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Childhood Upbringing and Ideas Around, Creation, Evolution, UFO's, God and Other Visitors........

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:06 PM
Now this is going to be a bit of a ramble, I tried to go to bed and sleep, but yet another night of insomnia…..
So where to begin? I don’t know really….But here goes….

My dad has always been a very upright religious man who basically believes the Bible, verbatim, precisely and faithfully, to the letter. That is it, in a nutshell. Nothing will sway his belief, what he reads he believes and anything else outside the box (bible), he has no interest in. No matter what argument/discussion you put to him he will always refer you back to bible for the answers even if he has no idea where the answers are within the pages of the book..

As a child growing up I got quite bored of this, I wanted to discuss many topics that obviously bombarded a young man’s growing mind, but my father was unable to do so. I suppose the other side to this is the fact that since the day I was born all I knew was the church and everybody associated with my parents had something to do with the church. Even the other children that I grew up with within the church had not been given the opportunity to work things out for themselves because they had also been brought up in much the same way as I had since the day they were also born…

I suppose the only way I can describe it really is a kind of indoctrination/brainwashing to believe in something that you have not had the opportunity to really work out whether it is something that you wish to follow of your own free will, or not. But I will say that by the time I reached the age of 13, I had come to my own conclusions and lost interest in the church/bible, and started to search for my own reasoning’s behind such ideas as to why and how men/women came to wander the earth. This was obviously followed by me leaving the family home as quickly as I possibly could when I got to a certain age to escape that particular lifestyle, but that’s another story…

Anyway, one of the main topics of interest to me which I tried to talk to my dad about was the person/being/creature/item/character he referred to as God. Obviously the only reasoning I got behind Gods existence from my dad was that he was the creator of everything that we are aware of around us.fullstop/period, that’s all he had to say. But I found this very hard to believe….

I have always in some ways believed that the name God was just a name that people wrote about in the bible because they had no other term for him. Apparently and according to the bible, God referred to himself as God. Now when God stated his name was God, did he mean the name to represent a deity/spirit/supernatural being and something to be idolized? Or was his name actually God, in a similar way as to some of us are called Frank, Benny or Trevor?

For some reason I have always had the belief/idea that the world and everything else evolved by chance, a chance happening that developed and developed over millions of years with certain molecules and this that and the other mixing up by chance and getting to where we are today, without getting too scientific or technical. This is just what I conjured up in my mind even as a small child in much the same way as evolution. The idea of a God always being there I thought to be totally improbable and was just an imaginary/fantasy option for people to write about in order to give the whole reason as to why man is on the earth some kind of reasoning. I see it as no different today where there are things that we are not too sure about so people make up reasons or stories as to what they believe the answers to be. Such things as the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, fairies, orbs, ghosts etc, which nobody has any real answers to, so they just try and make up some kind of sense in order to give a theory as to what they believe it could or couldn’t be…

Now my dad believes unequivocally that God did and still does exist, even though he has no proof whatsoever that God has ever been seen by anybody that ever stood upon this earth apart from the writings within the Bible...
Now when I asked my dad about such things as Unidentified Flying Craft or life on other worlds, or even alien beings being present here on earth today, he just laughs and totally dismisses the idea entirely without any hesitation, even though there have been many books written, filmed sightings and numerous documentaries and movies out there for all to see...

Now in my own mind, the theory that I came to when I was a child was this, you may not agree with it, but this is just my thoughts and opinion...

I believe that the earth had been going for a long, long time and man was upon the earth that had evolved from my chance theory that I explained earlier. Anyway, for some reason this planet of ours was visited by other beings from somewhere out there. These beings were obviously advanced in science and technology and came across to the people upon the earth as far superior beings. Now I don’t believe that these beings came to hurt us because that would have been far too easy, but I believe that they came to assist us in some way to advance in certain ways. I believe that these beings had sexual contact with members of the Earth’s community and the children that were born from these relationships advanced better than what others did who had no VISITOR parent…

Now I tried to put my theory forward to my Dad, but obviously he was having none of it. I also tried to toy him with the idea that these visitors were actually called God, or something attached to them with the word God, be it the name of the place that they came from, or the name of a race of people or maybe even the king/queen/leader/emperor of these beings was in fact called God…

