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Russia: The use of force without the approval of the UN is a very grave violation of int'l law

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posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:02 PM
I doubt they will be making a statement, it will be the same bureaucratic hogwash as always.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:05 PM
If Assad really did this the US would be showing maps and color photos with circles and arrows on them proving the whole thing. They are trying to use the old school method of letting the gut feelings people get to allow for action.

The world has been allowing shady info as proof since 2001 so why change now.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:08 PM
link to watch the live feed, and it just got delayed for 30 minutes.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:08 PM
For anyone watching the live feed for Kerry's statement; Does this room remind you of high school before the teacher walks in?

I hear lots of childish noises, laughing and commotion. I knew politics can be a joke, but come on

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

Yeah, at one point someone was like " yeah and I went to spain" oh really that's nice. And when that girl said he'l be 30 minutes late lol.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:12 PM
Stand by for a shock and awe moment, I meant Shekhina moment anyhow, I really feel it is going down, like it or not, we are going to bear witness to what is long overdue, another world war and there is no turning back once someone makes the wrong or the pre-emptive move, it will happen so fast no one will believe it! Gog Magog

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by AndyMayhew

Originally posted by kozmo
As a US Citizen, I DEMAND that we stay out of it. None of our business.

No it's not.

And if you are walking down the street and see an old lady being mugged, it's none of you business either.

Personally, I think it's the business of everyone on the planet and we should be ashamed that we have sat back an watched mass murder of innocents simply because there was no financial benefit in us intervening.

And it's not just Syria.

The fact that we cocked it up in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya is not a reason not to keep trying. Though I accept that there is little confidence in those idiots we have elected to be in charge (whose fault is that though - if you vote, you are to blame. IMO)


We are the CAUSE of the problem, not the solution! It is our support and arming of TERRORISTS that is causing this. There is no doubt that it is OUR CIA securing chemical weapons for the terrorists to use as international provocation to draw in the US military. The United States must STOP MEDDLING - period!

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Humans are capable of great crimes and incompetence without the assistance of the USA

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:53 PM
The speech will probably go like this.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:54 PM
LMAO! Kerry came barging in Like he just snorted this huge pack of coc aine lmao!

Very aggressive tone so far.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:57 PM
Are they using social media as proof? Did he just say that?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by thesaneone

Yeah he did, Man don't you just love when these hypocrites use to moral highground.
LMAO So Kerry just said, that the UN watchdogs just need to see there was use of GAS

They have already decided it was ASSAD who committed the crime.
edit on 26-8-2013 by Senduko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
For anyone watching the live feed for Kerry's statement; Does this room remind you of high school before the teacher walks in?

I hear lots of childish noises, laughing and commotion. I knew politics can be a joke, but come on

Watching this now:

'anyone who thinks this is fabricated needs to check their moral compass'.


Kerry the flip flopper.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Asked if Russia was going to join in the potential conflict on either side, Lavrov said “We have no plans to go to war, but we hope that others think of long-term interests.”
edit on 26-8-2013 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by neo96

Well that conference gave us nothing new.

I dont even think Kerry even bothered to tie up his boat for that one.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:02 PM
SO I waited an hour en half to listen to this? Not even Q&A ?

And they call themselves reporters. The whole room should be lit on fire

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Senduko

And not one reporter looked interested it seems odd too me.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:06 PM
Also the posture Kerry took was very aggressive. I haven't seen him live that many times but so far he always seemed bored and uncaring.

Key notes

-They already decided to go full ahead
-They don't care what the population thinks
-Kerry wants to go back to his yacht.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:07 PM
By the sound of Things after the US Department of State statement by Kerry.

The US is going to attack Syria. There is no doubt about it.

The US probably aint even going to bother to fabricate some evidence this time either. They are just going to gather the herd and take Assad out.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 02:15 PM
Eleven months ago a YouTube user by the name of “StormCloudsGathering” released a video that can be found here entitled "The Road to World War 3", and was brought to the attention of ATS in this thread almost 1 year ago.

The thread didn't get a whole lot of attention from the community, but maybe now, if nothing else, as these warnings come out of Russia, we can understand the gravity of the situation that we are headed for.

If we send missiles to Syria I fear that it is game over.

For those without access to the video, here is the text of it:

Why did the United States attack Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen?
Why are us operatives helping to destabilize Syria And why are the United States governments so intent on taking down Iran in spite of the fact that Iran has not attacked any country since 1798 And what’s next?
What are we headed for?
When you look at the current trajectory we’re on it doesn't make any sense at all.
If you evaluate it on what we are taught in school, and it doesn't make any sense if you base your world view on the propaganda that the main stream media tries to pass off as news. But it makes perfect sense once you know the real motives of the powers that be.

In order to understand those motives, we first have to take a look at history.

