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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by soundguy

Please read it one more Time:

The Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations said Tuesday that “through tests we know the radioactive levels of the fish are not an issue and that they are safe.” Out of 100 fish and seafood products tested, 95 were clear of radioactive substances and the remaining five contained less than one-tenth of the government’s limit of 100 becquerels for food products, the fishing co-op said.

When the People of Japan cant even go Farming or Fishing the whole
Decontamination Effort would be useless, this is not a Childs Play or
a Browser Game but Reality.

We need to use this Measurements to be on the safe Side
but also to keep the Society alive!

When the Fish is uncontaminated i see no reason to prohibit Fishing!

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:29 AM


Washington, DC — Newly released documents indicate that several U.S. nuclear power plants are vulnerable to dam-induced flooding with catastrophic results, including core meltdown and massive public exposure to radiation byproducts, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been slow to recognize the risks but has yet to require plant operators to increase flood protections.

A document entitled “Screening Analysis Report for the Proposed Generic Issue on Flooding of Nuclear Power Plant Sites Following Upstream Dam Failures” (July 2011) prepared by NRC’s Division of Risk Analysis, which PEER obtained in a Freedom of Information Act suit, reaches some sobering conclusions:
“Failure of one or more dams upstream from a nuclear power plant may result in flood levels at a site that render essential safety systems inoperable.”;

"The totality of information analyzed in this report suggests that external flooding due to upstream dam failures poses a larger than expected risk to plants and public safety…”; “This scenario is plausible at multiple nuclear power plants….”

The report looks at 32 reactors at 20 sites across the country; The danger of flooding has been largely unexamined by the NRC since “identification of flood-related issues resulted from particular scrutiny and analysis of flood protection preparations, assumptions and procedures. It is unlikely that concerns related to dam failure flooding …would have stood out based on the [NRC licensing] documents alone”; and NRC does not even consider the combination of dam failure and extreme weather events, such as “wind-generated waves and runup.”

“The NRC has yet to come to grips with the very real danger of flood-induced core meltdowns,” stated PEER Counsel Kathryn Douglass. “This past week, Colorado experienced the combination of flooding, dam washouts and record rainfall which, if upstream of a reactor, could produce cataclysmic consequences.”

Read the whole Report and fix your Problem:

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Uphill

Hey, uphill.
This caused quite a bit of confusion. I'm still not sure if he meant empty of fuel or empty of water, and when exactly?
I still can't post or upload screen caps
[Mods, what's going on?]
but I'll type out a few lines from the FOIA , NRC transcipts on #4.

March 20th 011:
"Dave Skeen: The concern with 4 was always it should have about 10 times the decay heat in there of 3 because they had to have a full core off-load in there.
JM: Right.
DS: Yet when we see pictures we never see any steam coming out of 4 which would lead you to believe there is no steam. There must not be any water to steam out of there.
John Monninger: Right.
Dave Skeen: And so it seems it must be dry.

Some fuel exploded upward. In the old thread I posted pics of red hot fuel rods on the ground beside and east of #4 turbine. [Sorry, I can't repost them right now] That also tells me some fuel rods went into the harbour
Some fuel is still in the fuel pool burning and fused.
They say some fuel is still intact removable. We'll see! I wouldn't begin to guess at percentages?

Ok new biz:
Some rad readings from Japan.

"they don’t know what the inspectors actually check about the contaminated water tanks in Fukushima nuclear plant."
I'm glad they're not cryptic with us! lol

Jaczko doin a soft shoe like Fred Astaire, in Japan.

"On March 12, as the residents were fleeing, I was in front of Futaba Kosei Hospital guiding the hospital patients and elderly people from the nearby senior citizens' home to a bus [for evacuation] when the first hydrogen explosion took place. There was a dull "thud".
"Oh no, it finally happened," the mayor thought. After a few minutes, small debris that looked like glass fiber insulation materials came falling down from the sky like large snowflakes. "Big ones were this big", the mayor puts his thumb and index finger together to form a circle.
Futaba Kosei Hospital is only 2 kilometers away from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. About 300 people, including municipal workers, doctors and nurses, watched the flakes of insulation materials fall like snow, stunned. The mayor thought, "We're finished."

