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Electromagnetism, UFOs, and the Weaponization of Alien Technology

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:02 PM
In the following series of posts, we'll look at Dr Jacques Vallee's journal Forbidden Science II spanning the years 1970 - 1979. That excellent and highly-recommended book covers a wide-range of life experience, UFO research, PSI research, and Jacques' introduction to the spooky world of the intelligence apparatus. It sounds like he had a pretty bad time of it with that last aspect as we'll see.

The main subject matter addressed here will be in the realm of psyops, UFO cults, and the possible weaponization--not of alien technology this time--but ET itself!

Keep in mind that I am in no way suggesting that extraterrestrial lifeforms don't exist, but rather the evidence that some factions within the intelligence community most certainly use the phenomenon in a deceitful manner and with some very questionable goals in mind.

Dr. Jacques Vallee

Dr. Vallee, as most of us know, has some very impressive credentials outside his ufology fame. Unlike Al Gore, he really did help invent the internet (ARPANET) and has worked on numerous highly-classified projects. From his own words, and hints, it seems as if he was intentionally drawn into projects and professional associations that impair his ability to speak the full truth.

I personally think that he was sucked in and straight-jacketed so to speak after Messengers of Deception where he talked about the CIAs role in cult building and ufological deception. He was hitting too close to home.

As I looked deeper into Doc Jock and his association with some of the so-called Aviary members; Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green and Col. John B. Alexander to be specific, I found him turning into something of an enigma. He seems so passionate about ufological truth on one hand, but on the other he's retained a decades long association with these masters of ufological deception.

Then I read his published diary, Forbidden Science, Journal II. It seemed full of profound hints meant for future historians, so I wasn't surprised when I found the following from a letter Dr. Vallee wrote when I was looking into the Pentacle Memorandum:

...In reading Forbidden Science, you should recognize that the book is a Diary, not an analytical report or a memoir. Therefore many important inferences, many relevant details, can only be found by reading between the lines. Your preliminary analysis of the Pentacle memo is not unfair, but it is somewhat simplistic, and it takes it out of context. I invite you to go back for a second, closer reading.

Later, in regards Dr. Vallee's relationship with NIDS, I had the following exchange with Greg Valdez--son of Gabe--in torsion's thread Dulce Base - upcoming book by Greg Valdez.

My Post:

Jacques Vallee has stated on a few occasions that he, also, is under a non-disclosure agreement with NIDS. I've always had the feeling that he wanted to say more, and I've never had the feeling that he agreed with the Skinwalker book by Kelleher and Knapp. Funny that Bigelow would let Kelleher and a mere, questionable, journalist (Knapp) make outrageous public claims, but not a seriously impressive brain like Vallee!?

Anyways, do you feel that Bigelow/NIDS, realizing that your dad was a keen investigator, wanted to ensure that Gabe didn't expose the whole charade and thusly sought to sign him on and tie him to the non-disclosure?

Greg Valdez replies:

That's part of it. They did the same thing to Bennewitz when they gave him the $75,000 dollar grant to conduct research. In both cases they get access to both my dad's and Paul's files and then the gain they most important thing which is control.

My dad did not immediately sign the non-disclosure agreement when he started working with NIDS. The waited until he was in the middle of a lot of strange things before they made him sign it. It is a big key to this mystery. NIDS did the same thing to MUFON, throw money at the "problem", see what the have and pay them so they can control what information is going in and more importantly control what is going out.

If you know the NIDS story, a ton of information went in, but nothing relevant or important ever came out. I'll let you think about that for a while and you should be able to figure out why this happened…

…I forgot to mention this in the last post. Yes they sought out all the top investigators in their respective fields, not just my dad and they all had to sign the non-disclosure agreements. Either at their initial meetings or down the road if NIDS decided to employ them.

Dulce Base by Greg Valdez

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:02 PM
I finally came to the personal conclusion that Jacques has been compromised by a combination of security oaths, sneaky 'friends,' malicious intimidation, and probably some blackmail thrown in for good measure. Like I said above, his own words on this are pretty telling. I also believe that in his desire to manipulate--and therefore understand--what he calls the "control system" of the UFO phenomena he crossed some lines that he probably doesn't look forward to becoming public knowledge.

Before we get into Jacques journal, lets look a little at the mindset of intelligence strategists. In the official and one time classified statement below, read "psychological strategy board" as PSYOPS:

CIA, under its assigned responsibilities, and in cooperation with the psychological strategy board, immediately investigate possible offensive or defensive utilization of the phenomena for psychological warfare purposes both for and against the United States, advising those agencies charged with U.S. internal security of any pertinent findings affecting their areas of responsibility.

And one more fascinating tidbit from Robert Anton Wilson on "Strange Loops.":

Robert Anton Wilson

"Knight knew what most people only vaguely suspected -- that IntelligenceAgencies engage in both the collection of valid signals (information) and the promiscuous dissemination of fake signals (disinformation).

