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Intelligence Exists First, All else is Commentary

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posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

there's only one concept that can come from field clusters that give us the ability to view rocks as conscious. and that is Spirit permeating and molding all of existence.

from a scientific viewpoint, such an explanation will not be acceptable. due to science's belief that all things can be explained with pure logic. and that even consciousness and nature can be broken down into individual parts and studied. but this is not the case. consciousness is a closed loop who's only form of interaction is with other individualized consciousness.

by science, a rock is not even aware, regardless of it's reactions with water and light. those are predetermined reactions programmed by the spirit and the balancing act is seen in chemical equations for the various reactions. however we cannot teach a rock to do arithmetic. thus it will most definitely do poorly in an intelligence test.

accepting that all matter is created out the flesh of the Spirit, a conscious entity, it is this which is seen as 'Nature'. and thus yes the stone is aware on the Spiritual Level, but not on the material level. if science were to accept that certain fields were conscious it would immediately no longer be pure science. but a mixture of science and spirituality.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by AlienView

Nothing is the place where infinite potential dwells.

Nothing is potentially everything.

IMHO it is arrogance for people to assume they were created by something greater than themselves, while simultaneously blaming that same something for everything that ever happens.

Example of arrogance : As all fired great as we are, we must have been created by something greater, cuz we're frickin great hey!.

IMHO, I don't think we know a whole lot about much of anything at all. There is something out there we cannot even comprehend, a whole lot of potential, too much of which is nullified by old ways of thinking that no longer do anything to explain anything at all, let alone do anything to benefit too few.

Just look at the condition of the world, it's pretty obvious we are in need of a fresh approach, a new way of doing things that doesn't just turn into an argument about personal beliefs without any provable reasons for anything but faith developed through conditioning by others from a young age.

Now that we all know how to think....I had a conversation with a devoutly religious person once about the root of intelligence, which is a thought that language was developed over a long period of time to express, but that person insisted "The Word" came first.....Hmmmmffff.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by filledcup

I agree with the minor details you've stated, for the most part, and I'm not necessarily in disagreement with your premise - I just see it from a perspective that I think is a bit more comprehensible.

Take spirit for example. Do you know what you're saying when you say spirit or are you just reiterating what's in the book of Jubilees? How would you define Spirit in the context you used it in?

That's all my first post was meant to do - to better define and distinguish between ideas as to make the over all concept more clear. (I was just offering a more clear understanding.)

You seem unwavering in making a distinction between awareness and consciousness so maybe I should just try someone else... I can't fill a filledcup, can I?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:07 AM

reply to post by filledcup

I agree with the minor details you've stated, for the most part, and I'm not necessarily in disagreement with your premise - I just see it from a perspective that I think is a bit more comprehensible.

Take spirit for example. Do you know what you're saying when you say spirit or are you just reiterating what's in the book of Jubilees? How would you define Spirit in the context you used it in?

That's all my first post was meant to do - to better define and distinguish between ideas as to make the over all concept more clear. (I was just offering a more clear understanding.)

You seem unwavering in making a distinction between awareness and consciousness so maybe I should just try someone else... I can't fill a filledcup, can I?

i am well familiar with spirit. this is a topic of which i am most certainly a credulous teacher.

spirit as it is.. is an invisible yet living and conscious identity. in other words it is capable of individual thought and awareness of itself. this is what pure consciousness as i have used it is. a consciousness complete and living without requirement of a body of flesh. i have used 'pure consciousness' as an identity which contrasts 'material consciousness' also known as the ego.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by filledcup

The way I would define spirit is that it is the manifestation of a willed concept.

For example, if you dwell on bad things, it will have a negative impact on you both mentally and physically; and the impact is the result of a negative spirit - which is the result of having a negative will/disposition.

So, the mention of an evil/negative spirit would not imply reference to a being, but rather a reference to the will of a being which has manifested as an evil/negative force.

Used expressively, an evil spirit would then signify that a being has created or possesses/has a destructive/non-beneficial will.

Or a good spirit is the manifestation/force of a good willed concept - which does good.

To understand it better, think of it like will, when combined with faith, manifests as spirit/force/motion/function/action.

This is why it is so important to be good - because whatever this realm is (Word/Jesus), it functions byway of will. It sounds crazy, I know, but that is only because we have blinded ourselves by our lack of faith.

Oh and this plays into the topic because consciousness creates with will/spirit.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:08 PM
The "universe from nothing", the ONE "big bang" theory is a very old theory and pretty outdated.

Universes may get born like zillions of bubbles in a soda can, where every bubble is an universe, at some point starts to exist and at some point "dies". The bubble in the soda ALSO does not come from "nothing", neither needs magic to explain it! Our universe may be one of zillions which for ages, eternally, get born and die, along with zillions of other universes.

Other theories may postulate that "one" universe is born and dies continuously, there is no reason to believe that a big bang only happened ONCE - THIS big bang can also only be one of zillions in a row, a cyclic birth and death where there is no "beginning" or "end" *per se*, only for each individual universe born.

Another theory may imply that our universe's death is the birth of another one, like a mirror image where one universe is born from a dying one..similar as to when you press the end of a balloon the other end will become bigger etc...where the death is at the same time the birth of another universe.

None of the above theories will require "magic" or "a universe from nothing".

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 04:28 AM
Yes, another great post, every answer so far reflects great posters all of whom exhibit, shall I use the word,
OK I will, INTELLIGENCE - real debatable and comprehendible intelligence - anyone disagree? OR do some
of you think you are debating or arguing with a machine? - a computer which doesn't really think and
possesses no intelligence whatsoever - just rhetorical words going round in circles? Do you really
believe that? Do you really believe you are just talking nonsense and all you are saying is meaningless?
Then accept that you are agreeing with me and making an 'assumption' of intelligence - Otherwise
you must agree that you are spouting meaningless dribble with no meaning.

To understand what I meant when I said "Intelligence comes first, All else is commentary", then you
must accept what you have said [posted] reflects intelligence - Otherwise why are you saying or
posting anything at all???

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:09 AM
I think this subject of "Intelligence" will become less mysterious with advances in Artificial Intelligence. I came to the realization while in college, that intelligence is really reflexive, a conditioned reaction to past experience, a reflex. Of course a species such as ourselves would have a difficult time seeing that most reflex activity in most systems is mainly to attain a sort of balance.

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