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My name is Michael Aquino, and I think it's kind of fun to do the impossible; Ask Me Anything.

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:01 PM

1. While it is against federal law that PSYOP be directed against the U.S. citizen, is it, and has it ever been used by U.S. military or known or unknown U.S. agencies on U.S. soil, against or involving U.S. citizens?

Massive propaganda campaigns were conducted by the government during WWs 1&2, of course; and it was post-WW2 revulsion about these, coupled with the superpropaganda "overshock" of Nazi Germany, that resulted in the Smith-Mundt Act. Since then this has been strictly adhered to within DOD.

It's becoming harder in the Bush+ era, obviously; there have been so-far-failed attempts to repeal or gut S-M in the Congress, and of course it's increasingly difficult to constrain where any message goes these days.

It's not going to be a problem in MW, charmingly, because in a MW campaign the PSYCONs envelop everybody involved. And everybody is "on the same side". This is really difficult for traditional PWarriors to get their heads around, to be sure!

2. What is your personal thought regarding the justification and morality of use of PSYOP on any person, regardless of thier national citizenship, not the least being use of PSYOP by U.S. military or U.S. agency on
a United States Citizen?

Well, in the stone-age environment of PW, I'm in favor of Smith-Mundt. Where stone-age PSYOP is concerned, I first got interested in it as an ROTC cade in 1967, and took the new correspondence course in it from the JFK Center that year before even being commissioned. I liked the idea of a kind of warfighting that didn't shoot or blow up people. Conventional PSYOP doesn't take it far beyond that, but MW does, eliminating all of PW besides.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:05 PM


What’s your take on 911?

I was sitting in a dentist's chair getting my teeth whitened while the whole 9/11 thing was happening on the little television over my head. The moment I saw the two towers drop neatly into their footprints, one right after the other, I thought, "OK, demolition," and that was that as far as I was concerned. [Found out later that Building 7 did the same thing just for the hell of it.]

All of the tortured official explanations and Popular Science & Discovery Channel slickjobs didn't impress me any more than the Warren Commission soft-shoe a few decades earlier. State-of-the-art skyscrapers just don't do that because a plane hits the top, period.

What we're dealing with here is the phenomenon of popular belief systems. Every society has its own fetishes and taboos, and the USA is no different. Within a given society, a F or T is never defined as such; rather it's a reality which everyone takes for granted. It can be something like "only women wear dresses" [although here in San Francisco don't be too sure]. Indeed some taboos are so essential to the national consciousness that it's heresy to even acknowledge their existence or call them "taboos".

The big one here is of course: "The United States never kills or allows to be killed its own people." It's taken for granted that lots of other countries do this, for instance in Latin America, but never here!

So the problem with 9/11 is that unless you swallow the official story, you're stuck running up against this supertaboo, and people simply can't/won't go there.

If you visit the various "9/11 truth" websites, they're very good at poking holes in the official story, but they all stub their toes when the problem of alternative implications raises its supertaboo head. Technologically the USA is the most advanced country in the world. Emotionally it's firmly entrenched in Norman Rockwell.

Indeed this is much like religious conviction. A few years ago an Army captain on my staff set out to save my soul and convert me to Christianity. While I appreciated his good intentions, I had taught Western Philosophy at the university level for many years, and knew much more about the subject than he did. Noticed that John Romer's superb history of the Holy Bible Testament was running on PBS. Told him that like me he'd find it utterly fascinating. A week or so later I asked him how he was enjoying it. He said he'd stopped watching it after a few minutes. What had happened, I realized, was that archæologist Romer was explaining and touring all of the concepts and places from earlier & contemporary antiquity that had fed into what would become the J/C Bible, and this blew all the fuses in the captain's head. For him it started and stopped as the literal Word of God that sprang exclusively and spontaneously from that entity. Anything else was Orwellian Crimethink.

Do I know who really did 9/11? No. Do I know why it was done? The prima facie induction is that it gave the Bush Administration a blank check to do everything that came next: wars, Patriot Act, etc.

