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Snowdens role in WW3 is predetermined (IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ)

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posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by flamenice007
Although it sounds so real that this WW3 will happen with the proof you referred to, I don't think it will be a Worldwide War. I don't think the EU will accept to be an ally of either side. It will be more like a Pacific War. I'm telling you, where I live everyone is tired of hearing about war and most of us note that if a middle eastern nation has useful resources, America butts in. If there would be an alliance between the EU and America, I think there will be riots in Europe. The point of all this is, America will be practically on its own. But I'm also very very very very afraid that a war between Western and Eastern Europe will break. Let's face it, the middle east don't like the Americans at all. Since Western Europe has a history of alliance with America, Eastern Europe may try to invade. Only then will there be a World War 3.

Uh Western and Eastern Europe are already allies of the United States. A little thing called NATO. As for the OP why would the people in power destroy everything that keeps them in power so that they can now have power over rubble.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 01:13 PM
Russia's army is a mess, since it's so called reform its only capability is dealing with local conflicts e.g Georgia. Most of this great advanced military hardware exists as plans on someone's desk and Russia now seem more interested in exporting military hardware to India and China than building up and morderising its own.

China has bodies, much like the former Soviet Union, should a war be declared, I very much doubt that they would hesitate in signing up every able bodied Chinese male to fight. However, we're not talking about conventional war here. Its great having half a billion men, not so great if you can't project that force in to an effective fighting force. China's capabilities are increasing, but in no way do they challenge U.S. supremacy. America's maritime security is based not only on its superior surface fleet, which enables it to project airpower into distant regions, but also on its subsurface ships, which provide secure "stealth" platforms for retaliatory strikes, and its advanced command, control and communications capability.

So people can shake all they want, should either wish for a war, I very much doubt the war would be anything more than a series of regional skirmishes.

The bottom line is, China has made many of its own rich in the last ten years, Russia has the most billionaires of any country, the West is the West as usual, but for many, a global war is not in anyone's interest, not even the elite central bankers. Wars fix problems, create wealth, but not wars that wipe out your own assets. It will be the carving up of Middle Eastern and African countries, that's where it will be and where the battlegrounds be situated, possibly even other Asian countries, but I think Europeans and Americans and even Russians and Chinese can relax, I highly doubt war will come to them. As I said, wars fix problems for the elite's vested interests, create wealth, increase control but not wars that wipe out your own assets. Its about obtaining assets and resources, that's all its ever been about.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
It is a surprise to me that ATS members are buying into the lies the USA, Russia and China would have us all believe.

World War 3 would benefit no one. There would be complete destruction of people and land area.

The nuclear fallout and nuclear power plants racing to the center of the earth would make the earth not habitable.

Now to add logic to the equation.
The old adage, united we stand and divided we fall, will be and is being put into place.

Russia, India, the USA, China, England and Israel are all in bed together.
All other countries are pawns in the grand play.

We will likely have a One World Government and the above countries will lead the rest of the world.

The UN is just tolerated and will be abolished. There will be no need for it as the OWG will rule all.

I have seen this happening since I started paying attention to world government in the 1950's.

Greed is very powerful but it knows when to gather it's players and not fight them.

I am old and most likely will not be alive when all this is finalized.
For that I am thankful.

If you are young and live through the OWG have no fear.
History repeats it's self.
My great grand children and others their age will again long for and find freedom again.

The One World Government will eventually fail, again, and countries will fight each for their independence and freedom.

WW 3 will benefit Israel....which will emerge from the chaod as a "Greater Israel" stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates

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