Now eventually when these beings ascended back to where they came from (some of which I believe stayed upon the Earth, some of which were children) the only way that man could describe the stories to future generations within the Bible, was to refer to a being called God, because this is a word that they heard when they were upon the earth. Now over time of course you have the Chinese Whispers that occur and certain things get diluted and changed around and probably end up being totally different as to what really occurred all those thousands of years ago, people do like to crank things up a little to give it a bit of umph…

Obviously over time some evidence has been lost or interpreted in a totally different way to the way in which events really did occur. I am sure in time more will come to the fore that will enable us as a race of people to have more knowledge as we progress scientifically…

Now I don’t know whether this all makes sense to people out there, or if I have actually described my thoughts in a confusing way, after all we all have our own ideas of how we came to be and thoughts of other beings other than ourselves being present then and at this moment in time…

These were some of my thoughts as a child growing up and they have always been there in my mind and this is a kind of belief that I cling to. I believe one day we will find out, maybe not in our lifetime, but one day it will all become clear. When it does happen I think man will be totally gobsmacked of the spectacle that he will witness and it will be something that will just blow minds, something I can’t even put into writing and probably not even have the words to describe even if it was to happen today…

(Continued next page)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:07 PM
Well that’s my sort of rant, whatever you want to call it, I do it occasionally, but sometimes it feels good to write things down and share, after all, if you don’t ask questions then you never learn anything do you? I just wish my dad had the ability to look outside the box occasionally, I don’t want him now after all these years to dismiss all that he has believed over the years, but at least try just once to question what he believes to be the so called truth in the Bible and try and look at things from a different perspective….

Anyway, I am off to bed now, it’s 5 in the morning and hopefully I can get some much needed sleep. If anybody adds anything to this thread, then I will get back to you tomorrow….

Good night ATS…..

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:38 PM
Rest assured, your father KNOWS what he is talking about.

NEVER forget that.

Might not make ANY sense now BUT...

I can promise you that one day you WILL understand.

Dr. Richard Eby was a professor and obstetrician who fell off a second story balcony in Chicago and hit his head and died instantly and found himself in Paradise. When he came back to a bloodless corpse in the hospital morgue, the atheist Doctor refused to believe he was alive and told him to 'shut up and don't give me any of that #' because he knew that Eby had been taken into the hospital as a totally bloodless dead body.

Jesus, where am I?I gasped! Suddenly in a new body in a new place with new life, I was ecstatically joyful: no pain, no tears, no sorrow, no memory.

Instantly, before I could complete my query, that same Voice in a tone of gentle thunder echoed within my head: "Didn’t you read my book?"

  He was speaking to me (in fact, in me) with a speed greater than lightning, and in a language of sweet purity unlike anything that an earthly tongue could utter. I gasped again. I had HIS MIND, impossible as it seemed! Every word clearly meant exactly what was being said. We seemed to have a joint mind: I would ask, and He would answer. (The speed of this communication in such a MIND is hard to describe in human terms. Perchance I can now liken it to a printed page on which the questions being typed have the answers typed upon them, line upon line, at the same time, instantly.)

  Yeshua began His answer: "If you had read My Book you would have known all the answers."

"In fact, everything that My children need to know about how God thinks and works and judges and rewards, either before or after the Cross, is already in My Book. That is why I commanded mankind to ‘engrave My Words upon their hearts,’ and to pass them along from generation to generation. I wanted everyone to hear and know just Who I AM, the Messiah, their one hope of Salvation, their Most High God."

Dr. Richard Eby dies, visits heaven, and returns with a startling message

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by davethebear

No matter what argument/discussion you put to him he will always refer you back to bible for the answers even if he has no idea where the answers are within the pages of the book..

What should be apparent to you on some level is that he doesn't actually know the answers to the questions you pose, he just made a decision long ago to stop asking them. You can't really blame him, none of us really know. A lot of people assert this and that but they don't know either. To them its uncomfortable not knowing. They would rather have no doubts which is a kind of misguided faith if you look at it.