In the field of PSYOP such things are not analyzed or judged morally, just cause-and-effectly. Once of the consequences of being a PSYOP officer is that you wind up seeing the whole damn world this way, with all of the moral, patriotic, religious, etc. overlays (fetishes, sacred cows, taboos) as "just part of the show". It doesn't even make you cynical, because cynicism requires something to be outraged against. Instead you become numb. That's the real, the serious danger, because the thing that is divine in the human soul is the ability to apprehend, and to desire, and to affirm, the Good. If we lose this, we are nothing.

That was very well written and I personally enjoyed the multi-layered reply. Some of the stories you have told fit into my experiences as well.

I have worked some of the Psyop missions with the leaflet program (Chu Hoi) and the loud speakers (which I hated; boring!)... I was always told the Chu Hoi leaflets worked in a small way but seldom as wanted.. like most things I suppose.

How would your program win over the minds and hearts of certain segments of Islam and their desire to establish their one true religion?

We used to have a saying that if the balls were grabbed in a proper manner the heart would follow which ever direction you pulled.. I assume your method goals are slightly different for capturing their hearts ?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:08 PM


Many would say most of our world leaders use dark spells to enslave the masses and it seems there is some evidence to support this.

Most world leaders wouldn't know an authentic Black Magic spell if it bit them in the ass. Which is probably a good thing, considering the mess they've made of things without getting over into the serious stuff.

Why would you choose to believe in and put energy towards Satan rather than God/Creator? Isn’t the entire Satan concept about opposing all that’s good by being ‘dark’?

The appeal of occultism is much the same as that of conventional religion: Logical positivism and scientific materialism, though they have made great strides towards explaining the “how” of existence, have failed entirely to explain the “why”. Hence the curious seek answers in metaphysical philosophy or religion. Metaphysical philosophy requires a logical base from which various suprarational principles are induced. Conventional religion is the simplification of such a philosophy into a crude ideology, which adherents need not understand, but only accept as an act of blind faith.

Conventional religions, with their colorful mythologies analyzed in terms of the underlying philosophical principles, represent simply the primitive longing of man to feel “at one” with the Universal harmony he perceives about him. “White” magic, as advocated by primitive pagan and modern institutional religions, offers devotees the illusion of “re-inclusion” in the Universal scheme of things through various ritualistic devotions and superstitions.

The Black Magician, on the other hand, rejects both the desirability of union with the Universe and any self-deceptive antics designed to create such an illusion. He has considered the existence of the individual psyche - the “core you” of your conscious intelligence - and has taken satisfaction from its existence as something unlike anything else in the Universe. The Black Magician desires this psyche to live, to experience, and to continue. He does not wish to die - or to lose his consciousness and identity in a larger, Universal consciousness [assuming that such exists]. He wants to be. This decision in favor of individual existence is the first premise of the Temple of Set.

The second premise of the Temple is that the psychecentric consciousness can evolve towards its own divinity through deliberate exercise of the intelligence and Will, a process of becoming or coming into being whose roots may be found in the dialectic method expounded by Plato and the conscious exaltation of the Will proposed by Nietzsche.

Ironically it is the very ease with which any individual can apprehend and appreciate his or her personal psyche that has frightened the many religions of the world which deny and oppose the power of that psyche. Clothed though they may be in riches, ritual, and respectability, they always have been and remain obsessed with the suppressed knowledge of their own essential falsehood. They endeavor to distract attention from this by sponsoring shows of mind-numbing drugs, mantras, masses, privations, entertainments, and penances to coax or cow their flocks of adherents into a confused, apprehensive, but trusting state of faith and automatic obedience. They shudder with horror at the psyche; they paint it red and add horns, cloven hooves, and a forked tail to dramatize how “dangerous” it is. Yet they can never escape it or defeat it, because they have never really succeeded in opposing themselves to it - merely in distorting and perverting it. How could they destroy something which, in the final analysis, is the conscious self of every human being?

could you please explain how you reconcile premise #1 with performing PSYOPS?
thank you

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Do I understand correctly, that your 'Uttered word' as Magus is Xeper?


