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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:37 PM

hey guys just found this radio show between james Jancik and Dietrich that adresses some public records related to Aquino. It appears the radio host is welcoming Aquino to debate this with Dietrich, any interest aquino?

None whatever; it would only lend a respectability to Dietrich's nonsense that it does not deserve. A few comments here should suffice for illustration:

(1) The 1987 Presidio day-care "abuse" scam was just that. There were no Satanists at the Presidio [I haven't been one myself since 1975], and there was not a single established case of sexual abuse of any child. It, like the many similar "SRA" witch-hunts of that time, was nothing more than a $74 million claims attempt, of which Army Christian Chaplain Lawrence Adams-Thompson and his wife decided to try against Lilith and myself as well. You can read the story of this here if you're interested. [It also covers my lawsuit against the CID.]

(2) The only other lawsuit I lost, which Dietrich attempts to make an issue of, was one against the ISP to obtain the identity of an Internet stalker. It was dismissed due to a law which shields ISPs from any responsibility or accountability for actions through them, that's all. The stalker was later identified, and sentenced to some years in a mental facility after also threatening Steven Spielberg and assaulting a Hollywood actress.

I didn't bother to sit through that Dietrich video above - a few minutes was already too much - but I did take a look at his claimed credentials on his website a few days ago. It's really quite simple: He claims all sorts of assignments and positions in the Defense Department, including some requiring security clearance. All he need do is produce photoscans of these orders, records, and clearances; until he does, he's a waste of time.

For instance:

"I myself experienced the 1991 Kuwaiti Campaigns of Operation: Desert Shield (1990) and Operation: Desert Storm (1991) as a U.S. Marine."

So it should be a simple matter for him to produce his USMC enlistment and discharge papers, as well as assignment orders to the areas in question, and of course the orders awarding him the Southwest Asia Service Medal (SASM).

"'Mission-creep' (inappropriately assigned duties) had already commenced as soon as I entered employment at the Western Defense Command Center's Presidio Postal Library"

Again a simple matter for DD to produce orders assigning him to a "classified library" at PSF. Except that there was none. There was just the ordinary post library for soldiers and their families, and it kept no classified material. As for DD's assignment in the 1980s to the WDC, that's an interesting exercise in time-travel, since the WDC was a World War II headquarters which was permanently deactivated in 1946.

Nor is PSF DD's claimed "warren of underground tunnels". Out by the entrance to SF Bay there are a few old coastal artillery gun platforms dating back to the pre-WW2 period. These have some underground ammunition storerooms, but just attached to themselves. You can see similar relics in San Pedro, once intended to house 16" guns to protect Los Angeles.

"The C.D.C. (Children's Daycare Center) On-Post was managed by Gary Willard Hambright (b.1952—d.1990), a Southern Baptist Minister (without a Pulpit) who was also my High School Graphic Arts Instructor at John H. O'Connell Vocational Institute (popularly regarded as: "San Quentin Prep"). By the time I succeeded in forcing the multiple authorities involved in investigating the ongoing assaults against El Presidio's underage population to take into account the damning evidence I had arrayed against Reverend Hambright; almost half-a-thousand children tested H.I.V. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)-Positive: Virtually every child unfortunate enough to be raised behind the Sixth Army Headquarters' Españ (Spanish)-erected stone ramparts. Hambright himself died of A.I.D.S. (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) while On Trial, prematurely frustrating general public awareness of his mass-atrocity; much to the relief of the United States Army."

Here are the actual facts about Hambright. Judge for yourself.

That's more than enough time wasted on this DD nonsense, methinks.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Just thought I'd add this to help illustrate the whole meme thing and show how, if you;re Northern European we are already preprogrammed by our heritage to be open to certain archetypes. One of my favourite books as a child was a collection of tales from Northern European mythology called "The Heroes of Asgard". I recently managed to score a copy from 1934 that is the "adult version" and includes a more in depth origin story and expands rather more on some of the adult themes in the tales. It is translated from a 12 century manuscript taken from a very long oral tradition.

After Odin, with the rest of the Aesir had built their city on the hill Asgard, there is a passage that runs..

"The men of the Earth are idle and stupid", said Odin. "There are dwarfs and elfs, who live amongst them and play tricks that they do not understand and do not know how to prevent".

