absolved of any religious connotations. We chose to expel ourselves from the wispy realms when we decided to incarnate into this heavy gelatinous existance, away from the AUO. We took the journey into the crap shoot realm of the 3d AGAIN to resolve Karmic balance issues. Unless you were always an observer and decided to jump into the fray, (to see what the hubbub/buzz was all about).

Once encased in the atomic box of slime (having either been expelled from yon wispy realms [reasons unknown] or, having decided to sojourn) the procedural logic requires that you then become saved from a situation you were either put into, or, put yourself into...not strictly either/or...the question then becomes...Why (under condition 1) would a loving God do this, when in the wispy state (before birth) safety was not required, to begin with?...or, (under condition 2) why, when (before birth) safety was not required, would comfy soul (in the bosom of jesus) go from a state of safety to a state where being saved was required...both under the threat of eternal damnation in very ouchy firepits?

Why would a loving God send ITSELF into such conditions? Its insane, its a warmonger or has too many parts that it can sacrifice a few million (at/in a moments time without batting a molecule) or its BORED of its life in the non-matter nondiscript; Obviously does not value the small and insignificant (human) (fly) "Noah would have been wise to swat those two fies". Not sure about the major religions, understand the geographic separation. Not sure there was something else that ingenously thought humans needed guidance (IN THE WORST WAY OUTCOMES)==war, stuff like that..

The etymology of the word religion is a little unknown (perhaps its a secret God word?...that He/She allows even other faiths to use...don't know...could be a good thread) suffice to say, most 'religions' gather themselves around one or more (sometimes one and the same) God/gods...from which man emanates (where else do you think we emanated from?) this end, all 'religions' claim (at least) spiritual lineage from God...From Satan?...I don't think I've ever heard that...come to think of it, I don't recall anything this Satan character ever 'created'...not even itself...despite this glaring oversight - I am respectfully informed that the actual Almighty creator of heaven and earth and everything within and without it...has had a somewhat sticky situation for at least since before that unfortunate garden episode...It's all to do with God, and it's all to do with man...and somehow the two are inextricably linked (I say somehow, for effect)...

Secret god word, YHWH, Yahoos, Houynmhnms, Brobdingnags .
If its not a monotheistic God its multiple (pagan); any god will do. Why do we need GOD WORD in the first place; because we lost our ability at some point to access (via telepathy) our ability to talk to it. We used to have it, its evidence is in our Junk DNA, our pineal gland, thymus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals etc. Satan (if exists) is just an 'Architype', or dumping ground; a made up being to encompass the NATURE of mans evil deeds and thoughts. All architypes work in this manner.

'Centrality'...assumes a connection (otherwise things fly off into nowhere land) and positional nomenclature exists to establish relationship between two or more 'things'...Devising an invented rubric to prove the veracity of one faith over another, is at its core, a competition to judge whose origami monster is the bestest...Å99

Centrality is just another word for balancing the yinyang. There will always be duality, because without it comes stasis, no growth factor. Usually its the negative forces that push or insist upon growth; not through decay (entropy) but through violent change, and only then it seems the positive is forced into action. "Love Force Energy LOOSH" is so ignorantly passive its infuriating; probably because we have to devise the comedy skit to outsmart the negative and that takes time; script writers contract negotions..and MI5.
edit on 16-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

We should write a book together and FSU!


posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 08:09 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

We should write a book together and FSU! Å99

THIS IS TRUE we should; for whatever reason the wavelength we speak upon seems to beguile others. I dont understand why, its not secret language its just a thoughtform that follows its path and reaches OUTWARD (granted the grace that in one sentence noun/verb/adjective may explain 4 ideas nesting origami style). Not only is it ironic, but funny and to my mind in good humor unless the 10 ton safe has to drop from the 15th floor window to the sidewalk crushing nascent or full blown belief systems to smithereens. I dont get it the ignamosity shown to thoughtful well spoken posts; basically--Im ignoring you GO AWAY. NOT NOPE, IM NOT LEAVING YET (even if Freemason creates another *at the same time* very distracting juvenile HAMPSTER WHEEL thread) so's to not have to answer/pay attention to this one anymore. Adrenalin on fire over there!!, over here? the other thread? just an unforgetting/unforgiving/unrelenting simmering burn. How much fun is that?
edit on 16-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:35 AM


