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Homosexuality And Christianity; I don't believe Jesus of the Bible would judge you harshly

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posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:46 PM

reply to post by Hoyden

Jesus loved the sinner but hated the sin.

Homosexual person which is not practicing the sin of homosexuality is not in conflict with Jesus and His teachings.

Unless sex is being used for procreation. it is lust, gay or straight.

If lust is a deadly sin, I'm not sure why people are so focused on preaching against homosexuality, but not straight couples who are having sex before marriage or being promiscuous.

because marriage is possible only between a man and a woman.

bullying the society to recognize homosexual "marriage" leads to inevitable resistance.

Sin of fornication in a heterosexual relationship is also a sin but there is no bullying of those who consider it sinful to suddenly change their beliefs becasue it is "discrimination".

As I have said previously - I could not care less what a person does with his/her own life and with his/her chance for salvation.

just do not shriek "discrimination" when a sin is named as such.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Hoyden

The government is not going into the churches and saying that you can't say homosexuality is a sin. If you want to preach that homosexuality is a sin, then that is your right, but just like you have the right to disapprove homosexuality, other people have the right to disapprove of your opinion.

If Lust is a sin, then both homosexual and heterosexual lust should be preached against. There are many people who preach against homosexuality but in their own lives they focus on how "hot" this or that person is and trying to get "laid". Why be a hypocrite, which is also a sin that Jesus strongly preached agianst?

(and of course I am not accusing you of doing this, I am just pointing out there there are many people who do)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:34 PM

reply to post by Hoyden

The government is not going into the churches and saying that you can't say homosexuality is a sin. If you want to preach that homosexuality is a sin, then that is your right, but just like you have the right to disapprove homosexuality, other people have the right to disapprove of your opinion.

If Lust is a sin, then both homosexual and heterosexual lust should be preached against. There are many people who preach against homosexuality but in their own lives they focus on how "hot" this or that person is and trying to get "laid". Why be a hypocrite, which is also a sin that Jesus strongly preached agianst?

(and of course I am not accusing you of doing this, I am just pointing out there there are many people who do)

what does government has to do with a simple truth that practicing homosexuality is a MORTAL sin?

you may twist and wiggle and cringe all you want - but a sin is a sin. Practicing homosexuality is a mortal one. There is no way you can change it. period.
being homosexual - is not.
don't practice is - and you have the solution

p.s. mortal sins of other people do not justify your own ones and do not make them lesser ( you - not particular you, a general meaning).
edit on 22-3-2014 by Hoyden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Hoyden

what does government has to do with a simple truth that practicing homosexuality is a MORTAL sin?

You said that that there was a "bullying" of society to accept gay marriage, so I pointed out the fact that the government is not going in the churches and forcing you to preach that being gay is ok.

you may twist and wiggle and cringe all you want - but a sin is a sin.

I don't 'twist', 'wiggle', and 'cringe' over someone's personal belief. I only do so when they use their religious belief to try to control everyone else.

Practicing homosexuality is a mortal one. There is no way you can change it. period.

I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs if people think being gay is a 'sin' against the understanding of their god. I know it's impossible to change some people's beliefs anyway, so I am here just to respond and give my perspective whether or not someone 'changes' their belief or not.

don't practice is - and you have the solution

It's interesting that you find humor in the situation. You are saying that because of your religious belief, people should just "not be gay" and then they have their "solution", well the world does not revolve around you. Your religious beliefs are supposed to be personal - not law. That is the basis of a society that is founded on religious freedom.

If gay people believe that homosexuality is ok and they should be married, then that is their belief and to deny gay marriage is to say that one person's religious beliefs is "superior" to another, when the government is supposed to be neutral/secular so that everyone can have their own religious beliefs and practices.

The constitution declares the right to "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of happiness"...

Gay people just want to be able to use their free-will to get married to the person they love just like everyone else. It is not infringing on anyone's free-will, no straight person is "forced" into having a gay marriage. If you believe that gay marriage is wrong then you are free to hold your personal religious belief, doesn't mean that it should be 'illegal', just don't take part in it. There are many things that people think are wrong due to their religious beliefs (alcohol, pork, working on Sunday or Saturday, or even a hot cup of coffee) , if we banned things based on a another person's religious beliefs then that would mean that there is no freedom of religion because you will be forced to confirm to another person's religious views.

Imagine if Muslims tried to make Pork illegal because it is "religiously wrong" for them?
Or Jews tried to make cheese burgers illegal because it is "religiously wrong" for them (some don't believe in mixing meat and dairy)?

You would simply say "if you don't like it, don't eat it", but you would see the unfairness of trying to make it illegal for everyone.
edit on 22-3-2014 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:04 PM

reply to post by Hoyden

what does government has to do with a simple truth that practicing homosexuality is a MORTAL sin?

You said that that there was a "bullying" of society to accept gay marriage, so I pointed out the fact that the government is not going in the churches and forcing you to preach that being gay is ok.

you may twist and wiggle and cringe all you want - but a sin is a sin.