That is, there is a tradition in Northern Europe of, those small stature and those that are of the air and light who are tricksters. It's there inside millions of us of European descent and I suspect, many others as well, just the stories have been either suppressed or forgotten. It's so powerful that, even after 1500 years of propaganda from the monotheistic religions, "The Lord of the Rings" still resonates on some deep level with countless millions of people.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:05 PM

this is really fascinating stuff. I look forward to hearing more about this aspect. I do believe that this is a possible scenario but is there any other "mind virus" examples besides the alien one?

Just off the top of my head some of the Monarch programming stuff--and other "mind-control" memes--come to immediate mind, but I don't want to get too far off-topic here and admittedly this particular example isn't proven. The preponderance of evidence just so happens to lie in the ufological realm. This might make a good question for Col. Aquino, now that you mention it...would he give us a straight answer?

In the above Monarch example, certain memes can be traced that seem designed to make MKULTRA (and more specifically "Project Artichoke') goals sound crazy and to further produce a certain amount of craziness into our society thereby obfuscating governmental complicity.

One of the Artichoke hypnotism experiments included a hypnotist telling a young male subject of how he used hypnotism to score with attractive young ladies thereby stoking the sexuality of his subject prior to the subjects own hypnotism and subsequent lessons. Hypnosis "victim" then became victimizer and was used to compromise/confuse other targets.

We also have knowledge/evidence that the MKULTRA cadre used hypnotism on female "agents" who would then be used to sleep with targets for intelligence objectives.

By using a Cathy O'Brien to (probably unwittingly) spread far-fetched Monarch tales, the intelligence community is able to make facts such as the above sound "crazy." In the process, the meme creates a whole subculture of folk who think they are "Monarch Slaves."

PM me and I'll give you some links that I think you will find interesting.

edit on 23-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:16 PM

None whatever; it would only lend a respectability to Dietrich's nonsense that it does not deserve. A few comments here should suffice for illustration...

I fully agree that Douglas Dietrich is a TOTAL waste of time and a fraud. Further, it's NOT fair to rehash the Presidio stuff with Michael.

I DON"T however agree that the basically spurious accusations were just about money. It was certainly more complicated than that, both sociologically and psychologically, but that's neither here nor there. Sucks to be on the downside of psyops/mindwar though, eh, Michael?

Please do stick around, Colonel, there are much more interesting and germane issues to discuss.

edit on 23-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:33 PM

Thanks Firemoon for your reply!


I do not question Vallée credentials and the tremendous input he gave to the study of the UFO/Alien phenomenon.
His proposition of the IDH was a brilliant advance in this field in its time.

But given his ties to the military, and in particular, to some proeminent military associated with PsyOPs shouldn´t we question some of his ideas?

I mean, we should not take all Vallée "stuff" as valid.

Just consider that someone to get acess to classified information from the military could have been "forced" to make some concessions to them, and that could imply some degree of desinformation.
Maybe some of Vallée´s ideas arent all genuinely good and valid information.

GREAT questions. I've struggled with them myself. I'm working on a response that I think you'll find interesting, but it will take me a bit to source and frame it appropriately since it is a rather complex issue.

Suffice to say for now that we probably can trust Dr. Vallee to a certain extent, but only if we read between the lines and the clues he has left scattered. Yes, he is compromised to a certain extent. No...he's not happy with the fact--or with himself--for letting that happen. Have you read Forbidden Science II?

Also his rosacrucian beliefs (Hynek was also rosacrucian) could have interfered with his evaluation of the information/data and intentionally/untentionally led to some not so valid conclusions.

The "hermeticism" of both Hynek and Vallee raise interesting questions. That association, on the other hand, might have put them in a unique position to have elucidated the ufological problem more clearly.

