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New low for the Tea Party

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Logarock

She was a liberal then and a liberal now... that isn't left.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 12:55 PM

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 12:55 PM
I actually think it would be fair to know who our money is going to; it will allow us to actually see the good the money is doing. With out being able to see who we are helping it leaves the impression on those sacrificing the fruits of their livelihood that the money is merely being used to assist healthy, entirely capable of self determination, people to just ride the waves of our sweat and toils.

Like this guy, who is perfectly capable of working and actively chooses to be on assistance to avoid any kind of responsibility for his life: its-awesome/

The problem with federal assistance is that it can be easily abused; where as local assistance is much more in tune with who needs it and who abuses it.

The OP says this is shaming the people on the list. It's only shameful to those who don't need it. For those who need it it's not shameful at all; it's why we have chosen to elect officials who will take our money and give it to people who truly need it. Those that are receiving assistance and don't need it need to be outed; they are hurting everyone, especially the incapable for which those resources are actually intended.

Why anyone wouldn't want to know who the leaches are is beyond me, unless of course they are leach themselves.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Kinda like when a mentally ill person pooped on a cop car at an Occupy camp and many in this thread flipped their wigs with no shortage of 'see how they are', all the defenses the same as I offered up... to no avail. The defenses in this thread are correct, there's no proof... it's just a crying shame that proof only matters when they're attacked.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by crazyewok

Did you read anything I said in these posts ?

Anything WHAT SO EVER ?

Yeah I have and my point still stands.

You say get rid of social programs but you fail to give any workable solution as:

1) There are not enough jobs


2) Charitys is unreiable and there is no garentee that helps goes to were its needed. A example is the fact that Cancer and children Charirtys have a abundance of money, even Animal Charitys get a good amount of cash but old people charitys? Rare dieases? Menatla health? Homeless Charitys forget it.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:13 PM
what i find really funny is that everyone is talking about food assistance, and the like...

the piece of paper in the OP says nothing about just says disabled...

a lot of people abuse the disability system. i don't see this as "shaming and humiliating" people on public assistance...i see this as an attempt to try and draw attention to an issue....

not EVERYONE fakes disability to get money, but a lot of people do. and it is our money too...i know that sounds somewhat awful, but before someone tries to paint me with the nazi brush, i'm all for people who are genuinely physically disabled getting money..what i can't stand is lazy people faking disability to get money they didn't earn, and don't deserve....because it could go to someone who actually needs it...

anyway, as to the OP, i see nothing proving that it was any specific group that wrote it, no proof that what the OP says is accurate....what i see is spin, and propaganda... get zero points for your idiotic, and misleading OP/thread

Cool story, bro.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:15 PM
Last night on the news was a CA surfer telling one and all, why should he work when the government pays him not to work.
This country was founded on hard working folks, not lazy liberal trash...

Notice you claim the Lone Star State, you seem to fit more with California or Chicago...

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

You say get rid of social programs but you fail to give any workable solution as:


Still twisting my posts.


First post clearly says :

When we have 100 million Americans on food aid that is a program too far that just lines corporate pockets taking money from me and you to pay for people's existence. in a country of 310 million Americans, and some people are telling me that is a 'necessity' I say no it's not, the only people 'deserving' of any help are only the people who are not able body or mind to the people who have no options. Any one who is able body or mind up to themselves.

Next post said what ?

That sir Heff is a false dilemma we both know it people have multiple means to provide for themselves. 1. Friends,Family,or Food Shelters. 2. Get a job, or do anything they can to make cash to eat. Anyone who says Government is the only option well it's not that is just outsourcing the 'responsibility' that some people claim we are suppose to have. Since the prevailing wisdom is anything government creates will become corrupted,bloated or misused the prevailing 'logic' or 'wisdom' is to not create it in the first place. There is nothing stopping we the people from helping out any other person the issue is when people default that to government.

Those are solutions and here is another one :

The Path of Ciecero

Why are you intentionally misrepresenting my position that has been made rather clear?
edit on 12-8-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

I consider that an act of friendship.
And that is what it is going to take.
So many others are so misguided.
An armed insurrection is wanted by those who would slaughter us.
It would be a pleasant dessert to those Politico Generals in charge.
All that is needed, is a story suitable for the current form of big media twisting.
And it would be game on., No, Death On.

We are Americans, and we have not forgotten.
We have grown tired of forgiving corrupt politicians..
Expect Us come 2014

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by neo96

How is need a false dilemma? You do realize that disability means disabled - as in "not able". What gets me angry is how often disability is categorically looked at, by some, as a choice of some sort.

Family and private charity are both great things... except when they're not. In my own life journey I've found that private charity is woefully overburdened - often having waiting periods of months or years just to get an interview. As for family? If the disabled person has close relatives who are willing to help, they are fortunate. Many have no close relatives or have close relatives who are too selfish to care.

Speaking from person experience... When I first got sick, my brother in law, who claims to be very conservative, sat me down on my birthday to tell me that suicide is the noble answer for the ill, as suicide is the most humane thing a sick person can do for the benefit of their able bodied loved ones. In fact he insisted that my continued life was a direct insult to everyone I ever cared about, my children, and my community.

Though a few years later he tried to spin his statement and suggested he was just seeking to "light a fire under my ass" - the message was heard loud and clear. A message that put my proverbial horse into this race... and is largely why I started referring to myself as a liberal. The sad part is that when he said these things to me they were fairly uncommon and outrageous. As time passes more and more people seem comfortable with publicly stating such views.

