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Difference between Ghosts and Spirits

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posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
There are so-called "Christians" who do nothing but run and hide their heads while all kinds of cosmic, subjective and spiritual attacks occur, right here.

Am I supposed to applaud?

Correct you are...i cannot argue with you as i believe it is a spiritual fight,& as i wrote even Christians (some of them) turn the blind eye

The real fight is spiritual ,but looks like us as humans are doing the demons work for them by blowing each other away (but then again the people who makes those decisions are possessed)...well again just my opinion

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:22 PM
Don't judge. But can a spirit become a Demon? Sure! They have Free Will, don't they? They can abandon God and the Holy Spirit's grasp on Truth--for a while or for Eternity.

I'm sure God has dealt with that, too.

Just " care for orphans and widows in their tribulation and keep yourself without spot from the world."

I gave up a long time ago, figuring out who dies how and why.

Apparently, that's not my Department.

It'll all come out in the wash. Just hang on and God will show you the way.

[edit on 20-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:36 PM
Yea ,you are correct AGAIN
,Hang on we must (& trust)

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 11:07 PM
Okay, thankyou for answering that. How could I challenge a demon?

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 02:29 AM
I believe a lot of what some people might see as demonic activity might be in reality the actions of an extremly negative earth bound spirit, although I think it's likely that highly advanced (angelic) and negative (demonic) entities do exist and make themselves known to humanity.

I wouldn't agree 100% that demonic attention is necessarily brought about by our own actions though.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 03:23 AM
Any spirit entity that calls attention to itself is considered a bad spirit or fallen angel. Many of these beings were attracted to human females and married them producing rather large human males before the Flood of Noah's day. After the flood these fallen angels had no longer the power to materialize in human form. They had been banished to dense darkness. Any good spirit who deviated after the flood would also be cast into this state of darkness. The good spirits or righteous angels' deeds would only be perceived as coincidence, as things were fitting into place so to as to complete a goal or will. In this era, the good spirits can only perform so as to seem like coincidence. If they are to give glory to the Eternal Sovereign, then they must do it behind the scenes. Bad spirits and ghost are the same thing. There is no such thing a dead living soul. The term soul only applies to humans and not spirits. A spirit is an angelic being originally born in heaven. From dust you are, from dust you will return. A soul can be turned into a spirit creature and spirit creature can turn into a soul, but only under special circumstances. A materialized spirit creature was in no way a soul, but it was a spirit creature with approved powers to do so. The normal circumstance is that the soul dies, flesh and mind, and that's the end of it, or the Eternal at a later date resurrects the soul back to the same flesh and mind of a human.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 08:10 AM
Simply taking on the practice of praying to God a few times a day, and the demon might get discouraged and leave. Try that.

But, a Demon doesn't show up in a person's life unless he thinks you'll make either a good lackey or a good feast.

What have you done to gain his attention? Stop doing that, and he'll go away.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 02:56 PM
I used to be a Christian, and I never experienced any demons. When I say I was a christian, its not just a title I throw around. So now I have to pray to a God that I dont believe exists in order to get demons to attack me? Great.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 03:55 PM
If you don't believe God exists, why do you have this question?

If you don't believe God exists, then you don't believe demons exist.

If you don't believe God exists, then NOBODY exists outside your senses.

That's the way I was brought up--to refuse to believe anything I could not physically sense.

Funny, tho. They all believed in "RADIO."

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 06:51 PM
There is another theory propounded by people such as Patric harpur who in his book Daimonic reality offers that all supernatural entities spring from an interdimensional realm (niether hellish or heavenly) and present themselves within the cultural aspect that is relevent to the witness/'s involved. The interaction can be both negative or positive but there is often a strong 'tricksterish' element to these entities who in effect can feed or manipulate the fears, hopes or desires of the victim in order to lead him/her down a path to ruin. One good giveaway about the entities intentions is if they attempt to prolong or serialise the contact, initially gaining trust then embarking on a destructive series of lies and trickery, more positive encounter seem to be of the one off variety, ie people being helped or rescued by gaurdian angels. This theory can also cover alien abduction. The word demon evolved from daimon but it's original use simply described a spirit or entity and it did not have the religious connotations it has today. George hansen has also covered this in his book The trickster and the Paranormal. I'm not sure I would attribute all paranatural happenings to this but it's a compelling theory.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
If you don't believe God exists, why do you have this question?

