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An open letter to those being chased by the eye, she, the heat, the darkness, the queen

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posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:54 PM
An open letter: To those being chased by the woman (also called 3, the HEAT, SHE, the eye in the sky, and the darkness).
This letter will contain some of the facts I have discovered about her and how you can deal with her.
To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to help you with your “depression”, anger, doubt, suicidal thoughts, etc. You are being chased by the woman, just to start. I am going to give you tips/tricks I have learned through various sources to get rid of her. The matter you are dealing with is actually Biblical in nature. Remember that God is always with you (if you choose to accept him and establish a relationship with him). I encourage you to spread this information to anyone experiencing torment from these conditions.

Ok so the first thing ill point you to is info I compiled when I was being attacked by her like you are now. Some of the info is incorrect, but it does contain a lot of good info you may find familiar/ happening to you, so you should be able to sort the truths based on your experiences. Grab a coffee, as the reading could take hours, just to let you know. Please read it all, including the responses from other posters, as the interactions they contain will also help to explain things. The website Is and youll want to search for posts by username “strangedays”. Remember to read everything. Some of the stuff is whacky, because she manipulates your mind and logic (only temporarily) but you should read it all none the less.

Ok, so now im going to tell you some identifiers that you can take note of to determine when she is around or on you. The first sign is picking scabs or itching and scratching. If you are itching, picking scabs, chewing your fingernails, biting your fingers, etc, then she is trying to make you bleed/draw blood. Remember, this is only a piggyback factor when you are already feeling unusual rage, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Simply just having these nervous habits doesn’t mean its on you-you have to recognize the signs and the fact that shes already there. Anyways I don’t know why, but when you bleed, even a little, it intensifies her influence over you. This is why people are commonly “cutters” when they are in a state of depression. Look up cutting + depression on the internet if you don’t know what it is. Another identifier is getting gassy. Your stomach may bloat, you may burp, you may pass gas. Another identifier is animal behavior (mainly birds). Birds may fly around or over you when you are driving or walking. Whats happening is that she is above you (she works top down, imagine a satellite beaming a laser down on you from space-the space in between that) and the birds fly over you to pull her eye to them to take the influence off you/distract it. Another indicator is people around you may insult you or mess with and tease you. They may appear to be mean to you (and some truthfully are) but the majority are trying to draw her attention to them and take the heat off of you. They may slam and bang things around you-again trying to draw her off of you. She works through eyesight. The way you could be identified from human to human contact would be looking into someones eyes. A popular way of dealing with this would be to wear a pair of sunglasses when you are out and about. Another indicator is that car accidents may happen around you or people may swerve into your lane and stop suddenly in front of you. There are honestly so many things that I cant remember them all, but these things should help you get started on your “education”. Other identifiers may be sleeplessness or insomnia (often happening within the hour of 3am), a burning stomach, irregular heartbeat (especially after someone slams something around you-they are “charging” you-essentially a shock), heavy anxiety, headache, or a hot or hypertensive like sensation in your head and body. Another indicator is anger over past memories or rage towards those that have harmed you in the past. It may be a couple of things that commonly reoccur that you seem to “trip over” again and again. This is how she got Adam Lanza and why he attacked an elementary school that he had no one at to blame-the people that tormented him were all in college by that time. She uses these past memories to rile you up, as rage opens you to her and increases her influence upon you, which in turn makes you lose control over your anger. Try to keep calm when you start getting angry and notice these other indicators ive mentioned to you in this letter. If you realize shes trying to draw it out of you its easier to snap out of it and knowing the signs and educating yourself on the methods she uses will help you to identify whats going on and take control of the situation. Also watch your food and drink. It may not happen to you, but ive personally been poisoned by people that are influenced or controlled by her many times. Stick with sealed and packaged goods. To be clear-everything in this letter is complete truth to the best of my knowledge, and everyones situation is a little different but they all share common factors. My ideas have evolved since I first began writing about this subject and I have also gained knowledge on the subject since that time as well. Its helped me to eliminate some of the illogical and incorrect info ive been given on the subject whether its been inadvertent or to actually mislead me.