They collected the information so that they could form a fairly accurate picture of what was really going on; they spread the disinformation so that all their competitors would form grossly inaccurate pictures. They did this because they knew that whoever could find out what the hell was really going on possessed an advantage over those who were misinformed, confused and disoriented.

What the Double-Cross experts had invented was the practical political applications of the Strange Loop. In logic or cybernetics, a Strange Loop is a set of propositions that, while valid at each point, is so constructed that it leads to an unresolvable paradox. The Double-Cross people drove the Germans bonkers by inventing disinformation systems that, if believed, were deceptive, but if doubted led to a second disinformation system. They enjoyed this work so much that, at times, they invented Triple Loops...

These Strange Loops functioned especially well because the Double-Cross experts had early on fed the Germans the primordial Strange Loop. "Most of your agents are working for us and feeding your Strange Loops."

Many German agents, it later turned out, had managed to collect quite a bit of accurate information about the Normandy invasion, but many others turned in equally plausible information about a fictitious Norwegian invasion; and all of them were under suspicion, anyway. German Intelligence might as well have made its decisions by tossing a coin in the air."

--Robert Anton Wilson

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:03 PM
Now to a series of excerpts from Vallee's Forbidden Science, II. Dr Hal Puthoff former NSA operative of Laser technology, Remote Viewing, Scientology, and SERPO fame along with Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green were Jacques Vallee's entry into the world of government spooks:

Hal Puthoff has finished reading Challenge to Science. I showed him my catalogue; we discussed his Washington contacts.

The risk in approaching them is to get caught in weird games; I will have to stay on my guard. The potential benefit: understanding their role in the undercurrent, their view of the problem…

Weird games? Intelligence guys don't play weird games do they? In the following we see the continued fascination with occult and paranormal matters as CIA man Dr. Kit Green relates a very interesting tale to Jacques:

Over lunch Kit said that a friend of his recently attended a witchcraft session in San Francisco, where he actually saw the Devil. Later he was shown a tiny pipe connected to the central cauldron. It gave off a gas which made the participants susceptible to suggestion, after which they were programmed to agree on features of the apparition. Some of their adepts swear they have received communications from higher beings...

…Witchcraft groups are using the latest techniques in brainwashing and hypnosis, often in connection with nitrous oxide, leading to amnesia and irreversible post-hypnotic suggestions. The gas itself is undetectable; the only sign is a slight prickling of the extremities. So there may well be an occult organization that uses the UFO phenomenon for its own ends, and it could reach into higher levels of the military or Intelligence community. My concern is that a conversion to the belief in Aliens…

That's some crazy stuff. Shades of MK-ULTRA. But Jacques and Doc Green said so.

…It brings us back to a psychophysical control system. There's a secondary human impact, easier to analyze, the undercurrent working through groups using the alien mythology to propagate their own agenda. Examples: the Ummo hoax, the cults, the shadowy military folks who promote the Holloman affair. But I still don't understand the connection between these two aspects.

"Myth," and "Shadowy Military Folk," he says...I can believe it. The following gives some insight into meaningless333's earlier question and also mentions some ELF research. It starts off with Kit Green explaining to Jacques the U.S. - Soviet parapsychological race:

““We began our first really serious analysis of Soviet para- psychology work about 1970,”” he said. ““Other agencies thought we were crazy, but they've now changed their tune. They even went beyond what we did. There've been four independent analyses, all classified… We found a dozen centers for psychotronic research in the Soviet Union.””

““What do they do?””
“Their work focuses on gifted subjects. They look for them in systematic fashion, throughout their population...

...DIA and others went farther than we did. I can't tell you more, but they speculated that the Russians had offensive labs where they were trying to blow up people's heads at a distance and break their spinal columns by PK.””

““What about the Foreign Technology Division?

““Their conclusions came in between these two extremes.”

On Saturday I was able to spend an hour with Jim Irish in his sound lab. It was an opportunity to learn about ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radiations and their effects.

Nina Kulagina ~ USSR "I'll Bend Your Spine Like This Skeleton Key!"

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:03 PM
All the subjects we've been discussing in this thread come into play time & time again:

Murray Turoff and Roxanne Hiltz are attending this meeting on teleconferencing where panelists argue endlessly about the Delphi technique of forecasting…

…As I came out of a session where Turoff was a speaker, I found myself face to face with Bill Powers stepping out of another meeting…

...Conversation turned to research on higher consciousness under his feedback system of behavior. ““The only way to study a control system is to introduce perturbations into it,”” he advised.

An introduction of "pertubations" into the "control system," eh?

