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The End’s In Sight

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posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

This is a REMARKABLE over simplification. RE: Fukashima. Nuclear "power" was a rouse, it was created as a way for certain folks to get the common man to pay for, and accept, nuclear weapons. The plants themselves are a waste on every level, but the waste in question is the left over that is used for weaponry. Humans have a hard time paying for things that lead to their demise, or did back then, and certain folks created a plan which would simply convince them that "free and clean" electrons would just happen to provide some very expensive weapons material which the military would happily take - leaving he rest behind to sit.

Fukashima's big secret is the weapons grade stuff what was there and is now gone.

Second. The same group got together and devised the process of planned obsolescence at about the same time. It was not helpful to control people, and corporate profits, to simply make things that lasted as they had for 500 years. So it was another decision to let the common man pay for things over and over in an effort to control and those who did not tow the party line were simply put out of business or killed.

Now we have fukashima again. The buildings were built in Tsunami Zones, Earth quake Zones, AND near population centers. Again, the common man had no choice in this placement - they knew what they were doing when they put them there. Oddly enough after some half a century of planned obsolescence the construction was built with inherent flaws as it was planned - the metal was poorly made, the design was done by people who were raised on planned obsolescence.

Not one bit of this has anything to do with the SUV's. Again, if you are going to point to the SUV's ask yourself: why did automobile gas mileage go DOWN after 1990. I had a car that got 60mpg in 91, but by 2000 25mpg was considered super good? In the 70's I had a car that got 32 after the gas "crises." There are many folks who have created engines that get supreme mileage but the are not on the market. We add planned obsolescence to this again. When Honda introduced the Acura model to the US, based on superior engineering, you know the thing consumers want, the dealers protested as the cars did not break enough for dealer repairs. Dealers want cars that need repairs, mfg's want cars that crap out after 5 years, consumers are not part of this at all.

While human consumption is indeed largely a waste, the idea that the average human has any input in the implementation of such things as nuclear power is beyond shortsighted. If you take a look a the long Fukashima thread you will see that one of the designers of that "planned to blow up plant" quit because the design was flawed and was prone to exactly what happened.

The reason things are this way is because someone that isn't a consumer of an iphone wants it exactly this way because the iphone consumers don't have any input on where these are built: San Onofre, Diablo Canyon, Fukashima - one was going to do what Fukashima did not matter how many consumers said no.

I think your assessment is entirely superficial and shortsighted as well. Gas prices in the 90's have nothing to do with our over consumption of oil, which raises every year, and the need to start wars because of it. I'm not "pointing at SUVs"—SUV's don't make themselves—I'm pointing to the average consumers determination to have the best and biggest car on the block. Need I remind you oil is a finite resource. We know the cliff is coming but we don't want to stop running towards it.

The average human doesn't have any input because they don't want it. "Here take my money, you handle it." is the way it goes. Planned obsolescence is the result of a system which seeks profit. We pay for this system, build it, buy their products, vote those into power, continue to fund this obsolescence, willingly. Supply and demand.

Sure, blame a "group a people"; most people do when they are a part of the problem. A small group of people is nothing compared to the mob of average citizens, who could seize power any time they wanted by not funding the ills of the world, but they refuse to.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

It's threads like this that will not get much input, or attention due to the fact that it points to personal responsibility rather than to jump on a band-wagon, and toss stones at another for all of their worldly problems.

People ruled by their ego's rarely look within at world problems, and almost never admit they are the source of their current state of mind and lifestyle they are currently in.

Heck, I hate admitting it myself. lol

Although I due not subscribe to religion, I do believe that we need to forgive ourselves and others so we can move forward, but with this type of forgiveness I am speaking of is not the blind ignorance type, but the kind where we don't repeat the same things over and over.

I appreciate the intelligent well thought out input in this thread, in fact it restores my faith in humanity. Admitting personal responsibility take a lot of courage and shows that the ego is not in complete control.

edit on 9-9-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

It's threads like this that will not get much input, or attention due to the fact that it points to personal responsibility rather than to jump on a band-wagon, and toss stones at another for all of their worldly problems.

People ruled by their ego's rarely look within at world problems, and almost never admit they are the source of their current state of mind and lifestyle they are currently in.

Heck, I hate admitting it myself. lol

Although I due not subscribe to religion, I do believe that we need to forgive ourselves and others so we can move forward, but with this type of forgiveness I am speaking of is not the blind ignorance type, but the kind where we don't repeat the same things over and over.

I appreciate the intelligent well thought out input in this thread, in fact it restores my faith in humanity. Admitting personal responsibility take a lot of courage and shows that the ego is not in complete control.

edit on 9-9-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

You tried your best.
Even if you do this in front of white house, not many will even bother to join you.
One day they will understand.
Like Jesus (in Gospel of Thomas?) said most prophets made prophets only after they died or killed trying.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:21 AM
Actually i believe its the end which will force people to work together , it will in turn neutralize their ego's, the materialistic attitude , the "me ,me ,me" syndrome .... The people need to go through hard times to realize we must help each other and work with each other ....

