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NSA Releases UFO Files Reveals “Alien Messages”

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+32 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:19 PM
NSA Releases UFO Files Reveals “Alien Messages”

(I did a search but could not find the topic) I'm don't how much of this I believe...NSA has been in the papers a lot recently...

First French UFO files, then the British UFO files, the FBI Vault and recently the Kennedy disclosure. And now files from the prominent security agency rediscovered (never been reported in main stream media), the NSA, saying they have received alien messages, could the enlightenment period that the Mayans said would happen in 2012 actual be the revelation that we have visitors.

NSA had released to the public domain formerly classified UFO X-files Here, but which had never got media attention.

...we are particularly interested in NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1 with FOIA Case number 41472 which has been titled ‘Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages’.

NSA Technical Manual

NSA Release UFO Files

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

Wow, haven't heard of this before. Star & flag for you! Now, is anyone brave enough to hop on over to the NSA's website to view the PDF? I'm sure you'll guarantee yourself a spot on some list with that click. LOL

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by nucleardoom

Just clicked on over to the NSA doc. page and so far nothing has happened to m

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:55 PM

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:01 PM
I'm confused...That doc. Is unreadble at best and laughable at worst.

There are people here that could possibly make some sense out of it.

I was hoping for a real message, boy am I dumb.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:07 PM
Ok everyone,

I don't really understand all the mathematics within the paper, but did find the extraterrestrial intelligence NAS Technical Journal Vol XI No. 2 that is referenced at the introduction of the Key to the Extraterrestrial Message NSA Technical Journal entry.


Also on the NSA site is a document about Voynich Manuscript which might be interesting, just now cranking it open.


edit on 11-9-2013 by MorpheusUSA because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

I believe that this topic was a thread a few months ago and it turned out to be material supposedly from a NSA study document made up for code breakers--a playful test.

But with all of the lies and smoke these days, who knows what is real and what not?

Anyway, I found no revelations in the code, but then, I'm not a cyper engineer and have no massive computer on call.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:16 PM
it's a practice problem.

ok, it seems we can't link to the site with the explanation behind the NSA document.

edit on 11-9-2013 by Crakeur because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:17 PM
Read this one

It is the one referred to in the initial paragraph.

There's more

However, in true ATS form I'm sure we'll still beat this as though the NSA has really intercepted alien messages.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:25 PM

it's a practice problem.

ok, it seems we can't link to the site with the explanation behind the NSA document.

edit on 11-9-2013 by Crakeur because: (no reason given)

The formulas are practice problems? As far as an explanation behind the NSA document, I couldn't find...

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by ratcals

It's interesting that the signals were interpreted as letters. I have always thought we'd receive messages in numbers???

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:37 PM
When I read threw the NSA docs I got that they were communicating rare earth materials ( ?)

They're using a language thats universal for us all to understand... Which is in numbers (?) i didn't see a particular message introducing themselves.

This is quite amazing. Why would they release these documents with-out so much as coming to us and explaining that there is life out there?

We can't be selfish enough to think we're the only ones in Gods vast Universe..

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:43 PM
Hmmm, anyone have any ideas what the message(s) read?

(almost 3am and theres no way im reading that pdf right now lol)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:48 PM
sorry guys it's already been covered:

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:18 PM


The formulas are practice problems? As far as an explanation behind the NSA document, I couldn't find...

NSA has been heavily recruiting cipher analysts. There are several of these kinds of tests floating around. If you can crack them, then you are likely to raise an interest with certain departments for sure.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by Cosmic911

Thank you for your interesting post.

In the first link you provided under "Here," in the Communications Intelligence (COMINT) reports that are divided by letters of the alphabet, the phrase "probably balloons" is out of control! Though I deem government secrecy in UFO reporting a serious matter, reading "probably balloons" repeatedly in these heavily redacted documents made me laugh pretty hard.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:27 AM
Here's the secret. It wasn't about 2012. The Tzolkin moves into the 13 sign on the morning of December,17, 2013 (Bing this date for more info) . The glyph for that time means bond Heaven-Earth. This is an extremely ancient symbol. And it only means one important thing. Our Ancestors return from the sky. My feeling is that they are already here. They are waitng for the time when they can meet there children in person. Up until now it has been about preping humanity for the reality that we are not alone in this galaxy/universe/solar system. That time is fast approaching. This may be why people keep saying that they feel "something" is going to happen, but don't know why.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:24 AM

reply to post by Cosmic911

I believe that this topic was a thread a few months ago and it turned out to be material supposedly from a NSA study document made up for code breakers--a playful test.

But with all of the lies and smoke these days, who knows what is real and what not?

Anyway, I found no revelations in the code, but then, I'm not a cyper engineer and have no massive computer on call.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

I recall the same thing. A thought exercise in a tech manual.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:55 AM

N::>A "1ec.-y C.d /0 "'IV , ~u.[,f.o. No.1 UNCLASSIFIED Key ToTheExtraterrestrial Messages nv H. [~AlII'AIl;N~: ( IlIdll~,.ili,'Ii Dr. ('lIl11lJlli/:11(' pn'~""/l'fl a serie« uf 29 1III'~~al!",. [mill III1/.'r ,.pan' in "l-:.rtmt"rf1'strial Int"/Iipl'nn>." NSA Teehnico! Journnl, Vol. X1. Nil. ~, IIIJ. /11/ If. arid in Ih" Sp,~'ial Ma/hl'matil',' and 1':/1.~i",~'rill.1[ 1~,.'II· of II", .JfIIlrIllIl, I'll. II i If. '1'111' rlll/owi'JI! artid~ d"'I'I~luJl~ II k,'y til th"IlI' n..'~~a!l"Il, Parauraph' numlwr.• parallel the serial numbers of the 1II1'••SlII!I'S reprinted ill /hl' alllll'lIdi.r bt'I,,,,'. This illdlld~s 1/111 ""II' s,'r;,',.--:III lII,d :11'--1111/ illl'llldl'fl ;11 /hl'pn't'illu~ artie/,'. AI every step in Ihe solution we make a I!UP!l~ at Jhe meaning. !,:'ilh'nl'I' will quickly accumulate to verify or refute this 1!1I"~S. The 1I""sihililv of IImhil!:lIit ~ Ill' IWII l'lInl'ill"nl I'oillt illnl' i" '('ry rpmnll'. Only in Ih" last sreps. where veriticarion is thin. could this happen. l. There nre z l I'ymblll .., in the nrder I!:i'en bv this messaae. :!. Ii is equivalent ttl AA, C ttl AAA, etc. That is , A= 1: B=
(' = :1: D=-I: !':=r,: F=6: t:=i. :1. The s~'mhtll L mean s the twu thinll~ that ("nllo' ;HI' 1111' s.une. LX Y 1I11':ml' x =~' . .1. Em'h Slall'nll'nl hlIS:; s~'lI1hllls. mill ht'llinl' with L. The ·1 symh,.ls utter L must he clInsidered all two thinl!:l', Io:m'h statement has a " a" Ihl' third It'lll-r, which must 111' I he sl:nl ,,(" ,h., sl'.'"nd thinl(. Is H= I

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by draknoir2

A thought exercise in a tech manual...seems polarized to me. Some insight into its objective might shed some light into understanding it. Might it just be a cipher exercise? Hell, NSA dropped the ball on 9/11, I doubt they'd be any quicker in an alien invasion! Lol

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