Dr. Vallee continues to develop a gestalt out of the themes that are developing around him and in his head. He shares with Kit:

I proposed to attack the UFO system by moving upstream along its own feedback loop. I explained to Kit how the topology of a control system worked and why we could try to affect it, even if we didn't yet know the nature of the actual agent (extraterrestrial, ultra-dimensional, collective unconscious, human manipulation, etc…)

We note here that to "move upstream" against it's own feedback loop--especially taking into account the mention that the phenomenon might be related with the collective unconscious--refers, at least partially, to looping information to people.

Kit is in close contact with most of the UFO groups, so his interest is only confidential among the uninformed. Right now he is on his way to Houston, where Valerie Ransone and a group of contactees have promised he would witness materializations. But what are his true intentions? He belongs to a small cadre of very bright Intelligence types who are looking for elements of truth.

There is no way to know what really goes on, and who pulls the strings. And even the bright ones can easily be fooled by their own system or fool themselves.

It is becoming obvious to both of us that some of the rumors about extraterrestrials have been planted, perhaps as a cover to esoteric weapons systems, or as part of psychological warfare exercises in which ufologists are a convenient test bed.

Messsengers of Deception emerges slowly in the media, stressing the hypothesis that some UFO cases are the result of psychological manipulation by the military.

A close reading of the above, suggests to me, some very carefully crafted sentences.

Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green

I won't see Kit on this trip. Sadly, in spite of my admiration for his sharp intellect, there's a barrier between us. He's cleared for all kinds of secrets to which I have no access. It's pointless to talk, and I can't trust his bosses with my information. I carry my notes for Network Revolution. There is much to say about the world of computers we are building, the ““solid-state society”” on the distant horizon.

Sealed in boxes, our UFO library is ready to be loaded into the truck and driven away to a rented storage place where it will spend the next few years. I feel lighter and freer now, this mass of information pushed out of my life. I haven't found out what UFOs were, but I did change the level of the problem.

Too bad I can't say more in Messengers. As Frank Pace pointed out, I am condemned to understatements.

In Messengers of Deception, Dr. Vallee explores ufological deception from, mainly, two angles. The deceptive nature of the anomalous phenomenon and deception by frauds and intelligence agencies.

I get the sense, over and over in Forbidden Science II--and Messengers of Deception--that he has a burning desire for truth. He leaves bread crumbs but, as he stated above, he is, "condemned to understatements." That he returns time and again to the theme of intelligence agencies and ufological deception is quite remarkable.

He wants to tell us…and he's done the best he can.

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:03 PM
We pick back up where we left off in Forbidden Science II, speaking of what Vallee termed, "manipulation of belief systems."

What have I learned? (1) The phenomenon is real but it offers multiple levels. (2) No simple extraterrestrial explanation fits the facts. (3) The governments of the U.S., Mexico and France have a keen level of interest (and the Russian and U.K. as well) but no scientific research project seems to exist. (4) Some of the brightest people in Intelligence get involved but the real data must be hidden at a different level. (5) Much of the official involvement is directed at faking data, not at discovering the truth. (6) Animal mutilations are real but probably unrelated to UFOs. (7) No solution will be found by mediocre, amateurish research.

Note item 5 above: Much of the official involvement is directed at faking data, not at discovering the truth. Passion evident, Dr. Vallee continues:

An intriguing article appeared recently in the Chronicle. A Quaker group, the ““American Friends Services Committee,”” has accused the police of engaging in large-scale political surveillance through an espionage network, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit, whose target they claim is the American public. Some 250 law enforcement agencies are said to subscribe to it, as the U.S. slowly takes some of the characteristics of a police state.

Is it within the murky world beyond the law, the domain of private security firms, major corporations and parallel Intelligence networks, that some of the answers should be sought for the manipulation of belief systems?

That last sentence above sounds an awful lot like the military-industrial complex. Vallee continues to define and speculate on some shadowy and powerful folk and their probable manipulation of various cults for dark and disturbing reasons:

When it came to the sociology of UFOs, we speculated that a group (such as a paramilitary organization, an aerospace company or a secret society) could well have created illusions designed to take advantage of the genuine phenomenon...A huge secret stands before us, palpable yet undeciphered, and forever beyond the cultural grasp of the few government spooks who are trying to manipulate it.

...We keep learning some ugly things about the seedy underside of ufology, including stories that concern Siragusa, Jim Jones, Bo and Peep. Many contemporary cult leaders claim a mysterious ““contact”” back in the fifties

I have cured myself of the fascination I once felt for the Intelligence community. The realization came when I observed how easily they were fooled by others and fooled themselves. Perhaps they are the ones who can't face the real world and have to invent their own secret games to make sense of it.

And as the year comes to a close I am astonished to review the last 12 months: Ira accused of murder, Jacques Bergier's death, Jean Sendy's death, the crash of Bentov's plane, the passing of Chris Evans.

Most importantly, I now realize how stupid I was when I hoped that the Intelligence boys could contribute to a study of the phenomenon. They have a different agenda. They make up the most absurd stories and get away with it.

