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The Kybalion

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posted on May, 19 2003 @ 01:40 AM

It's pretty long but speaks wisdom no doubt.
Not that I really trust the Masons to reveal their knowledge to us "vulgar" and "profane"; but I didn't see any falsehood in the Kybalion.

It's the wisdom of Tehuti (AKA Thoth, AKA Hermes Tresmigestus) of ancient Khemet.

Wha'da ya'll think about it?


[Edited on 5-19-2003 by BuddhaCession]

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 04:45 PM
I printed it out and i've been reading this in my down time at work and I must say that this is pretty intresting. It's kinda reaferming a lot of what I have already believed

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 01:01 AM
I was quite impressed myself. The "Metu Neter - Oracle of Tehuti" sounds like it might be good. Have you read it?

What do you know about the Hermetic Order of the Golden dawn?


[Edited on 5-24-2003 by BuddhaCession]

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 10:27 AM
Actually I didn't know anything about it. The things it was talking about like the Universe is mental and THE ALL, this was kinda how I have look at the world in recent months. I'm not all the way done with it though. Is this was Mason read?!?!

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 02:23 AM
You said: "Is this was Mason read?!?! "


Anyway; let me know what you think when you're done reading it.


posted on May, 26 2003 @ 05:37 PM
The Kybalion does have an elitist tone to it.
It talks about not casting pearls before the "vulgar swine"; or giving their knowledge to a race of "barbarians".

Ya know what? I don't know if I can really blame them for that. I would like to see all people elevate their mental but; the average person is pretty damn ignorant.

That's just the way it is...

And by the way; I'm not really referring to the members of ATS forums


posted on May, 26 2003 @ 06:13 PM
Yea plus it mentioned the "illumined" allot. I still didn't read all of it. However I did read the quotes from the "Kybalion" All the other stuff was just trying to explain what those quotes meant. The one that reaffirms what I have felt all along in my heart was this one:

While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge." --The Kybalion

I think that the bible has some aspects of theses teaching in it i.e God made man in his own image, Good vs evil, ect. I think that the average mind doesn�t pick up on it though. I think that the �THE ALL� is GOD. But by putting the term GOD on it doesn�t really explain the whole essences of it. I guess this is as far as our mortal minds can understand it.

I can see how these a people felt superior to the ancient man. The ancient man was so wrapped up in the Idea of God�s that they couldn�t even possibly understand the Truth that theses few words actually hold. Even today most people don�t care about this stuff. How is knowing this going to help them make money or help them find love? We have way to many distractions to try and help our sprits grow. Most people think that if they just believe that Jesus is God then poof there saved and they can do what ever they want and go to church on Sunday and that�s it. It actually kinda sad to see how lost humanity really is. I see why the elitists run the world.

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 10:28 PM
Ah, dear old Albert Pike and the Golden Dawn folk.

This was mysticism at the turn of the century, when Budge had made some startling translations of Egyptian material (and translated them wrongly, by the way, as later studies nproved) and a new spirituality sprung up. Yes, they did try to get some of this into the Masons, and yes, this was part of the Masonic reading. A lot of the lore and tradition is simply fiction (there were no "lodges" in Egypt... as anyone who knows anything about the culture of ancient Egyptians can confirm.)

There was a lot of that sort of material around.

They are trying to confuse themselves with the Kaballah; the ancient Jewish mystic tradition.

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 03:56 AM
Abstract Alao

The most ancient man could have been the Homo Sapien Sapien and the foundation of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. True history's been manipulated and hidden, so the Homo Sapien Sapien could have existed before the Neanderthal and Erectus. Then again we could have evolved from someone else or could be products of Anunnaki/Elohim genetics. Who knows for sure?


[Edited on 5-27-2003 by BuddhaCession]

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 04:13 AM

Albert Pike is not the sole author of Hermeticism. It's origins come from Tehuti/Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) of ancient Khemet. The knowledge was preserved through mystery schools and didn't have a whole lot to do with Budge's discoveries. The Jewish Qabballah is most likely based on ancient Khemetic knowledge. The Torah itself mentions Moses and Joseph as being initiates of the mystery schools of Khemet.

You're right in saying that there were no 'Masonic' Lodges in ancient Khemet. But there were mystery schools of which Freemasonry is based on. There were also mystery schools in Babylon, Arabia and many other places as well, in ancient times. Freemasonry was given to the white man by the original man. The Greeks/Romans picked up alot of knowledge from Khemet and many Europeans received knowledge in the form of ritual from Arabs(mix of blacks/whites) and Moors.


