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Faith Healer Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, Now Church The Center Of Measles Outbreak (VIDE

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posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by HandyDandy
people would rather go through this and have their children go through this instead of getting a simple shot?

It's not a 'simple shot' for a lot of people.
Reactions and autism have to be considered ....
We don't know everything that these 'simple shots' do to our system.
So sometimes the natural way is the better way ....
Sometimes the natural way is NOT better, of course.
But sometimes it is ....

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:02 AM
No no no, you're all being far too scientific about this;

They all got the measles not because they didn't have the shot, but because God has foresaken them for their lack of faith in something stupid like the holy gourd....

As for me, I have had all my shots and I aint never had measles, smallpox, rubella, TB etc etc.

Me thinks that in a world where God is constantly angry at the homos and the progressvists it is safer to get your immunisation than risk getting caught in his crossfire

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
It's not a 'simple shot' for a lot of people.

And it's not a simple disease for a lot of people either.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:22 AM
There is a vaccination against stupidity:
Oral potassium cyanide.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Although I would never consider myself anti-vaccination and honestly believe there are major benefits to global vaccination efforts - polio is a great example - I also can't help but think we as a society are starting to rely on vaccination it for diseases and illnesses that in my opinion are not serious enough to warrant it, such as influenza and chickenpox.

Humans have an immune system for a reason, and an immune system cannot build itself up without having germs to practice on. I'm no biological expert but I do know that's how antibodies are created, and artificially supporting it will never make it as strong as it could be by naturally fighting illness.

I constantly work around people who get their flu shots, clean every surface and their hands with anti-bacterial wipes and live as close to a sterile life as they possibly can in the hopes of avoiding illness through germs, and yet they are always sick (and complaining about it): colds, flus, stomach viruses, skin rashes and general malaise.

I don't wash my hands, I don't use any product that's anti-bacterial, I don't get flu shots and don't shy away from sick people. And I don't get sick myself aside from perhaps one cold a year, and it's gone in two or three days. I last had a major illness 15 years ago and have not taken a sick day from work for the past 7. Why? Because my immune system gets lots of practice and is able to fight off most of what comes my way.

Now I would never give medical advice to anyone else regarding such a serious (and controversial) topic because I'm not qualified; I'd never tell anyone not to get a vaccination shot, but for myself and my situation doing without the ones for common illness and giving my immune system a chance to work for itself is paying me in dividends.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

You seem to be fear mongering by drawing an unintelligent and illogical conclusion that because one church group did not get vaccinated and now have children with measles, that the richest country is sliding back into the middle ages.

polio and smallpox are horrible diseases.
measles, mumps chickenpox are mild
edit on 25-8-2013 by spirited75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by ArchAngel_X

You do know that a vaccination IS your bodies immune system's response?

A measles vaccine is basically a "measles party" only instead of getting the alive version of the measles, you get a dead version. Your body doesn't know the difference and builds the same immunity.

Read that again.....the same immunity. The same anti-bodies.

And this is coming from someone who refuses to get an influenza shot. But that is because I feel that by the time they make the shot, the new flue virus is going around anyway. Not because I am anti-vaccination.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by spirited75
polio and smallpox are horrible diseases.
measles, mumps chickenpox are mild

Measles was the second most killer in the American Indian genocide next to smallpox.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by HandyDandy

and now they have a natural antivirus in their genetic makeup.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:29 AM
It is a test of their faith from God.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

the richest and most technically advanced country in the world is allowing itself to slide back into the middle ages

i don't know about U.S> being "richest" anymore.

I'd definitely do not consider US most technically advanced. We don't have CERN, fastest internet speeds are in Japan, bullet train in Japan, Some cities outside of US are goin all elctric on their vehicles, GErmany stated they'll be nuke free by 2020.

I See U.S.on a major decline, and those fundy McChurchy Flanders types never help. We had G. W. Bush is office for 8 years, and thats the epitome of dumber than a box of rox, HE alone, took us behind 8 years in tech, stem cell research, budget, etc

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:51 AM
So... if the vaccine works, why are all thosekids that DONT go to that church getting it? It's been reported here (Tarrant County, Texas, home of more measles from this outbreak than anywhere) that some of the kids that got it were vaccinated. Then they rapidly changed their story to "they had not gotten allof their vaccinations".

The operative word is "all". They just leave out that they did have the MMR,, but perhaps not some other vaccination. What people here is "they did not get their MMR shots" because of the context of the story.

Effen MMR booster when I was 15 gave me a seizure disorder. Got the shot and within a couple of weeks I was having seizures. Within minutes of the shot I had a sound in my head like millions of ball bearings being dropped on a tin roof. I remember being told that was "normal"!

At 52 I finally cured myself by eating lots of fat and being ketogenic most of the time. I no longer take meds.

And lets face it, you can't take the anti vaccination stance without eating pure good food to have a good immune system. 99% of Americans don't do that and wont' spend the money on it.

By the way I am an RN and have done my research... I never take vaccinations of any type. And the day they make it mandatory is the day I walk. I can't wait. I am in a unique position at my company. They will fold it I walk. I know too much that nobody else knows how to do.