Let's look at that second to last one again: "Most importantly, I now realize how stupid I was when I hoped that the Intelligence boys could contribute to a study of the phenomenon. They have a different agenda. They make up the most absurd stories and get away with it."

Forbidden Science II

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:03 PM
In the following excerpt Jacques suggests some pretty shocking details about his--and his family's--manipulation by intelligence factions:

I have not emerged from this experience with much respect for the Intelligence officials I have met, in the United States or Europe.

While many are men and women of undoubted loyalty and integrity, and while they deserve full credit (alongside their equally committed adversaries in other countries) for saving us from the catastrophe of a nuclear exchange between East and West for over half a century, their performance in the manipulation of science in general, and of the belief in the paranormal in particular, has been shady, deceitful and ultimately harmful to the development of advanced technology.

While the belief in UFOs presents a convenient cover for occasional crashes of classified prototypes, unethical medical experiments or psychological operations designed to fool enemies, much damage has been done to good research in the process.

It is difficult for a scientist who is used to the culture of open criticism and honest exchange of data to feel respect for the methods of shadowy agents who invade your personal life, listen to your phone calls, open your mail, interrogate your kids in your absence and feed you false information, all in the name of some supposed higher duty to the security of the nation they claim to serve.

In my limited contacts with the agencies involved, I have met some of the brightest people I will ever know in this life, and some of the most despicable and sometimes crazy characters.

There was very little between these two extremes.

"…shadowy agents who invade your personal life, listen to your phone calls, open your mail, interrogate your kids in your absence and feed you false information…" That's pretty heavy-duty. And that's what some do to "friendlies" let alone an enemy!

UFO disinfo as a cover for, "unethical medical experiments?" That's disturbing, but not surprising at this point. I wonder what those could be?

Is there a faction within the USG that President Eisenhower warned; "…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex…"

Some faction with a globalist mindset--maybe even in cahoots with some dark non-human intelligence--that are planning on using the UFO phenomena to their advantage? Magic 8-Ball says:

Forbidden Science II

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:03 PM
Not only Jacques thinks so, he tells us that Anton LaVey did, too!. I had always thought of LaVey as a counter-culture mischevious-elf of sorts. Dr. Vallee--although he eventually found LaVey too dark--tells us Anton was a very brilliant man in his own right. While the following is only LaVey's opinion it invokes the thought that it Takes a Trickster to Know a Trickster.

Jacques Vallee, Anton LaVey, and Aime Michel

Anton LaVey is interesting when he discusses the nature of secrecy. He points out that people are most thrilled by the impression of ““discovery.””

Therefore if you want the masses to accept your claims, you should never try to reveal anything but you should arrange for them to ““discover”” it. The best process to achieve this is what he calls the Easter Egg Formula:

(i) The magician gets up before everybody else, scattering brightly colored eggs for others to find.

(ii) He hides them in such a way that they can be discovered with relatively little work.

(iii) The secret of the existence of the eggs is leaked out.

(iv) The crowd rushes out and finds them, delighted with this revelation.

(v) Congratulations follow. (vi) Real secrets are safe and the magician's prestige is enhanced. Is this how the belief in UFOs works? Is the undercurrent built on the Easter Egg Formula?

The saucers are indeed like Easter eggs. Someone got up early and scattered them around for us to discover. Then he leaked out the notion that they were extraterrestrial.

I'm not interested in discussing the eggs, nor do I care about the scientists who ““explain”” them away. Let's find out who makes them, and why. Actually I think I know ““why.”” The target is human mythology, the most powerful force on Earth. And there is no question that the phenomenon also functions on the material, physical level.

Forbidden Science II

Crafting the Neuropsycho-Socio-Ufological Easter Egg

In his book Cosmic Trigger, Robert Anton Wilson makes the interesting observation that the lies and deceptions commonly engineered by Governments promote a paranoid atmosphere which permeates the public mistrust of science. Any form of collective thought is subject to influence and suggestion, and blind on fundamentals.

Robert Anton Wilson

In ancient Egypt people were controlled by a religious order supported by prodigies. Only the top priests knew how they were manipulated. One could speculate that society still runs that way. Is someone trying to provide humanity with a renewed Pantheon? The new Gods could only come from the sky. Is that why so much attention is directed at the notion that UFOs must be spacecraft while the more fruitful theories are discouraged or censored?

The All-Seeing Easter Egg

I've confronted Anton with on mutilations, which specifically mentions his group. He tried to tell me it was a fabrication by the hippies at the Berkeley Barb. I laughed at this: Flickinger is a Federal Agent with the Treasury Department, not a bearded leftist. So Anton, his back to the wall, pulled out his wallet and showed me his badge of the San Francisco Police Department:

““I'd have known about it, if the SFPD had uncovered serious evidence. I work closely with their Intelligence unit. They call on me when they have a crime that involves witchcraft or cults, like the murder in Daly City a year ago...””

