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The Lost word

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
Modern Freemasons seem to be under the illusion that the lost word is purely symbolic and not a reality, for this reason it is perhaps important that they should study Indian,Tibetan and Kabalistic text regarding this if the meanings in modern masonry have become so distorted.

But, what if freemasonry is exactly as it's meant to be? A group which can be either all the esoteric knowledge a man desires, or a stepping stone into further mysteries. Since you are not a mason, you haven't heard all the charges and lectures. There are tidbits of fantastic information in all of them. But only bread crumbs. It's up to the individual to decide what to do with them.

This goes back to the casting pearls before the swine. This knowledge you seek is not openly displayed for a reason. I believe that reason is, that one should be willing to do the work necessary to gain the knowledge, and in doing so, proved themselves worthy to posses it. Just think, if you spent your life searching for this understanding then obtained it, would you want to go to everyone on the street and share it? Perhaps, but would everyone on the street care? Probably not. They might be more interested in whom will be kicked off the island in the next survivor.

Just an opinion from a regular guy.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by LUXUS
Modern Freemasons seem to be under the illusion that the lost word is purely symbolic and not a reality, for this reason it is perhaps important that they should study Indian,Tibetan and Kabalistic text regarding this if the meanings in modern masonry have become so distorted.

But, what if freemasonry is exactly as it's meant to be? A group which can be either all the esoteric knowledge a man desires, or a stepping stone into further mysteries. Since you are not a mason, you haven't heard all the charges and lectures. There are tidbits of fantastic information in all of them. But only bread crumbs. It's up to the individual to decide what to do with them.

This goes back to the casting pearls before the swine. This knowledge you seek is not openly displayed for a reason. I believe that reason is, that one should be willing to do the work necessary to gain the knowledge, and in doing so, proved themselves worthy to posses it. Just think, if you spent your life searching for this understanding then obtained it, would you want to go to everyone on the street and share it? Perhaps, but would everyone on the street care? Probably not. They might be more interested in whom will be kicked off the island in the next survivor.

Just an opinion from a regular guy.

This is completely and utterly true. But for those who can do the math, or geometry Freemasonry is only a small facet to a much larger diamond.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by shells4u

In ancient vedic text it was believed that this actually took place, an astra is a magical weapon which is charged with a mantra. The object itself is not important as it only acts as a focal point, a receptacle into which the mantra is whispered. During the previous yugas (ages) when men were more spiritual they had such ability's.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by network dude

It is true that the esoteric teachings have never been openly written, the most that has and can be done is writing in parables designed to enlighten the wise and confuse the fool...there is a reason why people regard alchemical text as nonsense, those text were never meant for them and they cast them away as useless writings of a poor old fool. Thats precisely what the author intended, he knows that the few have it and the many don't.

As for secret society's that's what the mystery plays were designed for, formulated with precise detail so that wisdom is contained within them. Most will not understand the deepest teachings but everyone will take something away from the experience.

What happened however is that people started to change the plays and as a result change the story, things were lost.

edit on 27-8-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 04:55 PM


apologies I may have this completely wrong, but isn't there something to do with this being pi squared x pi squared or something like that and turns out to be some mathematical equation for something? hence the word that is not a word.

wow, that's a pretty vague sentence I just whipped up there. borderline impressive, best make a cuppa.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 04:31 AM
With Tubal-Cain came the majestic harem wherein his sister lived.
Along with it came his system of weights and measures, and his tools.
None so clever as the trestle. Its pronounced: "Trust All!"

This is "NEWS" of the mysterious temple.
NEWS is North, East, West, South.
Its meaning is "Locked In!"
Locked in the temple... or the harem.

Hiram Abif is the lost word... "Harem Above!"

Allegorically he was cornered and:
a) Struck on the ear with a maul (ear molested)
b) Struck on the head with a level (mind leveled & level headed disturbed)
c) Struck on the chest with a plumb rule (heart plummet)
He got the NEWS and was locked in. Death took him... but with him went the master word of the harem.

There are those of good moral consciousness...
They work and fight and serve... they survive the weights and measures of Tubal-Cain.
"WORTHY" they are... PSE+XXX
The unworthy live without it and possibly yearn for it.

I am Pinocchio and I say this day: "Wood You?!?"

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by melancholiflower

There is mathematics involved but that's as far as I could say on that!

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:32 PM

The last of the symbols, depending for its existence on its connection with a myth to which I shall invite attention, is the Lost Word, and the search for it. Very appropriately may this symbol terminate our investigations, since it includes within its comprehensive scope all the others, being itself the very essence of the science of masonic symbolism. The other symbols require for their just appreciation a knowledge of the origin of the order, because they owe their birth to its relationship with kindred and anterior institutions. But the symbolism of the Lost Word has reference exclusively to the design and the objects of the institution. First, let us define the symbol, and then investigate its interpretation. The mythical history of Freemasonry informs us that there once existed a WORD of surpassing value, and claiming a profound veneration; that this Word was known to but few; that it was at length lost

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:44 AM
Here's a pondering thought - What if the lost word is not actually a word, but instead a concept?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:25 AM

Here's a pondering thought - What if the lost word is not actually a word, but instead a concept?

The lost word is closely related to the delta of Enoch, we could say a study of this symbol with correct understanding could reveal the secret of the old masons.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 07:40 AM

Here's a pondering thought - What if the lost word is not actually a word, but instead a concept?