Educate yourselves
edit on 25-8-2013 by davjan4 because: spelling

edit on 25-8-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by ArchAngel_X

Yes.. look what happened with the antibiotics. Obviously the concepts of vaccinations and the vacs themselves are good. Take a needle with cowpox on it prick someone and save tgem from dying an agonizing small pox death? Awesome! Giving kids a shot with parts of multiple influenza viruses at once in hopes those are the ones out of many they come in contact with? Giving young girls vaccinations for hpv - a virus they MIGHT get - because that virua MIGHT cause them problema later on? Not as awesome.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:02 AM
It's been long prophesied that wormwood would rain down on the evil-doers...

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by ArchAngel_X

Yes.. look what happened with the antibiotics. Obviously the concepts of vaccinations and the vacs themselves are good. Take a needle with cowpox on it prick someone and save tgem from dying an agonizing small pox death? Awesome! Giving kids a shot with parts of multiple influenza viruses at once in hopes those are the ones out of many they come in contact with? Giving young girls vaccinations for hpv - a virus they MIGHT get - because that virua MIGHT cause them problema later on? Not as awesome.

Also not awesome all theDEAD girls from the HPV vaccine.

Not to mention the neurological damage and sterility. That shot came out when my girl was of the age to be one of the ones to get it. I'm so glad I knew better and refused.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Shiloh7

Before the big pharma push any drug for dosh came along the world was a very different place!

3 diseases you wanted you kids to get early before school - so they got them over and done with, with the minimum of fuss were: Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox. If anyone heard of a little one with one of those diseases, we all flocked round and hoped ours would get it over with. This was done by my parents and grand parents, it was the norm and we never heard of someone dying from any of these diseses, only if there were already existing healthy problems. Whooping cough was nasty but most got over it. These were consideredc mild diseases rather than the more serious such as glandular fever etc.

These vaccines that get pumped into tiny babies today and the pressure put on parents worries me to death. A new immune system suddenly flooded with that lot. Just the principle of it makes me feel uneasy.

Measles was never treated or considered a major disease but suddenly a vaccine is made for it and now its gone up a good few notches to a very serious disease and every government must buy this vaccine.

Vaccines against polia and real killers like that I can live with - in fact have done, but when it goes to what were treated as normal diseases that virtually every child will pick up at some time, that is a different health requirement and seems to be IMHO just a money spinner at our kid's health's possible cost. Also perhaps its a means of working parents not having to take time off for their kids to get through some of these diseases - (I don't think many parents would think of this option out of choice if indeed it does exist), I don't know I wasn't in the situation that exists today with work.

When I was at school we hardly ever had one single child in the whole school who had any skin diseases or astma and needed inhalers, the kids were healthy, dam lively and pretty fit in those days of diet ignorance and few vaccines - they all seem to have wide ranging health problems today yet we have all this extra health help from Big Pharma


wow, good thing my family was smart enough to stay away from wherever this happens..

measles and chicken pox maybe..

mumps? you do know the complications and risks, right?

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:25 AM
I read the article from USA today and I only have one major question. According to this quote

The outbreak was started by a visitor to the church who had recently traveled to a country where measles remains common.

Was this visitor not vaccinated themselves?? Did that person have all the symptoms of the virus? If they were vaccinated, then that there is proof that the vaccination does not work if they themselves can spread it.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 10:05 AM
I had chicken pox as a kid. I can only remember that pink stuff and being told not to scratch. I have an awesome immune system too. Never get the flu shot and have had the flu once in the last 7 years. When my daughter was young verisella (chicken pox vaccine) wasn't required. They talked me into getting it for for her because evidently those who had chicken pox were more likely to later get shingles. I don't even want to look at those studies to see if they are sound for fear they may not be. That would be coercion too wouldn't it?

The people at that church had a choice. To blame their pastor (if theyi are doing so) is to say they are mindless robots. When people prescribe to a religion they generally have strong belief systems that go along with it, and this was probably just one more of those. Religious leaders also preach on Tithing but cant be held accountable if you go broke doing it. Some preach on mental illness being the devil. Maybe those who dont get professional help need to blame their pasttors. People have choices. I'm sure the CDC will have a field day with this one. A way to infringe upon freedom of religion.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 11:19 AM
Vaccinations are nothing more than a tool, to make lots of money in various ways, not so much for good health.

Natural immunity trumps man made vaccines in every way, Vitamin C is the mother of all vaccines, use it for great health.

Use vitamin D and magnesium to keep influenza away, it would be best to get these from food, I fear it's no longer possible in most areas.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 11:31 AM
Vaccinated children are three times more likely to die as un-vaccinated children, for all reasons .

That is a statistic, and should be an indication of the effectiveness of these vaccines, where the drawbacks outway any imagined benefits from them.

I have serious health problems which could have killed me several times over and nearly did a couple times, that are auto-immune, probably from all the vaccinations that I got when I was in the military.
edit on 25-8-2013 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

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