Anton LaVey Counter-Culture MIB

The idea that Anton had such connections makes sense. He thinks that the government will eventually ““land”” a fake saucer somewhere, behind barbed wire, to generate speculation and demands ““for the release of the data people think the government must be covering up.”” Writer Bernard Newman had proposed such a deception scenario as early as 1950 in his novel, The Flying Saucer .

““Come on, Jacques, it's an old magician's trick,”” he added, intensely serious now. ““They've got to take attention away from real problems. The government’’s right hand does something spectacular to capture people's eyes while their left hand goes on with the real work.

Forbidden Science II”

edit on 15-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:04 PM
I hope this is on topic, I realized how these programs sound so similar to the sounds that have been heard around the world, some say from the sky some say from the ground. What do you people think?

Lucid Dreaming Tool | Hemi-Sync Binaural Brainwaves

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:09 PM

reply to post by The GUT

Thank you for the work put into this great thread, it reminds me of the old ATS days long before I was a part of it, looking back in archives there was wonderful informed discussions. Quality is the word.

Part of your Op also made me think of the persons who were clearly very intelligent and who have believed they have spoken with entities, such as Emanuel Swedenborg and many whom i cannot think of the names right now.

The phenomenon of persons channeling in their sleep such as The Urantia Book

I personally had experience of a ouija board when i was a teen. The board provided names and information my sister and I had no way of knowing, we went and looked it up and it was all accurate, at the same time the board would tell us little lies all the time about unimportant things, like "your boyfriend will be over today" and not be true

IMO only the living have a concept of time, i don't use Ouija boards, but in my experience you cant say things like today, tomorrow, yesterday ect ect, although it is possible to sometimes get a date, its a matter of re wording the question, like how many times will i see the sun rise and set ? or before, during or after the leaves have fallen from the trees ? things like that.

love and harmony

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:13 PM
This may be the best thread I've read yet on

There are a few people I'd like to see with their own Forums.

The Gut is at the top of my list,
Phage ,Slayer,etc.
Wrabbit, although we disagree (politically) always,
...always. I respect him, as I do Beezer.
And I care about their point of view.
Wrabbit and Beezer forum?
Who said that?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by The GUT

What a Fantastic thread !!!!!

Have read it quickly but will get back to it & check out the links. This is what ATS is all about !!!!

S&F Big Time !

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by The GUT

A couple of things to throw into the mix. There's been something nagging at the back of my mind and then it struck me what it was. here were for several periods from the 40s to the 80s where, the USA in the shape of the CIA, had virtual carte blanche to "experiment" in any way shape and form they chose via their funding and in effect, control of several satellite nations. Chile under Pinochet, Argentina under Galtieri and the junta, the , list is fairly extensive means that, we should maybe seek to find those with a historical perspective on those periods and UFO reports, the mainstream attitude towards them in such countries etc?

I suspect that, if they were intending to roll out some mass "mind experiment", that's where they would have road tested them, Chile for instance, was the test bed for Neoliberal, more correctly Neoclassical, economic policies. Given ATS has a worldwide reach I'm wondering if there's someone on here could try and collate some data and let's see if there is at least, some sort of pattern emerge that might give some clue as to a serious agenda?

Let me give you a for instance, the tactics used in many parts of Vietnam by the Americans were a development of the tactics used by the British in Malaya post world war 2, to combat communist rebels. These did include a serious "hearts and minds" content although, due to the differing circumstances, the Americans had nothing like the success the British did.

I've often wondered if, the Belgian's willingness to "go public" about the Triangle Flap, from the top down was maybe in some way an bit of payback for the supposed CIA involvement in the random shootings that were rife in Belgium during the early 80s? A couple of ex CIA spooks have gone on record as saying that the CIA thought Belgium "too lax" in its' attitude to security and funded ultra right wing groups to carry out in effect, terrorist acts, to chivy them along and into line. Maybe, the one way the Belgians thought they could manage a decent swipe back at the USA was via UFOs and proffering up in public,l evidence that no other country ever seemed to be willing to?

Belgian shootings

As it is, even though The GUT has nailed so much truly great information we are still really, playing with only half a deck? I think we need the data from countries such as Chile, Argentina, Iran, Turkey, several central American countries to see if there is some sort of pattern that can be linked to what was going on behind closed doors in the USA?

The other point I wanted to bring up is really more specific to The GUT and a few of our own conversations though worth airing in public. I've mentioned Rex Dutta and my friendship with him on here a few times. Well Rex was not only a Ufologist he was also high ranking OTO and he specialised in the study of ichthyology. One of his fields was the treatment of fish using various methods of electrical stimulation, something he was apparently, very good at. Anyway as the links about Rex seem to have vanished and his work with fish seems to have vanished completely from the online resources here's a link to a review of a couple of Rex's books Note how "ahead of the game" Rex's thinking was and it undoubtedly had an effect on my opinions and still does.