If you don't believe God exists, then you don't believe demons exist.

If you don't believe God exists, then NOBODY exists outside your senses.

That's the way I was brought up--to refuse to believe anything I could not physically sense.

Funny, tho. They all believed in "RADIO."

I have this question to see if I can conjure up demons, which obviously no one has any idea how to, because they most likely dont exist. You can believe in "demons" without believing in God. Every culture has their tales of evil spirits, demons, and so forth. Demons arent mututally exclusive to the Christian God. What do you mean nobody exists outside my senses? Im not even sure what you mean by that, since we perceive this world through our senses, so saying someone exists outside of my senses in non-sensical. We know how the radio works, we have no way of knowing if a God exists, and we'd have no way of knowing which religion to pin God to. Or even if a God could be pinned to a religion. Do you see where this is going?

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
I used to be a Christian, and I never experienced any demons. When I say I was a christian, its not just a title I throw around. So now I have to pray to a God that I dont believe exists in order to get demons to attack me? Great.

Here you say how & why you are still protected .. I used to be a Christian, and I never experienced any demons..even though you dont believe anymore ,you are still protected as God is waiting for you to change your mind ...

And this one ..So now I have to pray to a God that I dont believe exists in order to get demons to attack me? no no ,YOU PRAY TO GOD TO KEEP THEM AWAY FROM YOU..i have never met a person who prays to God to be attacked by demons..

But seeing that you don't believe anymore ,what could have turned you ,why all of a sudden you wanna meet one of the worst "things" that most people does not wanna meet or see & so forth ,why have you turned away ? ,cause you never seen/met or had an encounter with a demon/evil spirit??...TRUST ME YOU DON'T WANT TO AND WHEN GOD TURNS HIS BACK ON YOU FOR ONE MINUTE YOU WILL KNOW ,but He always comes back ,just some of us learn the hard way cause of our stubborn hearts

No drawing circles around you will help when trying to take on evil...then you wanna fight evil with evil ,they still win in the end then..but will you ask for forgiveness for turning your back?

I have seen evil..& don't want to again EVER..please don't take this wrong but do not wish to see or meet a demon/evil spirit as you will only understand if you personally meet one why i say this..even people with diff relig that believe in their god knows there is evil & will tell you to stay away

The heavy dark feeling in your soul becomes so dreadful after a while that you will start begging to receive a new clean steadfast heart/spirit ,and demons love hurting things you love cause you are giving them the right to do it.

Not saying you are wrong ,but just what i have learned and still learning in life.I hope you change your mind in meeting/seeing or whatever about demons

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
I've never really heard of any difference between ghosts and spirits. Is this your theory or do you have any decent links?

Edited spelling

[edit on 11-11-2004 by Jonna]

You could look at 100 links and get 100 theories. Until we are there, we won't really know. Heck, I can channel directly to them and even they tell you different differences.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Repeated events are usually referred to as "Phantasms" or "Phantoms" Most paranormalists avoid the use of the word "spirit" as it has far too broad a meaning to too many cultures. "Ghosts" are usually used to describe entities which are able to respond to stimilui in the environment. At least this is how I've always heard it...

I know there are different things out there. I only call them "non-physical". Some are friends, others are not.

I will tell you the most confusing part of it to me....some were never alive like you and I. That baffels me.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 08:30 PM
Even if there are different kinds of unmaterial beings, i dont like to cathegorize them in such rigid cathegories...

even tho... there are:

Energetical repetitions
Formerly human souls
"true" incorporeal beings: which have never had a body...

In all cathegories there are good and evil beings...

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