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$3.39T Quantitative Explosion: Fed Owns More Treasuries and MBSs Than Publicly Held Debt....

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posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Oh lovely. I knew the number was BIG by now. I had no idea it was quite THIS big.

( - The same day that the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee announced last week that the Fed would continue to buy $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) and $45 billion in U.S. Treasury securities per month, the Fed also released its latest weekly accounting sheet indicating that it had already accumulated more Treasuries and MBSs than the total value of the publicly held U.S. government debt amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington though Bill Clinton.

Correct me if I'm just naive on economics for this detailed point.....but in a free nation and free market as ours is.,..he who owns the notes, owns the whole. Right? Like owning 51% of stock to a major company. You don't own the company...but the company doesn't own anything without your smile and agreement, either. (Not that harsh..but the meaning is clear enough)

So... If the Fed owns more debt now than Uncle Sam personally? The Fed, quite literally, owns controlling interest in the United States. Doesn't it?

The President selects and appoints the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Senate confirms that selection. It's worked to various degress of succes. Now? Can we really say any elected leader actually appoints anyone at the Fed? Or...are they publicly hiring who they are told to hire...under the guise of "Appointment" for all to see and "think" it went well for?

The federal government first took control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Sunday, Sept. 7, 2008. In its last weekly accounting sheet released before that, on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2008, the Fed said that it owned $479.726 billion in U.S. Treasury securities. That sheet did not even include a line item for mortgage-backed securities.

The Fed’s combined ownership of $3,391,826,000,000 in Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities is now more than 7 times as great as the $479.726 billion in Treasury securities it owned five years ago before the takeover of Fannie and Freddie.

Well, I'll say this, ATS. If they don't own the White House directly, they quite literally DO own many of OUR homes. The ones we park at, live in and sleep in every evening.

Who knew Uncle Ben was our landlord too? Uncle Sam has a partner it seems.
edit on 23-9-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: Corrected and abridged the title - See source for full one

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:57 PM
and such is the fiat monetary system .I guess they own the citizens as well .Kind of a package deal if you think about it in the crazy way it's working out ..What do they call that , oh yea chattel property ...peace

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Not to fear, every thing is hunky-dory in the land of Oz. [/sarcasm]

Or at least to the sheeple that believe their dear ol' president.....

Yep, just keep drinking that delicious koolaid folks

Seriously, that is scary.
Who the hell really is in charge??
Whom owns whom?


posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Many people say the TPTB are crazy and have no idea what they are doing................WRONG.

They are going to own all the property in the US by using home loans and taxes. We do not live in a free country we live in a Oligarchy controlled by progressive filth.

I have said this before and I will say it again if you make under 12 dollars an hour you are screwed. It might take a few more years but in the end you will not be able to afford housing and food. This is going to happen people like it or not and no amount of bail out pipe dreams can help this time. It will be EPIC.

What can I or anyone do to stop this.........NOTHING. The entire system is rigged to fail and to fail in an epic way.........WHY. I am not not really sure but if I had to guess it would be about gun ownership. They know people will not just hand them over so they need to make things so bad you will be willing to give them up.

Imagine safe zones after the collapse where people go to get food and shelter. They would need to keep secure so you would have to give up all firearms to get food. This would be the easiest way to get the guns.
edit on 23-9-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:22 PM
in the very near future,,, the Federal Reserve will likely be the only party that will be buying US Treasuries and Bonds

also as the FED needs to keep buying that extra $45Bn a month of MBS that were created by the banks and are still clouded with the MERS multiple-mortgage-owners mess that is still being perpetrated with robo-signing claims...

the price that the U.S. Treasury will need to pay the buyers of the paper-debt will rise from the paltry price it now pays to the FED and its circle of banks as the only buyers in the world

QE to 'tapering',,, and expect a big change in the rules concern the MERS contaminated MBSs when the FED wants to unload that (formerly toxic) paper...

now are you all beginning to grasp as to why 0bama and any other WH occupant will not sell those oil-gas-mineral leases... its the one of the last assets of collateral the USA has to settle with the debt owed to the FED

welcome to the 'transforned america' we were promised not but 5 years ago

note: The FED owns 49% of ALL U.S. Treasury debt in the 10-15 year range on the Planet' does that grab ya

see this link:
edit on 23-9-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:24 PM
And we must wonder what will happen when the Treasury gets that '3am call'.

What if we get a 'Margin Call' ?

With the big holdings by the Fed, one logical conclusion is that maybe the normal demand for U.S. Treasury 'securities' is withering.

The Fed can't buy directly, so they 'buy' from banks and other institutions.

If Treasuries are 'oh-so-secure', then why the problem ?


posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 02:44 PM
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

food for thought??????

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:03 PM
I'd have a party if it was only 3 Trillion - times that by 30 and your in the ballpark.

The President of the Dallas Federal Reserve, Richard W. Fisher. In a May speech at the Commonwealth Club of California, he states that the US national debt is close to $100 trillion. You can read his whole speech at the Federal Reserve web site.


posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Am I reading this wrong...?

The Fed is buying up securities on its own loans to the US gov? Isn't that essentially what they are doing? These securities would be intrinsically linked to the US debt.
Please tell me I am reading that wrong

edit on 23-9-2013 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:40 PM
If the Federal Reserve is 'buying', where does their 'money' come from ?

Or are they 'borrowing' from somebody else ?