For those unfamiliar with Hynek's and Vallee's Rosicrucian association:

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Rosicrucianism, and UFOs

edit on 23-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by meaningless333

I think there is a strong possibility that Jacques Vallee made acquaintances with a confidential military source back in the bad old days of his research and was brought in or briefed into alleged top secret information. This connection was first discussed in his book "Messengers of Deception", where he also gave credence to the cattle mutilation phenomenon. In looking at this string of clues, the brilliant thinker, Terence McKenna, addressed the issue in his auto-biography "True Hallucinations":

Vallee's recent book 'Messengers of Deception' vibrates with fear of the unconscious and alienation from the matrix of the larger psyche out of which rational thought has emerged. He fears the destruction of rationalism and scientific thought, yet never once does he mention the potential world wrecking crisis that the undirected development of science and technology has brought into being. He paints himself as an open-minded investigator of UFOs, yet never questions the motives of the retired and unnamed intelligence officers in which he places so much faith. It is impossible that the CIA is unaware of the social impact belief in UFOs is having. If they were unaware of it before then surely the recent writings of Vallee himself must have alerted them to the potential challenge UFO beliefs pose to orthodox institutions. Based on Vallee's own ideas of an informational struggle between rational and irrational elements, how was he able to ignore the possibility that the mutilations which he is so eager to connect with UFOs are nothing more than a govenment agency's clumsy attempt to discredit the genuine UFO phenomenon? It is a typical method of the intelligence community to discredit human groups it opposes by faking atrocities in such a way that they appear to have been committed by the group whose discrediting is sought. Vallee gives examples of this but never suspects that some government agency might be using this technique to impede the transfer of loyalties from political institutions to the UFOs. He mentions the proximity of animal mutilations to high-security government installations but never suggests this might be because such installations are the source of these mutilations. Few UFO sightings involve confusion among witnesses over whether or not what they saw was a UFO or a helicopter. Yet in the animal mutilation cases many witnesses insist a helicopter was involved. Vallee is at pains to say no physical evidence of a UFO has ever been collected. Yet later he passes over the fact that a quite ordinary surgical scalpel was found at one cattle mutilation site. It seems possible to me that some people in government have read Vallee and are familiar with his theories regarding UFOs as a factor introducing shifts in belief systems and institutional loyalties on a global scale. Without knowing what UFOs really are these persons and agencies have launched smokescreen operations designed to cast doubt on the motives and harmlessness of UFOs and so to retard or halt the shift of loyalties and beliefs now reaching epidemic proportions. I suspect that Vallee's book may be the opening shot in a media war whose purpose will be to connect the occult, right-wing fanatacism, and animal mutilations to the UFO, all in an effort to cast doubt on the vast power and benign intent of the saucer phenomenon. Vallee's title 'Messengers of Deception' bears a curious resemblance to J. Edgar Hoover's 'Masters of Deceit'. There the boogey man was communism. In Vallee's book we are told the new boogey man is UFO phenomenon. Who chose the title for Vallee's book? Was it Vallee or the mysterious major who was so helpful in guiding Vallee down these new avenues of speculation? I believe that Vallee whether wittingly or unwittingly is himself a messenger of deception and has become the spearhead of a conscious effort to sow even deeper confusion in society regarding UFOs.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by zetarediculian

this is really fascinating stuff. I look forward to hearing more about this aspect. I do believe that this is a possible scenario but is there any other "mind virus" examples besides the alien one?

I do believe that MindWar was employed in full effect from the attack on the World Trade Towers on 9/11, to the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" fear tactic that eventually blew up in the Bush adminstration's face, all the way through to the current Syrian massacre and chant by Obama/Kerry to take military action. The MindWar is to create a solid reality and repeat it through reputable news sources, particularly with news anchors who have rapport with the public, to create the desired effect and eventual outcome. Problem, reaction, solution - propaganda style. This is also a type of mind virus, you could say.

Michael Aquino does reveal that his MindWar tactics were used by the Bush Adminstration, but acknowledges their failures, in his 2003 update to "From PsyOp To MindWar":

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:58 PM

We also have knowledge/evidence that the MKULTRA cadre used hypnotism on female "agents" who would then be used to sleep with targets for intelligence objectives.

MKULTRA had its head seriously up its ass from day one, for reasons quite clear in MindWar. Summarily all it did was screw up thought at the conscious level, which doesn't produce "Manchurian candidates"; it produces psychosis. If your objective is to produce nutcases, of course, OK; but that was not the intended purpose of MKULTRA and its associated programs.

