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For those who see or sense energy - somewhere to share experiences, techniques and observations

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Ever since I was 2 my dad said weird things have happened to me. As I got older I saw people others could not see. They would come to me and I couldnt understand what was happening. I have had encounters with all things little girls to dark shadow people, the choking spirits. My friends have noticed that in every house I live in strange sounds occur. I started to understand I had a gift others did not but just recently have I started to really understand. My son has also developed this gift young. He is now 5. He continously talked about the shadow man in his room. As he got older he could see him clearer. He said one day that the shadow man was holding him down in his sleep and scaring him. I preformed a cleansing and banishing for the shadowman. When my friend and I did this we heard an angelic humming in the hall and the energy in the room went from black to white. I had someone who is more in tune than I come in. The shadowman had opened a portal in my sons room. We closed it and now I have 14 lingering spirits in my house. For a couple of weeks I was telling my friend that I feel this old lady standing next to my bed and it made me so uncomfortable I made my husband switch sides. Then 2 weeks later she manifested herself to me. I was in my twilight sleep which is when they come to me most often. She came through the bed and my husband and grabbed my wrist. I instantly felt horror and terror as she screamed something I could not understand. My husband said I was shaking violently and when I came to I had sctraches on my wrist. I started with a mentor to understand myself more. I have discovered that I can read people. People I have never met I can read. When Im with my mentor I have a hard time looking at him because the energy flies off of him in several directions. One of my friends came over one night and my house was 80 degrees. When she was next to me I was under blankets. When a spirit is near I become cold. That night I felt an old lady (different lady) and this pressure above my right eyebrow and wet on my face. The next day I asked my friend if when your gma died, did she hit her head above the right eyebrow and if it was wet or bloody. She said yes (she is a non believer) and said that she was in the shower. I thought she died of cancer. My friend was amazed that I could do this. I started meditating more and working with my charkas. I find when I open them I can channel with the spirits. My mentor had me sit down with a woman I have never met to test my abilities. I was able to describe her dead grandfather, here is what I picked up all my feelings in my body. He died between age 65-70, he was an alcoholic bc i felt a glass in my hand, he was balding only in the back of his head and had puffy black bags under his eyes. I could literally feel these in my body. Then I told her he died in jan and it was sudden, nothing he caused, he was suffocated. When I asked him how I kept feeling all my breath push out of me. I said he had temors in his hands bc my hands would not stop shaking. When I asked the message he wanted to give her my shoulders would push forward. I told her I felt she was struggling with a hard desicion in life and she was holding back from doing something and her gpa wanted her to do that and move forward with it. She said all of this was correct and that made sense. I found out the next week she was thinking of having a sex change and didnt know if she should. I cant seem to shut it off. My mentor said I am like him and im so enlightened but need to dim it down so I can focus. I get spirits at work that have messages for people and since there is so much noise I cant focus. I have tried meditations to dim down my charkas but when I see them dimming down and think im done they pop back opened. Im really loving finally understanding what is going on and how to understand what is happening. I plan on teaching my son when he is ready so he doesnt have to wait so long in life, like i had to. My mentor held a pic backwards to me one day and I described everything in that pic and the people, and how they lived when they were alive. I was correct. It is amazing. I started working with my son on energy and the first time I was pushing energy into his hands and asked what he felt and he said "hot air between our hands". I look forward to this journey and what it brings.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 04:45 AM
Hi roaland,

1: i can give you a short version of one. It was Xmas day and i was heading to my moms house. i use to wear my seatbelt fairly regularly, until this happened lol. i passed a 'stop ahead' sign and realized i hadn't put my seatbelt on yet. So simply reached over and clipped it on. I heard an audible female voice say "(my name), take your seatbelt off." kinda weirded me out but i listened to it. Stopped at the stop sign and i heard it agian, "(my name), look over your right shoulder" and saw a truck heading towards me and i blacked out. there was about 7 inches between the driverside door and the passenger side door and no way for me to have gotten out and no evidence that i was thrown but i was found walking around my car when the first person that came along saw the wreck. If i would have not listened to that voice, i would be dead, all the doctors and both state troopers told me that. All i had was a large gash across my eye, that missed everything that would of caused perminant damage. Don't wear my seatbelt that much now for obvious reasons lol