[Edited on 5-27-2003 by BuddhaCession]

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 11:47 AM
Buddha I don't know why your wasting your time with Byrd, he's an extremeist that believes that he is right and everyone else is wrong

[Edited on 27-5-2003 by abstract_alao]

[Edited on 27-5-2003 by abstract_alao]

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 04:53 PM
I don't believe that the ancient mystery schools survived contact with Christianity. Scholarly resources say that the Emperor Theodosius (around 400 AD), determined to stamp out heresy, killed as many involved with them as he could find. Justinian finished the hunt a bare century later. Manuscripts and temples were destroyed.

Someone once said that there were no Egyptian mystery schools because Egypt WAS a mystery school.

In any case, I'll dig up my sources again. The Masons really DID make this stuff up, you know.

posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 11:27 PM
Many of the mystery schools were destroyed, once the white man(Romans, Greeks, Hyksos, etc.) got all the knowledge that he could from them. The same people who were let into the mystery schools, got all the knowledge that they could; turned around and created Christianity; then used it as a guise to destroy the mystery schools; while looking righteous to the masses in doing so. They would convince the converted masses that these schools were "abominable" or "pagan".

Just as the mystery schools were the source of power for the pre-Aryan and pre-Semitic civilizations; groups such as the modern Masons are the source of the Aryans and Jews(not necessarliy synonymous with 'semites') power in these days and times.

After they learned and stole all the knowledge they could; they created their own mystery schools and created face-value religions which they could feed to the masses. An example would be Skull & Bones-man George Bush professing Christianity in public and practicing esoteric(occultic) knowledge in private.

And although the Masons may have contributed to certain aspects of Hermeticism; they DID NOT CREATE IT.


[Edited on 7-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 01:54 AM
You may want to read chapters 4 and 7 first; then read the whole thing if those two chapters appeal to you.


[Edited on 18-6-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 02:31 AM
hehe, I like that..."the white man" think I thought racism was an old cliche'....

Btw, you don't believe that their is one G-d named 'Serapis' aka: GR: Epsilon-lota-Sigma Zeta-Omega-Nu Theta-Epsilon-Omicron-Sigma...the One Living God do ya?

Interesting always...Emerald Tablets of Thoth come to mind but All is interesting anyhoo.


posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 02:40 AM

Okay. You went over my head a little. I'm not a member of Freemasonry, Moorish Science or any other mystery school and I'm not that familiar with things that they study (compared to Initiates anyway).

1. Most gods have a counter-part in another culture. Who is Serapis synonymous with?

2. What do those Greek words/letters and Greek/Masonic fraternities have to do with the Kybalion?

3. Are the 'Emerald Tablets' supposed to have existed on the physical plane; or are they symbolic of something, or some concept?


[Edited on 19-6-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 01:14 AM
My apologies for the first two Tamahu...I was talking out my mistake.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth are quite....interesting. I mentioned it because I thought mayhaps you might have read them.

Again, my mistake and I apologize.



posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 05:26 PM
No apology necessary.

I sensed that there was some kind of joke involved in what you said but I didn't want to take it on face value.
I over analyze things I guess.

I'll check out your link.

Some 'New Age' woman owns crystalinks right?
Do you know anything about her?
I mean; does she have any affiliation with any mystery schools that teach esoteric knowledge? I'm curious because alot of middle-age white ladies jump on the New Age bandwagon to look "spiritual". This woman actually does the knowledge on what she follows.


[Edited on 4-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:51 PM
I'm not 100% sure of the New Age 'white lady' thing Tamahu. I merely mentioned the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth" because of the 'roots'/connection to Hermeticism.

My understanding about the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth" are that they are 'myth', per se', though the ancient Egyptian writings claim they were written approx. 30,000 BC and contained the Knowledge of Thoth/Tehuti/Hermes. This knowledge, or some of it, was apparently translated or 'channeled' by someone named 'Doreal' in the early part of the 20th Century CE.

The school of Hermetica means the school of the Mind.

Hermes Trismegistus comes to mind but as to placing him I am a bit lost but will need to check on. And Corpus Hereticum also comes to mind but, again, placing it seems to elude me also.

The Kybalion is a facinating read, one for which I have 'bookmarked' and plan to read again. Other good info. and reads are:

"Hermetic Tradition" by Julius Evola
"The Secret Lore of Egypt" by Erik Hornung (the best source of info on Hermeticism I have read yet.)


[Edited on 21-6-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 08:36 AM
I was searching throught old ATS post and found this on on the Kybalion. Thought it might enlighten some of you. Enjoy!!!!

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