Is that a rhetorical question? I assumed that all Freemasons took this for granted.

edit on 24/9/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Saurus

That all depends on the individual understanding of each brother, some I have met don't even contemplate the esoteric, but that is down to personal choice.

What intrigues me more though is how was this concept transmitted in the past?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Jamjar

The manner of finding the lost word, and the symbolism (concept) thereof, forms the basis of the Holy Royal Arch Degree.

edit on 25/9/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Saurus

Ahhhhh makes sense, I don't become a companion until the 10th Oct

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:34 AM

Then the two angels decided to select brides for themselves from among the daughters of men. Azazel desired Na'amah, the sister of Tubal-Cain, the most beautiful woman on earth. But there was another beautiful maiden, Ishtahar, the last of the virgins, whom Shemhazai desired, and she refused him. This made him want her all that much more. “I am an angel,” he revealed to her, “you cannot refuse me.” “I will not give in to you,” Ishtahar replied, “unless you teach me God's Ineffable Name.” “That I cannot do,” Shemhazai replied, “for it is a secret of heaven.” “Why should I believe you?”" said Ishtahar. “Perhaps you don't know it at all. Perhaps you are not really an angel.” “Of course I know it,” said Shemhazai, and he revealed God's Name. Now as soon as she heard the holy Name, Ishtahar pronounced it herself and flew up into the heavens, escaping the angel.

As Madam Blavatsky said in my OP this knowledge was first revealed to man by the fallen ones.
edit on 26-9-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

The same book tells us that the Ark's dimensions were 300 cubits (135 meters) long and 50 cubits (22.5 meters) wide, and then proceeds to tell us that two of every living thing were loaded on the the ark.

So tell me, how long did it take Noah to collect 5 million pairs of animals and how did they fit on the ark. If he rounded up one pair a day, that's 13698 years. And modern calculations show that worm species alone would have filled 2.5% of the ark's volume.

Good story, though... ;-)

edit on 26/9/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Saurus

Firstly did the bible say the flood was a global flood or could the story also apply to the sinking of an island?
Secondly did the bible say Noah collected two of every animal on the entire planet of could it be simply be talking about loading local livestock onto the boat?

Many Christians maintain that the Bible says that the flood account of Genesis requires an interpretation that states that the waters of the flood covered the entire earth. If you read our English Bibles, you will probably come to this conclusion if you don't read the text too closely and if you fail to consider the rest of your Bible. Like most other Genesis stories, the flood account is found in more places than just Genesis. If you read the sidebar, you will discover that Psalm 104 directly eliminates any possibility of the flood being global (see Psalm 104-9 - Does it refer to the Original Creation or the Flood?). In order to accept a global flood, you must reject Psalm 104 and the inerrancy of the Bible.
edit on 27-9-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:43 AM

network dude
reply to post by LUXUS

In masonic legend, Hiram Abiff takes the word with him to his grave, but the way the story is told, the word could not be given except in the presence of three, King Soloman, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff.

In the first OP

In Masonry there is mention of the lost word. Hiram abiff was in possession of it and he had it inscribed on a golden triangle around his neck. The legends say he was killed for this "word" but what was it?
Enoch also knew this word and he also inscribed it on a golden triangle that he then set into the face of a cubit stone
It appears to me that Enoch and Hiram, were one in the same person. And if anyone has read up on Enoch there is a very large clue given.

A second large clue is "The King of Tyre". Judas in his Gospel tell us that "Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you.” Its not King of Tyre, it's "Kingdom" of Tyre.

Ezekiel 28:11-17 is commonly thought to tell us quite a bit about Satan's beginnings. This section is a piece out of the heart of chapters 26-28 that are expressly said to be about the king (kingdom) of Tyre . Everyone accepts that the section is about the king of Tyre but then we hear that it is only “primarily” or “immediately” about the king of Tyre . The reason we know it's about the king of Tyre is because we are expressly told this and because we can't read chapters 26—28 without drawing that conclusion. Barbelo and Kingdom of Tyre, are one in the same.

Another large clue comes from the Masons themselves in the title of the 32 degree, Sublime Prince of the Royal secret. The secret is, The "Kingdom" (Royal) of Tyre.

It is not a lost wo rd, it is a lost "World". It is the secret of the Garden of Paradise...

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:00 AM
The sons of god in the bible are in fact the sons of Cain ie the descendents of Cain who the bible tells us build the first city's and formed the oldest civilization on Earth. In other words they are who Plato would have identified as atlanteans and the ones the ancient Greeks call the titans. Yes they were tall in comparison to other races and they were also technologically superior. Lets remember that even today there are races which have invented more then others so why should this not have been so then also. In any count some of these sons of the elohim (god) gave away technological secrets that resulted in war.

The primary mystery of Genesis 6 is the identity of the Sons of God. Present-day commentators suggest that this may have been a tribe of exceptionally tall and handsome men who appeared and were irresistible to women. But the ancient rabbis were certain that the Sons of God were angels. (Although an alternate version in Aggadat Bere# identifies them as the Sons of Cain.)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:07 PM

reply to post by Saurus

Ahhhhh makes sense, I don't become a companion until the 10th Oct

Did you find the degree interesting?

Not what you expected, right?

edit on 29/10/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

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