OMG!!! What a close call! Sounds like that voice saved your life! Amazing! Thanks for telling about it. I suppose if you're ever in the situation where a seat belt will save your life, you can only hope the same voice will shout 'put it back on!' :-)

2:again, not sure this is gonna make much sense but its the only way i know how to explain it lol. When i talk to spirits with my mind, it takes energy to send those messages. The higher vibrational energy i send out along with the message, it makes hearing those higher vibrational energy voices much easier. Its as simple as just envisioning additional energy sorrounding the message your sending out to your target. Hope that helps.

'envisioning additional energy sorrounding the message your sending out to your target' - That's an interesting observation

3: We have a testing ground we use thats a hotspot for EVPs, we get something every single time we go out there. What I'll sometimes do is ask one question outloud and the next questions using my mind, but in both instances i attach energy to what I'm saying. By doing that it seems the interaction between the two worlds is easier. To understand energy, i have to understand emotion. Everything we verbalize to another human has emotion. By understanding the type of emotion your projecting when you speak, you can add additional emotion to it, whether its using your voice or just your mind, hence making it stronger. Thats how i see it anyway.

This is a really good observation with regards the emotion behind what's being said and it being connected to energy. Do you find you get the same amount of EVPs when asking questions with your mind as when asking out loud?

As far as spesifics, I'd have to go through all my audio files to find examples that just a large amount of data. We ussually don't broadcast the EVPs our group gets, instead we just use it as another source of information for when we go back. We do get a large amount of EVPs though, which is another reason we don't broadcast them all over the place. Its to easy to fake an EVP if you really want to, but since we don't release ours, we don't have to spend endless hours defending legitement EVPs to ppl who weren't there to begin with. We show the client on private investigations and share them with the group, but outside of that, no one else hears them. Hope that helps some

Would be great to have some tips on getting EVPs. What do you use to record with - digital dictaphone? Do you find certain times of the day/week/year get better results? When you listen to the recording, do you have to play it at a slower speed to hear most the EVPs?

Thanks for this great feedback Roaland!


posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 04:55 AM
Hi Teeky,

I think you might be talking about what some call 'Blue field entoptic phenomenon':

However, I'm undecided on that - I still wonder if it might be some sort of energy phenomena


reply to post by Aelfrede

This is a cool Topic. I can see energy. I can see what might be atoms moving very fast and erratic in the air around us. Its weird. I need to become a physicist to be able explain it. Also I looked through a telescope and saw the same energy/particles moving crazy fast on the sun's surface. The tiny particles were black on the suns surface. In the air around us these particles are white and somewhat translucent. They look like pixels

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:10 AM
Hi PtolemyII,

I hadn't really thought in terms of specific different types of energy.

Would be really interested to hear how you experience the energy when doing a healing (e.g. you feel/see it come out your hands?)

Thanks :-)


reply to post by Aelfrede

Hi Ael, I didn't see this til now.

Well, I am sensitive to energy like the kind known as chi. As described by the ancient Chinese, but then I am sensitive to other worldly energy.
I'm not sure if they are innately connected, or if you are sensitive to one, you may be sensitive to the other.
They both developed in me at different times. I was aware of other worldly stuff since I'm a child. I didn't start to use healing energy until I was much older, but it came so naturally to me.... It's as if I had always been that way.
I heal for a living, more or less, and I help people with other worldly issues, so for me, they are a package deal.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 08:26 AM
Hi NRGmagnet,

Dark masses are in my physical vision.

This dark mass - would you describe it like a smoke/mist? Or is it more like a shadow has descended? Or something else?

I too speak to them as you do. I am often awoken by their presence and must acknowledge them before they let me rest.