In 1945 the Bretton Woods agreement established the dollar as the world reserve currency which meant that the international commodities were priced in dollars. The agreement which gave the United States a distinct financial advantage was made under the condition that those dollars would remain redeemable for gold at a consistent rate of $35 per ounce. The United States promised not to print very much money, but this was on the honor system because the Federal Reserve refused to allow any audits or supervision of its printing presses.

In the years leading up to 1970 expenditures in the Vietnam Warm made it clear to many countries that the us was printing far more money than it had in gold, and in response, they began to ask for their gold back. This of course set off a rapid decline in the value of the dollar. This situation climaxed in 1971 when France attempted to withdraw its gold and Nixon refused.
On August 15th he made the following announcement:
“I have directed the secretary of the treasury to take the action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators. I have directed Secretary Connolly to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar to gold or other reserve assets except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interest of the United States”

This was obviously not a temporary suspension as he claimed but rather a permanent default. And for the rest of the world who would entrust the united states with their gold, it was outright theft.

In 1973 president Nixon asked king Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest the excess profits in US treasury bonds, notes and bills. In return Nixon offered military protection of Saudi oil fields. The same offer was extended to each of the world’s key oil producing countries and by 1975 every member of OPEC had agreed to only sell their oil in US dollars.

The act of moving the dollar off of gold, tying it to foreign oil, instantly forced every oil importing country in the world to start maintaining a constant supply of Federal Reserve paper And in order to get that paper they would have to send real physical goods to America. This was the birth of the Petro Dollar. Paper went out, everything America needed came in, and the United States got very, very rich as a result.

It was the largest financial con in recorded history.

The arms race of the cold war was a game of poker. Military expenditures were the chips, and the US had an endless supply of chips. With the Petro Dollar under its belt it was able to raise the stakes higher and higher, outspending every other country on the planet, until eventually US military expenditures surpassed that of all other nations in the world combined. The Soviet Union never had a chance The collapse of the communist bloc in 1991 removed the last counter balance to American military might. The United States was now an undisputed super power with no rival. Many hoped that this mark the beginning of a new era of peace and stability.

Unfortunately there were those in high places who had other ideas. Within that same year the US invaded Iraq in the first Gulf War, and after crushing the Iraqi military and destroying their infrastructure, including water purification plants and hospitals ,crippling sanctions were imposed preventing that infrastructure from being rebuilt. These sanctions, which were initiated by Bush Sr. and sustained throughout the entire Clinton administration, lasted for over a decade, and were estimated to have killed over 500,000 children.
The Clinton administration was fully aware of these figures:

(CBS's 60 Minutes interview May 12, 1996)

Lesley Stahl: “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean that’s more children than died in Hiroshima, and, you know, is the price worth it?”

Madeleine Albright Secretary of state or Clinton: “I think this is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it”

Ms. Albright, what exactly was it that was worth killing 500,000 kids for?

In November of 2000, Iraq began selling its oil exclusively in Euros. This is a direct attack on the dollar and on US financial dominance, and it wasn't going to be tolerated. In response the US government with the assistance of the mainstream media began to build up a massive propaganda campaign claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and was planning to use them.

In 2003 the US invaded, and once they had control of the country oil sales were immediately switched back to dollars. This is particularly notable due to the fact that switching back to the dollar meant a 15 to 20 percent loss of revenue due to the Euro’s higher value.

It doesn’t make any sense at all unless you take the Petro Dollar into account.

(General Wesley Clark March2, 2007)
"So, I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said are we still going to war with Iraq and he said it’s worse than that. He said, he reached over on his desk he picked up a piece of paper he said I just , he said I just got this down from upstairs, meaning the Secretary of defense’s office, today and he said this is a memo that describes how we’re gonna take out 7 countries in 5 years. Starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off ..Iran."

Let’s take a look at the events of the past decade and see if you see a pattern.

In Libya, Qaddafi was in the process of organizing a block of African counties to create a gold based currency called the dinar, which they intended to use to replace the dollar in that region. US and NATO forces helped destabilize and topple the Libyan government in 2011, and after taking control of the region, US armed rebels executed Qaddafi in cold blood and immediately set up the Libyan central bank.

Iran has been actively campaigning to pull oil sales off of the dollar for some time now, and it has recently secured agreement to begin trading its oil in exchange for gold. In response, the US government with main stream media assistance has been attempting to build international support for military strikes on the pretext of preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon. In the meantime they established sanctions which US officials openly admit are aimed at causing a collapse of the Iranian economy.

Syria is Iran’s closest ally, and they are bound by mutual defense agreements. The country is currently in the process of being destabilized with covert assistance from NATO, and though Russia and China have warned the United States not to get involved the white house has made statements within the past month indicating that they are considering military intervention.