In reality it is perfectly okay to admit we don't have all the answers, this is closer to true humbleness that religion espouses anyway. Know it alls are filled with pride about their "knowing".

If your growing up family life was anything like mine you were forced to go to church a lot and be brainwashed form an early age before you even knew what "religion" meant. What a disservice my father did to us by that.

I am still recovering from the guilt of all that hell fire if I don't believe thing. The truly sad thing is while I rebelled against "Churchianity", my brother embellished it. Now he has a son who is not only going to church several times a week, but goes to "Christian school" all week too.

Poor kid. He is really going to have doubts later in life from all the indoctrination. I stay out of it because I know that a real loving God will reach him through all that one day if that is what is supposed to happen.

The way you ask the questions you do shows that you are still sane and searching for the truth. Don't look to your father for religious truth anymore, he doesn't know. Can't really blame him thats how he was taught.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Wow, thanks for your response Murgatroid, loads of reading and vids to watch there mate, but all look very interesting indeed...........nice one

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by davethebear

No matter what argument/discussion you put to him he will always refer you back to bible for the answers even if he has no idea where the answers are within the pages of the book..

What should be apparent to you on some level is that he doesn't actually know the answers to the questions you pose, he just made a decision long ago to stop asking them. You can't really blame him, none of us really know. A lot of people assert this and that but they don't know either. To them its uncomfortable not knowing. They would rather have no doubts which is a kind of misguided faith if you look at it.

In reality it is perfectly okay to admit we don't have all the answers, this is closer to true humbleness that religion espouses anyway. Know it alls are filled with pride about their "knowing".

If your growing up family life was anything like mine you were forced to go to church a lot and be brainwashed form an early age before you even knew what "religion" meant. What a disservice my father did to us by that.

I am still recovering from the guilt of all that hell fire if I don't believe thing. The truly sad thing is while I rebelled against "Churchianity", my brother embellished it. Now he has a son who is not only going to church several times a week, but goes to "Christian school" all week too.

Poor kid. He is really going to have doubts later in life from all the indoctrination. I stay out of it because I know that a real loving God will reach him through all that one day if that is what is supposed to happen.

The way you ask the questions you do shows that you are still sane and searching for the truth. Don't look to your father for religious truth anymore, he doesn't know. Can't really blame him thats how he was taught.

It seems as though we have been through a similar childhood, like so many others who have not been given the chance to see things for themselves before being indoctrinated and brainwashed by the religion masses…

Our father’s probably meant no harm or indeed a disservice to us, that’s just what they believed, but it does take a long time to realize that the warmth of hells fire is not going to engulf us, especially after being told that it would do so on so many occasions over the years…

I feel sorry for your brother, wow, one day he will have some kind of realization or moment of left field thinking that will make him ponder about what he is actually doing. But saying that though there are so many who have been brought up with it and never question it and continue until the day that they die. How different their lives could have been if they had been given the chance to develop their own thoughts and be able to make their own choices. I don’t think that people realize how difficult it is for people to escape the clutches of the indoctrination and brainwashing…

As for being sane, I am not sure as if I am the full ticket….haha……but always searching and asking questions, and of course I don’t blame my father, like you say it is just the way he was taught and knows no better. He thought he was doing something that was good for his child, but unfortunately lead to a large gap between us due to my escapism…

All the best to you, thank you…………

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by davethebear

Thanks for your insightful reply. Indeed we share a common history.

I feel sorry for your brother, wow, one day he will have some kind of realization or moment of left field thinking that will make him ponder about what he is actually doing.

Yep. We have a gap between us born of that religious edict: others who don't worship like you are damned, have nothing to do with them. He smiles at me and is cordial but inside...

I do blame my dad for this still. I guess I should forgive him but I can't. He still feels the same way he always has. With him it was a regimen (like college, the Air force and a life long career at a major defense corporation). He loves John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and the Bushes (so much he has pictures of them on his study wall right next to a (white) Jesus.

I am completely estranged. I have always been the black sheep so I don't weep about it in my heart very much. After I got clean from my escapism, I realized I didn't have to "measure up" anymore and this has given me some measure of peace in my heart.

One thing I learned is you can't change nobody.

You'll be fine. Take care now.

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