And is there a relation between the 'Uttered Word' and MW?

No. Setian initiation involved invidual evolution from animal to god. MW is a mechanism to stop ordinary humans from killing one another and blowing stuff up. They can get around to thinking about initiation once they put down the clubs.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by pirhanna

I'm actually surprised that our guest did not mention the effect of a single
grain of dirt hitting a ship going at a sizable fraction of C.

I'm actually also surprised that no mention was made of a pentacle within
a pentacle within a pentacle, and the golden mean, and the ramifications
for intertellear travel. Not to mention the so-called 'tree of life', which
was also a part of the tradition a Setian would presumiably draw from.

I always wind up having conversations with msyelf as I'm unafilliatd with
any known collective, so I'm a walking info leak and general irritant to
one and all.

Like your post, and appreciate the doctor's posts.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:19 PM

...the effect of a single grain of dirt hitting a ship going at a sizable fraction of C. I'm unaffiliated with any known collective, so I'm a walking info leak and general irritant to one and all.

Why hello there fellow grain of sand!
edit on 14-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because:

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:26 PM

What is the nature of the beginning of the universe, according to your experiences, and how may this be most effectively reflected in our understanding regarding ourselves and society in general? Is there a fundamental function by which the universe operates that forms a linchpin for our reality?

According to the Gamow theory, the metagalaxy (sum total of all galaxies) was originally an ylem, which exploded. This theory leaves unresolved how the ylem came together in the original or primal state - and why it chose to explode at a given moment. Furthermore, since the ylem was not homogeneous throughout all space, it would have had to be deliberately created. It could not have consisted of both matter and antimatter, as the two substances would have annihilated one another instantaneously. There would have been an explosion - and radiation - but no mass would have survived. And of course a ylem of matter and antimatter could not have been formed to begin with. Hence the “big bang” theory is both incomplete and unsatisfactory from a symmetrical standpoint.

Dividing the distances of the known galaxies from the calculated metagalactic center by their speeds [per the red shifts], we estimate that they began their outward journey 10 billion years ago. Gamow assumes that they all began at precisely the same moment, from anylem. This is not necessarily the case, however, since there is a 5% margin for error in the calculations. Thus one galaxy could have been at the center 9.5 billion years ago, while another one could have been in that position 10.5 billion years ago. Proximity is conclusive; physical contact is not. And now a step-by-step hypothesis concerning the history of the universe:

Stage One: Space exists in infinite magnitude. It is loosely and uniformly filled with radiation. This radiation obeys the assumption of energy conservation; it was never “created” and similarly it will never be “destroyed”. Its uniform presence throughout the cosmos requires no “cause”. There are no logical grounds to presume that a “primal vacuum” would be “more natural”.

Stage Two: This strong concentration of radiation is partially transformed into equal quantities of matter and antimatter. The force of gravitation begins to occur between the particles of the ambiplasma (the universal plasma which consists of both matter and antimatter). The particles begin to contract towards a gravitational focus [or towards an infinite number of such focuses across the cosmos].

Stage Three: As the particles of matter and antimatter approach one another, annihilation commences. This annihilation and consequent radiation grows as more particles approach the center and the chances for collision are increased. Some particles of matter fuse with others of matter, and some of antimatter fuse with others of antimatter. Bodies of both matter and antimatter are formed, all of which continue towards the gravitational focus.

Stage Four: The radiation pressure at the center increases to the point where it overcomes the mutual gravitation that is forcing the ambiplasma to contract. The radiation arrests the contraction, and, due to momentum, overcompensates for the gravitation. The metagalaxy begins to expand.

Stage Five: The clumps of matter and antimatter become galaxies. The central radiation becomes steadily weaker. It should be clear that all of this doesn’t take place within an hour or two. Due to the red shift we may assume that Stage Four commenced about 10 billion years ago - give or take a billion - but we are scientifically unable to even estimate the duration of the first three stages.