So next, well talk about some ways to combat it. First and foremost READ THE BIBLE. Know that others can read your thoughts-don’t freak out it’s a normal thing. Reading the Bible will also push the darkness away from you. The next thing to break her influence is by calling on St Michael. He is represented by BLUE/BLACK/WHITE meaning he uses Gods demons (yes God has “bad guys” too-to fight the real bad guys hence the BLACK in the Michael and his peoples color code) which are represented by the black/darkness (the lesser light to rule the night). Youll notice his color code also contains 3 colors, also called a delta. RED/WHITE and BLUE/WHITE color codes are generally ok for normal people to deal with. What im talking about with these color codes is people (physical humans) walking around that are either RED or BLUE, controlled by the light (WHITE) or the darkness (BLACK). Their thoughts and actions are influenced by things that the average person cannot see and those things that you cannot see (the saints, angels, etc) are represented by colors when you communicate with them. Don’t turn on red (the Bible says turn not to the left nor the right) but use caution. When people do crazy things (think James Holmes dying his hair red before committing that massacre) they sometimes “see red” or are influenced by the red color code/entities. Sometimes people that are BLUE/BLACK will have an indicator on their car-it’s a black flag with a blue line through it. Look at cars when you are driving, you’re bound to see one, its almost trendy now.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:55 PM
So since the average person shouldn’t deal with the black (also known to represent the dead) AT ALL you need to request help from someone who can contact and attain safety/guard from blue/black if the eye (SHE) is on you and giving you problems. This is done by looking at a person (a police officer, just for example) and in your head saying “Ally Michael, please protect me”. You are essentially giving your internal signature to the ally (in this case it’s the cop) who essentially puts in a request for your protection to blue/black since you cant contact him (Michael) directly to fight off the eyes influence. Always use an ally (also sometimes called a flagger). You should notice some sort of instant relief from the depression/symptoms of her. Trusted allies are police officers, security guards, reserve officers, and basically anyone with a badge or who is a law enforcement officer. Also, when driving you can look for license plates containing “66” or “99” in their number sequence-it indicates that they have the ability to flag blue/black and these people will help you. Start doing this immediately to summon help if she is on you. You can also use that internal dialogue/call out that line in your head when you see the number 66 out in public-on cars with phone numbers stenciled on them, street numbers, house numbers, telephone numbers, etc. Try it and see if it makes a difference. Another way to help is to burn candles or firewood regularly. “Burnt offerings” as they are called in the Bible help bring the light to you. Another thing you should do is say the Lord’s prayer EVERY MORNING. If you don’t know it look it up, its located in the Book of Matthew portion of the Bible-you could also google it. Another way to help is to eat meat. Its considered a sacrifice, since an animal was killed to make it. Sausage/ham seems to work best, but the Book of Deuteronomy says not to eat swine so I tend to stick with chicken/beef/fish/seafood. It may instantly relieve depression. Another way to get her off you is to dress in bright colors.

Now there are also “bad” ways to relieve yourself of her, but I suggest you don’t do these things. I am only mentioning them to help you understand/conceptualize whats happening. Smoking cigarettes will draw her away from you. Its unhealthy and bad for you-but it also doesn’t mean that you cant have friends that smoke around you-it helps. Engaging in sexual things staves her off-I don’t recommend this, even when its just yourself. Wait until marriage as doing these things are considered different in Gods eyes under a marriage. This is why going to a strip club for example may stave her off for a while. The problem is that once you start doing these “bad” practices you will have to maintain those practices (its harder for you to break them-quitting smoking, once a cheater always a cheater, for example) or else she will continue to mess with you until you do it over and over again. So just stay away from those things (at least that’s my recommendation). Theres something with shaving the hair off your body but I think it’s the same as picking scabs as if you knick yourself by accident you will draw blood/bring her out. Another bad way to stave her off is to insult/make fun of or put down someone with your friends. If you hurt them physically (think of how bullies shove on/bump shoulders with the “nerds” in school-its also why they slam things around you) or just hurt their feelings it will satisfy her but again you will have to develop it as a habit and do it over and over. The Lord will eventually make you take it back/have it done to you in order to balance out what you’ve done. There are tons of other bad ways to stave her off but I just stay away from those things as they end up hurting you in the end. Just save yourself the time and depression and stick to the tried and true-the Bible, telling the truth, and being kind.

