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Machiavellianistic Trust Theory: A Thought Provoking Journey

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:32 PM
Backstory on Myself:
I'm a marketing administrator these days: I own and operate a small marketing firm, and also manage marketing systems development for alternative/health oriented food brands. While I'm typically conservative on most social issues, I lean to the left on others. Case in point, I'm just a somewhat well-rounded career-oriented entrepreneur with a knack for the outdoors, an interest in the unknown and a mostly open-mind. I am 27, married without children, and am a somewhat healthy eater and moderate exerciser.

Today's Happenings:
Aside from a quick run over to the DMV to renew my car's registration, today was just a typical day at the office. However, as I jumped over to Google to find an address for an email I was in the middle of typing, I noticed today (8/12/13) was Erwin Schrodinger's 126th birthday: Google had their logo done up with the equation of Schrodinger's Cat.

Earlier in the day, I had checked my email and since I've been staying up late lately, my wife had emailed me a recent study showing that those whom are "night owls" tend to have personality traits that categorize as Machiavellian, psychopathic, and insidious. (Linked HERE)

The sight of Schrodinger's Cat equation mixed with the notions of Machiavellianism must have evoked some sort of thought process in my mind, quickly connecting dots of specific hypotheses with others, which up until now were completely unrelated in my mind.

What I Wrote:

Machiavellianistic Trust Theory:
A thought provoking insight into the UFO phenomena.

  1. Species A
    -Highly advanced, both spiritually and technologically.

    1. Preliminary Insight: Species (A)'s age must be quite old in comparison with Species (B), in that technological achievements take a certain amount of mutual understanding between opposing parties within Species (A) or between opposing nations; similar to Species (B)'s current issues.
    2. Secondary Insight: Species (A) may either be much older than Species (B), or it is much smaller in population and distribution; Equating to a faster rate of change of mutual understanding between opposing spiritually theological parties.
    3. Tertiary Insight: Species (A) may not even have opposing parties, factions, or nations, but be evolutionarily without such issues; e.g.- no choice in what they do or believe.

  2. Species B
    -Current level of Earthly spiritual and technological advancement; Current societal issues of non-trust between cultures, races, and nationalities. Such dogma's are consistently perpetuated and encouraged by 'trust figures' epitomized as "governmental propaganda", "celebrity interest", and "religious leaders."

  3. Prevokation of Cross-Societal Trust and Fear Study
    -Initiated by Species (A) and used upon Species (B) to begin accumulating data to evaluate the rates of trust between individuals; Thus allowing each to be categorically rated, based on the rate of change in quantity of individual observation of an item that Species (B) has no memorable frame of reference, therein disallowing Species (B) to openly observe without a trust figure instilling that it is indeed reality that they are observing.

  4. Unidentified flying object's and the apparent presence of an unknown and intelligent observer.
    -Considering the following are acceptable theories:

    1. Schrodinger's Cat: "a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other." citation

    2. Inattentional Blindness: (also known as Perceptual Blindness) "Inattentional blindness is the failure to notice an unexpected stimulus that is in one's field of vision when other attention-demanding tasks are being performed." citation

    Then, the position within society that the observer has, may influence whether or not the reality of the observation being made is conveyed to a given populous whom believes the observer enough to accept it as their reality. It's often said that while Magellan's ships were anchored just offshore, Native American's were unable to 'see' them. They only perceived the ripples in the water, until a Shaman with a "greater sense of his/her surroundings" stood in the water, felt the ripples, and 'saw' the ships by imagining what they might look like. The Shaman then turned to his followers and bestowed the ability to 'see' the ships upon them so that they may each observe this previously unobservable object; Probably through the act of drawing it in the sand, or explaining exactly what he saw as best as he could, or a combination of both.

Now, after I've written this and re-read it, I think to myself "...many ancient people's are credited as being great observers." However, perhaps this may only be a half-truth; Perhaps ancient shaman's utilized drawings on rocks and cave walls in their attempts to bestow the power to observe an unobservable object upon their people? Perhaps, through frustration that words did not exist to explain what the Shaman was witnessing, the Shaman picked up one rock and attempted to 'show' what he/she saw by carving it into another rock, so that their people could see what they saw.

While the argument of whether or not we are able to perceive something as existing in our reality has been discussed time and again, I would like the following debate to focus on societal issues of following what trusted individuals convey as reality, versus what we perceive individually and how our neighbors react to our individual observations both before and after a trusted figure has either acknowledged or discredited said event/object as real or unreal.

Rather than getting side tracked as to whether unidentified flying objects are real or not, I'd like to stick to the theory that they are simply here to gauge our civilizations trust in one another by testing both individuals on their lonesome, and mass-population centers like Mexico City, Phoenix, Sydney, Hong Kong, and more recently Sweden (referring to the blue spirals that were said to have been wayward Russian ICBM's.) Then evaluating the rate of change in the ability to perceive an unknown and previously unobservable object.

I hope this has all made sense to everyone. I apologize if it does not, but something in my mind is blinking and saying that this theory needs to be postulated and contemplated by individuals other than myself. This was originally 20-minutes of writing on a notepad while I was in the middle of work.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:37 PM
Here's a flow chart I also jotted down while I was at the office.

A.) The act of observation or acknowledgement by a unanimously trusted source.
B.) (Acknowledgement by Government, Celebrity, Religious Leader, etc.)
C.) (Increasingly Open Discussion Among General Population)
D.) (Increasingly Open Observation of Phenomena)
E.) (Beginning to Understand and Relate Through Increased Observation)

edit on 12-8-2013 by Xterrain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 10:21 PM
I really hope folks read this and comment, as I believe it's an interesting subject and it's relationship with the UFO phenomena is thought provoking to say the least: Just imagine if a 'study' didn't just last years, but millennia!

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