Hypnosis was one of the very few investigations of MKULTRA which had something to it. Here's an extract from MW, in which it's included as one of the MW Psychological Controls (PSYCONs) [footnotes omitted]:

... PSYCON #9: Hypnotism

Hypnotism (after the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos) became popularized in the West in the 19th century as a consequence of interest in Asian meditative practices, e.g. Yoga. There followed a century of confusion and experimentation both comical and sinister, as in the CIA’s ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA efforts to create amnesiac assassins a la The Manchurian Candidate. Opportunistic therapeutic and stage-entertainment venues, often difficult to distinguish from one another, have been built up around it, and the claims for its efficacy are indeed mesmerizing.

The reality is both less fanciful and more practically useful to the MWarrior. As discussed above, ordinary human sensory awareness is a combination of 95% unconscious impressions and 5% conscious ones. The result is a tsunami of sensations combining to create the individual’s state of mind at any moment. By an effort of concentration, controlled by either oneself (meditation, autosuggestion) or an outside source (a human “hypnotist” or EMS device), this state of constant confusion and distraction can be reduced to “background noise” in favor of a more dominant, constant, and attractive stimulus. The individual is not sent into a state of unconscious (delta) sleep, but rather into an alpha state of receptive relaxation. The “hypnotizing” visual object, sound, or other compelling stimulus becomes and remains the center of attention, and along with this attention comes a tendency to automatic compliance with it, or with any variations in it (once again the above-discussed principle of resonance at work). Once the stimulus ceases, its memory will remain with the subject, in varying degrees of influence.

This is the actual principle behind audio/visual entertainment media advertising. Watching a television show induces an alpha state of relaxed belief and trust in what one is seeing and hearing. When the program shifts to a commercial message, it impacts that same alpha state, impressing itself on the viewer more effectively than possible were he or she to see or hear the same sales message while in a fully awake and critical beta state.

“Being in a state of hypnosis” also allows for fraud on the part of both hypnotist and subject: The hypnotist can issue or commands or give suggestions that he knows will not be obeyed subconsciously/ involuntarily, but simply per the subject’s alpha-passive willingness to believe and cooperate. The subject responds for the same relaxed/ willing reason - because to resist would require a return to the less-pleasant, more demanding beta alertness.

What the phenomenon of “hypnotism” means to the MWarrior, then, is simply that insistent, demanding, repeated messages or themes have a crowding-out effect on an audience’s ordinary mental sensations, and that [as Adolf Hitler observed in Mein Kampf, cited in “Chronobiology” above] a relaxed, tired audience is already alpha-receptive to them beyond their intrinsic logic ...

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:00 AM

Michael Aquino was also a member of The Church of Satan and founder of the Temple of Set.

Exactly. And don't let his simple sidestep fool you, "Oh, we're not Satanists anymore. We worship Set!" Set is the Egyptian Satan. He's the god of darkness and chaos, the manifestation of evil who murdered Osiris and sexually abused the child Horus.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

Hm, interesting. But didn't Horus tie Set to a spike and slay him in the end? I don't really follow Egyptian myth or even Satanic-related stuff. I think Michael Aquino has books out about Temple of Set - one called Black Magic, from 2010.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by corsair00

Ah...OK, wasn't sure what we were talking about here. I am very familiar with the war time "PsyOps" that you mention and watched intently as some of that unfolded.

As applied in this case, initially it would be a cover for the black program but then take on a life of its own to the point where every light in the sky is an alien craft. is that the gist of this?

I recently came across Project Palladium. This would seem to fall in with what you are talking about here.

This is an interesting aspect but I wonder just how much impact it has had overall. I can see much of the "lore" cropping up on its own without the need of much secret government involvement.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:36 AM

Exactly. And don't let his simple sidestep fool you, "Oh, we're not Satanists anymore. We worship Set!" Set is the Egyptian Satan. He's the god of darkness and chaos, the manifestation of evil who murdered Osiris and sexually abused the child Horus.

Col. Aquino doesn't officially recognize Satan as a real being. Neither did LaVey's COS. Maybe we can dissuade him of that.

He would probably cop to some form of Luciferian philosophy if honest, however.

I'm very interested in discussing MindWar with him and do respect his impressive intelligence and sense of humor. Except for his intelligence apparatus associations/mindset that would necessarily preclude total honesty, he probably would be the most interesting candidate for the ATS AMA thread series, imo.

corsair00: I have a rather lengthy series of quotes from Jacques Vallee's Forbidden Science II that I think would fit into this discussion well. Do you mind if I post them with commentary?

edit on 24-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by The GUT

PM me and I'll give you some links that I think you will find interesting.