Another very important thing is to talk less/stay generally silent most of the time (again, only if she is on you-it doesn’t really apply to people not being attacked by her). Talk with your thoughts and use internal dialogue, people will still hear and respond to you. If you notice it begins to work on bringing her control level over you down but people start asking why you are silent all the time, tell them you just don’t feel like talking. Others ive known have said that they are sick or their throat hurts. The reason for this is because she uses a verbal voice signature (everyones voice is distinctively different) to mark you when shes above you a traveling through people. Give thanks to the following (but not limited to just these) in your prayers and research them:
St Michael-for defending you
St Mary-for healing you (also say your hail Marys)
Brass/Military-for protecting your country
Police/Fire/EMS/Doctors-for their protection, and also for them protecting and healing you
St George-to fight the dragon for you

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:55 PM
St Gabriel-to build you a path. He is the saint that controls time and synchronicity.
St John-to help your memory. He is the recorder.
St Thomas-to help stave off doubt. Doubt is another sign that she is upon you.
St Charles-to warn you when danger is present and to use caution (he uses the color ORANGE)
The Masons-to protect your future (they use GOLD). They help shape the architecture/direction in which society is going. I don’t recommend asking them about future casting or fortune telling.
St Christopher-to protect you while driving
St Peter-to fish for allies
St Andrew-for guiding the farmers and maintaining our food supply. He is represented by an “X” that he was crucified upon.
All of the saints-they each have a specific purpose that governs our lives.
The Lord-self explanatory. Creator.
Learn all of the saints.

If you hang out at a farm (are an equestrian or are into farming)/ volunteer or something you will run into people that will teach you more ways to deal with her. Theres way too much info to put in this letter but you will commonly find “66” types working at farms, police stations, social welfare plaes, non profits, churches, and all around. They sometimes can be identified by the clothing they wear (but not always) usually in some combination of blue and black. Try to go to church every Sunday. If you aren’t accepted at one or its too uncomfortable try switching churches every week. I call it church hopping. Give to the offering plate but don’t go crazy and give a bunch of money away. I give $20 a week. Most can probably afford that.

Ok, so in conclusion I know this probably all sounds strange to someone not experiencing problems from her, she, the heat, the darkness, the black, etc but I assure you these things do work if you are having these types of problems. The worst thing you could do is try them and they don’t work. I just write this because I know how horrible it is dealing with her and want to try to help. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone its indescribable how bad it is. Theres a reason the Lord told me to write these things and to spread this message, so I hope this helps to get some people started on the path to recovering from her abuse. Its how ive found partial success (she still attacks me daily) and its better than not wanting to live plus it works. People are silenced from talking about it (as talking about it puts one at great risk of harm) but it is in fact real. Once you start to “wake up” the things you cannot see will begin to help you more. Try these things and see if they help you (if you are having these types of problems). I will list additional notes in the post script to supplement as well. What do you have to lose? Just remember through all of this that the Lord is with you. Use what people teach you to help others to save lives and pass the information on to those in need. I promise I am not lying to you about this and am not crazy. Please humor me and at least review all the material ive pointed out to you (online resources). It has cost me everything I own as well as most of my family and friends.