Is it enough for you to just acknowledge them (i.e. 'I know you're there') for them to leave you alone? From what you said earlier, you have to actually engage in conversation with them, that they need to communicate about something, before they will leave. I find it intriguing you enter into a dialogue with them. I remember you said previously that after their initial appearance as a dark mass, they either materialise in your mind's eye or actually appear in your physical vision. With the latter, how clearly do they manifest? As clearly as someone physically stood in front of you, or more transparent? Are you able to make out facial details, clothing etc? Also, do you hear their voice as coming from your mind (when they're in your physical visual field) or do you hear their voice like a 'normal' alive person? Also what sorts of things do they talk about - how they died? Or do they sometimes have a message they want you to pass on to someone?

What exactly do you feel when they are stealing your energy?

I feel electric or static current that emanates from deep inside my core and trickles out my head and fingers.

Where would you describe your core is? Just below your belly button?

Thanks for the interesting feedback NRGmagnet!


posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

I haven't tried it for a lot of years... But when I was young I would look threw a broken piece of red plastic that came off a cars tail light... it had like little red plastic triangles molded into the inside of it...

Anyway if I held it to my eye, slightly angled I noticed I could see very vibrant colors, not just the red light but bright blues and greens, yellows... It wasn't until I was older until I realized I was looking at the energy surrounding living things, plants animals people...without that broken lens to my eye I couldn't... looking threw just a smooth surface transparent red plastic didn't work... it had to have that special texture and had to be held at just the right angle...

It wasn't just me either... When I showed my friends, they could see it too...

Maybe when I have the time I'll hunt around an old auto junk yard and see if can find another piece of plastic like the one I had? who knows maybe it still works?

Edit to add... I was a kid during the 1960's and that piece of taillight was something I just picked up off the ground... So if you want to go looking for your own chunk of taillight lens you want to look for one from a 50's or 60's model
edit on 20-10-2013 by HardCorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

Same numbered layout as before lol

1: lol ya that was def one of those "oh sh*t' moments lol something like that happens to ya and it definitely changed my outlook on life lol funny how almost dying tends to do that lol

2: I can only guess as to why it works but i suspect it has something to do with whatever place these spirits reside in takes additional energy to break through some barrier. But i ain't really sure, i just know it works for me.

3: the ones recorded on audio is about the same, seems to make no difference if the questions are asked with my mind or spoken. And i must add being able to record those responses is completely random. If i could find a way to reproduce the results it'd make more sense, but i really have no idea what makes it all work.

4: as far as tips, sure i got a few. You honestly don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a digital recorder, and i do recommend using digital. We never use microphones with digital as there's less internal moving parts in the digital recorders and that's makes up for most of the noise ya got using a tape recorder. Just pick up a cheap $30 digital recorder from a store, nothing fancy. As a rule of thumb, i either turn off all additional options like noise cancellation features and such and just get one with as little additional options as is possible. Not sure if it makes a difference or not, but my thinking is if the voices are hard to pick up on to begin with, some features may cause the audio to not record the EVP. But we never tested out features because we always get a high number of EVPs anyway to it doesn't really effect us much. We always use a freeshare program like Audacity, your not doing much with the audio anyway, just trying to clean it up to make it easier to hear and a free program works just fine. We feed our audio through Audacity and listen to it with headphones, a good set of gamer headphones works perfect because the sounds are really subtle. As far as slowing down the audio, sometimes, other times you speed it up or change the pitch. Thats all we do, doing anything else you can easily waste a lot of time going over the sound leaves crunching because you "think" it said something. when your listening to hours of audio, don't waste time on something your unsure of. When it doubt, throw it out, works for restaurants and works well for ghost hunting too lol. The time of day and year seems to only effect residual haunts, least in our experience. But i will say any site around running water or just before or after a thunderstorm we got some really good responses. I'd guess its because of the additional energy.

Hope that helps ya
these are just things our group does, we go into an investigation differently then other groups do. What works for us may not work to others, but each person is different. Goodluck!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:13 AM
Hi awakend,

Ever since I was 2 my dad said weird things have happened to me. As I got older I saw people others could not see. They would come to me and I couldnt understand what was happening.

Who were these 'people' - do you think they were spirits of deceased people? Would you mind giving an example or two of what you would see?

I have had encounters with all things little girls to dark shadow people, the choking spirits.

Little girls? Were they spirits? What did the shadow people look like? (e.g. one with the hat, big wide blob type one?) Evidently there are several types. Also what are choking spirits?