Rex Dutta a retrospective

Rex was also involved with the first of the "Voice Of Ashtar" broadcasts, being in the studio under interview when it occurred.

Transcript of the 1971 Ashtar broadcast

This is NOT the same at the later TV broadcast rather, an earlier incident. You will alos note that, in a previous thread I made it plain I have heard the original tape via copy smuggled from the Radio Station by a then engineer who was a friend of Rex, the link is, to the best of my recollection, wholly accurate, so those who maybe doubt I was party to information not in the general public sphere back then, might want to think again? Now, given Rex was OTO and saw me as his protege, I can categorically state that, Rex never gave me any reason to believe that, the OTO or anyone from the "spooks" side of the British establishment was responsible for either. In fact, it was a friend and I who postulated the later TV Ashtar broadcast might have been a "test" faked by the spooks to see how people reacted. Rex's attitude was that, he didn't think they, the intelligence community, had the blue sky thinking to come up with such a jape and given his numerous friends from that community, he might well have been right.

In fact, by the late 70s those with the most contacts to the intelligence services in the UFO field in Britain were of the opinion UFOs were "demons"

UFOs and Demons

I would this caveat Clark's credentials as "independent" are under serious scrutiny at the moment, so this article needs reading with that in mind although, in this case, I personally believe this is accurate.

Anyway some thoughts to chew on and a plea for anyone reading this from a country such as Chile,Argentina, etc to come forward and hopefully, add to the data so we can look for patterns, if any, in the reporting of UFOs whilst the CIA was in situ, as it were.

Edited to add this video, given the way things are drifting this documentary is well worth a watch.

edit on 15-10-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:41 PM

A couple of things to throw into the mix. There's been something nagging at the back of my mind and then it struck me what it was. here were for several periods from the 40s to the 80s where, the USA in the shape of the CIA, had virtual carte blanche to "experiment" in any way shape and form they chose via their funding and in effect, control of several satellite nations. Chile under Pinochet, Argentina under Galtieri and the junta, the , list is fairly extensive means that, we should maybe seek to find those with a historical perspective on those periods and UFO reports, the mainstream attitude towards them in such countries etc?

I suspect that, if they were intending to roll out some mass "mind experiment", that's where they would have road tested them, Chile for instance, was the test bed for Neoliberal, more correctly Neoclassical, economic policies. Given ATS has a worldwide reach I'm wondering if there's someone on here could try and collate some data and let's see if there is at least, some sort of pattern emerge that might give some clue as to a serious agenda?

LOTS of great stuff in that post, FireMoon. Thank you! And I think you've hit on a brilliant idea for some research that could be very fruitful. The topic of doing covert human-use experimentation in Latin America and other foreign locales comes up time and again in the literature. And when we get to the last section of this thread, there's some intriguing information about testing man-made "plasma balls" there, too.

Given what's known about the rather oppressive presence of the CIA in Brazil in the timeframe of the Colares UFO Flap, I would add that I've always suspected a military operation using the "alien technologies" we're discussing.

The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings that occurred in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During the outbreak, the UFOs allegedly attacked the citizens with intense beams of radiation that left burn marks and puncture wounds. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename Operation Saucer (Portuguese: Operação Prato), but the government later recalled the team and classified the files until the late 1990s.

One of the witnesses of the Colares UFO attacks was a physician and Dr. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, who cared for and made medical tests on the victims. She identified the victims as suffering from fatigue, dizziness, headaches, low blood pressure, and anemia. Some had burn marks where the beams had hit them, with small puncture marks within the burned area. Permanent hair loss occurred in the affected zone.
According to Dr. Carvalho, she attended to about 35 people with these symptoms, who claimed to have been struck by unidentified beams of light from the sky; two of the patients died. Dr. Carvalho said that she was caught in one of the mysterious aerial lights herself. She did not suffer any wounds or lasting physical effects.

Colares "UFO" EM Radiation Burn Victim

Sounds like EM weaponry and the possible testing of a UFO psyops. Some of our intel factions apparently had no compunction in using and abusing the Brazilian citizenry. It also brings to mind Dr. Jacques Vallee's assertion about CIA cult-building experiments as both Heavens Gate and The People's Temple have been mentioned by Jacques--and others--to have been such projects.

Here's just a bit that demonstrates how the agency acted in Brazil and a tie to Jim Jones to boot.

Dan Mitrione was a Richmond, Indiana police officer, then FBI agent, then infamous CIA asset who was sent to Brazil where he was involved in teaching diabolical torture techniques to Brazilian police and helped introduce a system of nationwide identification cards as in, "Show me your papers!"