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 11:54 AM
We live in amazing times with unparalleled knowledge, it's great to be alive! There's plenty of gifted problem solvers all over the world. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

People made things, and others, the way they are. A human is still just an animal. You are susceptible to many things that you think would not be able to sway you. We are all this way. Limiting your exposure to the avenues that lead to control is what is important. No one is above this. Allowing yourself to think otherwise is a trap that your ego has laid for you.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:48 PM
Hi guys,

I'm not sure you can attribute everything to our personal inactivity.

There are people who still live (apparently - I don't know if this has changed), in Brazil in the forest, who are pygmies who are able to live in an old fashioned manner that seems to be in line with nature. The pygmies do not have global power and are slowly being rooted out by modern expansion into the rainforest territories.

In spite of this, we have a modern world that grows beyond it's existing boundaries all across the world and the growth in and of itself is detrimental to human existence in the future.

It is true that we have amazing systems that have such great abilities to invent itself.... But we also have fatalistic flaws, which has the power to collapse the entire thing from within.

There is only so much one can do by objecting to what is going on. There is only so much resistance one can put up to being a part of the "system" of modern mankind.

Everything you see around you isn't a problem, but even if you were to try to accept an individual solution to something you see as a problem - it might not generate enough strength to work as a solution to the greater behaviour. Take recycling: Here is a potentially great arrangement to solve the problem of garbage dumps - but only the Japanese (correct me if I'm wrong here), seem to recycle with a vengeance and accept the inconvenience of not being able to use disposable diapers (for instance) and put North Americans to shame.

Yet, if we are to compete with the others in our cities (compete with them time wise and personal energy wise) - I don't think that many will opt to use cloth diapers in North America. It is a rat race, in that sense - and one person out of sync with the others won't make that big of a difference. I hear for instance, that David Suzuki, a renowned environmentalist in Canada, doesn't use bottled water, in order to save the amount of water that gets used in making the bottle itself (somewhere around twice the amount of water that is in the bottle) - but this hasn't solved the problem.

So, I do agree that there are problems that the world is generating, and I do agree that it is highly unlikely that anything short of complete disintegration will cause people to behave differently, but I don't cater to the idea that any one individual can change all of it... we might be stalwarts in our own capacity in some small area, and capable of using popularity for some of the other things we do to push for a solution, but there are also the bureaucrats that help fix things a certain way.

Take the use of bio-degradeable plastics. Some of the manufacturers sell this for instance in mechanical pencils.... but the container that holds a new pencil is not guaranteed to be of the same plastic. What a solution!

If everything were forced to be bio-degradeable on the other hand, we wouldn't have to worry about garbage dumps not eventually disintegrating and joining the environment. But, who is going to force this? There aren't enough products to cover your essentials that use the material to switch to a life style that doesn't support the other kind of plastic. So, what can you do for personal responsibility in this case?

Mind you, it seems that the Amish are able to exist fine, without all the modern effects that we take for granted. Perhaps that is a way to go. I'm not sure how many people could survive on the planet that way, but there are those on ATS, who have made natural gardens that yield extremely well... We might not of course, have known so much about this possibility hadn't it been for the Internet, or perhaps books etc...

Gotta go, but I hope I've left some food for thought. I'm sure people can see their way to arguing about numerous other situations which exist that we have no "personal" power over.

Indeed, I do believe that wanting change is a starting point for making such things, but in and of itself will not provide a solution. What is comforting, is that, *if* the world's systems crash, those that are well connected and have reasonable resources and inventiveness, *may* be able to start just such a revolution - throwing away that which doesn't work, and bringing in that which does - but for the modern world - that is an extreme commitment from those who work together to leave things that have proved thus far as problematic in the proverbial garbage dump and never to venture there again. It takes a heck of a lot of caring about each other, to work in a system that will change (because change can affect a lot of human beings), for the better - and a commitment to keep those humans from falling off of the wagon - or no one will want those changes.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:21 AM


posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:30 AM
I totally agree with you op..... the problem is, we live in the new ME-linium

We are so divided these days, any fighting is done standing alone...... with little effect.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:49 AM

I would hope that the majority of the people here on earth are reasonable and smart enough to see past the lies, corruption, global manipulation and chaos.

You can put your hopes in one hand
and a big steaming pile of # in the other
and see which one fills up first.

I don't know what you're somkin' but, from where I stand,
This planet is filled to capacity with legally yet barely functionally retarded people who
couldn't give two #s about the planet or future of humanity.

People, for the most part, just want what they want and don't really give two squirts of piss about their neighbor. In my opinion, that's what this place is all about.

We are ALL going to learn what happens when the whole world adopts the attitude which most likely got us sent here in the first place.

Service to SELF!
THis is the result of an entire planet which operates primarily on a service to self paradigm.
The ONLY way to shift the focus of an entire planet is either going to take another 100+ years, which we do not have


God help us all.......
something HUGE!!!!

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