Thanks, the rest of your post was enough to keep me busy for a while....

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by The GUT

I would be very interested in reading this. I have Forbidden Science 1 and 2 lying around somewhere, but it has been quite some time since I have read them. I know I am missing some very tantalizing tidbits of information, as Vallee was very candid in these books and purposely left them more obscure as not to reach a wide readership. That's always the best stuff!

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by corsair00

He is convinced that part of the UFO enigma itself can be found in altered states, and that shamans worldwide have been interacting with non-human intelligences for millenia. He also points out that shamans use non-ordinary states of consciousness, both for healing and also for sorcery

Flying is one of the most common themes of shamanism anywhere. The shaman
may transform himself into a bird, insect, or a winged being, or be taken by
an animal or being into other realms. Contemporary shamans sometimes use
metaphors based on modern innovations to express the idea of flying. Thus it
is not strange that the UFO motif, which is part of modern imagery - perhaps,
as proposed by Jung (1959), even an archetypal expression of our times - is
used by shamans as a device for spiritual transportation into other worlds.

The flying saucers, extraterrestrial beings, and intergalactic civilizations
that appear in Pablo's paintings should not necessarily be considered unusual
or extraneous to Amazonian shamanism; they may be manifestations of old
motifs. Descriptions of shamanic journeys under the influence of ayahuasca
and other psychotropic plants, even among culturally isolated Amazonian
tribes, frequently include the idea of a shaman ascending to heaven to mingle
with heavenly people or, conversely, celestial beings descending to the place
of the ceremony. (cf. Gomez 1969; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971:43,173; Vickers &
Plowman 1984:19; Ramirez de Jara & Pinzon 1986:173-4; Chaumeil 1982:40;

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:02 AM

...I know I am missing some very tantalizing tidbits of information, as Vallee was very candid in these books and purposely left them more obscure as not to reach a wide readership. That's always the best stuff!

As a Frenchman, Vallee probably wasn't initially compromised by U.S. intelligence connections early on. As a hermeticist, he was a seeker. As a philosopher, worthy. As a ufologist, probably unparalleled.

Doc Jock has the kind of laser-focused intellect that asks the kind of questions that suggest answers. Does that make sense?

By Jacques own admission (in his published "diaries") he did develop a fascination for the intelligence culture once he began working in the states partly due to the "hope" for inside information on the UFO phenomena. Partly, too, because most of us are fascinated with the "James Bond" mystique. It didn't take him all that long to grok, however, his own folly and naivete.

In addition, once ensconced in the U.S. establishment, he began working on highly classified projects and as such became bound to secrecy agreements---possibly by forethought of said intelligence apparatuses. "Lock 'em in, lock 'em down," so-to-speak. It's also pretty much a given that the more one hangs out under rocks with the crawlies, the less objective one becomes.

When I began reading Forbidden Science II, I quickly came to the conclusion that Dr. Vallee was leaving a document aimed at hoped-for historians. What I mean by that is that there seemed, to me, to be great hints left between the lines. He wanted to tell us something that his associations with the intelligence apparatus kept him from making clear. Later, when researching a ufological artifact called the Pentacle Memorandum, imagine my surprise when I came across these words by Vallee:

…In reading Forbidden Science, you should recognize that the book is a Diary, not an analytical report or a memoir. Therefore many important inferences, many relevant details, can only be found by reading between the lines…

I'll briefly bring up the so-called "Aviary." Not because there is an official group by that name, but, rather, to pick out and focus on two included under that title who have longtime associations with Vallee: Col. John B. Alexander and Dr. Christopher Canfield "Kit" Green. Both intelligence operatives with clear ties to ufological disinformation ala MJ-12, Serpo, etc.

In Forbidden Science II, Doc Jock goes into considerable detail to explain his feelings about the intelligence community and it's disinformation conjurations as regards ufology. Not to hide, it most-often appears, E.T. but to hide many hideous and unconscionable schemes. Vallee on his experience with the masters of psyops:

I have not emerged from this experience with much respect for the Intelligence officials I have met, in the United States or Europe.