Dan Mitrione, CIA Torture Instructor

He was also connected to Jim Jones of People's Temple & Jonestown infamy which, as mentioned above, has been rather convincingly outed as one of the CIA custom-built cults and an off-shoot of MK-ULTRA. Jones spent time in Brazil while Mitrione was there and was even "outed" as a CIA agent in the local papers. Mitrione is believed by many researchers to have been Jim Jones handler.

Gonna check out your Rex Dutta links now, I remember the transcript from our conversation, but the retrospective is new to me.

I've also been meaning to ask you about your opinion of British Ufologist Randall Jones Pugh? I came across a case history he did in one of the books I'll be recommending later. The case history was fascinating and related to EM, so I was wondering about his reputation in your circle of Brit ufologist friends?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 12:02 AM

I hope this is on topic, I realized how these programs sound so similar to the sounds that have been heard around the world, some say from the sky some say from the ground. What do you people think?

Lucid Dreaming Tool | Hemi-Sync Binaural Brainwaves

That's not off topic at all. Certainly something intriguing to consider. Did you catch asktheanimals post:

One thing did cross my mind. I am wondering if perhaps some phenomenon that seem inexplicable by science are composed of multiple EM waves that function together by way of a harmonic continuum?
That is to say that there might be VLF, ELF and VHF waves that happen together and it is because of their relation to each other or intervals that cause certain phenomenon, much like the notes in a musical chord.

This paper is interesting, too:

Acoustic Weapons

A quote from that paper:

In 1971 a short survey from the British Royal Military College of Science mentioned re- ducing resistance to interrogation, inducing stress in an enemy force, creating an infrasonic sound barrier and rapid demolition of enemy structures.

Somewhat later, the journal New Scientist—in the context of reporting on weapons used by the British Army against protesters in Northern Ireland—wrote about successful tests of the "squawk box," a device said to emit two near-ultra- sound frequencies (e.g., at 16.000 and 16.002 kHz) that would then combine in the ear…

And that was in 1971!

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 12:18 AM
Here's an excerpt from an excellent piece by the late Phillip Coppens titled The Pied Pipers of the CIA, that relates some early agency involvement in UFO cults or groups and some of the reasons why, such as social engineering experiments and control techniques:

In short, Menger’s story was a CIA experiment to see how easily and whom specifically could be fooled into believing anything. More significantly, it is now known that Adamski was the same: he was not only encouraged in his work, but actively supported and assisted, by the CIA.

This became known – though not widely reported when scientists attempting to investigate Adamski's claims (in an effort to discredit him and stop him in his tracks) were warned off by CIA Director Allen Dulles in person.

Flying Saucer Review 1960

And research has shown that during tours of Europe and Australia to promote his “message”, Adamski travelled on a passport furnished by the CIA. During a 1953 speech, Adamski even calmed an anxious crowd by assuring the audience that the CIA and the FBI had cleared his statements! Interestingly, long before this information became public, Leon Davidson had already stated that Adamski was controlled by the CIA.

The idea that contactees such as Adamski should have been spreading their message with the blessing – and backing – of the CIA seems, at first, bizarre.

However, when we consider the very real benefits for psychological warfare purposes of setting up and monitoring such experiments into the way that cult beliefs spread, and the influence that they have over certain segments of the population, the motive becomes apparent.

The Pied Pipers of the CIA

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 12:33 AM
The link I'm posting is an amazingly in-depth interview with Vallee! It covers so much of his experience, both in France and America, with UFO research (and fellow researchers) that I can't even begin to summarize...There's quite a bit of elaboration and clarification on much of the info in his published diaries...

In the interview Vallee touches on most every subject in this thread, which makes it even better - getting to see all the great info The GUT has given us - with Jacque Vallee's perspective...a must read!!

BTW: This is the first time I've tried making a link, so if it doesn't work, maybe someone can help?

A Heretic Among Heretics: Interview with Jacques Vallee

Is there a faction within the USG that President Eisenhower warned; "…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex…"

Some faction with a globalist mindset--maybe even in cahoots with some dark non-human intelligence--that are planning on using the UFO phenomena to their advantage? Magic 8-Ball says:

Now, re: the above quote...I am beginning to come to the conclusion that there really must be 'someone' pulling the strings, and I don't think it is the military industrial complex - I think they are just one puppet (or group of puppets) out of many....

The thing that struck me today (part of an idea that is still evolving) is - given everything The GUT has outlined, both here and in other threads, about MKUltra, Electromagnetic weapons, and all the other 'control mechanism' oriented technology which the military has developed....wellllll...if our government has that kind of 'power' at hand....

.....why the heck is our country such a mess? I mean, we've got mind control tech? C'mon, why not use some of that to convince some of the "one-percent" to give their country a little help getting back on it's feet? And of course that's just one (humorously intended) idea...
The point being, why aren't we seeing any signs of these technologies (which do represent quite a lot of power) being put to use (and there have to be ways) to improve the mess the country is in?