I don't 'twist', 'wiggle', and 'cringe' over someone's personal belief. I only do so when they use their religious belief to try to control everyone else.

Practicing homosexuality is a mortal one. There is no way you can change it. period.

I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs if people think being gay is a 'sin' against the understanding of their god. I know it's impossible to change some people's beliefs anyway, so I am here just to respond and give my perspective whether or not someone 'changes' their belief or not.

don't practice is - and you have the solution

It's interesting that you find humor in the situation. You are saying that because of your religious belief, people should just "not be gay" and then they have their "solution", well the world does not revolve around you. Your religious beliefs are supposed to be personal - not law. That is the basis of a society that is founded on religious freedom.

If gay people believe that homosexuality is ok and they should be married, then that is their belief and to deny gay marriage is to say that one person's religious beliefs is "superior" to another, when the government is supposed to be neutral/secular so that everyone can have their own religious beliefs and practices.

The constitution declares the right to "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of happiness"...

Gay people just want to be able to use their free-will to get married to the person they love just like everyone else. It is not infringing on anyone's free-will, no straight person is "forced" into having a gay marriage. If you believe that gay marriage is wrong then you are free to hold your personal religious belief, doesn't mean that it should be 'illegal', just don't take part in it. There are many things that people think are wrong due to their religious beliefs (alcohol, pork, working on Sunday or Saturday, or even a hot cup of coffee) , if we banned things based on a another person's religious beliefs then that would mean that there is no freedom of religion because you will be forced to confirm to another person's religious views.

Imagine if Muslims tried to make Pork illegal because it is "religiously wrong" for them?
Or Jews tried to make cheese burgers illegal because it is "religiously wrong" for them (some don't believe in mixing meat and dairy)?

You would simply say "if you don't like it, don't eat it", but you would see the unfairness of trying to make it illegal for everyone.
edit on 22-3-2014 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

stop putting the government, the Constitution ( how do you know your Constitution is mine as well) and all other left-wing BS into the discussion about what Jesus Christ ( supposedly) would say about homosexual sin. I do not care about your liberal propaganda talking points and I would not engage in the discussion of those.

on the OP thesis I have already said and repeat - love the sinner, hate the sin - so any homosexual that is not practicing homosexuality, therefore sinning, is OK with what Jesus Christ has said.

Homosexual sin is a sin as all others. "Go and sin no more" - that is universal, no matter what your sexual choice is.
edit on 23-3-2014 by Hoyden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:11 PM
Im am going to answer this OP and only the OP, based on my view on Christianity.

Christ, would have a lot more to "talk" about with his flock, than he would Homosexual people.

Jesus had the Worst, most Harshest thing to say about the Pharisees of the time.

You know the religious leaders that where burdening people with rules, while not following, only practicing the letter of the law not the spirit.

You know, your average American Christian.

Next, would be the people who fleeced the flock for profit, as seen by one of Jesus most dramatic moments, when he whipped the crap outta of the Money Changers in the Temple.

So all those False teachers who Push agendas for Profit or other worldly reasons, You know the Westboro baptist types, people whose sole purpose would be to profit from his Word.

Christians forget one thing,

Jesus came to save the lost, not Condemn them.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:14 PM


Jesus came to save the lost, not Condemn them.


if they sin no more. simple.
edit on 23-3-2014 by Hoyden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Hoyden

Just as a Christian who looked at a women in Lust would be guilty of sin.

Just as a Christian who had sex before marriage.

Just as a Christian who got Mad at another human being.

AS a Christian, we are not Sinless, not at all.

The point is to strive to be better, that ALL THE LAWS

Can be summed up with,

Do onto others.

Am I being a light on the world when I spew hate toward ONE sin more than the rest? Though NO one sin is worst, and the wages of all sin is death?

The Problem is not that Homosexuals are sinning, the Problem is that everyone is, and that needs to be the perspective a Christian takes.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:32 PM



Jesus came to save the lost, not Condemn them.


if they sin no more. simple.

No, it's not simple, it's prejudicial. Why single out homosexuals and insist that they should sin no more? Why not make divorced people on their second marriages abstain from sex, and sin no more? Or couples who live together and aren't married break up or get married, and sin no more?

And, by the way, sex isn't a sin. Not missionary sex, not kinky sex, not red hot sweaty sex. There's nothing wrong with sex, no way, no how.

What about armed service men and women who sign up to kill? What about bankers who go to church every Sunday and profit on other people loss and usury every other day of the week. Why aren't you telling them to go and "sin no more"? Why concentrate on homosexuals?

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:35 PM
and what did I say above? Go and sin no more - is universal. And He said it to a heterosexual woman.

your skin color, your ethnicity, your gender, your sexual preference is irrelevant - go and sin no more - is for your eternal soul salvation.
which does not have gender, race or sexuality whatsoever.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:37 PM




Jesus came to save the lost, not Condemn them.


if they sin no more. simple.

No, it's not simple, it's prejudicial. Why single out homosexuals and insist that they should sin no more? Why not make divorced people on their second marriages abstain from sex, and sin no more? Or couples who live together and aren't married break up or get married, and sin no more?

