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TCT channel: WTH did I just watch?

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Icarus Rising
No. This is not what Christianity is. It is a result of the choices people make. All of the conditions and situations unbelievers bring up to deny the existence of God are the product of choices people make. God allows us to make choices. People choose to do some pretty horrible things. People choose to do some pretty stupid things. We see the consequences of those choices all around us all the time.

People also choose to do some pretty awesome things. Honorable things. Courageous things. Responsible things. Things that honor and glorify God. You won't see many of these things watching televangelists.

Matthew 21:13

And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’”

Well said.

Folks should also be wary of these non-televised prosperity theology mega-churches, if the pastor/priest/bishop elevates himself up to be like a celebrity it's a good sign that they are a false teacher.

There are plenty of churches where the pastor/priest/bishop voluntarily donates his time and is not paid for helping to deliver God's message. The LDS are a good example of this. There are others within the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox denominations that pay only what the clergy needs to live a middle-class lifestyle.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Versus

No that is not what True Christianity is.

That is a false teaching and heretic practices of some who use Christianity as a way to make money.

We call this false teaching "Prosperity theology" It is not biblical in any context and it is done for personal gain and stains the very name of Jesus Christ.

that preacher should practice what he preaches. We want to build a school for the under privileged in Palawan Philippines the purchase of the building, the furnishings and the materials needed for desks and uniforms and well as scholarships would cost a total of $225,000. I have asked some of these very wealthy multi-billion dollar ministries in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and California for help. Not a one would give they say they will pray for us but never a penny. So far we have $100 towards our goal. In the end it will be regular people some of which are not even Christians who will give and see this project through.

Personally I love Christ but I will not trust these TV hustlers for one red cent because they are blantant liars. let the IRS have at them

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:09 PM
Criminals and frauds who will do anything to protect their vast ill gotten gains, such as sign up on this site as soon as their criminal enterprise is mentioned, to defend it. With zero other activity on the site. No posts AT ALL other than on this thread with a surprising amount of "positive spin" info about this specific organization. Isn't that right, VIDIOT 36?

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

Easy Chet- When Jesus asked "them" why "they" were building Churches™, Temples™ etc. et al. "they" killed Him and pinned the redrum on His bff, so be wary, but keep it up!


posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:55 PM

He was even asking for the state of Michigan to pledge $10,000, $1000 each from ten cities so God might send us a helping hand with the Economic problem...uhh what?

To play Devil's Advocate on this one (some pun intended), there is an actual "metaphysical" concept / principle that says if you give, you will receive more in return. So from a spiritual / metaphysical standpoint it does make sense. I've read that some jews and christians claim that one of the secrets of their prosperity is their practice of "tithing," or giving 10% of their income to the church.

That being said, IDK how it's supposed to work in Judaism, but in a greater (non-religious) spiritual sense, you don't have to give to a church, or some hack TV preacher to reap the benefits of this principle. Any kind of donation to charity, or the needy, or really any act of generosity and kindness will do.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:35 PM


Is this what Christianity is? Are people this brain-washed? Sorry as it is my first time seeing something like this...go easy on me.

the ground

No that is not what Christianity is. As a Christian I am equally, if not more so, disturbed by such immoral behavior. Unfortunately, the teachings of the Messiah have been so twisted since he first taught them by so many after him, that this happens.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

So you have tasted with your eyes, and it wasn't appealing. And you have tasted with your tongue, and the texture was off. But if you had ingested and tested the spirit of that which you judge, you would have found you woke up the next day more alert, stronger, and your rectum wouldn't be choking on crap.

Who writes in this style of english other than a Xrissie religionist, having fed off a KJV bible to the point of bulimia. Your choice of the word "rectum" brings such literary scholarship and authority to the thread.

And then you start ranting about peas, whatever happened to “its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man go to heaven” You were conspicuously silent about the multi million salaries accruing to the preachers themselves instead focussing on how much it costs to run a charity.
And then you spend 5-6 paragraphs attacking the poster and the last paragraph to deliver your conversion pitch.