Sounds like a big ponzi scheme con game.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

You'll have to get someone to tell us BOTH we are reading it wrong, in that way. When this first started, someone on TV called it very simply what it is. We, as a nation, and through the Fed are literally monetizing our OWN debt.

I liken it to running up credit card debt, then buying the credit card note once it defaults, to become your own debt collector on your own note you can, of course, forgive yourself the money and tell the Credit Bureau "The debtor" made good on everything.

Kinda like that...

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:52 PM

If the Federal Reserve is 'buying', where does their 'money' come from ?

Or are they 'borrowing' from somebody else ?

Sounds like a big ponzi scheme con game.

It is, and having conversations about The Fed, The treasury and the whole Krugman world of economics is like having a conversation about Wrestling and not knowing it is fake. Those who know it is fake, have an entirely different conversation. Jamie Dimon never has the Krugman conversations with anyone but Krugman. The Rothchilds never have a conversation about a single thing the MSM talks about, unless it is with the MSM>

So these conversations are somewhat aggravating, as having them is like talking with my 10 year old nephew who is convinced wrestling is real and can't understand why I don't accept his premise.

Unless the conversation starts out by saying, all Fed Notes are debt notes, as such, are actually IOU's, promises to pay, then there is no discussion worth having. Unless the conversation ends with, the banking families plan, 100 years in advance, when each currency to collapse, have to 2000 years and the dollar is set to collapse right after Iran and Syria submit to the IMF's demands.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

The Creature from Jekyll Isle continues to be a fantastic resource for spelling this process out exactly. It has even been updated to be current through the 2008 housing bubble and the Obama administration.

It's happening by design. Not by "grudging necessity". The ownership of the country was handed over to the financiers for all meaningful purposes 100 years ago.

The money doesn't come from anyone/anywhere. It's fraud. Complete and pure fraud.

It's worse than a ponzi scheme because those at least require you to operate within the system and thus it will always run up against competition with those working legitimately within the system detecting the drain. This ponzi scheme *is* the system and "does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

Some useful comments from those who were in a position to know.

edit on 23-9-2013 by BardingTheBard because:

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 04:41 PM
Just wait until the Chinese call their bonds or the Middle East decides to value oil in Euros.
Sit back and watch the fun.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Cynic

I think the game will be called due to heavy rain in fire and brimstone...if something like Oil or Gold switches to another currency for world standard.

If any other nation did..... Well, I don't even have to say that. Look at Zimbabwe. They DID do what we have, in many ways...and they were holding cartoonish levels of inflation for quite awhile.. They weren't the only ones to meet Mr. Hyperinflation. I think he'll be a house guest of this nation before too long.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:33 PM

Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws. — Mayer Amsched Rothchild

Its been the case since the early 1900's the fed has controlled the US.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by benrl

I'd have to say you're right on the long term aspect, but not in a way that truly made it real. I mean, they had this power behind the scenes but if ever the Fed came out, on their own to assert that power? The public would have been confused...then angry...then furious and calling for everything but impeachment of everyone in Washington.

If they actually OWN the nation through debt? Well, it's not a shadow thing anymore and their power isn't figurative or behind the scenes...but real and legitimate, right out in public view, right?

That's where I think it gets wild, real quick. Seeing the Fed print our money and charge interest for the service was one thing. Having them accumulate enough United States assets to actually OWN us on a balance sheet? Literally..own our homes?! (The mortgage debt they are buying..are actual mortgages in the toxic column. A good % already abandoned in pre-foreclosure...but not all by a long shot. Plenty aren't failed YET...just probable to go that route.)

You know the other thing? When we say they own us and how that is different now? I haven't been into their numbers in awhile...but how much of this is Treasury notes and Bonds, if any? Changing the ultimate holder of those? Now we're into Pensions and Retirement fund basis.

This whole thing is a nightmare in that way. Uncle Ben ain't my idea of a kindly old man we can trust. His replacement will probably be worse, by recent trends.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:00 PM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Not to fear, every thing is hunky-dory in the land of Oz. [/sarcasm]

Or at least to the sheeple that believe their dear ol' president.....

Yep, just keep drinking that delicious koolaid folks

Seriously, that is scary.
Who the hell really is in charge??
Whom owns whom?


From what I have gathered at ATS... as long as YOU (not you, just sayin') are able to look at others and feel better off, or look at others and enjoy making above avg pay, etc.. than all is well, do NOT rock the BOAT..

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:21 PM
The Federal Reserve owns more than $2 Trillion worth of U.S. Treasury securities !!!

St Louis FED

[ whistle while you work !! ]

ADDED: Mortgage Backed Securities.....

edit on Sep-23-2013 by xuenchen because:

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:13 PM

I have a friend in DC, (no seriously) who has told me years ago that we're basically insolvent, and have been for years.

I have another friend who has talked for months about the "duel economy". How can we be so SCREWED, and yet have record highs on the DOW Jones Market?

I think ppl who invest in gold/silver are naive. (sorry) They confiscated it once before, and may so again.
I've heard ppl say "I'll just hide it", so what good is it then?

Not to mention the obvious they could just reset everything, (which looks like the plan for the final solution :ie one-world currency, or the speed bump of SDRS) in which case, again, what good is gold?

Having said THAT, I think what will be worth the most is canned/dried food/goods.

I'm not a prepper, my faith lies elsewhere, having said that I think even the "least painful ways out" are also a scam. IMO.

This thread is 3 days old btw, has anyone seen any updates from the "experts" about this?

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