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Is a UTI absolutely necessary to treat Right Away?

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:52 PM
I realize it can lead to kidney infection. But how long does that take? First time UTI? I can keep drinking beer right? Atleast until tomorrow?

Feel like I'm bout to wet my pants. But I just went...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Mugen

Mugen brother, the discomfort and down-right pain will drive you to the doctor eventually. Don't let it get that far. You need to get it treated.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Mugen

Whenever I get the inklings of a uti I just drink a lot of water to flush it out, you could probably chuck some beer in there for good measure too. but I'm talking like 1-2 litres of water drunk in a short amount of time. good for a hangover too.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Mugen

Lots of water and cranberry juice. Most UTIs, even untreated, do not turn into a kidney infections but if you start running a fever, go get checked out.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

PS. NO BEER. Alcohols are very dehydrating.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Mugen

IF you enjoy sleep.... Get it treated immediately...

Nothing worse then having to wake up every ten minutes to take a leak... and nothing happens


posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:30 PM

I can keep drinking beer right? Atleast until tomorrow?
reply to post by Mugen

lol, that line made me laugh. Go see a doctor, all they'll do is prescribe antibiotics. Better to catch it now before you get a kidney infection. I get kidney stones, and I know the pain isn't fun.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

cranberry capsules at the first sign, it keeps the bad bacteria from sticking to the walls and they get flushed away with lots of water that you drink.....however,sometimes antibiotics are necessary, but cranberries can nip it in the bud in many cases if you take when symptoms first start.
edit on 5-9-2013 by research100 because: extra sentence

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Are you peeing razor blades yet? - cuz thats what it feels like.
Are you in the USA? They sell a pill over the counter called Uri-stat - it will help with the pain till you see a doctor. Its over by the feminine products in most drug stores because this tends to get the ladies more frequently then the gents. I would not put off seeing a doctor it could be something else. Who wants to guess around about such a vital function???

If you really must be stubborn about it pick up the uri-stat - drink a lot of water/cranberry - I also found taking an antacid helped calm them down for me . . .

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:07 PM
All natural remedies aside -

You will need to seek immediate medical attention when you begin to notice swelling in your hands and feet.

This indicates that the infection has spread to multiple organs, namely your kidneys. At this point, you will HAVE to treat with antibiotics. Just something to watch for, in case your own immune system is not capable of fighting off the bacteria.

Get well soon!


posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:54 PM
Thanks for all the help. Feeling better already.

Very good to konw

All natural remedies aside -

You will need to seek immediate medical attention when you begin to notice swelling in your hands and feet.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Mugen

Please do not listen to CirqueDeTruth as you could actually get a blood stream infection long before you have any symptoms of your kidney's being affected, and infected kidneys can lead to other complication plus a bloodstream infection.

Go now. You don't know how bad it is and natural remedies may or may not work. If you got the infection from a partner, you definitely need to get antibiotics and I am not a lover of traditional medicine although I was a nurse, infection control/interventionist to be exact.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:16 PM
I had a family member who ended up in the hospital from just a UTI, almost went septic.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 11:49 AM
I've had many UTIs or almost UTIs.

Except for maybe one many, many years ago....I self treat with cranberry extract capsules and plenty of water.
And, don't just take them until your symptoms are gone.
Take them and the extra water for a couple of days to get your system back to normal...and NO BEER or alcohol while your treating it.

Used to do it with cranberry juice, but way too much sugar.
If symptoms don't clear up....see your doctor.

And, to back up the cranberry claim
edit on Fri Sep 6 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

If someone has decided to self treat, the best I can do is offer up the dangers signs to watch for, indicating that home remedies are not going to cut it. I teach my entire family to self-treat and guard against infection. We don't link going to the doctors. Like that's just what I want to do, spend all my time in a place the sick go and offer myself up like a banquent. But damn, I bet it is good for business, all those vectors and transmission routes right in the waiting room.

Should he go to the doctors now, before attempting to allow his own body to fight the infection? I don't know the true extent of the symptoms. I'd ask do you have a fever, pain level, nausea? Now I can offer him the trusted, "Better get yourself to a wellness check-up, pronto." Or I can respond as I did in the above post.

UTI's are as ancient as we are. Our oldest records of cases come from ancient Egyptian papyrus. To state that no one can naturally treat and cure a uti is a blatant lie. We have an immune system and an inflammotory reaction to fight infection, and thousands of years of trial and error with herbs to aid us. Now if you've been convinced that modern medicine is the only answer, only cure all to infection - then god help us if our world ever gets set back to befor electric.

I'm an advocate for home health and remedies. That is where wellness should start, at home. Right down to nutrition. I think all mothers should take at the least cna courses, just for the benefits of learning CPR, heimellich, nutrition, and infection control. It would help empty the emergency room of rudimentary illness and leave open space for, oh I don't know, emergencies. When you get sick, if home care is not enough - THEN - you take yourself to the doctor. I'm not against medical care, I'm against it's abuse on a stressed society economically. I know when money talks morality walks, but I'm a relic. I hang on tenaciously.


P.S. Also fresh blueberries from the garden are known to aid in alleviating UTI's Mugen.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:48 PM

cranberry capsules at the first sign, it keeps the bad bacteria from sticking to the walls and they get flushed away with lots of water that you drink.....however,sometimes antibiotics are necessary, but cranberries can nip it in the bud in many cases if you take when symptoms first start.
reply to post by research100

I'm willing to try anything. Where do I find cranberry capsules, and does any drug store carry them? Thanks for the suggestion.

edit on 6-9-2013 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Mugen

Feels like HOT LAVA when urinating? First, make sure next time you wear a raincoat before taking a walk in the rain...

Next, go get some cranberry juice 100% and drink away~ You can still drink beer but the juice will help flush it out of your system...

If it doesn't go away in a day or 2 go to the doc and get it checked out , or prescribed a pill~

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

My complaint with you is that by the time the OP got to the point you suggested he could already have kidney damage.

You wanted the OP to wait

You will need to seek immediate medical attention when you begin to notice swelling in your hands and feet.

This means the infection has spread to the kidneys with possible damage that may not be healed naturally depending on the age. It was a reckless statement. You nor I know what other condition's the OP may have.

I am an advocate for natural methods in every way, mostly as a deterrent. Your recommendation showed a lack of understanding of how the body works and the consequences.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:52 AM

They are serious, you need to seek treatment now and for heavens sake stop drinking while you have one!

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by liveandlearn

Ah, so I mention the nasty end of what 'could' happen if his body can't fight off the infection naturally, and what?

You assume that he must be experiencing those things because I mentioned them?

I simply mentioned the symptoms indicating more serious evolvement so that he is aware of what to watch for and be aware as to when you MUST seek medical attention from the establishment. I don't know how sick he is, as this is a forum board, not a triage room. If he said he was puking I'd tell him to get to the doc's to, as you can't treat a UTI orally when nothing stays down. At that point, iv antibiotics are needed anyways. But most puking their guts out will drag their unhappy buts to the emergency room. The swelling however, easy to ovrlook and ignore. Actually deadly to ignore. In case he was already experiencing swelling in the extremities, I felt it necessary to mention, hey if you hve this accompaning your UTI - it's to late to treat at home. But I'm sure telling a person just to get yourself to the doctor, is more acceptable. I'm sure they will simply drop everything and do exactly as you wish of them, just on that note, go to the doc's.

Carry on.


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