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 12:50 PM
Please note with interest that aircooled (silly old duffer that he is) never acknowledges information contrary to the 'we're all doomed' scenario he is secretly itching for, but continues to cut and paste, well... anything really.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Please note with interest that aircooled (silly old duffer that he is) never acknowledges information contrary to the 'we're all doomed' scenario he is secretly itching for, but continues to cut and paste, well... anything really.


has been one of the finest contributors


what have you done to inform people about fuku?

answer a few questions ( since you are making yourself an expert by expatriation assumptions)

How much radiation has been actually released?

howhen (how and when ) did tepco admit the radiation releases?

how was the banking and interconnected Japanese government involved in bailing ( using tax dollars) out and hiding this as a way of hiding both the severity and the corruption involved ?

how was the treaty that gave the U.S. total control of the Japanese nuker industry involved in the entire scenario as it has unfolded ?





because you seem short bus special; How are fuku's radiation leaks and industry/government's obvious l"handling" , I am curious as to how you view the future ramifications of the REALITY ..??? any thoughts?

edit on 24-9-2013 by Silverlok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:24 PM

reply to post by crankyoldman

I can do what ever i want and i thought it is important to see
the Accident of Fukushima in Context with other massive Releases
of nuclear Isotopes!

Many People, like you, feeding the imagination that we here in Japan
are glowing or that our Earth is lost and this sucks,
i am tired of such a Bs. on and on!

Why do you avoid to face Reality so much?
Why do you can't even accept someone like me who is the same
like anyone else here?
Why are the People so ignorant to use the Shill Word without even
know the Basics of the manipulation of Opinions in Social Media?

Your Ignorance and your Arrogance want to make me vomit and you should
avoid this because it is smelly like hell

I even wrote that it is for Iodine-131 only but all of you react like tiny
lap-Dogs with Rabies!

Arrrrrgh, i am so damned tired of the Dogma and Narcissism
from the Anti-Nuclear Complex, you are worse, much worse
than Tepco and your feeding of Hoax-Stories is the real Catastrophe!

After Chernobyl we had more than 50.000 Abortions in the West alone
because of Fear, Hoax Stories and real Propaganda,
i hoped that this do not repeat because of F'Shima
but with People like you this will be impossible!

Retired VP and General Manager of GE Nuclear Energy, Bertram Wolf, reports that there were "some 40 deaths in the due to nuclear radiation from the (Chernobyl) accident. But there were some 50,000 baby deaths in Europe due to abortions where mothers who feared the effects of the radiation, from Chernobyl." And "Clearly, the people in Europe were not informed of the negligible (maybe healthy) effects of low radiation levels."


People like you are Responsible for this, you are guilty as the People from Tepco!

While your rant was kind of funny and missed the point, it did reveal something to me. I'm going to apologize. You are scared to death. You are clearly frightened more then we are, and I actually understand it. Should this SFP thing go off, as many are concerned about, you will have to flee and this just can't be comfortable. It can't be a wonderful feeling that, at best, TEPCO and the government are lying big time, at worst they...

I see your efforts on this thread about about hope, not about combating the reality. When people get into an insecure state the will do anything to combat it, even point out some good in something like this horror.

It is clear to us, who live in some distance away, that this problem is different for us then you. I'd suggest this, forget making a point on this thread, it does not change anything at all. You are not going to get us to wake up, we are awake and concerned and we take the position of, "this is truly horrible, something has to be done, all nations must unite..." But if this happens, you're life will never be the same, as the attention of and event like that means what it means and I see why all the upset in your posts.

We on this thread had hoped, in our small way, that our outrage would help generate some help to this nightmare. Some good ideas have come about, but alas, you and we, are left to watch as those in charge don't care what we think.

you need to see, we want the same thing, we don't want SFP to blow up, we don't want the three cores to continue making their way to hell, we don't want the sea full of this stuff.

You, go, stop posting here, it isn't going to alter the reality one bit, or our vision, and it only makes you angry. Enjoy your country, your family, friends. We'll keep acting like we know it all and hope our arrogance stimulates a few folks to try something to help stop the problem.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Are you totally Stupid?

Why do you not go and create "your own Forum" for "your People"?

This Thread was always a Melting Pool of News, Reports
and Studies about this Accident + Radiation
and it was open for everyone,
this will continue and when you cant face it
you should avoid a Forum like ATS at all!

This is not your Living Room!

When you something don't accept show other reliable Sources,
this is the Way how a Forum should work!

And yes, i am still very scared and you have no idea how
this Feeling of Perma-Doom sucks!
edit on 25-9-2013 by Human0815 because: Spell

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:00 AM

reply to post by Uphill

Hey, uphill.
This caused quite a bit of confusion. I'm still not sure if he meant empty of fuel or empty of water, and when exactly?
I still can't post or upload screen caps
[Mods, what's going on?]
but I'll type out a few lines from the FOIA , NRC transcipts on #4.