Finally this theory is necessarily cyclical, not linear. The metagalaxy - or the several metagalaxies - must be subject to expansion and contraction infinitely into the past and future if the necessity for an initiating intelligence is to be discarded. The existence of the Fourth Dimension, then, is the ultimate argument against the existence of a “creator” God or gods. There was no point of creation. There will never be a point of extinction. There is only the alternation and transformation of matter, antimatter, and energy.

Space, i.e. the gaps between material [or antimaterial] objects doesn’t have “material” reality by that very definition. The gaps, however, are assuredly there, irrespective of conscious notice of them.

“Time” is a loosely-used term, which can be discussed in terms of the 4th dimension (duration of an object, phenomenon, or relationship) or of comparative measurement (clocks, calendars, etc.).

4D time is more simple than it sounds. For a rose to exist, it must be generated by a rosebush, after which it remains a rose until it wilts and dies. Its 4D is the elapsing period during which it maintains its object identity. Whether any conscious entity witnesses this duration, it defines, continues, and terminates its subject.

As a measurement of convenience, time is used by conscious entities to compare selected 4D events, either ongoing (the Earth’s rotation) or finite (a foot race).

Beyond these two basic definitions there is the interesting question of whether the phenomenon of time is linear or cyclical. Most modern cultures take it for granted that all time is linear; nevertheless there are many cyclical phenomena which, in and of themselves, are not linear/progressive [or that any variation or deterioration in them is so slow as to be negligible].

The notion of “progress” is integral with linear time, and also explains why ancient Egypt (a cyclical-time culture) remained undriven to change for its own sake for more than three thousand years. Virtue lay in ascertaining and maintaining cooperative, harmonious relationships with the neteru (as manifest in Egypt’s seasons, climate, Nileflow, etc.), not seeking to manipulate, control, or divert them. Today fighting with the neteru for control of their works is the norm, and the result of this is that whenever humans “win”, they lose far more than they gain.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:37 PM
I like Mr. Aquino, and wish him well in his endeavors, but, imo, nothing outwardly will stop humans from killing each other until certain inward faculties are corrected

Then maybe they can utilize MW

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:42 PM
Hello Mr. Aquino,

I have a special interest in North Korea (DPRK). My job takes me there all year round.

I'm curious to know your thoughts on the DPRK in general and your take on what is really going on there and how you would solve the major problems. What do you think about educating the people and isolation? Knowing what I know, I hope to get your valuable insight.

Thanks for coming by here and answering questions.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:48 PM
I just want to jump in and say WOW.

There are some amazing responses and questions in this thread. It's pure ATS and like a breath of fresh, intellectual stimulating, air.

Thank You to ALL who are participating.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Is the govenment shutdown being played out to test the American populations; closing down the parks so people cant escape the cities (cities are human farms, and major targets in a 'WW3' event), this entire freeze in food stamps on the East Coast that people have been raving about etc..

I think the shutdown is very pedantic: just the Tea Party sucking its thumb over ObamaCare and trying to kick Obama in the shins about it. Utterly childish, petulant, and stupid. Whether or not you like OC, it was passed, the Supremes OKd it, so get over it or try to pass some legislation changing or repealing it. Until then, don't make the whole country suffer because you're throwing a tantrum about it.

Also; since you have such a deep military and goverment background... What do you think about the NSA spying on its own people

NSA wasn't, indeed still isn't, supposed to do that, and it got caught with its pants down. Of course NSA didn't just do that in a vacuum. The Prez and the Congress all gave this the nod, then suddenly jumped ship and got all virtuous and righteous, leaving NSA holding the bag. The same thing happens over at CIA all the time too.

To be fair, the ocean of electronic communication today is pretty hard to cut into nice, neat slices between domestic & foreign, etc. NSA has an almost impossible job trying to handle this properly. And of course the first time something slips through that NSA "should have caught", its ass will be handed to it on a plate.