While many are men and women of undoubted loyalty and integrity, and while they deserve full credit (alongside their equally committed adversaries in other countries) for saving us from the catastrophe of a nuclear exchange between East and West for over half a century, their performance in the manipulation of science in general, and of the belief in the paranormal in particular, has been shady, deceitful and ultimately harmful to the development of advanced technology.

While the belief in UFOs presents a convenient cover for occasional crashes of classified prototypes, unethical medical experiments or psychological operations designed to fool enemies, much damage has been done to good research in the process…

Dr. Vallee continues the quote above and pay special ATTENTION here:

It is difficult for a scientist who is used to the culture of open criticism and honest exchange of data to feel respect for the methods of shadowy agents who invade your personal life, listen to your phone calls, open your mail, interrogate your kids in your absence and feed you false information, all in the name of some supposed higher duty to the security of the nation they claim to serve.

In my limited contacts with the agencies involved, I have met some of the brightest people I will ever know in this life, and some of the most despicable and sometimes crazy characters.

There was very little between these two extremes.

Lets back up a bit in time as Jacques gets his intel feet wet. Here Vallee discutes Hal Puthoff and his own introduction to Kit Green:

…When our conversation returned to the undercurrent and the activities of the government, Hal insisted it was time for me to meet his spooky friends. ““I'm ready, if they mean business. Where are they hiding?””…““They're getting nowhere,”” Hal said in frustration... ““They have no concept of the Magonia angle; they still see the topic in terms of extraterrestrial technology, propulsion systems, space hardware.”..

…Hal's contact is a boyish fellow, Dr. Christopher Green nicknamed Kit, a dynamic bespectacled young man of medium build with alert brown eyes. He holds a doctorate in biology, exudes optimism and refreshing humor…

Still naive, Vallee hopes to turn these associations to his advantage in the pursuit of ufological "truth."

…I had lunch with Pat Price and Hal Puthoff. A temporary clearance is being setup to enable me to visit Kit Green next month in hopes to better understand the chessboard. Oddly enough, in this situation, it is the individual researcher who is in the best position to gain an understanding. As I extend my contacts in Washington it is that precious freedom that I must preserve above everything else…

Things get weird for Jacques quick, and we see an MKULTRA-type interest of Kit Green for occult techniques:

Over lunch Kit said that a friend of his recently attended a witchcraft session in San Francisco, where he actually saw the Devil. Later he was shown a tiny pipe connected to the central cauldron. It gave off a gas which made the participants susceptible to suggestion, after which they were programmed to agree on features of the apparition. Some of their adepts swear they have received communications from higher beings...

…Witchcraft groups are using the latest techniques in brainwashing and hypnosis, often in connection with nitrous oxide, leading to amnesia and irreversible post-hypnotic suggestions. The gas itself is undetectable; the only sign is a slight prickling of the extremities. So there may well be an occult organization that uses the UFO phenomenon for its own ends, and it could reach into higher levels of the military or Intelligence community. My concern is that a conversion to the belief in Aliens…

Jacques starts to understand more about disinformation, the intelligence games, and ufological deception:

Kit is in close contact with most of the UFO groups, so his interest is only confidential among the uninformed. Right now he is on his way to Houston, where Valerie Ransone and a group of contactees have promised he would witness materializations. But what are his true intentions? He belongs to a small cadre of very bright Intelligence types who are looking for elements of truth.

There is no way to know what really goes on, and who pulls the strings. And even the bright ones can easily be fooled by their own system or fool themselves....


edit on 24-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:04 AM

...It is becoming obvious to both of us that some of the rumors about extraterrestrials have been planted, perhaps as a cover to esoteric weapons systems, or as part of psychological warfare exercises in which ufologists are a convenient test bed.

Messsengers of Deception emerges slowly in the media, stressing the hypothesis that some UFO cases are the result of psychological manipulation by the military.

Vallee makes first reference to the "ties that bind."

I won't see Kit on this trip. Sadly, in spite of my admiration for his sharp intellect, there's a barrier between us. He's cleared for all kinds of secrets to which I have no access. It's pointless to talk, and I can't trust his bosses with my information. I carry my notes for Network Revolution. There is much to say about the world of computers we are building, the ““solid-state society”” on the distant horizon.