It saddens me that we currently live in a society that seeks to openly embrace eugenics.

here's the problem, heff....

currently, mild Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be used to classify someone as disabled, and deserving of disability monies...

and before you call BS, i know someone who is classified disabled, and his disorders consist of the conditions i listed above...he is considered fully disabled, and lives off the government tit....

i personally don't think that sort of stuff should be usable as classification for disability....there are medications to treat OCD, you can treat IBS with diet, and medication, and a lot of times, dietary issues, and vitamin/mineral deficiencies are misdiagnosed as CFS....

so i mean, while it is kinda f**ked up that someone would post people's names like that, i can understand where they're coming from....

this thread has nothing to do with food stamps, welfare, unemployment payouts, or any of that other stuff, no matter how much the OP tries to twist it.....the piece of paper is about people receiving disability....and people do abuse the system, and the system is engineered to be easily abused....

i mean, right now, i'm tired, don't feel like letting anyone hug me, and i hafta take a dump...i'm not disabled, i'm just having a bad day...

do you get my point?

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by neo96

And you fail to adress the problems with those soultions.

I repeat!

1) Get a job? Well how can you do that when there are more people than jobs? And those in poverty cant get capital to start there own business?


2) Rely on chairity? Charity is unrelaible and there is no garentee that aid will reach those in need especialy since the most needed charitys like help for homeless and mentaly ill will own receive a fraction of funding like like help for children or save the cats .

edit on 12-8-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

It is not the responsibility of the tax payer to take care of others.
Nor, is it the responsibility of the tax payer to provide people with answers in how to get a job and/or keep said job.
Nor should the Govt be involved in either.

If you care about them so much, you do it.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by CB328

Any new party that grows and becomes a danger to the status of the two party system we have now will be demonized

The Tea party is demonized because it's full of rejects.

lol, thank you for that insightful, well-researched, sourced, and completely relevant one-line reply...

....oh wait....

on the real, could you maybe for once, add something constructive, or intelligent to the conversation, instead of popping in, dropping a BS one-liner, and leaving it there, like some sort of stinky poo-log?

honestly, show some intelligence..

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

And you fail to adress the problems with those soultions.

Come again ?

What is failing is people, and it's welfare programs that are overhyped in the fist place.

1) Get a job? Well how can you do that when there are more people than jobs? And those in poverty cant get capital to start there own business?

How About millions of Americans lower their standards about what a job is you know those 100 million on food aid.

2) Rely on chairity? Charity is unrelaible and there is no garentee that aid will reach those in need especialy since the most needed charitys like help for homeless and mentaly ill will own receive a fraction of funding like like help for children or save the cat

Anyone telling me charity is inadequate is not telling the truth.

Charity was around long before the US government was ever an inkling in peoples eyes.

But then again I have no idea why someone who doesn't live in this country is even trying to argue with me over this.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by neo96

But then again I have no idea why someone who doesn't live in this country is even trying to argue with me over this.

Because Misery Loves Company.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:41 PM

Why Does This Beach Bum Spend Your Tax Dollars So He Can Surf, Drink, and Score ‘Free Food’ Year Round? Because ‘It’s Awesome

San Diego beach bum Jason Greenslate has a front-row seat watching your tax dollars at work…mainly because that’s about all that’s breaking a sweat in his world

“Wake up, go down to the beach, hang out with my friends, hit on some chicks, start drinking,” Greenslate told John Roberts of Fox News for “The Great Food Stamp Binge” special Friday

Though he attended college and trained as a recording engineer, Greenslate prefers bunking rent-free in dwellings of his friends, family, and occasionally girlfriends, not holding a steady job, and jamming on some tunes while barbequing lobster and noshing on sushi “all paid for by our wonderful tax dollars.”

Dude wheres my EBT ?

How many millions of Americans are like this guy ?

I wonder indeed.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by neo96

But then again I have no idea why someone who doesn't live in this country is even trying to argue with me over this.

Because Misery Loves Company.

They don't know anyone on welfare, and what a disservice it is to our fellow citizen.

How they have so much contempt for people is beyond me.
edit on 12-8-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by neo96

How About millions of Americans lower their standards about what a job is you know those 100 million on food aid.

And yes you maybe be able to get rid of say 10? maybe 20 million that way? There is still not enough crap jobs for the majority.

Originally posted by neo96

Anyone telling me charity is inadequate is not telling the truth.

Really ?

Originally posted by neo96
Charity was around long before the US government was ever an inkling in peoples eyes.

Yeah when the population was half the size, the country half unexplored and oppunitys abounded, plus in a day and age when healthcare was primative and cheap or in the case of mental illness locking one up or chopping bits of the pateints brain out. So say up until 1920's. The world has changed,

Originally posted by neo96
But then again I have no idea why someone who doesn't live in this country is even trying to argue with me over this.

1) Internatinal Forum

2) Britain has the same welfare problem (though it seems not as bad) which needs reforming.

3) Within the next 18 months I will possibly be expanding part of my buisness to the USA creating some valuble jobs
So I have a vested intrest in the USA not crashing and burning.
edit on 12-8-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Logarock

She was a liberal then and a liberal now... that isn't left.

Many of the writers she refers to in her papers are indeed hard left ideologues that by the way thrive in broad daylight in the academic world. That's were she and others of note draw their "liberal" water.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by muse7



edit on 12-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

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