At all the Joint Intel events I've attended, you can tell the NSA guys because they all sit together at the back of the room, wear dark suits/dresses, and never smile. That's why I suspect they're zombies; trying to remember if I've ever seen one of them in the cafeteria ...

and do you trust Obama and the shadow government in the direction they are heading with the USoA?

I think Obama is a nice guy who thought he was going to be a "great compromiser" between the Ds & Rs. He failed to anticipate how intensely the Rs hate everything about him. If he wants to paint something purple, they will demand that it be green, and etc. He's still trying to compromise, but the Rs are so intransigent that his attempts to "meet them midway" wind up being skewed to the Right, which alarms and pissed off the Ds.

Some years ago there was a political cartoon showing Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office, running with his head down full-tilt against the wall. There were head-dents in the walls all around the room. A couple of aides are watching him. One says to the other, "Remember how he used to laugh at Jerry Ford for doing that?"

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:06 PM


What is the nature of the beginning of the universe, according to your experiences, and how may this be most effectively reflected in our understanding regarding ourselves and society in general? Is there a fundamental function by which the universe operates that forms a linchpin for our reality?

According to the Gamow theory, the metagalaxy (sum total of all galaxies) was originally an ylem, which exploded. This theory leaves unresolved how the ylem came together in the original or primal state - and why it chose to explode at a given moment. Furthermore, since the ylem was not homogeneous throughout all space, it would have had to be deliberately created. It could not have consisted of both matter and antimatter, as the two substances would have annihilated one another instantaneously. There would have been an explosion - and radiation - but no mass would have survived. And of course a ylem of matter and antimatter could not have been formed to begin with. Hence the “big bang” theory is both incomplete and unsatisfactory from a symmetrical standpoint.

Dividing the distances of the known galaxies from the calculated metagalactic center by their speeds [per the red shifts], we estimate that they began their outward journey 10 billion years ago. Gamow assumes that they all began at precisely the same moment, from anylem. This is not necessarily the case, however, since there is a 5% margin for error in the calculations. Thus one galaxy could have been at the center 9.5 billion years ago, while another one could have been in that position 10.5 billion years ago. Proximity is conclusive; physical contact is not. And now a step-by-step hypothesis concerning the history of the universe:

Stage One: Space exists in infinite magnitude. It is loosely and uniformly filled with radiation. This radiation obeys the assumption of energy conservation; it was never “created” and similarly it will never be “destroyed”. Its uniform presence throughout the cosmos requires no “cause”. There are no logical grounds to presume that a “primal vacuum” would be “more natural”.

Stage Two: This strong concentration of radiation is partially transformed into equal quantities of matter and antimatter. The force of gravitation begins to occur between the particles of the ambiplasma (the universal plasma which consists of both matter and antimatter). The particles begin to contract towards a gravitational focus [or towards an infinite number of such focuses across the cosmos].

Stage Three: As the particles of matter and antimatter approach one another, annihilation commences. This annihilation and consequent radiation grows as more particles approach the center and the chances for collision are increased. Some particles of matter fuse with others of matter, and some of antimatter fuse with others of antimatter. Bodies of both matter and antimatter are formed, all of which continue towards the gravitational focus.

Stage Four: The radiation pressure at the center increases to the point where it overcomes the mutual gravitation that is forcing the ambiplasma to contract. The radiation arrests the contraction, and, due to momentum, overcompensates for the gravitation. The metagalaxy begins to expand.

Stage Five: The clumps of matter and antimatter become galaxies. The central radiation becomes steadily weaker. It should be clear that all of this doesn’t take place within an hour or two. Due to the red shift we may assume that Stage Four commenced about 10 billion years ago - give or take a billion - but we are scientifically unable to even estimate the duration of the first three stages.

Finally this theory is necessarily cyclical, not linear. The metagalaxy - or the several metagalaxies - must be subject to expansion and contraction infinitely into the past and future if the necessity for an initiating intelligence is to be discarded. The existence of the Fourth Dimension, then, is the ultimate argument against the existence of a “creator” God or gods. There was no point of creation. There will never be a point of extinction. There is only the alternation and transformation of matter, antimatter, and energy.

