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Change is coming...

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posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 04:30 AM
I've always think about how we can all live in harmony, where there isn't much of a difference in class and people would live free. I've had many ideas some with flaws; I always thought it would be great to live in self sufficient communities where everyone would put in their part. Some would take care of gardening food some would hunt or help out with live stalk, others would cook etc... It sounds regressive but it beats the hell out of working like a slave for someone else or being homeless. This would be the bare minimum job one would have in my world. Mom and pop stores would be the places to shop. Basically getting back to our roots. It would be great if we didn't hold back on medical and science technology and advancements for the name of greed. I guess it all comes down to wishful thinking.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Saltron because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
I thought change was constant.

This↓ almost sounds like a sales pitch trying to sell the idea of a 'One World Government'.(ie a New World Order)

Originally posted by SLAYER69

1.) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.) Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

no it ain't.

But to be honest, I think those in gov't are actually the ones that oppose a one world gov't; divide and conquer.

Imagine a whole world united

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:07 AM
Your getting there but your scope of change is not big enough.
Most people have never made a decision in their lives this is both true and false.
People that argue nature vs nurture are comical how they take the relationship between an organism and its environment, the very place life occurs, and using it as a vehicle of conflict.

The test of my life was passed when I realized that everything i was is false, created by a misled society, and if I could let go of this body and mind leaving it in the hands of the universe that produced it I could no longer do harm to my creator who I love endlessly. The rapid shift in perspective happens fast and induces adrenaline flow to encourage the rebirth. The decision to let go of my identity itself was the test wise men have been writing about forever, and passing it allows me to chose who i am again every time i learn anything if so desired. I see how there is a resistance to progressive changes everywhere and that it is a product of this system being self-defensive, its hard for a society to invest this much time into the world and then realize they are wrong. Even when people labeled as conservative do the opposite of conserving anything, let industry turn as many resources into goods as possible for money, Or the surplus generated by industry controlling wages of the labor and selling them back the goods they make for 5 times the price.

If you want to know who you really are then you must understand why this universe was set into motion, and maybe also the purposes the universe serves the levels of nature that dwarf it. That is all so far it just happened 4 hours ago.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:25 AM
sustainable is the key word, and maintain is a foreboding word meant to inspire fearful imagery.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

The problem is that you are those people in china. You are the takers and you are the producers. Why are you doing this to your real self. WAKE UP FROM THIS DREAM. You were designed and produced by things so far ahead most think of as divine, and you use it to play in masturbatory constructs feeding your own ego making it more real to you. If you do not know what i am talking about then you do not exist, and you should feel as if your world is ending because it is. That is as certain as I get.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:07 AM
Beware of scratchings on stone.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:30 AM
I think the change that is coming has already begun and it is not good. By the time our president is out of office, this country will be unrecognizable.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:47 AM
I don't want to rain on your rather excellent thread, Slayer, but I've been thinking about the guidestones in a very unprompted way the last few days and it occurred to me that perhaps *they* are the false flag, or one of many. We don't know very much about them, we don't even know who is responsible for them, and the ideas they hold seem unreasonably disconnected from our present reality. The population issue alone is bound to make us suspicious and defensive. Maybe they're just another distraction, and the stuff that will really control or damage us won't be seen at all until it's far too late.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by NeoParadigm

I imagine over decades but within most of our lifetimes. It's a massive process imho. Some events will be rapid and dramatic while others simultaneously slow but persistent.

This isn't a 'Prediction' just call it a gut feeling.

Man I'll tell ya Slayer69,

A gut feeling, hu?

That's not good....and you got this gut feeling after much mediation, hu? Not good at all.

See the signs all around, I'm beginning to think that something is going to happen and the whole NSA spy on everyone is happening for a reason just not the reason everyone thinks.

What if something was going to happen that only those in the know knew about, something BIG!, and the leaders of the world knew that the knowledge of this event was scattered across the world, not just in stone and tablet but also from toe to toe, elbow to elbow and mouth to ear. Maybe the leaders of the world are monitoring and have an eye out for the right "gut feeling".

ISON is going to drive people mad this fall. The trick is to enjoy the show.
with the flow people.

The Rat.
edit on 23-8-2013 by TucoTheRat because: peniscope!

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

What are your fears?

I have no fear for myself. I'm afraid that globalists want to knock on my door and dictate me their prescriptions.

Taking my wealth and resources and give me a medal they build from little piece of my money and wealth.

Leaving a parasite called TV in my home , which teaches me what to like , what not to like .....

Invading my mind by 24/7 advertisement .......

Breeding my children for me.

Choosing the ways I could go.


Maybe I have lost much but I am eager to keep the rest.

Change is coming...

Change came in 2001 , didn't you see ?

Change is what we are seeing every day.

All symbolism and subliminal messages to make people doubtful , fearful , self-biased , greedy , lustful and dumbful are the agendas of NWO.

BTW it seems to me like a president who has past his 4years and injects hope to be president for next for years ,too.

But there is no hope , there is not much that NWO could do and hasn't done yet.

And it always depends on people what they prefer.

Slavery or Freedom
edit on 23-8-2013 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:31 AM
So are you there official spokesperson?