reply to post by vethumanbeing

We should write a book together and FSU! Å99

THIS IS TRUE we should; for whatever reason the wavelength we speak upon seems to beguile others. I dont understand why, its not secret language its just a thoughtform that follows its path and reaches OUTWARD (granted the grace that in one sentence noun/verb/adjective may explain 4 ideas nesting origami style). Not only is it ironic, but funny and to my mind in good humor unless the 10 ton safe has to drop from the 15th floor window to the sidewalk crushing nascent or full blown belief systems to smithereens. I dont get it the ignamosity shown to thoughtful well spoken posts; basically--Im ignoring you GO AWAY. NOT NOPE, IM NOT LEAVING YET (even if Freemason creates another *at the same time* very distracting juvenile HAMPSTER WHEEL thread) so's to not have to answer/pay attention to this one anymore. Adrenalin on fire over there!!, over here? the other thread? just an unforgetting/unforgiving/unrelenting simmering burn. How much fun is that?
edit on 16-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Its the dropping from a great height, although (and I haven't checked properly) but Safe Class TXTL-60 may have this covered - they say a dime that drops from the Empire State can kill you (not sure this is actually true - Mythbusters?!). 15th or 20th floor, wouldn't matter; at that rate the golden M&M could be dropped and kill (not sure this is actually true - Mythbusters?!). Making that intel spew out of the barely split sides, and arranging itself in chapters before one, would be the problem...'god'' probably could make sense of it in this form, but they would need to open thier eyes to read it...
Why can't it be both? That's a good question...But I won't give you a serape, if you already have one...better a quiet summers day of endless sunshine...I think God would want that...for the ones that have trouble adjusting, we at least have to drop the safe and hope for the best...maybe it will be a sunny day, when it happens?! That's a win-win!

I don't see the 'versus' being relevant...and I think God and man are very good friends, and the ragging is part of the joke it plays on itself, and, more often than not, it's funny...


posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Its the dropping from a great height, although (and I haven't checked properly) but Safe Class TXTL-60 may have this covered - they say a dime that drops from the Empire State can kill you (not sure this is actually true - Mythbusters?!). 15th or 20th floor, wouldn't matter; at that rate the golden M&M could be dropped and kill (not sure this is actually true - Mythbusters?!). Making that intel spew out of the barely split sides, and arranging itself in chapters before one, would be the problem...'god'' probably could make sense of it in this form, but they would need to open their eyes to read it...
Why can't it be both? That's a good question...But I won't give you a serape, if you already have one...better a quiet summers day of endless sunshine...I think God would want that...for the ones that have trouble adjusting, we at least have to drop the safe and hope for the best...maybe it will be a sunny day, when it happens?! That's a win-win!

I think it was penny, larger by fractions of an inch, should have dropped a 50 cal. bullet or 16 lb. bowling ball instead (garanteed better results). Explode the mind (literally) into millions of potencial outcomes in 3d, instead of having this happen in a vacuum. God would understand this method totally. Its the idea of it, human lab rat sacrifice no problem. No sarape, that other thing, with a hood made out of wool. I dont understand why it cant be both and also be 'tons' of amusement assuming Gods intention for MATTER dispersal and practicing right along with him (using substandard equipment).

I don't see the 'versus' being relevant...and I think God and man are very good friends, and the ragging is part of the joke it plays on itself, and, more often than not, it's funny...

I think Man is Gods big joke ('look at what I have saddled myself with, was I really ready to become parent") I think God is Mans big joke ("I cant see it feel it or interact with it yet I continue to seek a parent that abandoned me, obviously does not care"). In the back room though, another dialog/exchange is happening, a life/death card game (who brought the whiskey and pistoles) participants wearing poker faces. Its funny alright.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Greatest I am

greatest I amChristians would have to wonder why they would torture themselves and be such unforgiving pricks to themselves and others.

That's a good question. Why would they?

Christians have to do nothing but enjoy the bastion of words by their lying Bible interpreter at the pulpit (pass the plate). The Moslems are neatly taking care of all decay/entropy issues regarding their religion (have no idea/clue that it will have impact upon all others as yet)(a purposeful neglected/reading therefore NO interpretation of Mohammeds Q,uran), Shiria Tribal Law is WINNING. All others, Buddhist, Judaic, Shinto, Conchi can buy some popcorn; fight over the best beacher seats under the Big Top and watch what happens center ring Nativity Style.
edit on 17-10-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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