March 20th 011:
"Dave Skeen: The concern with 4 was always it should have about 10 times the decay heat in there of 3 because they had to have a full core off-load in there.
JM: Right.
DS: Yet when we see pictures we never see any steam coming out of 4 which would lead you to believe there is no steam. There must not be any water to steam out of there.
John Monninger: Right.
Dave Skeen: And so it seems it must be dry.

Some fuel exploded upward. In the old thread I posted pics of red hot fuel rods on the ground beside and east of #4 turbine. [Sorry, I can't repost them right now] That also tells me some fuel rods went into the harbour
Some fuel is still in the fuel pool burning and fused.
They say some fuel is still intact removable. We'll see! I wouldn't begin to guess at percentages?

Spent fuel pool[edit source] On 16 March, the chairman of United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Gregory Jaczko, said in Congressional testimony that the NRC believed all of the water in the spent fuel pool had boiled dry.[38][39]

Japanese nuclear authorities and TEPCO contradicted this report, but later in the day Jaczko stood by his claim, saying it had been confirmed by sources in Japan.[40] At 13:00 TEPCO claimed that helicopter observation indicated that the pool had not boiled off.[41]

The French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) agreed, stating that helicopter crews diverted planned water dumps to Unit 3 on the basis of their visual inspection of Unit 4.[42]


posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Alekto

Don't be messing with our Aircooled on this thread!!! He's done a spectacular job contributing major information about this ongoing nightmare.

- Purple Chive

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Alekto

For those of us, like myself, who live in countries with poor/slow and limited access to the internet we depend on people like AC and all the others who contribute information to threads like this, I don't know where I would have gotten such a level headed mountain of information if it wasn't for people like him and other contributors in the Japan threads, some of whom I have thanked in the past and would like to do so again!

If you don't like what you are reading supply your own info to discount what he says, but at least make sure that what you are conveying is believable! He is only showing us what others would like to keep hidden!

Go AC!!!!

edit on 25/9/13 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:27 AM

Radioactive cesium levels drop in Fukushima fish, but strontium remains a mystery

According to the Fisheries Agency, only three, or 0.6 percent, of 472 marine samples tested between Sept. 1 and 19 in Fukushima Prefecture showed radioactive cesium levels exceeding the government safety standard for food of 100 becquerels per kilogram.

That compares with 2.7 percent of the samples tested in July and August, and 53 percent during the early stages of the nuclear crisis in the March-June period of 2011. Of the latest samples, 13.3 percent had levels between 10 and 100 becquerels per kilogram, while 86 percent had concentrations of 10 becquerels or less per kilogram or were undetectable, according to the agency.

In other prefectures, the ratio of samples breaching the safety threshold of 100 becquerels dropped from 6.5 percent in March-June 2011 to 0.4 percent in July-August 2013.

In the September tests, none of the 407 samples outside Fukushima Prefecture contained radioactive cesium exceeding 50 becquerels per kilogram. In fact, 94.3 percent of the samples fell to 10 becquerels or less or the contamination was undetectable, the agency said.
However, the government’s standard for food is based only on measurements of radioactive cesium.

And the tests are not designed to read levels of other radioactive materials, including strontium, which is believed to accumulate in bones and can cause cancer and leukemia.

Strontium is difficult to detect, and an accurate analysis can take about a week.

The Fisheries Research Agency, commissioned by the Fisheries Agency, has conducted only 40 tests for strontium in marine product samples.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said it estimates levels of strontium at about 12 percent of radioactive cesium levels.


posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:07 AM
14.0 microsieverts at the bottom of a slope near Fukushima City. [55 miles NE of fuk]. 150 - 200 X background.
I'm picturing a Japan, in the near future where the whole country walks around on stilts, three feet off the ground. lol
This is the kind of brave, boots on the ground testing that is the best weapon against tepco, the Japanese government, and the rest of the nuke mafia.

"Tokyo Professor: I want to stress that Japan is on verge of collapse after Fukushima — Osaka Professor: If you don’t recognize health risks and take action right now, you have no future" nd-take-action-right-now-you-have-no-future-video

"Official: “Police state methods” used by gov’t to promote nuclear power"

Hey Japan, here in Canada too. The OPP [Ontario Provincial Police] were trying to use intimidation against folks protesting the proposed deep underground dump at Lake Huron.
It sort of backfired on them and now everyone is asking "what's wrong with these Gestapo goons?
Just stare them down Japan.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:33 AM

reply to post by crankyoldman

Are you totally Stupid?

Why do you not go and create "your own Forum" for "your People"?

This Thread was always a Melting Pool of News, Reports
and Studies about this Accident + Radiation
and it was open for everyone,
this will continue and when you cant face it
you should avoid a Forum like ATS at all!

This is not your Living Room!