My friends have noticed that in every house I live in strange sounds occur.

What are the sounds like?

I started to understand I had a gift others did not but just recently have I started to really understand.

What is your understanding with regards this gift?

My son has also developed this gift young. He is now 5. He continously talked about the shadow man in his room. As he got older he could see him clearer. He said one day that the shadow man was holding him down in his sleep and scaring him.

Must have been terrifying. For you too

I preformed a cleansing and banishing for the shadowman. When my friend and I did this we heard an angelic humming in the hall and the energy in the room went from black to white. I had someone who is more in tune than I come in. The shadowman had opened a portal in my sons room. We closed it and now I have 14 lingering spirits in my house.

Blimey! So now they're trapped?

For a couple of weeks I was telling my friend that I feel this old lady standing next to my bed and it made me so uncomfortable I made my husband switch sides. Then 2 weeks later she manifested herself to me. I was in my twilight sleep which is when they come to me most often. She came through the bed and my husband and grabbed my wrist. I instantly felt horror and terror as she screamed something I could not understand. My husband said I was shaking violently and when I came to I had sctraches on my wrist.

How frightening! And to have physical marks from it. Did you ever get to the bottom of what she was trying to tell you?

Interesting about the twilight sleep. I find the same

When a spirit is near I become cold.

I've notice there can be a sort of freezing 'waft' around me, but there's no windows or doors open. It happens at times when there's hardly any wind, so no drafts to explain it away. Also, thinking about it, it's not quite the same as a feeling of a draft, sometimes it's like it just goes *cold* around me - but there's sort of a feeling of a movement, but not so airy as a draft. Other times I actually feel a breath in my face, like someone breathed right into my face.

That night I felt an old lady (different lady) and this pressure above my right eyebrow and wet on my face. The next day I asked my friend if when your gma died, did she hit her head above the right eyebrow and if it was wet or bloody. She said yes (she is a non believer) and said that she was in the shower. I thought she died of cancer. My friend was amazed that I could do this.

Amazing to get that information!

I get spirits at work that have messages for people and since there is so much noise I cant focus. I have tried meditations to dim down my charkas but when I see them dimming down and think im done they pop back opened. Im really loving finally understanding what is going on and how to understand what is happening.

That's wonderful. And great that you can use your gift to help people. Do you get spirits come through for people when you're communicating long distance e.g. phones, letters or internet?

My mentor held a pic backwards to me one day and I described everything in that pic and the people, and how they lived when they were alive. I was correct. It is amazing.

How did you know - did you see it in your mind's eye?

Thanks for sharing about your intriguing experiences :-)


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:26 AM
Hi HardCorps,

very interesting what you experienced with that red plastic. At first I thought you were talking about something that came off a toy car but I think you're talking about plastic off a real car's tail light? Other than looking out for old dumped cars, I wonder where else you could get some of that plastic?

Although it's possible it could just be the effect of diffracting light, that's not to say I suppose that by doing that it doesn't help you see things normal physical eyesight won't allow. But that's pure speculation from someone whose physics knowledge is pretty limited LOL

I would be interested to look into this plastic (pardon the pun ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to report about it,


reply to post by Aelfrede

I haven't tried it for a lot of years... But when I was young I would look threw a broken piece of red plastic that came off a cars tail light... it had like little red plastic triangles molded into the inside of it...

Anyway if I held it to my eye, slightly angled I noticed I could see very vibrant colors, not just the red light but bright blues and greens, yellows... It wasn't until I was older until I realized I was looking at the energy surrounding living things, plants animals people...without that broken lens to my eye I couldn't... looking threw just a smooth surface transparent red plastic didn't work... it had to have that special texture and had to be held at just the right angle...

It wasn't just me either... When I showed my friends, they could see it too...

Maybe when I have the time I'll hunt around an old auto junk yard and see if can find another piece of plastic like the one I had? who knows maybe it still works?

Edit to add... I was a kid during the 1960's and that piece of taillight was something I just picked up off the ground... So if you want to go looking for your own chunk of taillight lens you want to look for one from a 50's or 60's model
edit on 20-10-2013 by HardCorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 09:56 AM
I hope I answer them all. I apologize sometimes my thoughts start running together when I type a lot. This is also going to be quite a long post!