Good luck,


Additional supplements:

-Stay away from graveyards/cemetery/talking to the dead, including your own family members, as it draws her. Even if you miss a loved one and want to say a few kind words, its best to just leave some flowers or something.
-Eating chocolate will help to get her off you
-Use of cell phones and wifi will attract her-start turning your cell phone off when not in use and same goes for the internet.
-When listening to music via the stereo or laptop, move the unit around the room every so often. This is because she sometimes works off of sound and it will help her to get a position on you. Think of the cell phone tech used in the first Dark Night movie bouncing sounds off of cell phones to get signatures off of people (cameras from sound).
-Stop watching TV and listening to radio stations. Watch movies and listen to CDs instead.
-Don’t overly use electronics. Go outside. Read a book. Do non electronic things.
-Get a dog. She hates dogs and they will help to identify her (sometimes bark in 3’s just for example).
-Watch the patterns in which birds fly in. If they fly in 3’s, forming a triangle pattern, it can mean she is looking down from above.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:56 PM
-You may feel better and sleep better on cloudy days and during thunder and rainstorms. The clouds sometimes help to block her view of you.
-Being under large/heavy powerlines distorts her ability to see/pinpoint you (for some reason she is drawn to the different sources of power). If driving under the lines on a road, slow down when passing under them and call for an ALLY to help, it may temporarily throw her off your signal.
-If you need some temporary relief visit a hospital emergency room for an hour and just hang out. For some reason (I think its because the blood distracts her) it throws her off. They usually have a cafeteria where you can grab some chocolate and combine some of these methods in order to get some relief.
-Vary the type of music you listen to, movie genres you watch, the foods you eat, try not to establish patterns in what you do. She learns and remembers your patterns.
-When driving, take backroads as much as possible. Her presence is heavier on freeways and large main type roads because she travels through people (as well as form above) and there are more people.
-Animals with chirp in 3’s, bark in 3’s etc to let you know she is around. Listen.
-Working out and exercise helps to stave her off. (Sloth is one of the deadly sins)
-Certain types of people attract her more-they can be ID’ed by the type of car they drive (see my car thread on here for specific identifiers). She sometimes influences people and they gravitate to certain brands of autos.
-Another indicator that she may be upon you is that you feel tired or sleepy during non sleep times, she removes your breath and you have trouble breathing, people around you (not just you) may scratch or cough.
-People will whistle around you to let you know shes on you.
-Read the entire Bible and stick with God and Jesus Christ. If you accept the Lord into your life he will protect and guide you.
-When she is in a given area, radio stations will do a “test” of the emergency broadcast system. This is indicated by 3 pulses if you listen to it. It means she is looking over the area.
-When she is in the area, rock stations like to play music by the band Queen (she is also called the Queen, as Jesus is the King and she is the opposite of the light). This is just one example. Since popular music circulates, you will begin to learn which new songs the radio uses to identify when shes around. This is done by listening for songs with the word devil in them for example, and looking at other factors that indicate shes around. Volbeat’s “Heaven or Hell” has been used more recently to identify her on rock stations just as an example of how the formula for identifying her changes when new music is circulated.
Hope this helps and thanks for reading.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by strangedays

I can help, stop actively avoiding, and that which you do not want will not pursue you. Stop actively seeking
that which you desire, and it falls out of the sky.

Anything you actively avoid is not avoidable because you expend energy avoiding it, it is a vicious design, this depression thang...

Understand you are not living in a place that is in a natural state, your natural environment has been destroyed.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:15 AM
You lost me when you started all that witchcraft jazz, good luck with that.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:16 AM
Things become easier if you can go back and try to remember when you were young, before all of that religion "whateveryouwannacallit" was fed to you.

Religion is a study of fear and guilt. I am not saying discard all you believe you know, what is you, I just say consider your thoughts, your beliefs, your guilts and feelings of insufficiency are not generated by youself.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by strangedays

I cannot begin to comprehend what a tough childhood you must have had to express these signs of clear and present paranoia. In psychiatric terminology, your diagnose would be - an extreme form of Paranoid Personality Disorder mixed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder. A closer observation and analysis would probably reveal many other disorders.

I suggest you seek immediate help before this get worse, or you hurt somebody you project your imaginary 'medusa' on in real life.