When you something don't accept show other reliable Sources,
this is the Way how a Forum should work!

And yes, !
edit on 25-9-2013 by Human0815 because: Spell

I actually don't understand any of what you said, not one bit. What is interesting though is you have defended the right to claim the situation is not as bad as we all think, then, without provocation, you say, "i am still very scared and you have no idea how
this Feeling of Perma-Doom sucks" You want us to get off the Perma-Doom bandwagon but you state there is indeed a perma-doom bandwagon.

I apologized and you tossed this rant out, it makes it very, very hard to so compassion for your personal plight. Maybe it is culture, maybe you are just a jerk.

As for starting my own forum - you'd show up there to insult me as well. So I'll simply leave this entire thread alone for good which is what you wanted. Maybe you could list the names of those you want to stay...

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Aircooled

Aircooled, PurpleChive, and everyone: According to yesterday's Tokyo press conference featuring former NEC Chairman Gregory Jaczko, Unit #4 spent fuel pool still needs to be safely unloaded ... so the possible issue of an empty #4 spent fuel pool starts to look more unlikely. Thank you for your responses on that issue. Note, however, that during that press conference, it becomes clear during Jaczko's remarks that he is a true believer in the prevailing physics model of the biological effects of ionizing radiation. At any rate, it was nice to hear the truth as they know it in that press conference.

Here is the full transcript of Dr. Helen Caldicott's July 2013 Tokyo presentation on the medical implications of Fukushima. It's an excellent analysis, well documented, but her comments on neutron radiation around Unit #1 left me stunned. Here's the link, first of all:

"...Reactor #1 at Fukushima is still periodically emitting neutron radiation as sections of the molten core become intermittently critical. Neutrons are large radioactive particles that travel many kilometers, and they pass through everything including concrete, steel, etc. There is no way to hide from them and they are extremely mutagenic."

If her analysis of the threat to human health by neutrons is correct, I will especially look forward to hearing what Arnie Gundersen has to report in future on the F.D. situation of neutron emissions from "intermittent criticalities." For example, don't we need to know how many "kilometers" are affected by such a neutron bombardment? And apparently, working at or even visiting the destroyed reactors may still be a suicide mission.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:23 AM
I think we should return to the good Exchange of Information of 2011/12,
we should use Sources to say "No, the Situation is different"
but refrain from calling other People out!

There is no chance for anyone to win a Discussion on such a low
intellectual Level like we saw here in the last Week!

I will improve my English and you should remember that not everyone
here is native in English, Calm Down and ask in the case you may
misunderstand something and even when you can't accept it tolerate it!

"May Peace prevail on Earth"!

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:03 AM

Please note with interest that aircooled (silly old duffer that he is) never acknowledges information contrary to the 'we're all doomed' scenario he is secretly itching for, but continues to cut and paste, well... anything really.

Potshots from the rubber-band and spit-wad brigade. Tepco must have stepped up their cheques, another blow-hard joins the frey.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 11:32 AM
Sharing what was just issued by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services today. Hopefully it isn't relevant.

HHS boosts stockpile of products to treat acute radiation syndrome

Contracts allow repurposing of a commercial cancer therapy for use in emergencies

Orders placed today under Project BioShield contracts will increase the national stockpile of leukocyte growth factors, a treatment for acute radiation syndrome. The products ordered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response could save lives of survivors exposed to high doses of radiation following a radiological or nuclear emergency.

Managed by ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Project BioShield is the chief mechanism through which the U.S. government supports the advanced development and procurement of new medical countermeasures – drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and medical supplies – to protect health against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.

This is the first time under Project BioShield that commercially available products are being purchased to establish a sustainable emergency response capability.

“Today’s agreements are a prime example how Project BioShield can be leveraged to bring our nation the medical countermeasures we need to face threats from chemical, biological or radiological emergencies,” explained BARDA Director Robin Robinson, Ph.D.

Leukocyte growth factors, sometimes referred to as cytokines or colony-stimulating factors, stimulate bone marrow to produce infection-fighting white blood cells known as neutrophils. Leukocyte growth factors are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and used for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to speed white blood cell recovery and reduce the risk of infection.

Acute radiation syndrome is a serious illness that occurs in people exposed to high doses of radiation. The condition involves injuries to the body’s organs, including the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs, and can cause neutropenia, an abnormally low level of neutrophils.

No drugs or products are approved by FDA to treat the effects of Acute Radiation Syndrome, but leukocyte growth factors potentially could be used after a radiological or nuclear attack with emergency use authorization from FDA.