Which brings me to the real (scary) question:

Who really owns the 'power' that's been coming out of DARPA all these years? And who (or what?) 'owns' the people who own the power?

---Okay, that all seems very simplistic and stupid as written there, the thinking behind it all is so much more complex and sort of layered, but it's hours past bedtime, so I'm going to leave 'as is' and hope that the many highly intelligent people here are 'getting' it...maybe you can explain it better too
edit on 16-10-2013 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by lostgirl

Good stuff, lostgirl, thank you! I've also been meaning to thank for turning me on to the Project Censored report:

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights

It got me off my butt and searching for the declassified/leaked documents I had read in the past and needed to do this thread. So you are co-responsible for these walls of text.

Btw: Vallee's Forbidden Science II is now out of print and very expensive, but anyone interested in reading it should shoot me a pm on where it might be found in pdf form.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:02 AM
Regarding Jim Jones, years ago I read an article in a book called 'Secret and Suppressed', edited by Jim Keith I believe, suggesting Jonestown was the ultimate CIA/Nazi MKUltra style experimentation on a captive audience. Jim Jones father was apparently high up in the KKK, and Jones seemed to have extensive intelligence contacts. It was suggested that he had no great love for those of darker skin, and that there was a vast difference in the way blacks and whites were treated in remote Guyana.

Was Jonestown a 'psy-op', or perhaps even a 'Mindwar', or an exercise in 'non-lethal weaponry'? Is this a valid proposal, worth discussing alongside the almost 'hippy-like' essence its creators seem to propose?

Despite the appearance of 'playing it straight' on ATS, who knows what truths, half-truths, and outright falsehoods that the Aquino's and Alexander's propagate? I sometimes think that Vallee's 'Messengers of Deception' may be far less inter-dimensional, and much closer to home, in the form of agents of the military industrial complex. Mortals of this Earthly plane, like you and I, but given perhaps a similar although far more nuanced approach to disinformation than the Doty's, Lear's and Lazar's of the cesspit some like to call UFOology.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

On topic and something I have been intensely interested in. Since my ufo sighting back in May of 2001 which was "kicked off" by a very low frequency beat which instilled fear in me (My UFO death metal show put on by "the others?" I have been on a search for the answer which has lead me to the work of Jacques Vallee and John Keel, so I much appreciate this thread GUT! From Jacques Vallee's book "Messengers of Deception" pg 167 "One area
where you must realize a lot of research had already been done
in great secrecy by 1946 concerned mind control and the effects
of electromagnetic radiation (what we now call ELF, or Extremely
Low Frequency) on the human body." "On the surface, if you just
look at a few isolated cases, like scientists arguing about UFOs,
well, I agree it doesn't mean anything. But suppose somebody had
obtained a device by the end of the war, which perhaps wasn't a very
effective weapon. Perhaps it couldn't fly very effectively, couldn't
carry guns and bombs, but had other properties. For instance, it
could emit radiation that caused paralysis and hallucinations as it
flew over an area, so that witnesses exposed to it would think they saw the phantasms of their own imagination. Did somebody test
that kind of a device in Sweden in 1946, and in the States in 1947,
and find it to be ineffective as a flying machine, but very useful as a
means of propaganda? Has such a group already understood what
UFOs were, and are they confusing the issue by simulating UFO
waves? Or is the entire phenomenon under their control?" These paragraphs have always strongly "resonated" with me due to my experience with the phenomena.
John Keels books are also of major importance to this topic and anyone reading this page must look into his work....Gut I think you should tie in Keel into this thread his books, specifically Mothman Prophecies and "Operation Trojan Horse" have a lot of info and insights covering everything being discussed in this thread. I find his ideas about an EM intelligence manipulating human technology and minds as the likely culprit behind all this...monkey see monkey do effect has lead certain humans into copying this intelligence's techniques of manipulation for its own purposes (E.T. satellite aka "Black Knight" or P.K.D "Valis"? I do not know the original source...) so as soon as intelligence agents had encounters with the real thing and realized how powerful it could change human society when it wanted to (cyclically?) they just had to go about copying it to the best of their abilities.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by lostgirl

Who really owns the 'power' that's been coming out of DARPA all these years? And who (or what?) 'owns' the people who own the power?

On the UFO subject, the ET theory is of course not the only theory in regards to it, another is that some UFOs are actually terrestrial and have been getting witnessed for a very long time *. If the latter theory is accurate then I'd say "the people who truly own the power" are also in control of some of these objects.

* I can vaguely remember some UFO reports in which witnesses said that they seen "people in uniforms/suits" next to saucer and triangle craft and some of these reports are from 50/60 years ago.
edit on 16-10-2013 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

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