It should be clear that military intervention in Syria and Iran isn't being considered, it’s a foregone conclusion, just as it was in Iraq and Libya.

The US is actively working to create the context which gives them the diplomatic cover to do what they already have planned. The motive for these invasions and covert actions becomes clear when we look at them in their full context and connect the dots. Those that control the United States understand that even if a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency it will set off a chain reaction and the dollar will collapse. They understand that there is absolutely nothing else holding up the value of the dollar at this point, so does the rest of the world.

Rather than accepting the fact that the dollar is nearing the end of its lifespan, the powers that be have made a calculated gambit. They have decided to use the brute force of the US military to crush each and every resistance state in the Middle East and Africa, that in itself would be bad enough, but what you need to understand is this is not going to end with Iran.

China and Russia have stated publicly and, on no uncertain terms that they will not tolerate an attack on Iran or Syria. Iran is one of their key allies, one of the last independent oil producers in the region and they understand that if Iran falls then they will have no way to escape the dollar without going to war. And yet the United States is pushing forward, in spite of the warnings. What we are witnessing here is a trajectory that leads straight to the unthinkable. It’s a trajectory that was mapped out years ago in full awareness of the human consequences.

But who was it that put us on this course?

What kind of psychopath is willing to intentionally set off a global conflict that will lead to millions of deaths just to protect the value of a paper currency?

It obviously isn't the president. The decision to invade Libya, Syria and Iran was made long before Obama had risen to the national spotlight. Yet he’s carrying out his duty just like the puppets that preceded him.

So who is it that pulls the strings? Often the best answer to questions like this are found by asking another question: Cui bono …who benefits. Obviously those who have the power to print the dollar out of thin air have the most to lose if the dollar would fall, and since 1913 that power has been held by the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is a private entity owned by a conglomerate of the most powerful banks in the world. And the men that control those banks are the ones that pull the strings. To them this is just a game. Your life and the lives of those you love are just pawns on their chessboard. And like a spoiled 4 year old who tips the board onto the floor when they start to lose the powers that be are willing to start world war three to keep control of the global financial system.

Remember that when these wars extend and accelerate.

Remember that when your son or your neighbors son comes back home in a flag-draped coffin.

Remember that when they point the finger at the new boogie man.

Because the mad men who are running this show will take this as far as you allow them to.

So how much time do we have left? It’s a question I hear constantly. But it’s the wrong question. Asking how much time we have left is a passive posture, it’s the attitude of a prisoner that’s waiting to be taken out to a ditch and shot in the back of the head. What are our chances? Can we change course? Also the wrong questions. The odds don’t matter anymore.

If you understand what we’re facing then you have a moral responsibility to do everything in your power to alter the course that we are on, regardless of the odds. Its only when you stop basing your involvement on chances of success that success actually becomes possible. To strip the ill begotten power from the financial leads and bring these criminal cartels to justice will require nothing less than a revolution.

The government is not going to save us.

The government is completely infiltrated, and corrupt to the core;

Looking to them for a solution at this point is utterly naive.
There are three stages of revolution, and they are sequential.

Stage 1 is already under way.
Stage one is the ideological resistance. At this stage we have to actively work to wake up as many people as possible about what is happening and the direction we are headed. All revolutions originate from a shift in the mindset of the population, and no other meaningful resistance is possible without it. Success in this stage of the game can be measured by the contagion of ideas. When an idea reaches critical mass it begins to spread on its own and seeps into all levels of society. In order to achieve that contagion we need more people in this fight. We need more people speaking out, making videos, writing articles. Getting this information onto the national and international stage and we especially need to reach the police and the military.

Stage Two is civil disobedience also known as nonviolent resistance. In this stage you put your money where your mouth is. Or more accurately you would withhold your money and obedience from the government. And you do everything in your power to bring gears o the state to a halt. Practiced en masse, this method alone is often enough to bring a regime to its knees. However if you fail at this stage, stage 3 is inevitable.

Stage 3 is direct physical resistance. Direct physical resistance is the last resort, and it should be avoided and delayed as soon as possible, and it should only be invoked after all other options have been thoroughly exhausted. There are those that talk tough and claim that they will resist when the time comes. But what those people fail to realize is that if you’re inactive during the first two stages and safe your efforts for the last resistance, then you will fail. When the Nazi’s were moving door-to-door, dragging people out of their homes in Germany, that was the time to fight back physically. But due to the lack of ideological resistance and civil disobedience leading up to that moment, even an armed uprising would have likely failed at that point. An armed uprising can only succeed it the people have established an attitude of active resistance, and active resistance is only possible after their minds have broken free of the mainstream propaganda.

If you want to fight back it’s now or never.

edit on 8/26/2013 by ThreeSistersofLoveandLigh because: Break up wall of text.

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