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Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'

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posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:41 PM
Jesus was completely real. We all know that there are zombie and that he was white despite the fact that the entire region is populated with folks who look like Saddam Hussein and not Ted Nugent!!

I can't believe that people still debate mythological stories.

What's next, Olympus is real and Zeus was found in the form of a goose making a child?

Or Rush Limbaugh isn't a junkie, dope addict?

Or Bill Clinton didn't screw us by making China the "most favored nation"?



posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:56 PM
Off topic, but China has been propping us up for years now. If not for them, these idiots in Washington would have ran this country into the ground by now.

On topic, I can't understand how people get so bent out of shape over this topic, on either side of the debate.
Its mythology? OK, but its a damn good one. Nearly 2,000 years and still going strong. What does this mean? The message is a good one. Understand it and respect it.

You think its literal truth? Sorry, but you are only half right. But who is anyone to tell you what to believe? Certainly not me. Live and let live, so long as no harm is done.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:17 PM
There is not a lot of secular history on Jesus. But most scholars accept that the famous 1st century historian Josephus mentioned Jesus and John and his Brother James in his writings.

The controversy on Jesus is not so much as whether he existed or not but what were his original teachings.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:56 PM
Invention or modification.............everything goes in the name of spirituality and The Almighty Power.

Religion comes in many shapes and forms, it is we imperfect humans who fight and cause harm in the name of religion.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by victor7

Religious people, truly religious people, understand the number one rule. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

It is the universal rule and it is inescapable.
War is not a product of religion. War is a product of sociopathic leaders who warp and use religion as a tool to incite the fake religious to take up arms against their own brothers.

See George Bush declaring we will go after a noun in the name of a crusade because the "Muslims" are evil and hate our way of life.

If it were that easy, war wouldn't exist. You need manufactured evidence. 9-11. Then you rely on a majority ignorant population to misunderstand that even Islam reveres Jesus as a prophet. A holy man.

This entire drama is a con job perpetrated by our sociopathic leaders.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:30 PM

Jesus was completely real. We all know that there are zombie and that he was white despite the fact that the entire region is populated with folks who look like Saddam Hussein and not Ted Nugent!!

I can't believe that people still debate mythological stories.

What's next, Olympus is real and Zeus was found in the form of a goose making a child?

Or Rush Limbaugh isn't a junkie, dope addict?

Or Bill Clinton didn't screw us by making China the "most favored nation"?



this post of yours is what is commonly called a straw man argument. you erect an easy target to shoot down that barely resembles your actual target. the slight similarity allows for debate, whilst still giving you the pleasure of ignoring wide swaths of history that don't support your current world view. for example, most of the places and people in the old testament have been discovered since the advent of archaeology. turns out, the old testament is actually a historical text. the point of contention then is the "magic" in the old testament, but even that is sufficiently covered with science. allow me to provide examples:

--virgin birth = artificial insemination
--creation of life forms in the image of older life forms = cloning
--creation of new life forms = recombinant dna
--flying in the sky = aircraft, spacecraft
--suddenly materializing = all kinds of tech and/or features of the quantum universe, such as quantum teleportation (which see), radar reflection, light bending and frequency phasing
--drying up of the red sea = directed, heated airflow causing evaporation and drying
--raising from the dead = advanced medicine
--heaven = different quantum phase
--heavens = the sky
--flood = ice age melt
--mist rising up from the ground, watering the earth = a greenhouse, garden environment

etc etc. and that's not even counting the hundreds of other examples from various religious and non-religious traditions, such as mind over matter and the power of positive thinking.

edit on 9-10-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:32 PM

there you go. consciousness creates reality from quantum probabilities

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:55 PM
In Wikipedia they have some very good information on "The Historicity ofJesus"...


posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:00 PM
this is somewhat off topic but i think it proves that viewing jesus, the new and old testament and other religious texts as ludicrous, may in fact, be the epitome' of unscientific thinking. allow me to explain

given the results of the double slit experiments and the realization that consciousness is collapsing the wave function of light particles, creating 3d physical reality, the next step is to determine why each of us are basically exploring the same reality that is only modified locally and even then, within certain parameters? look at it like a multiple choice exam. sure you have multiple choices, however, those are predetermined by the creator of the exam so that it manifests something approximating the original premise, i.e. a vehicle (environment) for testing the student.
edit on 9-10-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:40 PM
Yes, there was a man called Jesus in 1st century Palestine who was the founder of Christianity - that much is beyond dispute.

The evidence is disappointingly thin - only around 2 or 3 Roman scholars allude to him very briefly, but it's enough.

But we don't know anything about him, everything we know comes from the New Testament which was written by....erm Christians.

And the current version is very different from the original manuscripts, which were liberally altered over about a 300 year period.

Call me picky, but I need a little more than we have if I'm to be won over to this religion.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:55 PM
I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 10:19 PM

I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

it's a world view, just like any other world view. the only difference is who people idolize. non religious people have different "gods" as it were than religious people and religious people have different gods from each other. religion was originally a science and a set of laws that not only governed human interaction but the interaction of humans with the rest of the universe, visible or otherwise. it's not much different today, only the names of things vary.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 10:45 PM


I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

it's a world view, just like any other world view. the only difference is who people idolize. non religious people have different "gods" as it were than religious people and religious people have different gods from each other. religion was originally a science and a set of laws that not only governed human interaction but the interaction of humans with the rest of the universe, visible or otherwise. it's not much different today, only the names of things vary.