"Who were these 'people' - do you think they were spirits of deceased people? Would you mind giving an example or two of what you would see? "

- I believe most of them are people who have passed. Some I think are just evil entities. A few examples,

1. The first one I was about 2 and I was napping on the couch. My father took a picture of me because he said my face looked funny. When he developed the photo, it was not my face but a face of a woman and it was bloody. He took it to the police department he worked out. They looked into the house and apparently a lady was crushed and killed in the house. It was her face on my sleeping body.

2. (This is answer some of your other questions to) My son's dad and I lived in a house. This was not one who passed, this was just evil. It was a shadowy figure of a man but only the top half. We had french doors that lead to our bedroom from the living room and there was always this dark shadow figure outside. You could hear the floorboard creaking when he was standing there, like someone was shifting their weight. A couple times he would be ontop of me. Holding down my shoulder. I could not move, I could not scream though I was trying. My son's dad said that I indeed was screaming at the top of my lungs and I looked wide awake. While living in this house I was 20 yrs old and became terrible ill. I was on bed rest twice for long periods and then hospitalized. This is the house that my friends would hear noises. They would hear pounding downstairs, whispers, a deep mans voice in the kitchen. My friend and her boyfriend were dog sitting for us once and she called and said they would no longer stay in the house but would come in the day to feed and let out the dogs. When we first moved in our eldest dog would look at the ceiling and growl horribly. When I got close to whatever he was growling at he would become more violent. There is a lot that happened in that house. When we moved I have not been ill since.These are the "choking spirits" or "Ji-Ji spirits" as the native americans call them. There is quite a bit of infomation on them. They are known well by native americans and in hawaii.

3. The little girl. The first night we moved in I was at work. My son's dad, who was not a believer til the house before (with the shadowman) called and said that he felt something in the house. There was always an weird feeling in the house, uncomfortable. The attic was refinished but I hated going up there. The little girl would only come to me in my dream. She would always stand at my feet and repeat "help me help me" and then walk away. Once in my dream I followed her and in the hallway (the house looked like the 1800s and vines were growing on the walls) there was a lady named elizabeth who introduced herself. I kept following the girl to the attic stairs and a big black mass sucked her up. At night if I hund my hands off the bed my rings would spin around on my fingers. I woke my son's dad up once to see. It felt as though she was playing with my hands. My best friend and I looked up the history on the house and there was a lady named Elizabeth that owned it. My mom's friend owned the house and he moved back in when we left. I never told him or my mom. He called me one day and asked if anything funny every happened there. He said he always say this lady walking from the kitchen downstairs to the bar. He said he never saw the girl. When I went over there to talk, I told him about the rings. He pulled his ring off and there was a burn mark. He said one night his ring spun so fast it burned him. Then he told me about the previous owner way back. The neighbors apparently have had their house in their family forever and know the story. Elizabeth was the woman that owned the house. She was pregnant from a married man in the earlier 1900s. He bought her a house for her silence. She was frowned upon for being an unwed mother. She blamed her daughter. Her daughter ended up dying in the living room at age 6 from a head wound. They claimed it to be an accident. My mom's friend thinks Elizabeth did not like me because I was an unwed pregnant woman living in the house.

4. In my apartment. I was in the twlight, I heard this loud crackling noise in my ear that awoke me. I saw a ball of light enter my closet. We always slept with the door shut and when I turned around the door was cracked and this man was looking in. I was 17 yrs old and scared to death. I woke my boyfriend of the time up and looked at the door, it was closed. I thought I was dreaming. He said the next day that I was wide awake and scared to death.

5. In my house now there is an old woman. I can see every detail of her. She is shy and when I start to ask questions she goes away. It is very frustrating. I hope to find out soon what she wants because she keeps me up a lot at night.

That should have answered a few questions.