And, by the way, sex isn't a sin. Not missionary sex, not kinky sex, not red hot sweaty sex. There's nothing wrong with sex, no way, no how.

What about armed service men and women who sign up to kill? What about bankers who go to church every Sunday and profit on other people loss and usury every other day of the week. Why aren't you telling them to go and "sin no more"? Why concentrate on homosexuals?

oh, really? show me where in the simple phrase "go and sin no more" which I have underlined to be universal is "prejudice" hidden?

I think you are a little obsessed.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 04:59 PM
It's only a Sin if you believe in said "Religion" i am not a sin for i don't follow that. since Religion is a Belief system, you have every right to believe i am a "Sin" but it's not Proven, nor factual, just your Belief

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:23 PM

It's only a Sin if you believe in said "Religion" i am not a sin for i don't follow that. since Religion is a Belief system, you have every right to believe i am a "Sin" but it's not Proven, nor factual, just your Belief

the question is not you. the OP question was about what would possibly Jesus Christ say about homosexuality if He would address the issue. since you do not differ from other people in the frame of what is considered acceptable by Jesus Christ because of your sexual preferences, then His response would be the same - go and sin no more.

In this framing of the discussion it does not matter what YOU consider a sin. It matters what HE would consider a sin.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Hoyden

stop putting the government, the Constitution ( how do you know your Constitution is mine as well) and all other left-wing BS into the discussion about what Jesus Christ ( supposedly) would say about homosexual sin.

I'm not using that as a basis of what Jesus would "say". It turned political the moment you said marriage is "only" between a man and a woman, and society is being "bullied" by homosexual marriage.

Homosexual sin is a sin as all others. "Go and sin no more" - that is universal, no matter what your sexual choice is.
edit on 23-3-2014 by Hoyden because: (no reason given)

This is exactly my point. It's a 'sexual' sin. Whether it is lust or fornication (straight or gay), it is still a sin.

Most people who preach today are avoiding the fact that the bible says that even looking at a person lustfully is a sin (Matthew 5:28), so they allow that but only preach against "homosexuality". Why not just preach against lust and fornication since that covers heterosexuality and homosexuality? By only focusing on homosexuals, many people seem to forget that straight people commit these 'sins' , too.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 08:21 PM

reply to post by Hoyden

stop putting the government, the Constitution ( how do you know your Constitution is mine as well) and all other left-wing BS into the discussion about what Jesus Christ ( supposedly) would say about homosexual sin.

I'm not using that as a basis of what Jesus would "say". It turned political the moment you said marriage is "only" between a man and a woman, and society is being "bullied" by homosexual marriage.

Homosexual sin is a sin as all others. "Go and sin no more" - that is universal, no matter what your sexual choice is.
edit on 23-3-2014 by Hoyden because: (no reason given)

This is exactly my point. It's a 'sexual' sin. Whether it is lust or fornication (straight or gay), it is still a sin.

Most people who preach today are avoiding the fact that the bible says that even looking at a person lustfully is a sin (Matthew 5:28), so they allow that but only preach against "homosexuality". Why not just preach against lust and fornication since that covers heterosexuality and homosexuality? By only focusing on homosexuals, many people seem to forget that straight people commit these 'sins' , too.

marriage IS only between the man and the woman - if we speak in the Jesus Christ teachings dimension ( and that is what the thread is about).

you are welcome to start preaching against lust and fornication if you feel like it. Nothing wrong with the subject as it is a sin and should be named as such.

which still does not change the practice of homosexuality from being a sin a s well.

Go and sin no more - is universal.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Hoyden

oh, really? show me where in the simple phrase "go and sin no more" which I have underlined to be universal is "prejudice" hidden?

I think you are a little obsessed.

I think you're obsessed. Sex is NOT a sin.

If you think it is then you have to agree that teenage sex on prom night is just as much a sin as married divorcees or any unmarried lovers having sex. Homosexuality judgment should be limited by the same standards. Homosexuals should be married, not divorced, before they have sex!

The sexual act, in and of itself is not sinful. PERIOD!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:35 PM
Know how to tell that America is not even remotely the Christian Nation that the "Religious Right" try to pretend it is? When it came to sin and sinners the ones he was most gentle towards were those involved in mostly sexual sins. In contrast the ones he was critical of, one could even say adversarial to were those guilty of sins related to monetary greed. In contrast the "Religious Right" condemn those guilty of sexual sins and cheer on and empower the greedy while doing their best to fill their own troughs.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:12 PM
In the Bible, we read that Jesus would reject many who refer to him as ''Lord'', i.e -Christians...for the reason that they were ''lawless''. Jesus taught to uphold the same law that condemned homosexuality, so its quite strange how so many people think Jesus would have been okay with it.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Jesus did NOT support the death penalty, which was "The Law" against any kind of sexual violation, whether it be rape, adultery, fornication or homosexuality.

edit on 25-3-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:18 PM
God hates homosexuality as much as he does fornication. He'd prefer us not to do it

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