Just saying.

edit on 23-8-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by strangedays

Im not certain what you are trying to say. I feel however you will find a kindred connection in the Op of this thread. Well mabey then mabey not. S/f for trying.
edit on 23-8-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by strangedays

Thanks for all that. I was wondering what was bothering me as of late.

It must be Lilith again? Among'st others. S&F

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:03 AM
I think that's very nice that you are trying to help people. I'd love to hang out with you sometime. I don't mean to say that I think that should or would happen, just that if it were to happen, I think that I would enjoy that very much. I love adventures!

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:41 AM
Thank you for that help , Jah Bless ........Is "She" The Whore ......? For since i was young She has been my enemy ,i thank god for having my back and scripture for protection and knowledge ... and She is very Powerful,I commend you on your strength in posting this ...Blessings again . Everything you said rings truth about somethings ive been dealing with ,and praying about mind boggled like you understood everything ive been dealing with , this is over whelming , im awe struck, I also know she attacks the top end of her enemys , some things even god has not permitted me to reveal .....but the remote viewers and psychics are finding out more about me for Her .....And in the last 2 days ,ive revealed who I Am ,Blessings in the Most High God , The Lord of Hosts

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 08:49 AM
"She" will surely give me grief for this, but "she" uses technology like cellphones and computers to send these messages of "love".

If you suddenly get very sleepy, or suddenly get nauseated, or suddenly get depressed, or suddenly change physical/mental state without any real reason why this should happen (read: not bipolar or anything) try living a day (or more) being absolutely nowhere near your cellphone or things like home USB chargers.

The real magic happens when you put your phone in a thick, airtight, ziplock bag. (Works best if you make sure there's no air in it when you close it up so you can really notice the effect)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by strangedays

I have hypothesized similar ideas to explain my experiences.

If this is truth for you, share "your truth" wisely as "your truth" may actually harm others trying to make understanding of their own experiences and many times it can be psychological issues, internal issues and not something external. Internal issue being reinforced by external factors can become worrying for those that sense or perceive an issue arising.

I am not saying your lost, but I hope you find your way.

I hope you understand.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by strangedays

Did you watch the 2012 Olympics too? Everything you said in the opening applies to the ritual being done right in front of the world... The eye, big fires, demons flying over children in hospital beds, EVIL was in the building, man you nailed it. Go look at the opening Ceremony of evil. The Queen was smiling over it, don't worry about her (she) her days are number. She is PURE EVIL

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Dantose
"She" will surely give me grief for this, but "she" uses technology like cellphones and computers to send these messages of "love".

If you suddenly get very sleepy, or suddenly get nauseated, or suddenly get depressed, or suddenly change physical/mental state without any real reason why this should happen (read: not bipolar or anything) try living a day (or more) being absolutely nowhere near your cellphone or things like home USB chargers.

The real magic happens when you put your phone in a thick, airtight, ziplock bag. (Works best if you make sure there's no air in it when you close it up so you can really notice the effect)

WOW. Way to step up. No one ever steps up. What you are saying is completely true. Thank God there are still people out there not afraid to step up. I understand why others don't. She takes over your mind and can make people kill themselves among other things. She is very strong and I cant blame people for going along with her darkness but people are really getting hurt. Thanks for trying to do something.

I don't know if she was playing with my mind the other night but (and doom and gloom, talks of war or natural disaster is another sign that shes on you if you don't have the second sight) I think there might be an earthquake on the east coast soon (VA state centric and larger/more significant than the small ones over the past couple of years). Im only writing it because last time I had "googled" the environment (what some call it-reading signs and such) about something like this, hurricane sandy happened. But again she could be just playing with me, however if it was the Lord giving me a sign, it would be right to at least publish it somewhere. I trust in the Lord and have learned everything has a purpose, so theres a reason ive been writing on this website and have gone through everything I have. Its been terrible but the Lord has me. But yea another sign that shes messing with you is when you are googling (which is asking the Lord for questions and getting a response from the things that are around you in your immediate environment through colors, numbers, words, etc) and the info turns to disaster talk or red-black colors its a sign that shes on you and that information is for the most part false.