So a non believer cannot criticize a tv church. Er does that mean that xrissies shouldn’t be discussing politics or military affairs? After all wasn’t it JC who said “don’t concern yourselves with the events of this earth”?

To the OP the movie Leap of Faith with Steve Martin explains how shills can be put into the crowds “pledging” high amounts, ramping up the fever,

Matthew 3:6 “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

You use Miley Cyrus as a focus for what your kids should not be. Therefore, your basis is on fear, not wisdom. For that which is your focus is where you are being led, and leading

And from your previous post
"I'm displeased with the world in general" What do you fear? What is there to be displeased about in a perfect creation hehe...and dont give me the "fall"
Or the Is your own view of the world based on fear. Have you actually lived free or have you only thrown of 1 shackle only to be shackled under a roman empire created cult called christianity.
What do you fear, hell maybe? Oh've overcome that but you cant help yourselves instilling fear and vitriol at all who would dare question. After all wasnt it St Paul the usurper who made sure jesus words would be twisted to form the basis of a "universal" church, forged at the edge of the military sword after the Council Of Nicae.
You should be afraid, after all you still worship jehovah, the war mongering god of the Hebrews

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by exlibertateveritas

So twisted that evidence of the teachings even BEING teaching is called into question.

Flat out, even the ORIGINAL documents reason for existing needs to be reviewed, for one thing is for sure, none of it has helped anything , but made humanity waste its time, and this goes for all religions,

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Versus

That's Not what it is supposed to be. These Clowns use The whole concept for their own gain. Definitely Not Christian. They are not really supposed to ask for specific amounts. They usually, well at a couple Churches I went to as a kid, just pass the bowl around, and you put however much in you can/want to. Odd though, if you do this on the street, you will be arrested. Hmmm......
And No you are not supposed to kill, or judge people either. These will land you in Jail too, unless you are in charge of a Country. Then you can go and Bomb Other Countries, and Murder Old and Young alike, as long as it's because they aren't in the same religion as you, or they are not treating their citizens Humanely,the way they should be treated.
Religious Hypocrisy is rampant in All Denominations. Not Judging mind you, just an observation.
My 2Cents. Syx.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Nice! Thanx for the Smiles and Laughs that brought me. Guido is Classic!
Now that reminded me of a short clip from George Carlin on Religion. More Classic stuff. Money mentioned here, but mainly about Religions in General.
Link here but Warning, Strong Language People;

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 12:28 AM

He then start asking people who are watching to give $1000, or even $10,000...and they actually do....

Is this what Christianity is? Are people this brain-washed? Sorry as it is my first time seeing something like this...go easy on me.

the ground

Yes, Christianity is about giving away all of your material goods. It is about being in the world but not of the world - keeping treasures in heaven.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:25 AM

reply to post by exlibertateveritas

So twisted that evidence of the teachings even BEING teaching is called into question.

Flat out, even the ORIGINAL documents reason for existing needs to be reviewed, for one thing is for sure, none of it has helped anything , but made humanity waste its time, and this goes for all religions,

You have the right to your opinion as dictators have used the pulpit throughout history to manipulate people into war and other evil deeds, but many times those acts are antithetical to the religion itself, so maybe its more the people and not the teachings. If you were to check out Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of G*D is Within You" and the essence of Christianity expressed in that compared to the churchianity so common in America today, you might see that it may be a problem of adherence and not the teachings themselves.

Many people throughout history the world over have adhered to the teachings and done wonderful things for many people. Gandhi's non-violent revolution that expelled the British Empire from the Indian sub-continent was inspired by religion. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s participation in the Civil Rights Movement was inspired by Jesus Christ's teachings. And many other infinite good deeds the world over are inspired by religion as well. So please don't be so quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by beezzer

And this - this is one reason they get away with it.