Totally agree with you, but why is there religion in "general"? I believe it's for control.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 10:53 PM



I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

it's a world view, just like any other world view. the only difference is who people idolize. non religious people have different "gods" as it were than religious people and religious people have different gods from each other. religion was originally a science and a set of laws that not only governed human interaction but the interaction of humans with the rest of the universe, visible or otherwise. it's not much different today, only the names of things vary.

Totally agree with you, but why is there religion in "general"? I believe it's for control.

it was a set of laws, laws are governments. for a very long time, they were synonymous. then the enlightenment happened and it was said that science was superior to god(s), even though science was already there and just not shared with the common folk. i mean look at the science of the pyramids. some of that stuff is way too advanced for the time frame, like schist vases (schist is like flint. it's flaky and breaks easily), polished into flawless vases with fluted undercut necks. bowls that balance perfectly on a bottom no larger than a hen's egg tip, made of granite, with no deviation in thickness or variation in weight between any of its sides. and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:25 PM
I the Ghost...great name and it fits......Didn't bother to read the entire post as I won't waste the valuable time.
I know Jesus Christ.I also know The Holy Spirit. Heard Their voices alot in my lifetime.As a Father of 6, been a busy man. Worked many jobs, fairly successful guy, great ball player I am even at 60 playing in the Senior Olympics next week.So i'm as sane as possible, living in a doubting crazy world. Jesus has done well for me in my life. Wonder how many peoiple say that of you "I Ghost"? Or the author of the article....Ancient findings....hahahaha...nothing, zero zip have dug out of the ground that proves anything you I Ghost believe...When you see your God in the morning when you look at you see he "I Ghost?"
I'm in need of something better than me.....always have been.......Ive done ok, not always great, my children love me and they too have faith.....I am grateful for that...You "I Ghost" are living proof that Jesus was a man who lived here, and is the Living Son of God.......and your opinion and a million others who follow your unsubstantiated blarney cant get past your own be it.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:55 PM
God is too powerful and resourceful to be seen ONLY in one religion or only in one face. God can show up as a hurricane, a rock, a human, animal, astoroid, disease, computer invention like internet etc. etc. to fulfill some cosmic metaphysical objective chosen by the Allmighty. In eastern beliefs, God is both with form and formless, several ways to feel and get acquainted with.

I.E. any entity that is worshipped as God, even if that entity is a mere rumor, a fairytale, fraud, a conspiracy etc. etc............eventually gains the metaphysical powers.............i.e. power generated by human belief system. A collective human belief is a very powerful source. A single human thought is very powerful to begin with and when collective thoughts of billions and that too over thousands of years are accumulated..........then the focus of those thoughts represents immense power and connection with the Allmighty.

Hence...........even if Jesus Christ is a mere false story cooked up some conspiracy of few men...........over the two thousand years with collective human beliefs developed in Jesus..............eventually gives Him the status of a very strong spiritual ENTITY. A very strong spiritual entity is somewhat a representation of GOD if not complete.

Eastern beliefs say there is a God in every living being and some supersouls like Jesus (even if in the form of a story) menifest for some purpose and hence called the AVATARS i.e. incarnation of the Allmighty in some form.......a mega spiritual entity that influences the destiny of many for long times.

Case closed

edit on 10-10-2013 by victor7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 02:50 AM




I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

it's a world view, just like any other world view. the only difference is who people idolize. non religious people have different "gods" as it were than religious people and religious people have different gods from each other. religion was originally a science and a set of laws that not only governed human interaction but the interaction of humans with the rest of the universe, visible or otherwise. it's not much different today, only the names of things vary.

Totally agree with you, but why is there religion in "general"? I believe it's for control.

it was a set of laws, laws are governments. for a very long time, they were synonymous. then the enlightenment happened and it was said that science was superior to god(s), even though science was already there and just not shared with the common folk. i mean look at the science of the pyramids. some of that stuff is way too advanced for the time frame, like schist vases (schist is like flint. it's flaky and breaks easily), polished into flawless vases with fluted undercut necks. bowls that balance perfectly on a bottom no larger than a hen's egg tip, made of granite, with no deviation in thickness or variation in weight between any of its sides. and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The presence or lack of some very advanced science does not change the FACT that Jesus existed
and that He was raised up on the 3rd day after the crucifixion.
He died for all of us. So accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, while you still have a chance.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

oh i'm a christian.
i look at it this way: god creates with science. he's a master scientist, so to speak.
science is just now figuring that out.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:55 AM

I strongly believe religion was created for CONTROL......

Way back in time certain understood religion was a powerful control tool. Not that this had to be the primary reason religion came on the stage as it were. That's another subject maybe.

But like the television which was not made as a control tool, certain saw right off, like the theater, what control purposes it would provide.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:41 AM
the part that perplexes me is how people can say that controlling the population is strictly a religious thing when governments have always done the same thing, regardless of world view. atheism as a world view, has just as much of a chance of being megalomanical as any religious world view. just consider pol pot, stalin, marx, and mao. what value did they give a person's life who didn't support their view? the issue isn't and never has been, about religion or government but about human tendencies to be cruel to those who disagree with our world views.

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