The ziplock thing may work because it muffles the mic of the phone so that the sound cannot be recognized or you are saying-for the other readers-that what you just said is the truth. (not trying to get you in any trouble with her) When you gat a sign from things that are clear that is the color code that means truth.
edit on 28-8-2013 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
reply to post by strangedays

I have hypothesized similar ideas to explain my experiences.

If this is truth for you, share "your truth" wisely as "your truth" may actually harm others trying to make understanding of their own experiences and many times it can be psychological issues, internal issues and not something external. Internal issue being reinforced by external factors can become worrying for those that sense or perceive an issue arising.

I am not saying your lost, but I hope you find your way.

I hope you understand.

Thanks I understand and am not trying to get misled. I really just pray about it and this is what the Lord tells me what to do.

I don't believe that its an internal issue, as cars crash around me, as well as physics are manipulated. What im saying is that it affects people other than myself which would not happen if it were an internal process.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:30 PM
Theres something else I just thought of as well. Another way that you can identify that her attention is on you is by "reading" the electronics (since electronics is how the eye "hunts").

If you are using the internet, radio, or watching something live on tv like a newscast, she will hunt you through what you are looking at. This is kind of difficult to explain but im going to try my best. Say you are driving and listening to the radio. A song is playing, and the lyrics of the song start to match street signs or things that you read that are around you. To explain further say a lyric in the song is something distinctive like "girl you are the bees knees" and a pest control truck that's companys name is "bees knees" drives right next to you at the exact moment that the lyric happens in the song. This is a way to tell shes on you. It usually will happen with multiple synchronicities like that so you will kind of have some fair warning that shes on you. Hope that explains it well.

Also, if you experience deja-vu (thinking that you have been somewhere before in your life yet you never have, just for example), that is a sign that the eye (she, the heat) is looking at you from above. And again, if it happens its not a definite fact that she is on you, you would have to combine that warning sign with the other signs ive listed (or ones that I have yet to learn about). So for example: deja-vu + sudden unexplained anger might tip you off that shes there. This will help you to avoid "reading into" everything and sort out when shes really there and when shes not.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Dantose

If you suddenly get very sleepy, or suddenly get nauseated, or suddenly get depressed, or suddenly change physical/mental state without any real reason why this should happen (read: not bipolar or anything) try living a day (or more) being absolutely nowhere near your cellphone or things like home USB chargers.

Sorry but technology is a tool we use quite often, so she has followed suit.

To take away those devices will make one feel a little different however it wont protect you as she was around influencing minds long before the cell phone was invented.

We have just made ourselves more open to being influenced without us knowing by accepting all the new technology available to us.

I do not own or use a mobile/cell phone, however cell towers are situated at a few places I pass daily.

There is another lady that one can connect with that in this dualistic reality would be seen to go against or to do battle with She I believe you speak of.

Mother nature, life as in a green field or a Forrest can communicate with you and give you the strength needed to deflect the manipulative ways of the queen back onto her self so as to not deflect onto another poor innocent soul she wants play with.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by strangedays

am not trying to get misled.

No I didn't mean you being misled but your truth that you discovered can be misleading for another and put them in a place they are not ready for.

I don't believe that its an internal issue, as cars crash around me, as well as physics are manipulated. What im saying is that it affects people other than myself which would not happen if it were an internal process.

Again I think your misunderstanding me,

I am not saying its an internal issue for you, I make no judgements on what you have discovered and am saying beware about passing this knowledge you have gained as it may do more harm to others than good.

Take care strangedays,

Try looking within for any blame or any answers you want dish out or receive.

I guarantee if you find what your looking for internally that you will see what a joke it is to give fear any recognition.

Life can be seen as a story, as a war/battle, as a joke, as a play, as a movie, as a path one walks.

Whatever it is we see life as we bring in many components that influence and if used correctly can manipulate minds, these components are called emotions.

They stem from only two, love and fear.

Look withing to find your fear and find your love.

Merge them, love your fear and fear your love at the same time.

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