This is the reflexive boxing-up of everything into red/blue, good/bad, us/them, which facilitates....your continued slavery.

There _is_ no red/blue.

There _is_ no conservative/liberal.

These ideas are tools of your oppression.

The cool thing is this - All you have to do to free yourself is - stop doing it.

That's it.

Just refuse to force everything into yes/no boxes, us/them, me/everyone else.

Are there some Bad Actors posing as Men of God? Hell yes! Always have been.

Does that mean all men who are priests or preachers are jerks and liars?

You can answer that yourself.

Sometimes, a cop will steal a candy bar. It happens.

Are all cops thieves?

Again - you get the point.

It just aint that simple, no matter what Faux Noos tells you.

edit on 17-9-2013 by MarsSentinel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:59 PM
Maybe a better way would be to take the offering whatever it may be (money,food, clothing) yourself to the one it is intended for.

Every time I hear offerings and tithes mentioned on television, churches, thing comes to my mind. "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is God's.

His image can not be put on any money made by any man for his image is not meant for us to know. So maybe offerings means actual things that people truly need.

Also organized religions have a tax deduction, that would connect them to the government and
therefore (Ceasar) So maybe they should get their tithes from (Ceasar) the government.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:31 AM
It's a shame that some bad "preachers" make them all look bad
There are some good ones out there, even on TV.

I go to a small church, and I don't know if we pay taxes or not (don't think so) but we still have to pay electric, gas, and water bills, not to mention the pastor's salary. So churches do have expenses, and I don't think we get any money from the government.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Versus


I used to call that guy...I think I know the guy who you are talking about.

I was REALLY into prank calls when I was in grade school and early HS. I wasnt mean, or abusive...just funny stuff even they would laugh about.

BUT, I watched this one man one night do basically what you described on an infomercial...and it was on.

I ended up calling him almost a thousand times in the course of a year....each time I would lead him on, and then I would let the dogs of prank call war loose on him. Jerky boys was really inspirational for me.

Some of the funniest moments of my young adult life were spent prank calling. I am glad I grew out of that....anyways.

I even got mentioned a few times on air early on when I was still toying with him and he was still in doubt as to believe me....he really thought I was doubting him but was truly interested. I would only put my checkbook away when he, or whoever answered the phone when I called, couldnt answer to some obscure bible reference, or wasnt "really into what he was saying" and couldnt "prove it" to me.


They pre-record the show usually and then hit the phones. He will answer sometimes. The best time to call for me was right after his office hours ended, every other night in between speaking to them beforehand or after, and I would leave messages on their answering machine. I used a crappy app on my first computer for a while to sound like a confused old man trying to make a donation.....who was REALLY juiced about the guys infomercial...but just couldnt get things right. Sometimes I was the reluctant grandson calling for his grand pap who wasnt too bright himself but had smaller fingers and could dial the phone for his poor delusional.... and rich grand

Yeah he is a scum bag....and all those like him.

I dont regret pranking him....not one bit. The rest...yeah sure, but I am sure some really liked it. I gave many people answering phones a good laugh.....

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 03:47 PM
If they are asking for money to support their business that is one thing.If they are saying it is for God and is a tithe or an offering that is another very different thing.

It is very simple.There is no basis for tithing anymore.The tithe was collected by the Levite priest(which there are none of anymore) ....period.Tithes and offerings were not money is was agriculture grown in the land ,seed and fruit from the tree and live stock.Nothing else is a tithe or an offering.... it is charlatanism.

There is nothing unlawful with asking for money to support a business ...there is EVERYTHING wrong asking for money and saying it is the tithe and offerings of God.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Versus

There are people like that, but, no, that isn't what Christianity is all about. Churches that I have attended aren't like that. Yes, people give, but as they can, and it's for the running of the church, not inflated salaries (and believe me, those are LOW), or anything like that. Don't let the bad apples and greedy phonies keep you from checking out places that are more honest. The ones like that, most I know are disgusted with as well.

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