"What is your understanding with regards this gift?"
- I believe that I have been blessed with something that not all people have. I think a lot of souls who have passed have a message to give so that they can cross over. I believe that those who are capable should help them cross over. As for my son, I plan to teach him but now he is too young. When he was telling me about the man in his room and the word "shadowman" came out of his mouth I almost died. We called him a "friend" so that my son was not afraid. He said he wants to learn to talk to the dead like me. He is fasinated with rocks and crystals too. Very exciting for me.

"Blimey! So now they're trapped?"
- I would not say trapped. I can cleanse the house or ask them to cross over. I am more interested in what they want. As long as my family is not being harmed they are welcome to stay.

The cold for me is different with every spirit. Some times I can just feel the cold moving from each part of my body. Other times I am just freezing.

"Do you get spirits come through for people when you're communicating long distance e.g. phones, letters or internet?"

- I actually just started to try this last month. And yes I can! It is a very validating feeling. I have saved the emails to show those who dont believe.

"How did you know - did you see it in your mind's eye? "

- It was minds eye. I dont see things when I'm doing readings. The minds eye for me is a voice, but not someone elses, its like an uncontrolled thought, a strong gut feeling. That is also how the channeling works too. Its like a forced thought and then feelings in my body. I was able to tell this woman that her grandpa was an alcoholic because I could feel a glass in my hand, and that he had temors because my hand was shaking out of control until I said that and it stopped.

If you get a chance to start developing your skills. Please see what you are capable of. It is amazing once you start.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by NRGmagnet

I like that you mention "steal your energy". I dont know if it was this post or someone else's but I talked about dark entities and how they need energy to manifest themselves. I used my son as an example. He started seeing a shadow in his room. Over the year, year and a half he said he could see it was a man, then he could see that it was a man with a red shirt, then he could see the mans face and the man was holding him down at night. Over that time my son's behavior became horrible and uncontrolable. He also was unexplainably sick all the time. The "shadowman" was using energy from my son's arua to manifest himself. When I finally got rid of the "shadowman" my mom said that my son was smiling again like a child and that she hadnt seen him do that in almost a year. His fevers and illness have not returned since either and he sleeps in his bed now. This was the account that made me actually realize what negative energy and darkness can do to someone's engery or aura.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:23 AM

reply to post by roaland

My hubby is like that,he is clairvoyant as n seeing spirits/entities,but he has this facility also,whereby he can sense the "essence" of a person,who+what they are "down where they live" I guess their soul energy-and I envy him for that,I am not nearly as developed as he is in that respect.I do see what must be energy ,sometimes,but then I see a lot of things,its just one of those things I don't even try to make sense of anymore-some things just cannot be explained.

Here is one thing that members with more medical/scientific knowledge may be able to explain though-what causes the streams of black+white zigzag that one sees from one's peipheral vision sometimes? It is Helluva distracting and irritating.I have also experienced seeing a milder less distracting form of that-it looks like flowing undulating rivers of color(petrol in water comes to mind) This occurs out of the blue sometimes,day or night,inside or out,and without glasses,I only use reading glasses when I'm on my cell-and it has not occured at times when I've been wearing my glasses.I wonder about that-i hate the black+white zigzags,so intrusive and bothersome,and it can last for an hour at a time,on some occasions.

edit on 29-9-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo

I see a grey funnel shaped in my upper vision at times, also 'flashing' vision- like a strobe light is going off, and only once I saw a yellow 'honeycomb' everywhere I looked. Mentioned it to my doctor, and was told it's a 'migraine headache' without the pain!
I asked my eye doctor about it, and he agreed!
I guess if you're going to suffer from migraines, painless is the way to go!

Ms. Nugget

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by awakend

I am glad your son is doing well. I did not recognize this tug and pull between the entities and myself until I was an adult. I didn't suffer behavior issues, just illness and fatigue. I can now control the level of energy I share with whatever presence is near me. It is a tingling or static electricity feeling that begins inside me, my body begins to heat up and I can feel my energy leaving me through my fingers and head. If your son feels this randomly then he is connecting to something nearby. Usually a verbal warning to stop will break the link but it's a good idea to learn to withdraw the energy from the entity.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

Where would you describe your core is? Just below your belly button?

My core is somewhere internal of body and soul. Not sure how to really explain. To be honest, I'm not sure it's a physical location on my person....

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