HHS awarded a $36.5 million contract to sanofi-aventis of Bridgewater, N.J., for late stage development and procurement of a leukocyte growth factor called Leukine, and a 157.5 million contract to Amgen USA Inc. of Thousand Oaks, Calif., to purchase the leukocyte growth factor called Neupogen.

The leukocyte growth factors acquired under this contract will remain in the possession of the manufacturers in vendor-managed inventory until they are needed. The companies will rotate this inventory to meet commercial demand so that the inventory does not expire.

Under the Project BioShield Act of 2004, BARDA has supported the development and procurement of 12 medical countermeasures, including those needed to treat some of the health impacts of ionizing radiation, as well as drugs or products to treat illness from anthrax, smallpox, and botulism.

This work is part of BARDA’s comprehensive, integrated portfolio approach to the advanced research and development, innovation, acquisition, and manufacturing of vaccines, drugs, therapeutics, diagnostic tools, and non-pharmaceutical products for public health emergency threats. In addition to radiological and nuclear agents, these threats include chemical and biological terrorism threats, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases.

HHS is the principal federal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. ASPR leads HHS in preparing the nation to respond to and recover from adverse health effects of emergencies, supporting communities’ ability to withstand adversity, strengthening health and response systems, and enhancing national health security.

To learn more about ASPR and preparedness, response and recovery from the health impacts of disasters, visit the HHS public health and medical emergency website, For information about medical countermeasures, go to

(post by Alekto removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:26 PM

reply to post by Aircooled

Here is the full transcript of Dr. Helen Caldicott's July 2013 Tokyo presentation on the medical implications of Fukushima. It's an excellent analysis, well documented, but her comments on neutron radiation around Unit #1 left me stunned. .

Why? I believe the only one of the Fukushima 50 who has died so far is Masao Yoshida, the plant foreman. However, its believed he had esophageal cancer prior to exposure, since it usually takes 5-10 years to develop regardless of cause.

“There’s no opportunity for conducting epidemiological studies that have any chance of success,’’ said one of the panelists, John Boice Jr., a cancer epidemiologist and professor of medicine at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. (Dr. Boice is in line to become president of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, a nonprofit organization chartered by Congress.)

“The doses are just too low,’’ he said. “If you were to do a proposal, it would not pass a scientific review.’’

Another panelist, Kathryn A. Higley, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Oregon State University in Newport, Ore., who holds a doctorate in radiological health sciences, concurred. “From a radiological perspective we expect the impact to be really pretty minor,’’ she said.

Not that the additional radiation exposure won’t induce a few extra cases of cancer, the experts said, but these will be indistinguishable from the background rate of cancer, which will eventually strike about 41 out of every 100 people.

The overall theme of the discussion was that radiation is widely feared but poorly understood, and is a smaller problem than the vast destruction and loss of life caused by the earthquake and tsunami.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Uphill

Aircooled, I meant to say "empty of fuel" with the timing being now (2013), not 2011. I'm sorry I left that unclear. But all the wire services as well as independent writers like Bob Alvarez currently assume that the fuel rods are still in source for the empty fuel story on FB said that they got that quote from a press conference attended by Arnie Gundersen...but it still isn't clear to me what press conference when. Anyway we'll all know more in November if TEPCO is able to pull out at least some fuel rods. There were 202 unused fuel rods in Unit 4 spent fuel pool, but as Dr. Helen Caldicott pointed out on FB, trauma from earthquake/tsunami may have bent all regardless of spent/unspent fuel status.

The only concerns I have about quotes being posted on this thread from government-appointed radiation professionals are:

1) The potential financial conflict of interest of those government officials and of those radiation professionals. (In the US, various financial payoffs to government officials from sources in the global nuclear power industry have been rampant for decades, per independently funded media and government watch groups.) Government-hired radiation professionals seldom write for independent journals such as The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, because The Bulletin requires financial disclosure of funding from the nuclear power industry for those whose writings are included in The Bulletin.

2) The standard physics-oriented radiation model preferred by the global nuclear power industry and their host governments, IAEA, and UNSCEAR minimizes government and corporate liability, minimizes the biological effects of ionizing radiation, and increases the statistical risk of early death and ionizing radiation-related disease to our species -- women like me are at greater risk than men, the immune-compromised are at greater risk than the healthy, girls are at greater risk than boys, infants are at greater risk than children, and the unborn are at the greatest risk of all. In addition, the further deficiencies of this same standard physics-oriented radiation model were demonstrated when American physician Hermann Muller, a 1946 Nobel Prize laureate, proved that ionizing radiation causes mutations which are almost always detrimental to species ranging from "true insects" like the drosophilia Dr. Muller used up to and including Homo Sapiens.
edit on 9/26/2013 by Uphill because: Correction.

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