Space, i.e. the gaps between material [or antimaterial] objects doesn’t have “material” reality by that very definition. The gaps, however, are assuredly there, irrespective of conscious notice of them.

“Time” is a loosely-used term, which can be discussed in terms of the 4th dimension (duration of an object, phenomenon, or relationship) or of comparative measurement (clocks, calendars, etc.).

4D time is more simple than it sounds. For a rose to exist, it must be generated by a rosebush, after which it remains a rose until it wilts and dies. Its 4D is the elapsing period during which it maintains its object identity. Whether any conscious entity witnesses this duration, it defines, continues, and terminates its subject.

As a measurement of convenience, time is used by conscious entities to compare selected 4D events, either ongoing (the Earth’s rotation) or finite (a foot race).

Beyond these two basic definitions there is the interesting question of whether the phenomenon of time is linear or cyclical. Most modern cultures take it for granted that all time is linear; nevertheless there are many cyclical phenomena which, in and of themselves, are not linear/progressive [or that any variation or deterioration in them is so slow as to be negligible].

The notion of “progress” is integral with linear time, and also explains why ancient Egypt (a cyclical-time culture) remained undriven to change for its own sake for more than three thousand years. Virtue lay in ascertaining and maintaining cooperative, harmonious relationships with the neteru (as manifest in Egypt’s seasons, climate, Nileflow, etc.), not seeking to manipulate, control, or divert them. Today fighting with the neteru for control of their works is the norm, and the result of this is that whenever humans “win”, they lose far more than they gain.

Awesome! Need to put my brain back in my head now.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:08 PM

How do you feel and what do you think about the Great Work/Magnum Opus of Jesus Christ

All conventional religions, Christianity included, are based on the assumption that the universe is a perfect, harmonious whole, which is what people really mean by "God", "gods", or more abstract controlling principles such as the [I]Tao[/I].

Isolate consciousnesses, characteristic of humans, exercise perspective apart from this whole. Even beyond this perception of separation, we have the discretion to assign meaning to it in whole and part. Both of these attributes are divine powers, since they are entirely at our will; and therefore they are instinctively feared - mythologized as a "fall" from where we were part of the universe: in J/C the "eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" - because, as we are now, we can assign that meaning too: define good and evil.

Christ is a personified representation of the presumed wish of the universe to include all things in itself: a messenger that we should return to, merge, become one, indistinguishable with God. Only thus can the strain and the pain of our sense of distinction be ended.

To accomplish this, one would need to return to a pre-fall state of nonconsciousness and imperception: most simply, pure innocence. This is thus the true essence of Christ as an entity and as a medium. That is the true meaning of:

Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Unfortunately for all those yearning for the "gift" of innocence (in Christianity called "Grace"), it is impossible to intentionally "undo" one's uniqueness. So conventional religions have sought to punish, destroy, sublimate, or numb it out of conscious awareness. Failing that, realizing its still-burning fire within them, some have ritualistically flung themselves on the mercy of the God/universe by committing themselves at least to its principle, e.g. "accepting Christ" [or similar]. Then, at least when their bodies (which the uninitiated believe to be the extent of their separate existence) disintegrate, they will be accepted into "Heaven" (harmonious, unified nonconsciousness).

So there's my brother Jesus; it's been my pleasure to introduce you.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:21 PM


Do I understand correctly, that your 'Uttered word' as Magus is Xeper?


And is there a relation between the 'Uttered Word' and MW?

No. Setian initiation involved invidual evolution from animal to god. MW is a mechanism to stop ordinary humans from killing one another and blowing stuff up. They can get around to thinking about initiation once they put down the clubs.

Dr. Maquino,

I guess I make a pretty poor observer. I truly enjoy a good conversation!

I must say that I admire your desire to get the violated chimpanzees to stop hitting
each others with clubs; of course they'll still throw poop at each other. Ah, if only
we hadn't been forced to diverge from the line before the Bonobo; then we could
all be making love instead of war.