Sealed in boxes, our UFO library is ready to be loaded into the truck and driven away to a rented storage place where it will spend the next few years. I feel lighter and freer now, this mass of information pushed out of my life. I haven't found out what UFOs were, but I did change the level of the problem.

Too bad I can't say more in Messengers. As Frank Pace pointed out, I am condemned to understatements.

In Messengers of Deception, Dr. Vallee explores ufological deception from, mainly, two angles. The deceptive nature of the anomalous phenomenon and deception by frauds and intelligence agencies.

I get the sense, over and over in Forbidden Science II--and Messengers of Deception--that he has a burning desire for truth. He leaves bread crumbs but, as he stated above, he is, "condemned to understatements." That he returns time and again to the theme of intelligence agencies' and ufological deception is quite remarkable.

He wants to tell us…and he's done the best he can.

Some of the brightest people in Intelligence get involved but the real data must be hidden at a different level. (5) Much of the official involvement is directed at faking data, not at discovering the truth. (6) Animal mutilations are real but probably unrelated to UFOs. (7) No solution will be found by mediocre, amateurish research.

Note item 5 above: Much of the official involvement is directed at faking data, not at discovering the truth. Also note (item 6) that McKenna probably misinterpreted what Vallee thought about Cattle Mutilations.

Passion evident, Dr. Vallee continues:

An intriguing article appeared recently in the Chronicle. A Quaker group, the ““American Friends Services Committee,”” has accused the police of engaging in large-scale political surveillance through an espionage network, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit, whose target they claim is the American public. Some 250 law enforcement agencies are said to subscribe to it, as the U.S. slowly takes some of the characteristics of a police state.

Is it within the murky world beyond the law, the domain of private security firms, major corporations and parallel Intelligence networks, that some of the answers should be sought for the manipulation of belief systems?

I'd say the evidence has only continued to build for that observation over the years. MJ-12 and Serpo come to immediate mind as candidates. We pick back up--in the next post--where we left off, speaking of the, "manipulation of belief systems."

When it came to the sociology of UFOs, we speculated that a group (such as a paramilitary organization, an aerospace company or a secret society) could well have created illusions designed to take advantage of the genuine phenomenon...A huge secret stands before us, palpable yet undeciphered, and forever beyond the cultural grasp of the few government spooks who are trying to manipulate it.

...We keep learning some ugly things about the seedy underside of ufology, including stories that concern Siragusa, Jim Jones, Bo and Peep. Many contemporary cult leaders claim a mysterious ““contact”” back in the fifties

I have cured myself of the fascination I once felt for the Intelligence community. The realization came when I observed how easily they were fooled by others and fooled themselves. Perhaps they are the ones who can't face the real world and have to invent their own secret games to make sense of it...

…Most importantly, I now realize how stupid I was when I hoped that the Intelligence boys could contribute to a study of the phenomenon. They have a different agenda. They make up the most absurd stories and get away with it.

Dr. Jacques Vallee never gives one long and scathing dialogue on the intelligence operations that played havoc in the ufological arena. Remember that his hands were somewhat tied and he was forever, in light of his own oaths, reduced to and, "condemned to understatements." Still and all, he flips the script and plants his own "easter eggs" along the way.

…I think of the UFO phenomenon as a kaleidoscope with three levels: a purely physical, technological level; a sociological level; and finally a personal, subliminal level playing on the subtleties of the human psyche. The first aspect could spell out an extraterrestrial origin;

the second one, if taken by itself, would point to human mythology and anthropology: that is the explanation favored by Kit and sophisticated skeptics, as opposed to Menzel and Klass, who flatly deny everything.

The third aspect is ominous: it provides a hint of a darker, terrestrial origin, earthly manipulation...

…It brings us back to a psychophysical control system. There's a secondary human impact, easier to analyze, the undercurrent working through groups using the alien mythology to propagate their own agenda. Examples: the Ummo hoax, the cults, the shadowy military folks who promote the Holloman affair. But I still don't understand the connection between these two aspects.

"Myth," and "Shadowy Military Folk," he says...I can believe it.