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

My friend, the only constant that humans have endured, is change.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by TucoTheRat

I'm not seeing as many doom and gloom threads on ATS as there were back in 2013. But elsewhere on the web I am seeing all sorts of D&G posts regarding this Aug up to Sep 2014. They are all over the place of course but the one thing they have in common is that somebody knows something.

I'm thinking it was the last blast before school starts.

But I too think that once ISON appears to the naked eye it will get interesting.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by reject

Imagine a whole world united

That's a fraud.

Like imagining gas and fire united. Unless they change. They won't unite. And when they change they are not themselves anymore.

Anyway , I mean that there are some who want all the resources and some who don't give up. Can they unite ? Can sheep and wolves unite ?

Unity and all beautiful words such as freedom are tools for MSM owners to get people to the direction they want.

Much like rabbit and stick strategy.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:52 AM
OH dear change

The termination was carried out on a woman who had an unviable 18-week pregnancy and whose life was risk at the National Maternity hospital.
It is the first legal abortion to be carried out since the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act was passed by both houses of the Irish parliament last month.
The National Maternity hospital is one of 25 hospitals in Ireland authorised to carry out terminations under the provisions of the act.
It was performed under section 7, which deals with the risk of loss of life of a woman from physical illness.
Under the new legislation, the hospital is required to provide the health minister with the registration number assigned by Ireland's Medical Council to the doctors who carried out the procedure and were involved in certification.

Ireland's first legal abortion carried out in Dublin

Welcome to MDS- Modern Days Slavery.

edit on 23-8-2013 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Schillinger
There is no "change" there is only what this world has always been. There will always be violence. There will always be war. There will always be corruption. The only change we will ever see is that of a technological change and that of how war is waged. There is no enlightenment. We will, as a species, continue down the same path we have been on for thousands, if not millions, of years... and eventually destroy ourselves. Because we are a FAILED species at the end of the day.

edit on 23-8-2013 by Schillinger because: (no reason given)

There is always change, just like how water flows or cells multiply. Nothing can be held to a stop.

Humanity itself is always changing, even if it is always the same change.But war? war never changes.

Nice thread slayer
I've enjoyed reading it and all the comments, truth is humanity needs to change or change will be forced upon us. Rome itself could only throw trinkets at it's citizens for so long, what happens when citizens become discontent?

I personally hope change will be guided into goodness but the path looks dark and gloomy... kinda like your picture of the guidestones. Never agreed with the 500 million mark though, we can grow food indoors and we could build skyscrapers designed for agriculture as well as living.

The humans endeavor has always been to build... build higher, build bigger, dig deeper. Maybe it's our 'progress' that needs to change?

Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:10 AM
I agree with the OP, but my belief rests with the information held in the book of Revelation.
So yes change is coming, but massive change will not originate with humans. And this earth will still be here, but the billions on it will not, perhaps 20 million will survive this coming change. They will be the core that helps to reboot humanity. And then the earth will repopulate way past the population it has today, but next time there will not be cities we will be spread out all over the globe.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by TheWrightWing

In your brief summary you have struck the first chord of the tune .Thank you for that . Now every one play along .no wait, someone is knocking ....I am not in their show,I got to go

edit on 23-8-2013 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:36 AM
My fear is that few care to develop their inner talents or apply them in any way towards the good of anyone other then themselves. That is the current problem which imo will only get worse, much, much worse before it can possibly get better.

What we have is a technocratic elite who now have the tools at their disposal to remake the world in their own image and I feel confident they will try to do so. Only a few things stand in their way: individualism and Nationalism. Both must be crushed before they can institute world government.

Exactly how they go about it is the question at hand. Economic crisis seems to be the leading candidate and I think we're headed for a global monetary reset in the near future. Once again the small guy will get cleaned out while those at the top accumulate ever more money, property and resources. All-digital currency is what they seek to institute and I'm not sure what stands in their way of implementation. Are Russia, Brazil, India and China truly non-aligned with the West? Are their leaders doing the same thing ours are in the US (selling us out)?

I agree change is good and necessary. There is no growth without it and sometimes it is a painful change. But what I think is important to remember is that change begins within, organically, driven by personal needs, desire and opportunity. The change we are likely to get will be from the top -down. A cookie cutter method that hacks off that which they deem unnecessary.

The larger the system the less likely it is to retain any aspects of individuality. Yet it is only through random mutation and chance that we can evolve. Complete rule from above spells the certain death of our species as we have known it from the beginning of time. No one person will stand out, accomplish great things or make discoveries, create new art or music. We will all be the same even though we may number in the billions we will be dead because the possibility to change and to evolve will have been removed.

I prefer the chaos of chance to the endless monotony of control despite it's assurances of safety, longevity and peace.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 08:47 AM
I think the change that's coming is great division. There are those of us who want some form of socialist utopia, no matter how small. There are those of us who want survival of the fittest. These are both natural states of a species. These different viewpoints cause us to view ideologies like the Georgia Guidestones differently. However, relativity few humans think about this division in depth. They react to their programming and fight against anything that goes against it. To agree to something different than what they have ingrained feels like death. It is in a sense. I see this division forming from ideological strongholds by the proponents. The rest of the herd will migrate toward their comfort zone.

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