On that note, do you have an observation? Genetic drift caused by the great rift valley,
in conjunction with climatic change requiring expanded competition where none was
necessary before?

A more metaphysical answer? There are certainly a lot of those available.

On that subject, do you view Feynmans' all paths taken principle in conjunction
wtih the 4th and 5th dimensions to be sufficient on it's face, to reasonably
propose that we all simultaneously exist in multiple worlds, and not just one?

By they way, I know that this might be against your perceptual and logical
framework (or not! I'm not Kreskin over here), but have you considered
that there is in fact an initiation past 'god' but before the 'hated' 'unificaton' ?

I hope you realize that the 'hated unification' is in fact disinformation.... anything
you'd like to say about that would be pleasant. But then some people might have to
accept that you are not in fact in any way against god's plan so to speak. Setians
get such an undeserved bad rap.

Oh by the way.. you may have noticed that the 'sacred neteru' changed their mode
of existence a few days ago.. of course anyone who could perceive that, probably
wouldn't post it on the internet.

What a stimulating conversationalist you are sir! I hope this thread runs a long time.

Best Regards,

Nosy and irritating until my last breath

(but give great hugs too!)


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:24 PM
Dr Aquino

I would be very interested in your take on the current "down turn" in occult growth. I see it as many seekers moving on to more new age paths, while a few of us who were "serious" about it have stayed. I include groups like the less eclectic aspects of Neopaganism in the occult area and not the new age.

Slan Agat


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:25 PM

If you were to start all over again in life, what changes would you make in your career, in your line of work or in important decisions you have made? What do you regret doing/not doing when you had the chance?

In general I wish I had become smarter earlier about everything. You get to my advanced age of 66, you feel like Gandalf who didn't realize that Bilbo had the One Ring until it was almost too late to save the world.

What I'm doing in writing stuff down now, most especially MindWar, is not to reminisce; it's to jump-start you Hobbits so that you can start now to refine, improve, and apply these ideas. That's why, at the end of my MW Preface:

Arne Saknussemm, Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth
Descende, audas viator, et terrestre centrum attinges.
Kod feci.

Descend, audacious traveler, and you will reach the center of the Earth.
I did it.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by maquino

Dear Sir,
In 2007 I had a near death experience. The doctors told me I had a week to live. Needless to say, I survived. During the time that I teetered between this life and the next, I experienced many strange events. I saw, orbs, ghosts, shadow people, demons and My guardian Angel. As a result of my strange experiences, I began to investigate near death experiences and listen to other stories from people whom shared the kind of things I witnessed. Although, I had never heard of Mr. Levay before, I did happen upon his testimony of a near death experience he had. In the video, he stated that he went to hell. he described what he saw and said it was terrifying. It is my understanding that in his last days, shortly before his true cross over, he had deep regrets about his leadership in the Satanic church. My question is: Are you aware of the video he made on youtube shortly before his true passing to the other side? If so, what is your take on his testimony of events witnessed? Also, can you tell me what is a orb? I had hundreds of them floating all over my property. Are they spirits? Are they demons? Since my recovery, I no longer experience any of the events witnessed during my illness. Thanks in advance for your consideration of my questions. I appreciate you.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:38 PM

Can you tell us about the development of Golden Dawn and Enochian magick technology? I heard you developed mouthpiece technology to pronounce the calls more accurately.

Concerning the Enochian Keys, download my The Temple of Set and see in particular Appendices #3 & #4. See also Temple of Set Reading List Category #11 "John Dee and the Enochian System" in that same document.

Concerning the Golden Dawn, see TSRL Category #10 "The Golden Dawn" as well.

These are both extensive subjects beyond the scope of posting here!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Hey, don't get me wrong... I'm just saying you have to have balls the size of Texas to call 3/4 of the population stupid.

I never "called 3/4 of the population stupid".

On the other hand my balls are indeed the size of Texas.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:44 PM
Sir, what is your take on the reason mass shooters tend to be young white males on anti-depressants of some sort? More specifically SSRI's?

Thank you for taking the time to answer this..

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