All external quotes from Jacques Vallee's Forbidden Science - Volume Two

More in-depth analysis--and MKULTRA connections--can be found in the thread The Men In Black(OPs) The Aviary & UFOs

edit on 24-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by The GUT

I was not aware to what extent the CIA was involved with the early contactee movement. Very interesting, it showcases the roots of PsyOps on this subject. I do recall seeing this scenario depicted in Steven Spielberg's mini-seres 'Taken'. The deployment of smokescreens of general nonsense to obfuscate either the genuine phenomenon, or to give cover to the Research and Development of advanced technologies in and around Groom Lake/Area 51 in the late 1940s.

I suspect that concomitant to the development and detonation of the atom bomb at White Sands, almost precisely 2 years before the alleged Roswell incident, was another top secret program relating to the effects of the atom bomb and possibly to time travel. The sheer intensity and disruption of an atom bomb would surely have unimaginable effects in and around the area it was detonated and could potentially open a rift in the space/time continuum. My intuitions are that time travel and something very extraordinary did happen, but that it was not alien greys and the eventual "reverse-engineering" that was cooked up by Colonel Corso and friends. At least not in the way that it has been perpetuated in the mass psyche in books, films, documentaries, conferences and mock Congressional hearings.

As for more modern times and the alien abductees, I am convinced that something has been done to them -there is reality to this - but I guess I would give more credence to the MILABs theory. But if there is a covert agency involved in mysterious abductions and tests etc and so on, I can't help but realize that there would be far more to such an elaborate and sophisticated operation than merely to create a specific reaction in people hearing about it through the UFOlogical grapevine. Jim Sparks, for example, has had a wide variety of strange things done to him, and he definitely points to a human connection for a large part of it, but he says the scientists he has come across involved said that they are doing something very, very important. I guess I would agree, that there is some sort of covert agenda at play, and I would guess that humanity's big move into space is at the core of the experimentation. Perhaps human beings, as we are now, cannot survive in space and sophisticated genetic/cloning and the creation of a hybrid race might actually be a reality to eventually deal with this problem.

Or, taken from the point of view of shamanism and Interdimensional hypothesis, it is an archetypal encounter with an advanced intelligence that is steering our evolution - in fact, boot strapping it. The Interdimensional aspect might itself actually work through us and through these elaborate covert operations at the same time. Lots of speculation...

John Mack actually worked with Jim Sparks and references him in his book 'Passport to the Cosmos'. Even taking all of the different theories into account, PsyOps, shamanic/mythical and Interdimensional, the entire range of phenomena does create a sufficient mystery to astonish our current mainstream scientific paradigm.

In the end, perhaps that is the actual point...

Dr. John Mack 1929 - 2004

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by The GUT

WOW! I definitely missed Volume 2 - that is explosive information. I had no idea he revealed so much about his interactions with Intelligence agencies. I also did not know how far in he got. Very fascinating material, thanks for sharing it and highlighting the key points. My understanding on this subject just deepened immensely!

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:46 AM

What about "dimensions"? This word gets thrown around a lot, particularly among quantum geeks who have long since moved into a reality of Möbius strips and Klein bottles. It's not all that complicated in reality. Matter extends in three dimensions, and exists in a span of time (the 4thD), which is just a way of comparing its duration to that of something else. [This is what "relativity" is all about.] Nothing esoteric about this.

There are no other/higher "dimensions". Misinterpretation of Einstein et al. gave rise to all sorts of zany stuff like wormholes and parallel universes. I love this stuff in sci-fi as much as anyone else, but 'taint there, sorry. At the end of Indy 4 Steven switched his original "regular" aliens into "interdimensional" ones to get around all the time/distance hassles, but that's just LucasFilm fun.

Michael, (I'm a Michael as well and I hope you don't mind me calling you that)

You've said a LOT of interesting things here and I want to address many of them. Firstly, though, I'm interested in knowing if you've had experiences with what some might call "higher intelligences?"

If so, do you consider them as aspects of our own subconscious or as actual and separate entities?

I happen to think that "dimensions" in the ufological context is a somewhat misleading word. For example, the majority of the electromagnetic range lies outside our perceptual range. If there were--as plasma physics maybe hints--"lifeforms" of some sort that are plasma/EM-based, that wouldn't necessarily be another dimension and yet would be "dimension-like."

My opening salvo, sir, as we attempt to plumb the depths of your mind, knowledge, and MindWar philosophy. Thank you.

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